LPCWSTR Error - C++ - c++

I'm trying to draw text to a window. Some enough, two things I'm wondering. Why can the tutorial I'm using not put an L"String Here" and I have to?
I'm confused about that, anyway back to the main point, I;m trying to draw text and I'm getting an error.

If you have UNICODE defined in your project (which you should be default) then you can either use
wstring s = L"Hello, World!";
or the ANSI API for TextOut
TextOutA(hdc, 10, 10, s.c_str(), s.size());

See the following question:
What does LPCWSTR stand for and how should it be handled with?
Basically, you're trying to convert a regular character string to a wide character string implicitly and it won't allow you to do that. From the top answer:
To get a normal C literal string to assign to a LPCWSTR, you need to prefix it with L
LPCWSTR a = L"TestWindow";


Can't find window in c++

I'm pretty new to C++ and I'm making a hack for Assassin's Creed Odyssey, however I can't get my code to find the window.
HWND hwnd = FindWindowA(NULL, "Assassin's Creed® Odyssey");
Window name(s):
EDIT: Got it to work, the apostrophe is different than a normal one, for whoever needs it, this is the correct window name Assassin’s Creed® Odyssey
Ahh. FindWindowA expects an ANSI string. To use the ® in Microsoft Windows, you should use the wstring variant, and use a wstring literal:
HWND hwnd = FindWindowW(NULL, L"Assassin's Creed® Odyssey");
Do check that you are using the correct type of apostrophe. I can't tell from the screen capture whether it is an ANSI apostrophe or a right single quote.
The L before the " indicates that it is a wstring. In Windows computers this is pretty much UTF-16, though Microsoft Windows doesn't quite meet all the UTF-16 standards.
See https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/string_literal for more information on the various type of string literals.
This microsoft article: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/learnwin32/working-with-strings, explains the difference between the ANSI functions (ending with 'A') and the Unicode functions (ending with 'W').

Can I point the necessary codepage for the individual string variable in the `Watch1` window?

Visual Studio 2015, C++ language, debugging.
In the Watch1 window I look the values of my variables (strings) of the wchar_t* and char* types. The first of them is Unicode and the second is ANSI (CP_OEMCP codepage). In the Watch1 window the text of the wchar_t* variable is displaying correctly, but the text of the char* variable is displaying unreadable. Can I point the necessary codepage for the individual string variable in the Watch1 window? I want to see both values of my strings correctly in the Watch1 window.
Maybe for such cases is exists the some syntax, similar the $err,hr (the text of the last error, which was gotten via the GetLastError() function).
UPD (the screen added)
Console window has the right output, but in the memory and in the Watch1 window I see unreadable string for my ansiText variable.
The problem is that the original string (starting with hex values 8D A0 A6) is not on Windows-1251 (Windows Cyrillic) code page, but on OEM 866 code page. These two are different, and Visual Studio expects Windows-1251, because that's system's code page (code page used for non-Unicode applications).
It is not possible to specify a code page when you watch a string in debugger. Everything inside should be Unicode anyway, or at least UTF-8, and for those two there are format specifiers, su and s8. See MSDN for all format specifiers.
What you can do is have the following function integrated in the code, and when you want to see some non-ANSI (or non-CP_ACP, to be precise) string just call this function with the string and code page as parameters (but use the function only once in Watch window):
LPCWSTR ViewString(LPCSTR szString, UINT nCodePage)
static WCHAR szTemp[1024];
MultiByteToWideChar(nCodePage, 0, szString, -1, szTemp, 1024);
return szTemp;
So, in your case in Watch window instead of (char*)ansiText there would be ViewString(ansiText, 866). Also, note that this is not actually "ANSI text", but "OEM text".
I don't know what exactly your program is supposed to do, but I would convert all non-Unicode strings to Unicode at the earliest point in code (right where you get a non-Unicode string), and in your code always work just with Unicode strings. To convert OEM 866 string to Unicode you can use function MultiByteToWideChar with CodePage parameter = 866.

