Late return value in C++ - c++

Today I did a funny mistake in my C++ code. I have a function with two arguments of type std::vector<int>::iterator& (i and j). Iterators should point to same vector. Function should return sum of two numbers in the vector, and move both iterators forward to j+1th position of vector:
int exp_func_add::evaluate(vector<int>::iterator& i, vector<int>::iterator& j) {
int result = *i + *j;
i = j;
return result;
First I wrote this code:
int exp_func_add::evaluate(vector<int>::iterator& i, vector<int>::iterator& j) {
i = j;
return (*i+*j); // <====== Oops !
We know that return statement returns control to caller. My question is why C++ standard does not define a late value return semantics? Let's call it late_return keyword:
int exp_func_add::evaluate(vector<int>::iterator& i, vector<int>::iterator& j) {
late_return *i+*j; // Hold return value but don't go back
// to the caller until leaving scope
i = j;
This question may get hundreds of downvotes (not constructive, blah blah). Though I would like to ask some questions:
Is there a way to simulate this behavior using macros or any other tricks?
Do this deserve an implementation or to be considered as a feature in next c++ standard?
Are there programming languages implementing similar feature?

Is there a way to simulate this behavior using macros or any other tricks?
Not really, though your first code sample is fairly idiomatic C or C++ code.The "assign a value to "result", and then have 'return result' as the last statement of the function is avery common pattern.
Do this deserve an implementation or to be considered as a feature in next c++ standard?
No, because it adds complexity without any clear benefit over the existing idiom. It'd add a whole bunch of edge cases to the language, too. Functions can have more than one return statement, so how so you handle multiple late_return statements? First one wins? Last one wins? Throw an exception? What about a code path that includes late_return and return?
Are there programming languages implementing similar feature?
The closest thing I can think of is constraints languages or logic languages like Prolog, where the "result" is produced as soon as all of the data necessary to produce it has been provided.

Is there a way to simulate this behavior using macros or any other tricks?
Yes, and you said it yourself: define a variable called ret and return it at the end. That's only one line more and it's a lot more clear what is going on when you get to the end of the function.

If I understand the question correctly you are essentially looking to do something like this:
return *i + *(++j, i=j, j-1);
The problem with this is that i may already be changed by the time we get to it. It will not necessarily (won't?) evaluate this statement left-to-right.
As other posters have mentioned this really doesn't provide any added benefit to the language, except maybe to save a line or two of code. That being said, it sounds to me like you want something like a reverse comma operator.
It doesn't exist, but the idea has been brought up here and here.
All in all, I think it adds significant complexity in a situation where it really is not needed. I don't see this as a bad question because it is always good to try and better understand how/why things work. I just don't think this particular use case warrants it.


Is it a good style to write constants on the left of equal to == in If statement in C++? [duplicate]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
Okay, we know that the following two lines are equivalent -
(0 == i)
(i == 0)
Also, the first method was encouraged in the past because that would have allowed the compiler to give an error message if you accidentally used '=' instead of '=='.
My question is - in today's generation of pretty slick IDE's and intelligent compilers, do you still recommend the first method?
In particular, this question popped into my mind when I saw the following code -
if(DialogResult.OK == MessageBox.Show("Message")) ...
In my opinion, I would never recommend the above. Any second opinions?
I prefer the second one, (i == 0), because it feel much more natural when reading it. You ask people, "Are you 21 or older?", not, "Is 21 less than or equal to your age?"
It doesn't matter in C# if you put the variable first or last, because assignments don't evaluate to a bool (or something castable to bool) so the compiler catches any errors like "if (i = 0) EntireCompanyData.Delete()"
So, in the C# world at least, its a matter of style rather than desperation. And putting the variable last is unnatural to english speakers. Therefore, for more readable code, variable first.
If you have a list of ifs that can't be represented well by a switch (because of a language limitation, maybe), then I'd rather see:
if (InterstingValue1 == foo) { } else
if (InterstingValue2 == foo) { } else
if (InterstingValue3 == foo) { }
because it allows you to quickly see which are the important values you need to check.
In particular, in Java I find it useful to do:
if ("SomeValue".equals(someString)) {
because someString may be null, and in this way you'll never get a NullPointerException. The same applies if you are comparing constants that you know will never be null against objects that may be null.
