On Linux how can I capture the desktop to an OpenGL texture? - c++

I'm writing a cross platform open source Oculus Rift desktop viewer. I decided to start with Linux because I prefer developing on it. I've already got the texture warping working but now I need to capture the desktop to an OpenGL texture. There are other issues I'm not entirely sure how to resolve like rendering the warped desktop to my window while capturing every window except mine. Any clue how I would go about this?

I think your best course of action would be actually to write a fully fledged compositor.
There is the GLX_texture_from_pixmap extension, that allows you to source any pixmap compatible X11 drawable into a OpenGL texture. For a start it might be enough to simply pull the root window (pixmap) as it is into a OpenGL texture. Later you might want to use the Composite extension to redirect windows to off-screen rendering and composite them in 3D space as a stereoscopic picture in the Occulus Rift.


Overlaying text and graphics (stroked rectangles) on desktop screen

For an accessibility desktop application I must overlay the desktop screen with numbers, text and a grid of rectangles (stroked with e.g. red brush).
Ideally this should work on any window manager system (windows, linux KDE/GNOME, possibly even mac).
What is the standard approach to something like this? I was thinking of taking a screenshot of the screen and then drawing on top of it but I'm unsure on what to use to draw.
There is a library that could help you out in making cross-platform applications. glfw, this is capable of making an application window for windows, mac, Linux, and more.
For the graphics stuff, you could use OpenGL or Vulkan(personally not advised for new users) graphics APIs which are cross-platformed. I was thinking of taking a screenshot of the screen and then drawing on top of it but I'm unsure on what to use to draw. For this you could you framebuffers, learning OpenGL.

render a qt overlay window over opengl child window

I am looking for some information about rendering child windows in specific about how OpenGL interop with GDI. The problem that I have is that I have basically is that I have two windows, first, the main windows are created in qt, and inside of qt, a child window is hosted that leverages an OpenGL renderer.
Now what I wanted to do is to host an overlay on top of my OpenGL window, so I use that to overlay the OpenGL window. The problem that I am having is that when I render with OpenGL, the OpenGL generated graphics seem to obscure the graphics area including and effectively undo the graphics composited by qt.
In the image below the blue area is the qt overlay, in that picture I'm using GDI (BeginPaint/EndPaint) so and the windows seem to interact fine. That is, window order seems correct, the client region is correct. The moment I start to render with Opengl the blue area gets replaced with whatever OpenGL renders.
What I did I basically created to create the overlay I created a second frameless, topmost QMainWindow, and once the platform HWND was initialized I reparent it. Basically I change the new windows parent to be the same parent of my OpenGL window.
What I believed this would do is that the every window, gets drawn separately and the desktop composition manager would make the final composition and basically avoiding the infamous airspace problem as documented by Microsoft in their WPF framework.
What I would like to know is what could cause these issues? At this point, I lack understanding why once i render with OpenGL the pixels by qt overlay are obscured, even though windows hierarchy should say make them composited. What could I do to accomplish what I want?
Mixing OpenGL and GDI drawing on a shared drawable (that also includes sibling / childwindows without the CS_OWNDC windowclass style flag) never was supported. That's not something about Qt, but simply how OpenGL and GDI interact.
But the more important issue is: Why the hell aren't you using the OpenGL support built right into Qt in the first place? Ever since Qt-5 – if available – uses OpenGL to draw everything (all the UI elements). Qt-5 makes it trivial to mix Qt stuff and OpenGL drawing.

A video player based on QtAV with Direct2D / OpenGL rendering

I'm developing a video player in Qt C++ using QtAV. QtAV uses ffmpeg internally. I need to show semi transparent overlays both my watermark logo and subtitles. I'm writing the application for windows. I use OpenAL library. OpenGL and Direct2D are the choice for renderers.
If I use OpenGL renderer, it works fine in some systems. The overlay works fine. But in some other systems the whole application will be just a black window. Nothing else I can see.
If I use Direct2D, the overlay wont work. And the renderer is a bit slow. But it works on all systems, without this overlays.
I have no code to show here because its not the coding issue. Even the examples in QtAV are not working. I need to find a way to show the overlays using Direct2D renderer OR find a solid way to use OpenGL rendering on all systems without fail.
Direct2D is not well supported in QtAV. So you may need to implement your own functions to add filters in your video render. That includes text draw functions, setting transparency etc.

How to get X to render to an OpenGL texture?

I am trying to write a compositor, like Compiz, but with different graphical effects. I am stuck at the first step, though, which is that I can't find how to get X to render windows to a texture instead of to the framebuffer. Any advice on where to start?
X11 composition goes like following.
you redirect windows into a offscreen area. The Composite extension has the functions for this
you use the Damage extension to find out which windows did change their contents
in the compositor you use the GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap extension to submit each windows' contents into corresponding OpenGL textures.
you draw the textures into a composition layer window; the Composite extension provides you with a special screen layer, between the regular window layer and the screensaver layer in which to create the window composition is taking place in.

Questions about OpenGL Settings and drawing over a mask in a window

I would like to know the OpenGL Rendering settings for having a program render OpenGL over top of any window on screen that has a specific color code (screen-level buffer?)
I.E. VLC Media Player and Media Player Classic both have rendering modes which allow you to full-screen then minimize player, but maintain watching media via allowing a specific color to act as a transparent mask. For example, you could set the background color of a terminal application to be 0x000010 for VLC 0x000001 for MPC and you could then type over the media using text (as it is in it's original color). When you try to do a "printscreen" all you get is the mask color, However, this is an acceptable side-effect.
Is it possible to do this as well with any OpenGL application with the right settings and hardware? If so, what are the settings or at least the terminology of this effect to further research it?
What you are trying to implement is called "overlay". You can try this angelcode tutorial. If I remember correctly, there was also a tutorial in DirectX SDK.
If you need to use OpenGL, you will need to perform offscreen rendering (using FBO or P-buffer), read the results using glReadPixels() and display using overlay.