C++ SDL How to undo a BlitSurface - c++

I have used SDL to display an image:
SDL_BlitSurface(sprite, NULL, screen, NULL);
My question is: Is it possible to remove the image from the window?

Generally speaking, no. SDL_BlitSurface() overwrites (a subset of) the contents of the destination surface, essentially the same as an assignment to an array of pixel data. One solution is to redraw the entire screen every frame, first clearing with:
SDL_FillRect(screen, 0, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, r, g, b));
For better performance, you could keep track of which regions on the screen are “dirty” and need to be repainted each frame, and only repaint those regions. SDL offers some functions for doing that (SDL_UpdateRect() and SDL_UpdateRects()) but I wouldn’t bother unless rendering speed becomes a serious issue. Most SDL applications seem to be able to do 30–50 frames per second; beyond that, you’ll want to look at OpenGL.


OpenGL with MFC

I am trying to make 4 OpenGL viewports inside a CSplitterWnd, but am having some problems.
At first, I had flickering and drawing issues until I added the flag PFD_SUPPORT_GDI into the pixel format, which made everything work nicely together. But when I use PFD_SUPPORT_GDI, I am only able to get a 1.1 OpenGL context.
Is it possible to use PFD_SUPPORT_GDI with a version of OpenGL higher than 1.1 so that I can use VBOs? or is there another way to get OpenGL to work properly without PFD_SUPPORT_GDI?
The biggest problem with not having PFD_SUPPORT_GDI is that the splitter window separator wipes the viewport contents away when you drag over it..which does not happen while using the PFD_SUPPORT_GDI flag.
PFD_SUPPORT_GDI means, you want to be able to draw using GDI calls, which will force you into using the software renderer.
Most of the time flicker issues, especially with MFC are due to not properly set/choosen WNDCLASS(EX) parameters. Most importantly CS_OWNDC flag should be set and the background brush should be NULL. Also you should overwrite the OnEraseBackground handler and implement a OnPaint handler, that reports a validated rect.
PFD_SUPPORT_GDI means that you can do GDI drawing to the window. This forces a software OpenGL implementation, because you cannot use GDI drawing (which is software) with hardware-based OpenGL drawing.
So no, you cannot have both hardware OpenGL (or D3D) acceleration and GDI support for the same window. If you're having issues with what happens to the contents of such windows, that is something you should resolve in some other way. Perhaps you could simply redraw the view when its size is changed or something.
I decided the best way to do this was to use a frame buffer. Handling OnEraseBackground() helped with the flicker, but the MFC still just doesn't want to play nice with OpenGL, so I had to go with a GDI solution.
Each viewport first gets drawn to it's own frame buffer, and then blitted to the appropriate window.
void FrameBuffer::Blit(HDC hDC, int width, int height)
glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, blitBuffer);
SetDIBitsToDevice(hDC, 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, 0, height, blitBuffer, &blitInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
This solution doesn't seem to be making any visible impact on performance.

Layers with GDI+

I'm thinking of creating a drawing program with layers, and using GDI+ to display them. I want to use GDI+ because it supports transparency.
The thing is, drawing lines to the DC is very fast, but drawing directly to a bitmap is very slow. It is only fast if you lock the bits and start setting pixels. Can I draw to multiple DC's in my WM_PAINT event, then just do DrawBitmap for each layer to the MemDC? What's the best way of going about this?
GDI+ is certainly fast enough for a drawing program. I use it (from C#) for high-speed animation (>30 fps).
It appears that you want to be able to manipulate individual pixels. This is very fast with LockBits, and although it's slightly clunky to use in C# (requiring a pointer and the unsafe tag), it doesn't seem like it would be as difficult in C++.
You probably don't want to copy from multiple layers directly to your control surface inside a paint event. Instead, this rendering should be done to an off-screen buffer (B1). After B1 is drawn with all copying/drawing operations completed, copy it to a second off-screen buffer (B2) and then invalidate/refresh your control surface. In the control's paint event, you copy from B2 to the visible surface.
You don't want to draw directly on the visible surface with a multi-step drawing operation, since a form of flickering will result (sometimes the screen will repaint itself while your code is only partway through a multi-step operation, so the user sees an occasional half-finished frame).
You can render to a single off-screen buffer, and copy from it to the visible surface in the paint event. The main complication here is that you have to deal in some way with "stray" paint events, i.e. events not caused by your intentionally invalidating the control but by something else (like a user dragging another window over yours). If you copy from the off-screen buffer to the surface and the buffer is only halfway-drawn, you'll get flicker. If you block in the paint event until the buffer drawing is completed, you'll see "form trails" on your control, which looks even worse.
The solution is the double-buffered approach described above. Stray (or non-stray ones when you invalidate) paint events will copy from B2, which is always fully-rendered and up-to-date - thus no flicker. Double-buffering does use more memory, but in a drawing program that has multiple layers anyway, this isn't a big deal.

