C++: How to use new to find store for function return value? - c++

I'm reading the 3rd edition of The C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroustrup and attempting to complete all the exercises. I'm not sure how to approach exercise 13 from section 6.6, so I thought I'd turn to Stack Overflow for some insight. Here's the description of the problem:
Write a function cat() that takes two C-style string arguments and
returns a single string that is the concatenation of the arguments.
Use new to find store for the result.
Here's my code thus far, with question marks where I'm not sure what to do:
? cat(char first[], char second[])
char current = '';
int i = 0;
while (current != '\0')
current = first[i];
// somehow append current to whatever will eventually be returned
current = '';
i = 0;
while (current != '\0')
current = second[i];
// somehow append current to whatever will eventually be returned
return ?
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
char first[] = "Hello, ";
char second[] = "World!";
? = cat(first, second);
return 0;
And here are my questions:
How do I use new to find store? Am I expected to do something like std::string* result = new std::string; or should I be using new to create another C-style string somehow?
Related to the previous question, what should I return from cat()? I assume it will need to be a pointer if I must use new. But a pointer to what?
Although the problem doesn't mention using delete to free memory, I know I should because I will have used new to allocate. Should I just delete at the end of main, right before returning?

How do I use new to find store? Am I expected to do something like std::string* result = new std::string; or should I be using new to create another C-style string somehow?
The latter; the method takes C-style strings and nothing in the text suggests that it should return anything else. The prototype of the function should thus be char* cat(char const*, char const*). Of course this is not how you’d normally write functions; manual memory management is completely taboo in modern C++ because it’s so error-prone.
Although the problem doesn't mention using delete to free memory, I know I should because I will have used new to allocate. Should I just delete at the end of main, right before returning?
In this exercise, yes. In the real world, no: like I said above, this is completely taboo. In reality you would return a std::string and not allocate memory using new. If you find yourself manually allocating memory (and assuming it’s for good reason), you’d put that memory not in a raw pointer but a smart pointer – std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr.

In a "real" program, yes, you would use std::string. It sounds like this example wants you to use a C string instead.
So maybe something like this:
char * cat(char first[], char second[])
char *result = new char[strlen(first) + strlen(second) + 1];
Q: How do you "append"?
A: Just write everything in "first" to "result".
As soon as you're done, then continue by writing everything in "second" to result (starting where you left off). When you're done, make sure to append '\0' at the end.

You are supposed to return a C style string, so you can't use std::string (or at least, that's not "in the spirit of the question"). Yes, you should use new to make a C-style string.
You should return the C-style string you generated... So, the pointer to the first character of your newly created string.
Correct, you should delete the result at the end. I expect it may be ignored, as in this particular case, it probably doesn't matter that much - but for completeness/correctness, you should.

Here's some old code I dug up from a project of mine a while back:
char* mergeChar(char* text1, char* text2){
//Find the length of the first text
int alen = 0;
while(text1[alen] != '\0')
//Find the length of the second text
int blen = 0;
while(text2[blen] != '\0')
//Copy the first text
char* newchar = new char[alen + blen + 1];
for(int a = 0; a < alen; a++){
newchar[a] = text1[a];
//Copy the second text
for(int b = 0; b < blen; b++)
newchar[alen + b] = text2[b];
//Null terminate!
newchar[alen + blen] = '\0';
return newchar;
Generally, in a 'real' program, you'll be expected to use std::string, though. Make sure you delete[] newchar later!

What the exercise means is to use new in order to allocate memory. "Find store" is phrased weirdly, but in fact that's what it does. You tell it how much store you need, it finds an available block of memory that you can use, and returns its address.
It doesn't look like the exercise wants you to use std::string. It sounds like you need to return a char*. So the function prototype should be:
char* cat(const char first[], const char second[]);
Note the const specifier. It's important so that you'll be able to pass string literals as arguments.
So without giving the code out straight away, what you need to do is determine how big the resulting char* string should be, allocate the required amount using new, copy the two source strings into the newly allocated space, and return it.
Note that you normally don't do this kind of memory management manually in C++ (you use std::string instead), but it's still important to know about it, which is why the reason for this exercise.

It seems like you need to use new to allocate memory for a string, and then return the pointer. Therefore the return type of cat would be `char*.
You could do do something like this:
int n = 0;
int k = 0;
//also can use strlen
while( first[n] != '\0' )
n ++ ;
while( second[k] != '\0' )
k ++ ;
//now, the allocation
char* joint = new char[n+k+1]; //+1 for a '\0'
//and for example memcpy for joining
memcpy(joint, first, n );
memcpy(joint+n, second, k+1); //also copying the null
return joint;