(0 == i)
I will always pick this one. It is true that most compilers today do not allow the assigment of a variable in a conditional statement, but the truth is that some do. In programming for the web today, I have to use myriad of langauges on a system. By using 0 == i, I always know that the conditional statement will be correct, and I am not relying on the compiler/interpreter to catch my mistake for me. Now if I have to jump from C# to C++, or JavaScript I know that I am not going to have to track down assignment errors in conditional statements in my code. For something this small and to have it save that amount of time, it's a no brainer.
I used to be convinced that the more readable option (i == 0) was the better way to go with.
Then we had a production bug slip through (not mine thankfully), where the problem was a ($var = SOME_CONSTANT) type bug. Clients started getting email that was meant for other clients. Sensitive type data as well.
You can argue that Q/A should have caught it, but they didn't, that's a different story.
Since that day I've always pushed for the (0 == i) version. It basically removes the problem. It feels unnatural, so you pay attention, so you don't make the mistake. There's simply no way to get it wrong here.
It's also a lot easier to catch that someone didn't reverse the if statement in a code review than it is that someone accidentally assigned a value in an if. If the format is part of the coding standards, people look for it. People don't typically debug code during code reviews, and the eye seems to scan over a (i = 0) vs an (i == 0).
I'm also a much bigger fan of the java "Constant String".equals(dynamicString), no null pointer exceptions is a good thing.
You know, I always use the if (i == 0) format of the conditional and my reason for doing this is that I write most of my code in C# (which would flag the other one anyway) and I do a test-first approach to my development and my tests would generally catch this mistake anyhow.
I've worked in shops where they tried to enforce the 0==i format but I found it awkward to write, awkward to remember and it simply ended up being fodder for the code reviewers who were looking for low-hanging fruit.
Actually, the DialogResult example is a place where I WOULD recommend that style. It places the important part of the if() toward the left were it can be seen. If it's is on the right and the MessageBox have more parameters (which is likely), you might have to scroll right to see it.
OTOH, I never saw much use in the "(0 == i) " style. If you could remember to put the constant first, you can remember to use two equals signs,
I'm trying always use 1st case (0==i), and this saved my life a few times!
I think it's just a matter of style. And it does help with accidentally using assignment operator.
I absolutely wouldn't ask the programmer to grow up though.
I prefer (i == 0), but I still sort of make a "rule" for myself to do (0 == i), and then break it every time.
"Eh?", you think.
Well, if I'm making a concious decision to put an lvalue on the left, then I'm paying enough attention to what I'm typing to notice if I type "=" for "==". I hope. In C/C++ I generally use -Wall for my own code, which generates a warning on gcc for most "=" for "==" errors anyway. I don't recall seeing that warning recently, perhaps because the longer I program the more reflexively paranoid I am about errors I've made before...
if(DialogResult.OK == MessageBox.Show("Message"))
seems misguided to me. The point of the trick is to avoid accidentally assigning to something.
But who is to say whether DialogResult.OK is more, or less likely to evaluate to an assignable type than MessageBox.Show("Message")? In Java a method call can't possibly be assignable, whereas a field might not be final. So if you're worried about typing = for ==, it should actually be the other way around in Java for this example. In C++ either, neither or both could be assignable.
(0==i) is only useful because you know for absolute certain that a numeric literal is never assignable, whereas i just might be.
When both sides of your comparison are assignable you can't protect yourself from accidental assignment in this way, and that goes for when you don't know which is assignable without looking it up. There's no magic trick that says "if you put them the counter-intuitive way around, you'll be safe". Although I suppose it draws attention to the issue, in the same way as my "always break the rule" rule.
I use (i == 0) for the simple reason that it reads better. It makes a very smooth flow in my head. When you read through the code back to yourself for debugging or other purposes, it simply flows like reading a book and just makes more sense.
My company has just dropped the requirement to do if (0 == i) from its coding standards. I can see how it makes a lot of sense but in practice it just seems backwards. It is a bit of a shame that by default a C compiler probably won't give you a warning about if (i = 0).
Third option - disallow assignment inside conditionals entirely:
In high reliability situations, you are not allowed (without good explanation in the comments preceeding) to assign a variable in a conditional statement - it eliminates this question entirely because you either turn it off at the compiler or with LINT and only under very controlled situations are you allowed to use it.
Keep in mind that generally the same code is generated whether the assignment occurs inside the conditional or outside - it's simply a shortcut to reduce the number of lines of code. There are always exceptions to the rule, but it never has to be in the conditional - you can always write your way out of that if you need to.
