Qt QSerialPort buffering - c++

I am reading information from a serial port. How do I wait for a newline to come in, and then deal with the data? That is, how do I make sure I'm chunking a whole line at a time.
This code does not work:
void MainWindow::readData()
QByteArray data = serial->readAll(); //reads in one character at a time (or maybe more)
if (data.contains("\n")) //read into a structure until newline received.
//call parsedata
sensorValues->parseData(charBuffer); //send the data to be parsed.
//empty out the structure
charBuffer = "";
Let's say the serial port sends "Sensor1 200\n".
data might contain the following: "Se" then "n", "sor 2" "00\n" and so on.
How do I block calling parseData until I have a line of text?
Additional info:
readData is set up as a slot:
connect(serial, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readData()));

Have you not tried using the SerialPort readLine() function? after each readline(), you can send the line to some new ByteArray or QString to be parsed up. I also use .trimmed() on the end to remove the '\r' and '\n' characters, so I can do something like so:
void MainWindow::readData()
while (serial->canReadLine()){
QByteArray data = serial->readLine(); //reads in data line by line, separated by \n or \r characters
parseBytes(data.trimmed()) ;
void MainWindow::parseBytes(const QByteArray &data) <--which needs to be moved to separate class, but here it's in the MainWindow, obviously improper
if (data.contains("1b0:"))
channel1Data.b0_code = data.mid(5); // which equals "1",
//do stuff or feed channel1Data.b0_code to a control

Make a static variable and then store data until you got an \n
void readData()
// Read data
static QByteArray byteArray;
byteArray += pSerialPort->readAll();
//we want to read all message not only chunks
//sanitize data
QString data = QString( byteArray ).remove("\r").remove("\n");
// Print data
qDebug() << "RECV: " << data;
//Now send data to be parsed


How do you delete a sub-string in a string(qstring) in Qt

Is there a function in Qt similar to delete() and copy() in Delphi.
I am reading data from a device connected to my computer via USB and storing it as a QString. Every line that is read is not the same (or is cut short, even while using readyRead). I created a buffer sting to add these "half sting" (eg. string = "This" instead of "This is a string#") to and now I want to copy the string up until the '#' and then delete the string so if new "half stings" get added I can do the same with them. The code below is what I tried
void MainWindow::readSerial()
QByteArray serialData = port->readAll();
serialBuffer += serialData;
QByteArray serialString = serialBuffer.
qDebug() << serialString;
ui -> textEdit ->append(serialString);
The above code only returns an empty string.
void MainWindow::readSerial()
QByteArray serialData = port->readAll();
serialBuffer += serialData;
QString serialString = serialBuffer.mid(serialBuffer.indexOf("$"),serialBuffer.indexOf("\r\n"));
qDebug()<< "index of \r\n" << serialBuffer.indexOf("\r\n");
qDebug() << "SerialString" <<serialString;
ui -> textEdit ->append(serialString);
qDebug() << "SerialBuffer: " << serialBuffer;
serialBuffer.replace(serialString + "\r\n","");
the above code works. Thanks all.