It is telling you to do this the C way pretty much:
#include <cstring>
char *cat (const char *s1, const char *s2)
// Learn to explore your library a bit, and
// you'll see that there is no need for a loop
// to determine the lengths. Anything C string
// related is in <cstring>.
size_t len_s1 = std::strlen(s1);
size_t len_s2 = std::strlen(s2);
char *dst;
// You have the lengths.
// Now use `new` to allocate storage for dst.
* There's a faster way to copy C strings
* than looping, especially when you
* know the lengths...
* Use a reference to determine what functions
* in <cstring> COPY values.
* Add code before the return statement to
* do this, and you will have your answer.
* Note: remember that C strings are zero
* terminated!
return dst;
Don't forget to use the correct operator when you go to free the memory allocated. Otherwise you'll have a memory leak.
Happy coding! :-)


Deleting a dynamic array after it has been returned from a function

I am new to C++ and paranoid of memory leaks. I'll strip my code down to just the important bits:
If I have a function like this:
char * myString = "Discombobulate";
char * ToUppercase()
int length = strlen(myString);
char * duplicateString = new char [length];
strcpy(duplicateString, myString);
//char arithmetic to turn every letter in duplicateString to uppercase
return duplicateString;
Obviously, I need to perform a delete[] to avoid memory leaks. Now what I wanted to know is if I can do the delete in main(), like so:
int main () {
char * result = Upper();
std::cout << result << std::endl;
delete[] result;
Will this work properly? Is there any catch to doing it like this?
Now what I wanted to know is if I can do the delete in main()
Yes, you can and you should.
BTW1: Think about using std::string, std::vector, smart pointers, to avoid such kind of manual memory management, since it's c++.
char * duplicateString = new char [length];
should be
char * duplicateString = new char [length + 1];
The last position will be used for the terminating null character '\0'.
Will this work properly?
Yes. As long as it is a valid pointer, you could delete it outside of the function that called new. Should you? Well...
Is there any catch to doing it like this?
Yes. It's bad practice. You're allocating resources in a function and expecting the caller to clean them up. It goes against RAII, as people in the comments have explained. Along with the advice to use std::string (do use it), you can use std::unique_ptr and friends instead of raw pointers.
YEs you can delete it the way you have... By the way, you can also assign memory for the pointer and pass that as a parameter to the function and delete it after it returns from the function.
char * duplicateString = new char [length + 1];
ToUppercase(char* duplicateString );
if( duplicateString ){ delete []duplicateString ; duplicateString = NULL;}

How to make an array to store char arrays of variable size?

I need an array to store char arrays of variable size. I could use vectors or anything else, but unfortunately this is for a MPI project and I am forced to use an array so I can send it using MPI::COMM_WORLD.Send(...) function.
My idea comes from this link.
This is a simplified example of the problem I have:
char* arrayStorage[3]; //I want to store 3 char arrays of variable size!
int index = 0;
char array_1[RANDOM_SIZE] = {.....};
char array_2[RANDOM_SIZE] = {.....};
char array_3[RANDOM_SIZE] = {.....};
arraySorage[index] = array_1;
arraySorage[index] = array_2;
arraySorage[index] = array_3;
I have also seen people talking about malloc and stuff like that, but I don't know much about pointers. I do malloc, I have to call free and I don't know where, so I am avoiding that for now.
This code obviously doesn't work, array_1, array_2, array_3 are all OK, but when I try to access them I get garbage. The problem seems to be inside the index variable. Maybe I shouldn't be doing index++, perhaps I should be doing index += RANDOM_SIZE, but that also fails.
How can I store variable size char arrays in an array?
Use malloc and free (or new and delete in C++). You can do it with vectors too - as vectors can be treated as arrays.
char *str = "hello world";
// need the +1 for null character
arraySorage[0] = (char *)malloc (strlen(str) + 1);
strcpy(arraySorage[0], str);
with new/delete
arraySorage[0] = new char[strlen(str)+1];
strcpy(arraySorage[0], str);
delete arraySorage[0];
Using vector and std::string is the correct C++ way, for lots of reasons, including not leaking memory and proper handling of exceptions.

Point to an indexed pointed

I am currently working on writing strstr from scratch. In my code, I am indexing a string and I eventually need to save a particular point on the string using another pointer. Here is the section of the code that I am struggling with:
char *save_str;
for(int i=0;i<length_str1; i++)
However, it is telling me that I cannot do this. How can I have a pointer point to a particular character in an index?
You can choose from these two ways:
save_str = &str[i];
save_str = str+i;
Quick Practical Answer
save_str = &str[i];
Extended Descriptive Boring Answer
There is a feature in "pure c" and "c++" about arrays and pointers.
When a programmer wants the address of the full array, or the first item, the "&" operator is not required, even considered as an error or warning by some compilers.
char *myptr = NULL;
char myarray[512];
strcpy(myarray, "Hello World");
// this is the same:
myptr = myarray;
// this is the same:
myptr = &myarray[0];
When a programmer wants the address of a particular item, then the "&" operator is required:
save_str = &str[i];
I read somewhere, that, these feature was added, in purpouse.
Many developer avoid this, and use pointer arithmetics, instead:
char *save_str;
// "&" not required
char *auxptr = str1;
for(int i=0; i < length_str1; i++)
// compare contents of pointer, not pointer, itself
if(*auxptr == str2[0])
*save_str = *auxptr;
// move pointer to next consecutive location
Personally, I wish, "&" should be use always, and avoid confusion.