So another option is merely to disallow such statements, and where needed use the comments to turn off the LINT checking for this common error.
I'd say that (i == 0) would sound more natural if you attempted to phrase a line in plain (and ambiguous) english. It really depends on the coding style of the programmer or the standards they are required to adhere to though.
Personally I don't like (1) and always do (2), however that reverses for readability when dealing with dialog boxes and other methods that can be extra long. It doesn't look bad how it is not, but if you expand out the MessageBox to it's full length. You have to scroll all the way right to figure out what kind of result you are returning.
So while I agree with your assertions of the simplistic comparison of value types, I don't necessarily think it should be the rule for things like message boxes.
both are equal, though i would prefer the 0==i variant slightly.
when comparing strings, it is more error-prone to compare "MyString".equals(getDynamicString())
since, getDynamicString() might return null.
to be more conststent, write 0==i
Well, it depends on the language and the compiler in question. Context is everything.
In Java and C#, the "assignment instead of comparison" typo ends up with invalid code apart from the very rare situation where you're comparing two Boolean values.
I can understand why one might want to use the "safe" form in C/C++ - but frankly, most C/C++ compilers will warn you if you make the typo anyway. If you're using a compiler which doesn't, you should ask yourself why :)
The second form (variable then constant) is more readable in my view - so anywhere that it's definitely not going to cause a problem, I use it.
Rule 0 for all coding standards should be "write code that can be read easily by another human." For that reason I go with (most-rapidly-changing value) test-against (less-rapidly-changing-value, or constant), i.e "i == 0" in this case.
Even where this technique is useful, the rule should be "avoid putting an lvalue on the left of the comparison", rather than the "always put any constant on the left", which is how it's usually interpreted - for example, there is nothing to be gained from writing
if (DateClass.SATURDAY == dateObject.getDayOfWeek())
if getDayOfWeek() is returning a constant (and therefore not an lvalue) anyway!
I'm lucky (in this respect, at least) in that these days in that I'm mostly coding in Java and, as has been mentioned, if (someInt = 0) won't compile.
The caveat about comparing two booleans is a bit of a red-herring, as most of the time you're either comparing two boolean variables (in which case swapping them round doesn't help) or testing whether a flag is set, and woe-betide-you if I catch you comparing anything explicitly with true or false in your conditionals! Grrrr!
In C, yes, but you should already have turned on all warnings and be compiling warning-free, and many C compilers will help you avoid the problem.
I rarely see much benefit from a readability POV.
Code readability is one of the most important things for code larger than a few hundred lines, and definitely i == 0 reads much easier than the reverse
Maybe not an answer to your question.
I try to use === (checking for identical) instead of equality. This way no type conversion is done and it forces the programmer do make sure the right type is passed,
You are right that placing the important component first helps readability, as readers tend to browse the left column primarily, and putting important information there helps ensure it will be noticed.
However, never talk down to a co-worker, and implying that would be your action even in jest will not get you high marks here.
I always go with the second method. In C#, writing
if (i = 0) {
results in a compiler error (cannot convert int to bool) anyway, so that you could make a mistake is not actually an issue. If you test a bool, the compiler is still issuing a warning and you shouldn't compare a bool to true or false. Now you know why.
I personally prefer the use of variable-operand-value format in part because I have been using it so long that it feels "natural" and in part because it seems to the predominate convention. There are some languages that make use of assignment statements such as the following:
:1 -> x
So in the context of those languages it can become quite confusing to see the following even if it is valid:
So that is something to consider as well. I do agree with the message box response being one scenario where using a value-operand-variable format works better from a readability stand point, but if you are looking for constancy then you should forgo its use.
This is one of my biggest pet peeves. There is no reason to decrease code readability (if (0 == i), what? how can the value of 0 change?) to catch something that any C compiler written in the last twenty years can catch automatically.
Yes, I know, most C and C++ compilers don't turn this on by default. Look up the proper switch to turn it on. There is no excuse for not knowing your tools.
It really gets on my nerves when I see it creeping into other languages (C#,Python) which would normally flag it anyway!
I believe the only factor to ever force one over the other is if the tool chain does not provide warnings to catch assignments in expressions. My preference as a developer is irrelevant. An expression is better served by presenting business logic clearly. If (0 == i) is more suitable than (i == 0) I will choose it. If not I will choose the other.
