Saving credentials / token in a cookie? - cookies

I have managed to get working the authentication which i know return a token (JWT) to the client. This token has an expiration date/time so I was thinking about saving the token in a cookie so future logins were authenticated but this is probably not going to work.
I then though about saving the username and password in a cookie although i know this isn't recommended??
Currently i have a form that accepts a username and password, a successful login will provide a token which is used to access other endpoints.
The form needs to include a "Remember Me" so an automatic login can occur.
What is the best way of achieving this ?
Should i be storing the username and password in the cookie, if not how do i automatically authenticate the next time the user arrives to my site. The token that i provide is going to be expired so is there any point in even storing this ?
thanks in advance

Do not store the user name or password in the cookie. Even if the cookie is encrypted, it is better to store a credential with short expiration time like the token in a cookie than a credential like password which has more shelf life.
Even in the ASP.NET Web Forms or MVC world (Forms Authentication), typically "Remember me" works only until the time the cookie expires. "Remember me" does not mean remember me for ever and there must be a finite time period for remembering. That time can be derived from a cookie. You can put the JWT in the cookie and set the cookie's life time same as JWT, say an hour. When the user comes back to your app within that time, the cookie will not expire and the user is automatically logged in. Otherwise, they have to re-login. Do not think about storing the user name - password and systematically logging in. Let the user enter the credentials and that approach will be more secure. BTW, make sure cookie is encrypted and is an HTTP only cookie.
This mechanism will be similar to Forms Authentication. In place of the authentication ticket, you will use your JWT. Instead of FAM reading the cookie, you will need to have your own HttpModule or a message handler to do that and establish the identity for the requests.

Google's authentication coookie is good for 14 days.


Django SimpleJWT: Some questions with token authentication

I am implementing authentication in Django using SimpleJWT, and have a few questions regarding the same. To give some background I have multiple domains with my backend, some with normal login (username and password), and some with SSO logins.
Question 2:
Suppose, I store the access tokens in local storage and send the access token to all APIs, and I'm also refreshing it before it expires. But what will happen if the user closes the browser, and we are not able to refresh the access token. The access token expires and the user gets logged out. How can we keep the user logged in for a certain amount of time (say 30 days)?
When the Access token expires, you use the Refresh token to obtain a new Access token.
This works because Refresh token has a long life, typically up to 30 days (but can be even longer if you want).
User closes browser
Comes back 10 days later
User sends a request to the server
Server will return 401 Unauthorized response because Access token has expired
Your app will send a request to obtain a new Access token using the Refresh token
If the Refresh token is valid, server will return a new Access token
If the Refresh token is expired, server will return a 401 response. That means user needs to login again.
Security considerations
Personally, I think JWT for most web apps is not an suitable idea because of conflicting opinions and advice on how to securely store the tokens.
Since a Refresh token is really powerful, it is not advised to store it in the browser. So where do you store it? And that's when this misleading idea of "backendless" web services powered by JWT starts to fall apart.
Paradoxes regarding storing tokens:
Store it in localstorage: Vulnerable to XSS attacks.
This is really serious because the XSS vulnerabilities can also come from third party JS libraries, not just from your own code. Hackers can hijack a third-party library on NPM to inject malicious code and you might be unknowingly using it in your project (it might be a dependency of a dependency of another dependency...).
Store it in httponly cookies: Safe from XSS attacks but requires a first-party backend server (because third-party auth servers can't set cookies for another domain).
If you stop to think about it, you'll notice that this case is exactly similar to the regular session auth where a session token is saved in the cookie. So why not just use session auth instead of this complicated JWT setup?
I'm going to advise you to thoroughly research this and decide whether you really need JWT for your web apps.
JWT auth using cross-origin cookies
Since you mention that your frontend apps connect to an API server in another domain, using JWT seems alright.
If you control the API server, you can setup CORS headers to allow the API server to set cookies on your apps' domains.
Since this involves Cookies, it is vulnerable to CSRF attacks. But > that is easier to prevent using CSRF tokens.
That means, with every POST request, you'll need to send CSRF token
and the API server must also validate that CSRF token
Here's a diagram I make of the auth flow in that case:
For Question 2, add this code on your file
'ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME': timedelta(days=30),
'REFRESH_TOKEN_LIFETIME': timedelta(days=30),

How to authenticate the user on his requests after login in django using TokenAuthentication from drf

I have implemented an endpoint for login, using the django-rest-framework and TokenAuthentication. What i want, is after the login, the user to be authenticated and can navigate on the website.
I know that any get request on any protected using authentication uri should contain the token in the headers, so that the user can be authenticated. Everything is fine with that, if i could do all the get requests adding the token manually.
But what i do not understand is, how can i add the token in the headers when for example the user manually does the request by writing the url?
Let's say that the uri /api/ is protected and requires an authenticated user.
The user logs in, and i save the token either on the cookies or in the localstorage.
Now the user does a http get request on /api/. The token is not placed in the headers, so the response is: "Not authenticated".
So the question is, how can i add the token on any subsequent request after user logs in successfully? Maybe the backend could check the cookies for a valid token, but isn't there any better and safer solution than this?
As I believe from the question you want to add the token to all API which is consumed by your client whether App/Web. So in both people prefer to store that token either in cookies or in local storage. Once user logged out api consumer also flush that key.

