I have the following code and i am trying to figure a way to make it work like below: string1 contains all the numbers of CPt Codes and String will contain its all Details. I tried using GetToken Functionality but i am still figuring what i am missing here
<cfset string = "CPT Codes= 20101 : EXPLORE WOUND CHEST - 06/25/2013,CPT Codes= 20150 : EXCISE EPIPHYSEAL BAR - 06/25/2013,CPT Codes= 2019F : DILATED MACULAR EXAM DONE - 06/25/2013 ">
How i can again subside it to make it work like this:
<cfset string1 = "20101,20150,2019f">
<cfset string2 = "EXPLORE WOUND CHEST - 06/25/2013,EXCISE EPIPHYSEAL BAR - 06/25/2013,DILATED MACULAR EXAM DONE - 06/25/2013">
I solved it, anyone who needs such info can do it like this:
<cfset string = "CPT Codes= 20101 : EXPLORE WOUND CHEST - 06/25/2013,CPT Codes= 20150 : EXCISE EPIPHYSEAL BAR - 06/25/2013,CPT Codes= 2019F : DILATED MACULAR EXAM DONE - 06/25/2013 ">
<cfset delimis = "=,:">
<cfset generateLst = ''>
<cfset generateTextlst = ''>
<cfloop list="#string#" index="k">
<cfset getString = GetToken(k,1,delimis)>
<cfset getID = GetToken(k,2,delimis)>
<cfset generateLst = ListAppend(generateLst,getID)>
<cfset getText = GetToken(k,3,delimis)>
<cfset generateTextlst = ListAppend(generateTextlst,getText)>
<cfdump var="#generateLst#" label="ID Input">
<cfdump var="#generateTextlst#" label="Text Input">
Is there an easier/shorter way to convert the final comma of a currency input to a decimal.
Inputs look like 2 000,99 OR 2,000,99
MySQL wants them to look like 2000.99
<cfform action="commatest.cfm?gotime" onsubmit="commatest.cfm" method="post" name="waiv">
<cfinput type="text" name="commer">
<input type="submit" style="width:180px;" value="convertme" class="hide button">
<cfif isdefined("gotime")>
<!--- START SCRIPT --->
<cfset formentry = FORM.commer>
<cfset howlong = #len(formentry)#>
<cfif howlong GT 3>
<cfset leftlen = howlong - 3>
<cfset rside = #right(formentry, 3)#>
<cfset rside = ReReplace(rside,"[,]",".", "ALL")>
<cfset lside = #left(FORM.commer, leftlen)#>
<cfset lside = ReReplaceNoCase(lside,"[-$A-Z,]","", "ALL")>
<cfset lside = reReplace(lside, "[[:space:]]", "", "ALL") />
<cfset newb = #lside# & #rside#>
<!--- OUTPUT TO DATABASE (or webpage in this case) --->
<h1>#newb# (number? #IsNumeric(newb)#)</h1>
<h1>#formentry# (number? #IsNumeric(formentry)#)</h1>
As usual there are several different ways to do this. I would probably do something like this:
source1 = '2 000,99';
source2 = '2,000,99';
// remove ALL commas and spaces
example1 = REReplace(source1,"[\s,]","","all");
example2 = REReplace(source2,"[\s,]","","all");
// insert a decimal before the last two digits
example1 = Insert(".",example1,(Len(example1)-2));
example2 = Insert(".",example2,(Len(example2)-2));
writeOutput(source1 & " = " & example1);
writeOutput(source2 & " = " & example2);
That code gives the following output:
2 000,99 = 2000.99
2,000,99 = 2000.99
Of course this assumes that the last two digits are always going to be after the decimal point.
Here is a gist of the code above.
I am trying to create a comma separated list inside a loop, but I think I am missing something. When I dump item_id_list, I just get items separated by a space - not a comma. Can anyone point what am I missing?
<cfloop array="data" index="doc">
<cfif structKeyExists(doc, "id") >
<cfset the_item_id = doc.id />
<cfset item_id_list = ''/>
<cfset item_id_list = listappend(item_id_list,'#the_item_id#',',')/>
Create the list outside of the loop:
<cfset item_id_list = "" />
<cfloop array="#data#" index="doc">
<cfif structKeyExists(doc, "id") >
<cfset item_id_list = listappend(item_id_list, doc.id, ",") />
Will this work?