Many constants in expressions are represented by symbolic names. Some style guides also limit the parts of speech that can be used for identifiers. I use these as a guide to help shape how the expression reads. If the resulting expression reads loosely like pseudo code then I'm usually satisfied. I just let the expression express itself and If I'm wrong it'll usually get caught in a peer review.
We might go on and on about how good our IDEs have gotten, but I'm still shocked by the number of people who turn the warning levels on their IDE down.
Hence, for me, it's always better to ask people to use (0 == i), as you never know, which programmer is doing what.
It's better to be "safe than sorry"
if(DialogResult.OK == MessageBox.Show("Message")) ...
I would always recommend writing the comparison this way. If the result of MessageBox.Show("Message") can possibly be null, then you risk a NPE/NRE if the comparison is the other way around.
Mathematical and logical operations aren't reflexive in a world that includes NULLs.

Implementation of std::min [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Correct implementation of min
(2 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
The implementation of std::min on cppreference and in the original stl looks like this:
return (b < a) ? b : a;
But I think this is slightly more readable:
return (a < b) ? a : b;
Which makes me wonder: are both implementations equivalent? Is there a particular reason why it is implemented like it is?
The two different implementations would determine whether you choose the first or the second object as minimum if they are equal, which may make a difference for objects, if not for primitive types.
This, coupled with implementation of some other algorithms could have a larger impact. For example, if a sort algorithm uses min(a[i], a[j]) where i < j and a[i] and a[j] have the same value, the first implementation would result in no swap between the elements while the second does, making the sort unstable.
Note: As BoBTFish mentioned, the C++11 standard guarantees that both min and max return the left most minimum:
3 Remarks: Returns the first argument when the arguments are equivalent
6 Remarks: Returns a copy of the leftmost argument when several arguments are equivalent to the smallest
The implementations are not the same. What will happen in either implementation if a and b are equal? One will return a reference to a one will return a reference to b. The values of course are identical. But consider a struct in which the compare function only cared about one value, but some other values were different. This could have dramatic implications on sorting functions attempting to guarantee a stable sort.
Ultimately it's a style choice, in the event of equality should we return the first or second parameter? However, now that this style choice has been made, that it remains the same is very important, this is why things like standards definitions exist!
Search for "25.4.7" regarding maximum and minimum.
FWIW, it hasn't been my observation that STL was written to be especially easy to read, necessarily, but it's beautifully simple; in this case, the only other possible way to get the same result would be
return (a <= b) ? a : b;
which would be one more character, and, IMHO, actually not as easy to read. Additionally, see #Shahbaz 's commentary above on sort stability--operations like min have a well-defined behavior for inclusivity and exclusivity.
TL;DR because "Less than" is not the same as "Less than or equal to"
See comments below--this answer would be correct as a macro in C but actually is incorrect in C++ for reasons explained in the comments below. I'm marking this as incorrect but leaving it up because the comments are useful and important to understand. I apologize if I confused the issue for anyone.

Programming without if-statements? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
I remember some time (years, probably) ago I read on Stackoverflow about the charms of programming with as few if-tests as possible. This question is somewhat relevant but I think the stress was on using many small functions that returned values determined by tests depending on the parameter they receive. A very simple example would be using this:
int i = 5;
bool iIsSmall = isSmall(i);
with isSmall() looking like this:
private bool isSmall(int number)
return (i < 10);
instead of just doing this:
int i = 5;
bool isSmall;
if (i < 10) {
isSmall = true;
} else {
isSmall = false;
(Logically this code is just sample code. It is not part of a program I am making.)
The reason for doing this, I believe, was because it looks nicer and makes a programmer less prone to logical errors. If this coding convention is applied correctly, you would see virtually no if-tests anywhere, except in functions whose only purpose is to do that test.
Now, my question is: is there any documentation about this convention? Is there anyplace where you can see wild arguments between supporters and opposers of this style? I tried searching for the Stackoverflow post that introduced me to this, but I can't find it anymore.
Lastly, I hope this question doesn't get shot down because I am not asking for a solution to a problem. I am simply hoping to hear more about this coding style and maybe increase the quality of all coding I will do in the future.
This whole "if" vs "no if" thing makes me think of the Expression Problem1. Basically, it's an observation that programming with if statements or without if statements is a matter of encapsulation and extensibility and that sometimes it's better to use if statements2 and sometimes it's better to use dynamic dispatching with methods / function pointers.
When we want to model something, there are two axes to worry about:
The different cases (or types) of the inputs we need to deal with.