Better way to use QDomDocument data as text

I am a newbie, I am creating a XML file in which I need to give CRC value to cross check on server. For this I need QDomDocument data as text. For this I am first creating XML file with fake CRC value. Then I open it with QFile and read all data. Then I split data and calculate data CRC. Now I have to rewrite whole file again. I know it is the worst idea ever to write same file twice but as I am a newbie, I don't know how to do it in better style. Here is my code:-
QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement();
QFile xmlfile(filename);
if(!xmlfile.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text))
qDebug("Can not open file device.");
QXmlStreamWriter xw;
xw.setDevice(&xmlfile); //set file to XML writer
xw.writeStartElement(fileID); //fileID as the start element
xw.writeTextElement("Source_Device_Id","CDIS_PIS ");
xw.writeTextElement("Destination_Device_Id","DDNS-SERVER ");
//inside frame data
for(int j=0;j<logFields.count();j++)
QFile xmlfyle(filename);
xmlfyle.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text);
QString content = (QString)xmlfyle.readAll();
QStringList list1 = content.split("<CRC>");
qDebug() << "Split value = " << list1.at(0);
QByteArray crc_new = crc_o.crc_generate_modbus((unsigned char*)list1.at(0).data(),list1.at(0).size());
QXmlStreamWriter xw_new;
xw_new.setDevice(&xmlfyle); //set file to XML writer
xw_new.writeStartElement(fileID); //fileID as the start element
xw_new.writeTextElement("Source_Device_Id","CDIS_PIS ");
xw_new.writeTextElement("Destination_Device_Id","DDNS-SERVER ");
for(int j=0;j<logFields.count();j++)
char tab[10];
can anyone suggest me what could be a better way to do this.Thanks
One version of QXmlStreamWriter constructor accepts a QByteArray and writes into the array instead of an output file.
QXmlStreamWriter Class
So what you can do is; using QXmlStreamWriter, prepare data for your XML in a QByteArray, do whatever you need to do with the CRC inside this data; and when everything is done, write this QByteArray to the output file.

Serializing/parsing multiple objects in one file in Qt C++

I need to serialize and parse multiple objects from my project, in order to save/load them when needed.
My objects will have exactly the same components : a QString name, an integer id, a QString description, and two integer x, y.
I'll need something like this :
{"name":"toto", "id":"42", "description":"tata", "x":"20", "y":"50"}
So I'll build my QJsonObject like this :
QJsonObject json;
json["id"] = object_to_serialize.get_id();
json["name"] = object_to_serialize.get_name();
json["description"] = object_to_serialize.get_description();
json["x"] = object_to_serialize.get_x();
json["y"] = object_to_serialize.get_y();
QJsonDocument filedoc(json);
And in the file it will appear like this :
{"name":"toto", "id":"42", "description":"tata", "x":"20", "y":"50"}
{"name":"toto2", "id":"44", "description":"tata2", "x":"25", "y":"547"}
{"name":"toto3", "id":"46", "description":"tata3", "x":"21", "y":"580"}
My serialiser will take in parameter the object, the savefile name, and transform the object into a QJsonObject. It will need then to read the file to check if an object with the same id is here. If it is here, it will need to replace it, and if it is not, it will append it.
I'm a little lost between my serialization options and how to read it ;
Should I make a QJsonArray with multiple QJsonObject inside or QJsonObject with QJsonArrays ?
When I read it, I will need to check for the id ; but will a
foreach(object.value["id"] == 42)
//create the QJsonObject from the one with 42 and change it with the new data
will do to parse the object and not all of them ? Is there a better way ?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
You can have an array of json object, each of them having an ID so you can parse the relevant ones.
Although you could also parse all of them and add them in a map, as long as you don't have very heavy files it should be fine.
void parseJson(const QString &data)
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data.toUtf8());
if (doc.isNull())
war("invalid json document");
QJsonArray jsonArray = doc.array();
foreach (const QJsonValue & value, jsonArray) {
QJsonObject obj = value.toObject();
if (obj.contains("id"))
if (obj["id"].toInt() == yourId) parseObject(obj);
void parseObject(const QJsonObject &obj)
if (obj.contains("valueA")) valueA = obj["valueA"].toDouble();
if (obj.contains("valueB")) valueB = obj["valueB"].toDouble();
This will work just fine if your file is not too big
Bigger Files
Now if you have very large file, it might be an issue to load it all in memory and parse it.
Since your structure is always the same and quite simple, JSON might not be the best choice, one more efficient method would be to do your own parser (or use probably some existing ones) that could read the file and process it as a stream.
Another method, would be to have one JSON entry per line preceded by an ID with a fixed number of digit. Load this in a QHash lookup and then only read id of interest from the file and only parse a small section.
// This code is not tested and is just to show the principle.
#define IDSIZE 5
QHash<int64, int64> m_lookup; // has to be global var
// For very large file, this might take some time and can be done on a separate thread.
// it needs to be done only once at startup (given the file is not modified externally)
void createLookup(const QString &fileName)
QFile inputFile(fileName);
if (inputFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
QTextStream in(&inputFile);
while (!in.atEnd())
int position = in.pos(); // store the position in the file
QString line = in.readLine();
int id = line.mid(0,IDSIZE).toInt(); // 5 digit id (like 00001, 00002, etc...
m_lookup[id] = position + IDSIZE;
QString getEntry(const QString &fileName, int64 id)
if (m_lookup.contains(id))
QFile inputFile(fileName);
if (inputFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
QString data = inputFile.readLine();
return data;
} else {
return QString(); // or handle error
} else {
return QString(); // or handle error
// use example
QString data = getEntry(id);
if (data.length() > 0)
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data.toUtf8());
if (!doc.isNull())
// assign your variables
and your data file looking like this:
00042{"name":"toto", "id":"42", "description":"tata", "x":"20", "y":"50"}
00044{"name":"toto2", "id":"44", "description":"tata2", "x":"25", "y":"547"}
00046{"name":"toto3", "id":"46", "description":"tata3", "x":"21", "y":"580"}
The advantage of this method, it will only read the entry of interest, and avoid having to load MB or GB of data in memory just to get a specific entry.
This could further be improved with a lookup table stored at the beginning of the file.