Set Unicode text on MFC form controls in Multi-Byte Char Set application

I have Multi-Byte Char Set MFC windows application. Now I need to display international single byte ASCI characters on windows controls. I can't use ASCI characters directly because to display them correctly it is required windows locale be set to adequate country. I need to display characters in all windows locale cases. For this purpose I must convert ASCI to unicode. I can display required international characters in MessageBoxW, but how to display them on windows MFC controls using SetWindowText?
To show unicode string in MessageBoxW I construct it in wstring
WORD g [] = {0x105,0x106,0x107,0x108,0x109,0x110,0x111,0x112,0x113,0x114,0x115,0x116,0x117,0x118,0x119,0x120};
wstring gg (reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(g),15);
MessageBoxW(NULL, gg.c_str() , gg.c_str() , MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
Seting MFC form control text:
class MyFrm: public CDialogEx
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
BOOL MyFrm::OnInitDialog()
GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_TICKET_NUMBER)->SetWindowText( ???);
Is it possible somehow convert wstring gg to CString and show unicode chars on window control?
You could try casting your CDialogEx 'this' object to HWND and then call explictly Win32 API to set text using wchars. So your code will look something like this:
BOOL MyFrm::OnInitDialog()
SetDlgItemTextW((HWND)(*this), IDC_EDIT_TICKET_NUMBER, gg.c_str());
But as I mentioned earlier Unicode is supported starting from Windows XP and using ASCII is really not a good idea unless you're targeting those very very old OS'es before it. Using them nowdays will cause ALL ASCII strings you pass to be firstly converted into Unicode by the Win32 API. So it is a better idea to switch your project entirely to UNICODE.
First, note that you can simply directly initialize a std::wstring with your Unicode hex character data, without any ugly useless reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>, etc.
Instead of this:
WORD g [] = {0x105,0x106,0x107,0x108,...,0x120};
wstring gg (reinterpret_cast<wchar_t*>(g),15);
just consider that:
wstring text = L"\x0105\x0106\x0108...\0x0120";
The latter seems much cleaner to me.
Second, if you want to pass an instance to std::wstring to an MFC method that expects a const wchar_t* input string pointer, just consider using wstring::c_str() method.
In addition, the best suggestion I can give you is to just port your app to Unicode.
ASCII/MBCS should be considered programming model of the past for MFC; they bring lots of problem when you want to write "international" code.

How do I convert wchar_t* to string?

I am new to C++.
And I am trying to convert wchar_t* to string.
I cannot use wstring in condition.
I have code below:
wchar_t *wide = L"中文";
wstring ret = wstring( wide );
string str2( ret.begin(), ret.end() );
But str2 returns some strange characters.
Where do I have to fix it?
You're trying to do it backwards. Instead of truncating wide characters to chars (which is very lossy), expand your chars to wide characters.
That is, transform your std::string into an std::wstring and concatenate the two std::wstrings.
I'm not sure what platform you're targeting. If you're on Windows platform you can call WideCharToMultiByte API function. Refer to MSDN for documentation.
If you're on Linux, I think you can use libiconv functions, try google.
Of course there is a port of libiconv for Windows.
In general this is a quite complex topic for a new beginners if you know nothing about character encodings - there are a lot of background knowledge to have to learn.

String encoding VB6 / C++ dll

I am having a problem with some characters in 2 strings that my program uses.
String #1 is filled using VB code that gets data from a 3rd party application.
String #2 gets similar data from the same 3rd party application, but it gets it with a C++ dll and sends it to VB.
The data has some weird symbols in it.
I don't know a whole lot about encoding and different character sets, but I'll try to explain it the best I can.
I will use "Т" as my example character.
"Т" (note this isnt a normal capital t) it is unicode decimal value 1058
When this character appears in String #1 during runtime it appears as "?", which I believe is just what VB6 does to show some unicode characters. When I use AscW on the character it returns the correct value of 1058.
When I output the string to a text file, it appears as "?".
The same character in String #2 from the C++ DLL appears as 2 characters "Т"
When I output that string to a text file, the character appears properly as "Т".
I was only outputting things to text files for testing purposes. I only need the 2 strings to be encoded / appear the same during run time.
Any idea whats going on here? Any way for me to get weird characters to appear the same in both strings?
edit: also the C++ dll is in multi character set and sends the data in a BSTR string
allChat is a CString
BSTR Message;
int len = allChat.GetLength();
Message = SysAllocStringByteLen ((LPCTSTR)allChat,len+1);
Message is returned to the VB app.. and nothing happens to the string after that.
String #1 is just a regular VB string
From the way Cyrillic "T" becomes "Т", you get your string as a UTF8 encoded string (I verified that with Notepad++ by switching encodings). You need to convert it to Unicode before sending it to your VB app. Note that your VB app needs to be Unicode, not ASCII.
You can convert UTF8 to std::wstring with this function:
std::wstring utf8to16( const char* src )
vector<wchar_t> buffer;
buffer.resize(MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, src, -1, 0, 0));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, src, -1, &buffer[0], buffer.size());
return &buffer[0];