The different operations we want to perform over these inputs.
One way to implement this sort of thing is with if statements / pattern matching / the visitor pattern:
data List = Nil | Cons Int List
length xs = case xs of
Nil -> 0
Cons a as -> 1 + length x
concat xs ys = case ii of
Nil -> jj
Cons a as -> Cons a (concat as ys)
The other way is to use object orientation:
data List = {
length :: Int
concat :: (List -> List)
nil = List {
length = 0,
concat = (\ys -> ys)
cons x xs = List {
length = 1 + length xs,
concat = (\ys -> cons x (concat xs ys))
It's not hard to see that the first version using if statements makes it easy to add new operations on our data type: just create a new function and do a case analysis inside it. On the other hand, this makes it hard to add new cases to our data type since that would mean going back through the program and modifying all the branching statements.
The second version is kind of the opposite. It's very easy to add new cases to the datatype: just create a new "class" and tell what to do for each of the methods we need to implement. However, it's now hard to add new operations to the interface since this means adding a new method for all the old classes that implemented the interface.
There are many different approaches that languages use to try to solve the Expression Problem and make it easy to add both new cases and new operations to a model. However, there are pros and cons to these solutions3 so in general I think it's a good rule of thumb to choose between OO and if statements depending on what axis you want to make it easier to extend stuff.
Anyway, going back to your question there are couple of things I would like to point out:
The first one is that I think the OO "mantra" of getting rid of all if statements and replacing them with method dispatching has more to do with how most OO languages don't have typesafe Algebraic Data Types than it has to do with "if statemsnts" being bad for encapsulation. Since the only way to be type safe is to use method calls you are encouraged to convert programs using if statements into programs using the Visitor Pattern4 or worse: convert programs that should be using the visitor pattern into programs using simple method dispatch, therefore making extensibility easy in the wrong direction.
The second thing is that I'm not a big fan of breaking things into functions just because you can. In particular, I find that style where all the functions have just 5 lines and call tons of other functions is pretty hard to read.
Finally, I think your example doesn't really get rid of if statements. Essentially, what you are doing is having a function from Integers to a new datatype (with two cases, one for Big and one for Small) and then you still need to use if statements when working with the datatype:
data Size = Big | Small
toSize :: Int -> Size
toSize n = if n < 10 then Small else Big
someOp :: Size -> String
someOp Small = "Wow, its small"
someOp Big = "Wow, its big"
Going back to the expression problem point of view, the advantage of defining our toSize / isSmall function is that we put the logic of choosing what case our number fits in a single place and that our functions can only operate on the case after that. However, this does not mean that we have removed if statements from our code! If we have the toSize being a factory function and we have Big and Small be classes sharing an interface then yes, we will have removed if statements from our code. However, if our isSmall just returns a boolean or enum then there will be just as many if statements as there were before. (and you should choose what implementation to use depending if you want to make it easier to add new methods or new cases - say Medium - in the future)
1 - The name of the problem comes from the problem where you have an "expression" datatype (numbers, variables, addition/multiplication of subexpressions, etc) and want to implement things like evaluation functions and other things.
2 - Or pattern matching over Algebraic Data Types, if you want to be more type safe...
3 - For example, you might have to define all multimethods on the "top level" where the "dispatcher" can see them. This is a limitation compared to the general case since you can use if statements (and lambdas) nested deeply inside other code.
4 - Essentially a "church encoding" of an algebraic data type
I've never heard of such a convection. I don't see how it works, anyway. Surely the only point of having a iIsSmall is to later branch on it (possibly in combination with other values)?
What I have heard of is an argument to avoid having variables like iIsSmall at all. iIsSmall is just storing the result of a test you made, so that you can later use that result to make some decision. So why not just test the value of i at the point where you need to make the decision? i.e., instead of:
int i = 5;
bool iIsSmall = isSmall(i);
if (iIsSmall) {
<do something because i is small>
} else {
<do something different because i is not small>
just write:
int i = 5
if (isSmall(i)) {
<do something because i is small>
} else {
<do something different because i is not small>
That way you can tell at the branch point what you're actually branching on because it's right there. That's not hard in this example anyway, but if the test was complicated you're probably not going to be able to encode the whole thing in the variable name.
It's also safer. There's no danger that the name iIsSmall is misleading because you changed the code so that it was testing something else, or because i was actually altered after you called isSmall so that it is not necessarily small anymore, or because someone just picked a dumb variable name, etc, etc.
