New window doesn't show - c++

I have a button, when it is clicked a new window show with a QLineEdit, and a QLabel on it, my connection between the button and the function works fine, but the new window doesn't show.
void windowManager::addQuestionDialog(){
QWidget window(&parent);
QLineEdit question;
QLabel label;
QVBoxLayout layout;
window.setWindowTitle(QObject::trUtf8("Kérdés bevitele..."));;

You need to create class tag variables for the new window and the stuff you want to put into it, than create the objects themselves with the new keyword in the function, because if you create all of these simply in a function, than they will created in the stack, and you should know that after a function returns/finishes, the stack to that function is deleted (with your new window and the stuff on it too).
Include the headers for the classes you want to use in your windowManager header file:
#include <QDialog>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
Then add the tag variables to the private part:
QDialog *window;
QLineEdit *question;
QLabel *label;
QVBoxLayout *layout;
In your button's click event set the tag variables, and create the UI setup:
void windowManager::addQuestionDialog()
window = new QDialog();
question = new QLineEdit();
label = new QLabel();
layout = new QVBoxLayout();
window->setWindowTitle(QObject::trUtf8("Kérdés bevitele..."));
Also don't forget that you should use -> instead of . for calling functions here, because these tag variables are pointers. Also that's the reason why you don't need to use the & operator to get their address.
Also keep in mind that you should delete these objects, because C++ doesn't delete these automatically for you. You should delete everything you new. A good place to do this is in the destructor in your windowManager class. Just check if the tag variables are not NULL (if there is an object) before you try to delete them, otherwise errors may occur.
A better solution is to pass a parent pointer as the constructor's parameter, so this way Qt will delete them as they are closed, because if the parent is destroyed, the children will be destroyed too.
As an extra, you don't have to set manually where does the objects are go, because Qt will now it from the hierarchy (in some cases).
In this case your button's click event function would look like this:
void windowManager::addQuestionDialog()
window = new QDialog(this);
question = new QLineEdit(window);
label = new QLabel(window);
layout = new QVBoxLayout(window);
//The following two lines are optional, but if you don't add them, the dialog will look different.
window->setWindowTitle(QObject::trUtf8("Kérdés bevitele..."));

You create the window QWidget object on the stack. Therefore, this object will be deleted when the call to the function addQuestionDialog finishes. Change the code to create the new window widget using "new", and arrange it to be deleted after it was closed. Some possible solutions are presented here:
destructors in Qt4


Retrieving QPushButton from QWidget

I have a QPushButton with related icon, and I add it to a scene:
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton;
buttonWidget = detail->scene()->addWidget(button);
// buttonWidget is declared globally and is a QGraphicsProxyWidget*
Later on, in a different function, the buttonWidget is still accessible. How can I retrieve the QPushButton object from the buttonWidget? I would like to change its icon.
Perhaps you could use QGraphicsProxyWidget::widget to get the underlying QWidget* and then use dynamic_cast to cast to QPushButton*:
QPushbutton *otherButton = dynamic_cast<QPushButton*>(buttonWidget->widget());
You can retrieve the object as a QWidget using QGraphicsProxyWidget::widget and then casting to a QPushButton.
But I'd recommand to make the QPushButton be an attribute of your class (always better that casting). Then you access it later whenevr you want.
button = new QPushButton; // declare button as an attribute of your class in the header file

Is it necessary to delete dialog window pointer in Qt?

I use this code:
MyDialog *md = new MyDialog();
md -> show();
to open a dialog window in Qt. Will md be deleted automatically when the dialog window is closed or do I need to run delete md when the window is finished?
In your little piece of code you need to delete it, because it doesn't have a parent, if you set a parent, the parent will delete it's children and you only need to delete the "main-window" (the window that doesn't have a parent).
Also for QWidget derived classes you can use the: Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose flag and then the memory will be deallocated when the widget closes, see the documentation here
Then code will become:
MyDialog *md = new MyDialog();
Yes. Unless you pass this while this is a QWidget or any other QWidget:
MyDialog *md = new MyDialog(this);
you need to:
delete md;
at some point in order to release its memory. Also you need to make sure in this case that the object tree is well linked. What you can also do is call setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); on md so that when you close the dialog, its memory will also be released as Zlatomir said. However if you need md to live after it was closed setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); is not an option. This is also dangerous and could lead to access violation/segmentation fault if you are not careful.