QstringList to Qstring conversion issues

I am working on VS2015 with qt framework. In my source code, I have a function for printing in the GUI screen.
This function is called each time something needs to be printed.
It goes like this.
void Trial::Print_MessageBox(QString string)
// Output in MessageBox
void Trial::Print_MessageBox(QFlags<QNetworkInterface::InterfaceFlag> flags)
QString str = QString("Flag %1").arg(flags);
The above function has no problems and running well.
Now I am trying to read a text file. This has set of values in no order or size. An example for this:
231, 54, 4 \n
47777, 2211, 676, 9790, 34236, 7898\n
1, 3\n
Objective is to convert these into integers (line by line) and print them in the GUI and also send them (line by line) to other system. So I tried to do it with the following.
void Trial::ReadFile_Data()
QFile file("input.txt");
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
Print_MessageBox("Error in reading File");
QTextStream in(&file);
while (!in.atEnd())
QString line = in.readLine();
int conv = line.toInt();
QString str = QString("%1 %2").arg("Values are: ").arg(conv);
QStringList fields = line.split(",");
When I print the "line", it is just printing the same values as in the file. When I do the conversion and printing, I get an error (which is expected) Now I try to remove "," with the help of split then I get QstringList which I cannot use as I have the Qstring function to print(this cant be changed)
I am not getting any pointers from here. Please help me out as this is bugging me since long time.
Just simple...
QStringList::const_iterator constIterator;
for (constIterator = fonts.constBegin(); constIterator != fonts.constEnd();
++constIterator) {
cout << (*constIterator).toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl;
where fonts is your QStringlist
Your question reduces to "How do I iterate over a QStringList".
Like this:
// C++11
for (auto field : fields) Print_messageBox(field);
// C++98
foreach (QString field, fields) Print_messageBox(field);
See here for information about how foreach a.k.a Q_FOREACH was implemented.

Comparing QByteArrays

I am making a file editor in Qt C++.
I noticed that when I save the source file with notepad on Windows it substitutes 0x0D + 0x0A for every new line (ANSI encoding default).
If I get the data from a QTextEdit and convert that to a QByteArray it substitutes line endings with 0x0A.
Now my main problem is that I don't know how to either filter out these line endings or make it so that QFile reads files different.
I just want a way of comparing whether there are changes that need to be saved.
The code is below:
bool QFileTab::needSave()
QFile file1 ( this->filePath );
QByteArray data1 ( file1.readAll() );
QByteArray data2 ( this->body.toPlainText().toLocal8Bit() );
return !IOHandler::compare(data1, data2);
void IOHandler::read(QFileTab *tab)
QFile temp (tab->filePath);
if(temp.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
QString data(temp.readAll());
tab->data = data;
} else tab->data = QString("The file could not be read.");
bool IOHandler::compare(QByteArray data1, QByteArray data2)
return data1 == data2;
I want to be able to read, compare and write to files on Windows and Linux.