Obviously this doesn't always work. If the isSmall test is expensive and you need to branch on its result many times, you don't want to execute it many times. You also might not want to duplicate the code of that call many times, unless it's trivial. Or you might want to return the flag to be used by a caller who doesn't know about i (though then you could just return isSmall(i), rather than store it in a variable and then return the variable).
Btw, the separate function saves nothing in your example. You can include (i < 10) in an assignment to a bool variable just as easily as in a return statement in a bool function. i.e. you could just as easily write bool isSmall = i < 10; - it's this that avoids the if statement, not the separate function. Code of the form if (test) { x = true; } else { x = false; } or if (test) { return true; } else { return false; } is always silly; just use x = test or return test.
Is it really a convention? Should one just kill minimal if-constructs just because there could be frustration over it?
OK, if statements tend to grow out of control, especially if many special cases are added over time. Branch after branch is added and at the end no one is able to comprehend what everything does without spending hours of time and some cups of coffee into this grown instance of spaghetti-code.
But is it really a good idea to put everything in seperate functions? Code should be reusable. Code should be readable. But a function call just creates the need to look it up further up in the source file. If all ifs are put away in this way, you just skip around in the source file all the time. Does this support readability?
Or consider an if-statement which is not reused anywhere. Should it really go into a separate function, just for the sake of convention? there is some overhead involved here, too. Performance issues could be relevant in this context, too.
What I am trying to say: following coding conventions is good. Style is important. But there are exceptions. Just try to write good code that fits into your project and keep the future in mind. In the end, coding conventions are just guidelines which try to help us to produce good code without enforcing anything on us.

What are the advantages of squashing assignment and error checking in one line?

This question is inspired by this question, which features the following code snippet.
int s;
if((s = foo()) == ERROR)
I find this style hard to read and prone to error (as the original question demonstrates -- it was prompted by missing parentheses around the assignment). I would instead write the following, which is actually shorter in terms of characters.
int s = foo();
if(s == ERROR)
This is not the first time I've seen this idiom though, and I'm guessing there are reasons (perhaps historical) for it being so often used. What are those reasons?
I think it's for hysterical reasons, that early compilers were not so smart at optimizing. By putting it on one line as a single expression, it gives the compiler a hint that the same value fetched from foo() can be tested rather than specifically loading the value from s.
I prefer the clarity of your second example, with the assignment and test done later. A modern compiler will have no trouble optimizing this into registers, avoiding unnecessary loads from memory store.
When you are writing a loop, it is sometimes desirable to use the first form, as in this famous example from K&R:
int c;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
/* stuff */
There is no elegant "second-form" way of writing this without a repetition:
int c = getchar();
while (c != EOF) {
/* stuff */
c = getchar();
int c;
for (c = getchar(); c != EOF; c = getchar()) {
/* stuff */
Now that the assignment to c is repeated, the code is more error-prone, because one has to keep both the statements in sync.
So one has to be able to learn to read and write the first form easily. And given that, it seems logical to use the same form in if conditions as well.
I tend to use the first form mostly because I find it easy to read—as someone else said, it couples the function call and the return value test much more closely.
I make a conscious attempt at combining the two whenever possible. The "penalty" in size isn't enough to overcome the advantage in clarity, IMO.
The advantage in clarity comes from one fact: for a function like this, you should always think of calling the function and testing the return value as a single action that cannot be broken into two parts ("atomic", if you will). You should never call such a function without immediately testing its return value.
Separating the two (at all) leads to a much greater likelihood that you'll sometimes skip checking the return value completely. Other times, you'll accidentally insert some code between the call and the test of the return value that actually depends on that function having succeeded. If you always combine it all into a single statement, it (nearly) eliminates any possibility of falling into these traps.
I would always go for the second. It's easier to read, there's no danger of omitting the parentheses around the assignment and it is easier to step through with a debugger.
I often find the separation of the assignment out into a different line makes debugger watch or "locals" windows behave better vis-a-vis the presence and correct value of "s", at least in non-optimized builds.
It also allows the use of step-over separately on the assignment and test lines (again, in non-optimized builds), which can be helpful if you don't want to go mucking around in disassembly or mixed view.
YMMV per compiler and debugger and for optimized builds, of course.
I personally prefer for assignments and tests to be on different lines. It is less syntactically complicated, less error prone, and more easily understood. It also allows the compiler to give you more precise error/warning locations and often makes debugging easier.