C++ Allocated Memory Problem

It has been a long time since I have programmed in C++, but I recently wrote a little C++ function and am having a little bit of trouble. The function returns a struct, Result, that have some strings in it. I thought I allocated memory for the strings, but jsonResult is sometimes partially overwritten.
//The structs
struct Interp {
int score;
char* sentence;
char* jsonResult;
struct Result {
int resultCode;
char* errorMessage;
Interp interp;
//Inside the function
Result result;
//Store decode
const char* jsonResult,* sentence;
if (result.resultCode == -1)
LVInterpretation interp = port.GetInterpretation(voiceChannel, 0);
result.interp.score = interp.Score();
sentence = interp.InputSentence();
jsonResult = interp.ResultData().Print(SI_FORMAT_ECMA);
//Allocate memory for strings
result.interp.jsonResult = new char[strlen(jsonResult) + 1];
strcpy(result.interp.jsonResult, jsonResult);
result.interp.sentence = new char[strlen(sentence) + 1];
strcpy(result.interp.sentence, sentence);
result.errorMessage = new char[strlen(errorMessage) + 1];
strcpy(result.errorMessage, errorMessage);
return result;
Other info:
I am observing all of this behind the python binding that I wrote, using ctypes. Don't think that is really effecting anything though.
Use std::string. You won't regret it.
I'd put money on your problem being in here:
jsonResult = interp.ResultData().Print(SI_FORMAT_ECMA);
Who 'owns' the char* array returned by Print()? Maybe it's attempting to return a pointer to memory that's out of scope???
char* badFunction(void)
char test[100];
strcpy(test,"This is really clever"); // oh, yeah?
return test; // returns pointer to data that's out of scope
One other thing. Assign null pointers to sentence, jsonResult, etc when you declare them. Otherwise you could end up strcpy()ing uninitialized data,
Couple of things:
What does "partially overwritten" mean? How do you know this? i.e. what is your expected output vs. what you see?
It's not really clear how result.resultCode is set to -1 (or if it is at all), and if it is set, how does the memory get allocated in interp.InputSentence() and interp.ResultData().Print(SI_FORMAT_ECMA)? I'd suggest that your problem lies there
The rest of the code should work as long as jsonResult and sentence contain valid null terminated strings.

C++ new & delete and string & functions

Okay the previous question was answered clearly, but i found out another problem.
What if I do:
char *test(int ran){
char *ret = new char[ran];
// process...
return ret;
And then run it:
for(int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++){
string str = test(rand()%10000000+10000000);
// process...
// no need to delete str anymore? string destructor does it for me here?
So after converting the char* to string, I don't have to worry about the deleting anymore?
Edit: As answered, I have to delete[] each new[] call, but on my case its not possible since the pointer got lost, so the question is: how do I convert char to string properly?
Here you are not converting the char* to a [std::]string, but copying the char* to a [std::]string.
As a rule of thumb, for every new there should be a delete.
In this case, you'll need to store a copy of the pointer and delete it when you're done:
char* temp = test(rand()%10000000+10000000);
string str = temp;
delete[] temp;
You seem to be under the impresison that passing a char* into std::string transfers ownership of the allocated memory. In fact it just makes a copy.
The easiest way to solve this is to just use a std::string throughout the entire function and return it directly.
std::string test(int ran){
std::string ret;
ret.resize(ran - 1); // If accessing by individual character, or not if using the entire string at once.
// process... (omit adding the null terminator)
return ret;
Yes, yes you do.
If you are using linux/os x, look into something like valgrind which can help you with memory issues
You can change your test function so that it returns a string instead of char *, this way you can delete [] ret in the test function.
OR you could just use a string in test as well and not have to worry about new/delete.
You must call delete for every new otherwise you will leak memory. In the case you have shown you are throwing away the pointer, if you must leave the function as returning a char* then you will need to use two lines to create the std::string so you can retain a copy of the char* to delete.
A better solution would be to rewrite your test() function to return a std::string directly.
You need to do something like this:
for(int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++){
int length = rand()%10000000+10000000;
char* tmp = test(length);
string str(tmp);
delete[length] tmp;
This deletes the allocated char-array properly.
By the way, you should always zero-terminate a string if you create it this way (i.e. inside the function test), otherwise some functions can easily get "confused" and treat data behind your string as part of it, which in the best case crashes your application, and in the worst case creating a silent buffer overflow leading to undefined behaviour at a later point, which is the ultimate debugging nightmare... ;)