<cfset item_id_list = ArrayToList(data.id)>
EDIT: Oops. Can't reference a struct in an array like that. Instead try:
item_id_list = "" ;
for (row in data) {
if (structkeyexists(row,"id") ) {
item_id_list = listappend(item_id_list,row.id) ;
For loops like this, cfscript syntax is easier to see.
I need to find the special character index in string and it as to be stored in an array variable.
The below code showing only the first special character index but i need to know all index of all the special character in the string .
Tell me how to do
<cfset start_var = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset g_invalidUsername_Char= "!###$%^&*()_+=<>?/\,`~}{[];:.|\""0123456789">
<cfset Firstname="ab!cd!efgh">
<cfif FindOneOf(g_invalidUsername_Char,(trim(FirstName))) NEQ 0>
<cfset QAQC = 0>
<cfset AR=" Firstname can only have ' and - .<br>">
<cfset ARClass ="ARBad">
<cfset start_var= findoneof(g_invalidUsername_Char,FirstName)>
#RemoveChars(FirstName, start_var, 1)#
I tried Rereplace function too
<cfset start_var = ArrayNew(1)>
<cfset g_invalidUsername_Char= "! # ## $ % & * ( ) _ + = <> ? / , ` ~ } { [ ] ; : . | "" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 \ ">
<cfset FirstName="ab!cd""efgh">
<cfset var_num=0>
<cfif FindOneOf(g_invalidUsername_Char,(trim(FirstName))) NEQ 0>
<cfset QAQC = 0>
<cfset AR=" Firstname can only have ' and - .<br>">
<cfset ARClass ="ARBad">
<cfloop list="#g_invalidUsername_Char#" index="x" delimiters=" ">
<cfset FirstName = ReReplace(FirstName,"[#x#]", "", "ALL")>
but in rereplace function these "\^" two special character is not accepting
The Following Code creates the Codes properly but only issues in the following
<cfset str = "Previoushistory-Diagnosis= 085.2 : Cutaneous leshmaniasis, Asian desert**Controlled-Diagnosis= 085.2 : Asian desert cutaneous leishmaniasis**Controlled-Diagnosis= 153.2 : Cancer of colon, descending colon**Active-Diagnosis= 209.15 : MAL CARCINOID DESC COLON**151.9 : Stomach cancer= UNCONTROLLED">
<cfset string1 = ''>
<cfset generateLst = ''>
<cfset generateLst = ''>
<cfset generateTextlst = ''>
<cfset generateStr = ''>
<cfloop list="#str#" index="elem" delimiters="**">
<cfset string1 = listAppend(string1, elem,'~')>
<cfset delimis = ":">
<cfloop list="#string1#" index="k" delimiters="~">
<cfset getString = GetToken(k,1,'#delimis#')>
<cfset generateStr = ListRemoveDuplicates(ListAppend(generateStr,getString))>
<cfset getID = GetToken(k,2,'#delimis#')>
<cfset generateLst = ListRemoveDuplicates(ListAppend(generateLst,getID))>
<cfset getText = GetToken(k,3,'#delimis#')>
<cfset generateTextlst = ListRemoveDuplicates(ListAppend(generateTextlst,getText))>
<cfdump var="#str#"><br /><br>
<cfdump var="#generateStr#"><br /><br />
<cfdump var="#generateLst#"><br /><br />
<cfdump var="#generateTextlst#">
generated Outputs
For generateStr
Previoushistory-Diagnosis= 085.2 ,Controlled-Diagnosis= 085.2 ,Controlled-Diagnosis= 153.2 ,Active-Diagnosis= 209.15 ,151.9
For generateLst
Cutaneous leshmaniasis, Asian desert, Asian desert cutaneous leishmaniasis, Cancer of colon, descending colon, MAL CARCINOID DESC COLON, Stomach cancer= UNCONTROLLED
For generateTextlst
[empty string]
Now the Problem lies in
<cfdump var="#generateStr#"><br /><br />
<cfdump var="#generateLst#"><br /><br />
Now the value for generateStr is coming as:
Previoushistory-Diagnosis= 085.2 ,Controlled-Diagnosis= 085.2
,Controlled-Diagnosis= 153.2 ,Active-Diagnosis= 209.15 ,151.9
can i change it like this
085.2 ,085.2 ,153.2 ,209.15 ,151.9
and use the removed values to append to the second list to which they are relevant like this
Cutaneous leshmaniasis, Asian desert*=Previoushistory-Diagnosis*, Asian
desert cutaneous leishmaniasis*=Controlled-Diagnosis*, Cancer of colon,