Multiple QWidets into one QMainWindow

I am currently learing Qt, and I am stuck on the problem of using multiple QWidgets and one QMainWindow.
I have setup a project which contains 2 QWidgets and one QMainWindow. This is my idea of using it: design both QWidgets as needed, add them to the mainwindow object, connect the buttons to the correct slots and switch the centerwidget when needed. So I started off with one QMainWindow and then added two QWidgets, including the cpp file, the h file and the ui file. On both QWidgets I added one QPushButton, and called it pushButtonConvert.
Then I went to the cpp file attached to the QMainWindow (mainwindow.cpp) and did the following:
EpochToHuman * epochToHuman = new EpochToHuman();
HumanToEpoch * humanToEpoch = new HumanToEpoch();
Up until this point everything is fine. Now I want to connect the buttons to slots in the mainwindow object, but I can not find the buttons. epochToHuman->pushButtonConvert does not seem to exist, and I can not find any other way to get to the buttons. So am I thinking in a way that is not correct, according to Qt or am I missing something?
Another try at clarifying what I want:
I want to use the elements in a QWidget in QMainWindows' cpp file. I want to be able to do things like this:
//In object MainWindow.cpp
QWidget * a = new QWidget
//Let's say a is a custom widget with a label in it. This label is called Label
a->Label->setText("Hello, World!");
//This gives an error because a does not have a member called Label
//How can I change the text on the label of a?
//And I think if I will be able to change the text of this label, I will also be able to dance around with buttons as needed.
You can connect the pushButtonConvert button to MainWindow::convertFromEpochToHuman in the constructor of MainWindow, with:
connect(epochToHuman->ui->pushButtonConvert, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(convertFromEpochToHuman()));
You'll need to make the ui member public first, like you have done for HumanToEpoch.
You should move the declaration of your widgets into MainWindow.h:
// ...
Ui::MainWindow *ui;
EpochToHuman * epochToHuman;
HumanToEpoch * humanToEpoch;
// ...
and initialise them like this:
epochToHuman = new EpochToHuman(this);
humanToEpoch = new HumanToEpoch(this);

How to properly clean-up a QWidget / manage a set of windows?

Let's say I have 2 windows in my application, and two classes responsible for them:
class MainWindow: public QMainWindow and class SomeDialog: public QWidget.
In my Main Window I have a button. When it is clicked, I need to display the second window. I do it this way:
SomeDialog * dlg = new SomeDialog();;
Now, the user does something in the window, and closes it. At this point I want to get some data from that window, and then, I suppose, I will have to delete dlg. But how do I catch the event of that window being closed?
Or is there another way not to have a memory leak? Maybe It would be better to create an instance of each window on startup, and then just Show()/Hide() them?
How do I manage such a case?
It is advised to use show() / exec() and hide() instead of dynamically creating the dialog every time you want to show it. Also use QDialog instead of QWidget.
In the constructor of your main window create it and hide it
// myDialog is class member. No need to delete it in the destructor
// since Qt will handle its deletion when its parent (MainWindow)
// gets destroyed.
myDialog = new SomeDialog(this);
// connect the accepted signal with a slot that will update values in main window
// when the user presses the Ok button of the dialog
connect (myDialog, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(myDialogAccepted()));
// remaining constructor code
In the slot connected to the buttons's clicked() event simply show it, and if necessary pass some data to the dialog
void myClickedSlot()
void myDialogAccepted()
// Get values from the dialog when it closes
Subclass from QWidget and reimplement
virtual void QWidget::closeEvent ( QCloseEvent * event )
Also it looks like the widget you want to show is a dialog. So consider using QDialog or it's subclasses. QDialog has useful signals you can connect to:
void accepted ()
void finished ( int result )
void rejected ()
I think you are looking for the Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose window flag:
QDialog *dialog = new QDialog(parent);
// set content, do whatever...
// safely forget about it, it will be destroyed either when parent is gone or when the user closes it.

QtT How To Save Data/State When Changing Central Widgets In QMainWindow

I have inherited the QmainWindow class to use as the mainwindow for the application that I am building.
I have set the central widget as a pointer to another class, that I have created.
//main window constructor
postEntryWidget = 0; // null pointer to another class that extends QWidget
dataEntryWidget = new Data_Entry_Widget; //extends QWidget
setCentralWidget(dataEntryWidget); //set the widget in the main window
When the user clicks on an action, this sets the central widget to another pointer to another widget class.
*this is the implementation of the slot that would be connected to the QAction
*connected to the postEntryWidget slot
postEntryWidget = new Post_Entry_Widget;
*this is the implementation of the slot that would be connected to the QAction
*connected to the dataEntryWidget slot
dataEntryWidget = new Post_Entry_Widget;
This breaks when switching back and forth between views. And If I add a null point to the preceding view I lose the data when I go back to that view.
*this is the implementation of the slot that would be connected to the QAction
*connected to the postEntryWidget slot
dataEntryWidget = 0; //set the previous widget to a null pointer but loses data
postEntryWidget = new Post_Entry_Widget;
How would I keep the state between the two views without creating a custom data structure or is this bad practice. I am most familiar with php and web dev so I am not sure if this is even the best way to go about this.
Thanks in advance
Not totally sure what your goal is. But if you are trying to permit someone the ability to go back to something they were working on, then perhaps you'd be better off using a tab widget instead of hiding the existence of that work?
QTabWidget documentation
Qt Tabbed Dialog example
So you'd make that your central widget, and plug the Post_Entry_Widget and Data_Entry_Widget instances under that. An advantage of that is that Qt manages the tab switching for you.
If you don't want tabs there is also a QStackedWidget, which just lets you programmatically switch between a set of widgets.
It is more complicated than it seems. The problem is, that when setCentralWidget() is called, current centralWidget() gets deleted. In order to preserve its contents, you need to remove it from the window by reparenting it to NULL or 0. Try to change your code to:
postEntryWidget = new Post_Entry_Widget;
if (centralWidget()) centralWidget()->setParent(0); //reparent if exists
dataEntryWidget = new Post_Entry_Widget;
if (centralWidget()) centralWidget()->setParent(0); //reparent if exists