Django rest framework json web token logout function

First of all, i am still new to django rest framework jwt so pls excuse my stupidity if im wrong.
Im wondering about how to create a logout function for jwt as when user want to logout and switch account, they will need this function.
Based on the what i seen in many other logout post,
- there is no need for logout function as the token isnt save on server side so closing and opening will result in having to login again.
- jwt is using expire time for it so it will logout when the token has been expire , provided if the verify token is set to True
But what i want is to have like a remember me function where user will stay login when they close and open again, as one of the suggestion is turn the verify token to false or set expire time to weeks. But then how does the user logout if the token expire time hasnt reach yet ?
As i am using jwt and djoser, the logout function of djoser is for drf only and not for jwt. Since i am also using the api for mobile devices, so the user will stay login whenever they open the app (provided they did the first login) like facebook and many other apps.
Please give me guidance on this. Thank you
Ideally, you should be using JWT in a stateless manner, which means the there is no session(The JWT token has an expiration time and will be invalid after that time, clients need to implement some mechanism to re-authenticate or extend the token). Given that, you don't need a log out at all.

Handling expiry/"remember me" functionality with JWT

Conceptually, I really like JWT as it is in line with the statelessness of REST etc (no state saved server-side, all relevant data is contained in the token).
What I am unsure about: how would you handle token expiry when not connected (ie, a "remember me" functionality)?
There's an emerging coverage of JWT on the web, but I couldn't find anyone that answered the expiry question yet.
Clarification: I am not asking how to handle a token soon-to-expire, but what to do when a token has already expired (user closed website/app for a while). The simplest solution that comes to my mind is caching the user's credentials, which is rather insecure.
There isn't a black and white answer to the given problem of how to implement the remember-me functionality theoretical wise. Lots of theoretical arguments are given on why something should not be done, while at the same time there is no clear answer given to the problem as for how it should practically be done.
Remember-me implicitly comes with the problem that you need a longer time window of token expiration, there is just no way around this. The most secure way is to have the user login regularly given brief expiry; nobody practically likes this though, so a tradeoff is made where theoretical secure perfection is weighed against practical measures.
The way this tradeoff works is by patching the imperfections that come with having a long expiry for a token. But make no mistake about it, you will need a jwt / cookie with long expiry (whether you use two tokens, implement some secondary refreshing mechanism or whatever, at the end you run into the same problem)!
Based on articles I've read on how others did it, this is how it's done.
The way I will implement this is by offering a 3-month expiry on a jwt stored in an httpOnly / secure cookie when the user checks remember-me.
On logout just clear the cookie.
Obviously protect using https / CSRF measures on top.
If you don't agree with it, stop fussing and offer an alternative solution - which there clearly isn't from the infinite number of discussions I've read on it.
If there were a straightforward solution to the problem, there probably wouldn't be so many discussions about it in the first place.
You can use a refresh token mechanism, but it only works if you verify the time intervals when the refresh token gets used. For example, depending on the lifetime of the access token, you can govern how often you allow a user to refresh the token. If the intervals show suspicious activity, you should revoke both the tokens for all clients.
The problem revolves around the idea that either access token or refresh token would theoretically be stolen. So merely having a refreshing mechanism without additional security is essentially useless. If you can steal an access token, you can steal a refresh token too.
I am not so sure if I follow but I will write what I think.
Imagine the token as a hotel card, you pay in advance for 5 days (remember me set to expire on 5 days). I can enter the building, garage, room, etc. within those 5 days, after those 5 days, it won't work anymore.
What to do when token has already expired? Nothing at all.
Imagine I pay those 5 days and meh, I had an urgency and I go back home (with the card on the pocket). The hotel doesn't care at all, when the 5 days pass, the card is just an useless piece of plastic and if you try to use it on the hotel, it will do nothing.
So back to web development. If you offer a remember me service, you can put an expiry date to let's say 7 days. As long as the user has the token, he can access the service without any problem. If he loses the token, he needs to login again. If he uses the token and it have expired, he will need to login again too.
If he login, he gets a token for 7 days, if he doesn't use it anymore and after 20 days he comes again, he would need to login again, the server will just decline your petitions until you do so.
What I would do if you use something like angular on the frontend is to check the token validation on startup so you can have a nice user experience.
What I don't understand about your question is de caching thing though.