descending colon*=Controlled-Diagnosis*, MAL CARCINOID DESC
COLON*=Active-Diagnosis*, Stomach cancer= UNCONTROLLED
i am just confused how do i play with couple of list elements to actually make it happen like the above
Any Guidance
This should be enough to get you started. I modified your cfloop like this:
<cfloop list="#string1#" index="k" delimiters="~">
<cfset getString = GetToken(k,1,'#delimis#')>
<cfset getText = Trim(GetToken(getString,1,'='))> <!--- this returns the text for example Previoushistory-Diagnosis --->
<cfset getValue = Trim(GetToken(getString,2,'='))> <!--- this returns the value for example 085.2 --->
<cfset generateStr = ListRemoveDuplicates(ListAppend(generateStr,getValue))>
<cfset getID = GetToken(k,2,'#delimis#')>
<cfset newText = getID & "=" & getText> <!--- this concatenates the two strings together with = inbetween --->
<cfset generateLst = ListRemoveDuplicates(ListAppend(generateLst,newText))>
<cfset getText = GetToken(k,3,'#delimis#')>
<cfset generateTextlst = ListRemoveDuplicates(ListAppend(generateTextlst,getText))>
Which outputs generateStr as:
And generateLst as:
Cutaneous leshmaniasis, Asian desert=Previoushistory-Diagnosis, Cutaneous leshmaniasis, Asian desert cutaneous leishmaniasis=Controlled-Diagnosis, Cancer of colon, descending colon=Controlled-Diagnosis, MAL CARCINOID DESC COLON=Active-Diagnosis, Cutaneous leshmaniasis, Stomach cancer= UNCONTROLLED=151.9
Notice that there is an empty value at the end of the generateStr list. This is because the last value in your str list does not fit the format of the others. The value 151.9 is at the beginning instead of after the = character.
This in turn throws off the generateLst list as well. It makes the last value become Stomach cancer= UNCONTROLLED=151.9, which I assume you do not want.
So you will need to play around with this a bit more to finalize what you need. Obviously these are the kinds of problems that you run into when attempting to parse strings of data that are not consistent.
Something like this might work:
NewList = ListFirst(generateLst); //Cutaneous leshmaniasis
for (i = 2; i lte ListLen(generateLst); i++) {
NewList = ListAppend(ListGetAt(generateLst, i) & "=");
//Cutaneous leshmaniasis, Asian desert=
TempText = ListGetAt(generateStr, i -1); //Previoushistory-Diagnosis= 085.2
TempText2 = ListLast(TempText, "="); // 085.2
NewList &= TempText2; //Cutaneous leshmaniasis, Asian desert=085.2
NewList = Replace(NewList, ",", ", ", "all);
In JavaScript, you can do this:
var a = null;
var b = "I'm a value";
var c = null;
var result = a || b || c;
And 'result' will get the value of 'b' because JavaScript short-circuits the 'or' operator.
I want a one-line idiom to do this in ColdFusion and the best I can come up with is:
<cfif LEN(c) GT 0><cfset result=c></cfif>
<cfif LEN(b) GT 0><cfset result=b></cfif>
<cfif LEN(a) GT 0><cfset result=a></cfif>
Can anyone do any better than this?
ColdFusion doesn't have nulls.
Your example is basing the choice on which item is an empty string.
If that is what you're after, and all your other values are simple values, you can do this:
<cfset result = ListFirst( "#a#,#b#,#c#" )/>
(Which works because the standard list functions ignore empty elements.)
Note: other CFML engines do support nulls.
If we really are dealing with nulls (and not empty strings), here is a function that will work for Railo and OpenBlueDragon:
<cffunction name="FirstNotNull" returntype="any" output="false">
<cfset var i = 0/>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(Arguments)#">
<cfif NOT isNull(Arguments[i]) >
<cfreturn Arguments[i] />
Then to use the function is as simple as:
<cfset result = FirstNotNull( a , b , c ) />