how to remove what setpixel put on the window?? (c++)

im using SetPixel to make stuff on my window which is the easyest because i only want to set one pixel at a time. SetPixel is great but i need to remove the color every time i update it, i could overwrite the color by black but.. it's a really big waste of time is there some way i can over write all of the colors to black? (i would like something that is faster then reseting them all to black). i make a window and then color with setpixel (there is other ways (to draw on the window) but i only want to set one pixel/color at a time)
You should typically create a bitmap, lock it, set and unset its pixels directly - possibly by direct access rather than using API calls, if there are a lot of updates - unlock and then invalidate the window so that your paint handler can blit the bitmap later.
If you want to restore pixels, you can keep two bitmaps and store the values to restore in one bitmap.

Acquire direct write access to window's backbuffer, yet still allow read access to what is on the screen already

I was wondering; is it possible to acquire write access to the graphics card's primary buffer though the windows api, yet still allow read access to what should be there? To clarify, here is what I want:
Create a directx device on a window
and hide it. Use the stencil buffer
to apply an alpha channel to pixels
not written to by my code.
Acquire the entirety
of current display adapter's buffer.
I.e. have a pointer to a buffer, in
the current bit depth and
resolution, that contains the
current screen without whatever I
drew to the screen. I was thinking
of, instead of hiding my window,
simply use a LAYERED window and
somehow acquire the buffer before my
window's pixels get blitted to it.
Copy the buffer acquired in step 2 into a new memory location
Blit my directx's device's primary buffer to the buffer built in step 3
Blit the buffer in step 4 to the screen
So the end result is drawing hardware accelerated 3D directly to the window's desktop while still rendering other applications.
There are better ways to create a window without borders. You might try experimenting with the dwStyle parameter of CreateWindow, for example. It looks as if you pass in WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_POPUP and it results in a borderless window, which is what you appear to want. (see this forum post).
I also think the term "borderless window" is not correct, because I'm hardly getting any results in Google for searches including those words.
Is there any reason why you wouldn't just do this normally with GDI and use windowed mode for DirectX? Why bother with full-screen mode when you need to render with a window?

Flickering child windows with alpha channels

When drawing child controls containing bitmaps with per-pixel alpha channels, we are getting quite a lot of flickering whenever they need to be redrawn. The actual blending is working correctly. I've found a lot of info about reducing flicker (such as this question or this site), but I can't seem to find anything that applies specifically to this situation.
For example, I've got a button with a few different bitmaps that are alpha blended and blitted to the window, depending on the state of the button. When their state changes and I need to draw a different bitmap, I need to redraw the background first, or else it blends with pixels left over from the previous state's bitmap. This is where I am getting some flickering, where I get a bit of the background tearing in occasionally.
The problem is made more complicated by having the top-level parent windows drawing a bitmap background, rather than a solid color, along with the possibility of having child controls overlapping; just multiplying the underlying color into the child's bitmap is out of the question, as is using WS_CLIPCHILDREN.
Since the windows have a bitmap background, I'm returning true on WM_ERASEBKGND, to avoid drawing a color that will just be overwritten.
Of course, double buffering would seem to solve all of this, but I have not been able to get it to work right. I've set WS_COMPOSITED for top-level windows, and WS_TRANSPARENT for child windows. When it comes time to redraw a child window with a new bitmap, I am having a few issues (most likely from me not understanding how the draw order is working in this situation):
If I call InvalidateRect() and pass the child handle, the child window is indeed redrawn, but the background is not redrawn, and so the pixels accumulate on top of each other, blending together.
If I call InvalidateRect() and pass in the parent handle, with a rectangle consisting of the child window's dimensions, the background is redrawn, but the child window is not.
If I do both of the above, then the background is redrawn as well as the child window, and it looks exactly as I'd want -- except that by doing so, I've managed to make it flicker again (which isn't really surprising, since it seems terribly hackish to call InvalidateRect() twice like that, as I'd guess that each call is probably causing the buffers to flip, which defeats the purpose).
What I've come to conclude is that I don't really understand how I need to modify my program to handle double buffering, or if double buffering will even help with this situation. I feel like it definitely would, but I don't quite understand how I need to modify things to get everything to play nicely again.
Are you using layered windows? If not maybe try it out.
Also for double buffering consider this technique.
This could be completely off base - my gui days were a long long time ago...
But couldn't you just precompute the blends for your different states? I assume your button can be enabled/disable and up/down, so that's only 4 combinations. Why not precompute the combined bitmaps?
Or is the problem the interaction of already combined bitmaps with the existing state?