In addition to #Jesus answer, you can think about implementing a refresh token system:
In the hotel-example, your hotel-card (access-token) would be invalid after time X, but at the reception you can use your passport (refresh-token) to get a new hotel card again.
You could store the refresh token in the database with additional data about the device the user is using, allowing him to disable the device in case it gets stolen.
first correct client login: Create a refresh token which is valid forever (until it gets deleted or invalidated)
store refresh token in database
return access token (JWT) with expiration time to client ( this token gets not stored in database)
for the next request, the client sends the access token
Now Check if the access token is expired:
5.1 Access Token not expired, all okay
5.2 Access Token expired, check if there is a refresh token in database
5.2.1 Refresh Token is in database, return new Access Token
5.2.2 No Refresh Token in database, return 401 / logout, User has to login again
Hope this helps.
You need to persist the JWT on the client so that it’s available across page loads, the most secure strategy is an HTTPS-only cookie. This will send the JWT to your server on every request and the server can check the validity of the token and reject it if it's expired. How you handle the expiration is dependent on the type of web app you have.
For a single-page application (e.g. Angular.js apps) you would want to structure the application so that it makes an initial request of the server before it bootstraps the rest of the application. If the server sees that the JWT in this request is expired it would issue a 401 response. You application would respond to this response by rendering a login form. Otherwise it would continue with the assumption that the JWT is valid and can be used to access the required resources. If, at any time, the app sees a 401 it should bring the user back to the login form.
For traditional web apps that render their pages on the server: for any request that has an expired JWT (as read from the cookie) the server should issue a 302 redirect to a login form.
I think what you are asking is how to invalidate a JWT server side for long expiry tokens (e.g. "remember me" functionality)?
I ran into this issue myself recently and ended up using a unique user secret to invalidate the token, when the user attempts to validate a token that was produced with an old secret it will fail. The username can be found in the decoded JWT pre verification.
You could probably even use the users password salt for this, that way any current JWT's would be invalidated when a user changes their password (assuming you also change the salt at the same time), this may be problematic though as the password hash and JWT's would become tightly coupled
I can think of one way, but it is not really defined the standard.
What about adding another kind of expiration date with different lifespan to the claims? With two claims, we can treat the shorter one of it as the resource access expiration date, and the longer one as the refresh expiration date, e.g.
"iat": /* current time */,
"bbf": /* current time + 1 hour -- expired means no resource access */
"exp": /* current time + 1 week -- expired means cannot refresh */
(Note: I use bbf for the shorter expiration date. No specific reason, just because it has 3 characters in length.)
So with "remember me" checked, when the user reconnects, he can use the same token to request for a new one, but not to access the resource. With this, all relevant data is contained within the token -- no extra token required.
And lastly, when "remember me" not checked, just use the same lifespan for bbf and exp.

How to implement the automatically sign in functionality in JSF 2.0

I have a login form on which there is an option "Keep me sign in" in. If user check this option and press the login button. Then i think i can save the username and password in a cookie and send it to user computer. Then when user open the site again , i can check whether that cookie is present in user computer or not , if it is then get the username and password from the cookie and sign in the user. But the problem is how can i send cookie to the user computer? As far as i know. You can set the cookie in that way
Cookie userCookie = new Cookie("userCookie", "loginUser");
//sessionCookie.setMaxAge(60 * 15);
If i don't set the setMaxAge then it's a browser level cookie, i.e., when user closes the browser then the cookie will be deleted. How can i send that cookie to user computer and get from the user computer to automatically sign in?
Either way, you should never, never, NEVER store the password in a cookie!
Here is a nice article about persitent cookies : Persistent Login Cookie Best Practice
The essentials from the article:
Cookies are vulnerable. Between common browser cookie-theft
vulnerabilities and cross-site scripting attacks, we must accept that
cookies are not safe
Persistent login cookies are on their own sufficient authentication to access a website. They are the equivalent of both a valid username and password rolled into one
Users reuse passwords. Hence, any login cookie from which you can recover the user's password holds significantly more potential for harm than one from which you can not
Binding persistent cookies to a particular IP address makes them not particularly persistent in many common cases
A user may wish to have persistent cookies on multiple web browsers on different machines simultaneously
The author suggests to associate the username with a large random number, which is a common practice.