It also allows me to more easily do things like:
int rc = function();
if (rc == ERROR) {
} else {
I prefer this style so much that in the case of loops I would rather:
while (1) {
int rc = function();
if (rc == ERROR) {
than do the assignment in the while conditional. I really don't like for my tests to have side-effects.
I often prefer the first form. I couldn't say exactly why, but it has something to do with the semantic involved.
The second style feels to me more like 2 separate operations. Call the function and then do something with the result, 2 different things. In the first style it's one logical unit. Call the function, save the temprary result and eventually handle the error case.
I know it's pretty vague and far from being completely rational, so I will use one or the other depending on the importance of the saved variable or the test case.
I believe that clarity should always prime over optimizations or "simplifications" based only on the amount of characters typed. This belief has stopped me from making many silly mistakes.
Separating the assignement and the comparison makes both clearer and so less error-prone, even if the duplication of the comparison might introduce a mistake once in a while. Among other things, parentheses become quickly hard to distinguish and keeping everything on one line introduces more parentheses. Also, splitting it up limits statements to doing only one of either fetching a value or assigning one.
However, if you expect people who will read your code to be more comfortable using the one-line idiom, then it is wide-spread enough not to cause any problems for most programmers. C programmers will definately be aware of it, even those that might find it awkward.

Any reason to replace while(condition) with for(;condition;) in C++?

Looks like
while( condition ) {
//do stuff
is completely equivalent to
for( ; condition; ) {
//do stuff
Is there any reason to use the latter instead of the former?
There's no good reason as far as I know. You're intentionally misleading people by using a for-loop that doesn't increment anything.
Based on the OP's comment to the question, I can speculate on how you might see such a construct in real code. I've seen (and used) this before:
lots::of::namespaces::container::iterator iter = foo.begin();
for (; iter != foo.end(); ++iter)
// do stuff
But that's as far as I'll go with leaving things out of a for-loop. Perhaps your project had a loop that looked like that at one time. If you add code that removes elements of a container in the middle of the loop, you likely have to control carefully how iter is incremented. That could lead to code that looks like this:
for (; iter != foo.end(); )
// do stuff
if (condition)
iter = foo.erase(iter);
However, that's no excuse for not taking the five seconds needed to change it into a while-loop.
Some compilers warn about constant loop conditions:
while (true) { /* ... */ } /* Warning! */
for (;;) { /* ... */ } /* No warning */
In the specific case of an infinite loop, I might choose a for loop over a while loop for that reason. But if the condition is not empty, I don't really see any benefit. My guess as to why it appeared in the mentioned project is that the code somehow evolved through maintenance, but was written in a more conventional way originally.
No. No. No.
Even if there were a microscopic performance difference, you'd have to be an end-stage Jedi performance tuner to have it matter enough to care.
Is there any reason to use the latter
instead of the former?
A misguided effort to impress your colleagues that you know that those two forms are equivalent.
A foolish maneuver to ensure "job security" by making your code as confusing as possible so that no one will ever want to change it.
The "w" key on your keyboard is broken.
It started life as a for loop with initializers and incrementing condition, and when the logic changed, the developer was too busy to change it.
It's possible to compile
UPDATE: The seemingly redundant extra scope is to cage any variable definitions in INIT, i.e. from for(int i = 0; ...). Thanks!
It's basically just a reordering of the expressions. So there's no reason to prefer one over the other, for performance reasons. I would recommend while() if possible, since it's simpler. If a simpler construct expresses what you want to do, I think that's the one to use.
As far as I know the two statements are optimized by the compiler into the same assember code anyway.. so no, there's no reason to do so - just personal preference.
I think "while" and "for" loops are meant for different idioms. The idiom of using "while" is "do something, while certain conditions are true". The idiom for "for" is "iterate over a certain range of elements"...
Whenever I read a code, I expect these idioms (and I think I am not alone). When I see "for" I understand, that someone is iterating over the certain range and I do not go into details. When I see the for cycle, used for another idiom (not the one, I expect), I get confused and have to go into details.
Anyway, it is very subjective...
In this case, I personally prefer the first loop as it is easier to write and read.
But if I have a loop that needs to some post statement, I'd use for loop like this:
for (; i < 10; i += 2)
There might be small compiler-dependent differences on the assembly level, but ideally both should behave exactly the same, and the former is more readable. So no, no reson to use the latter version other than nonconformism.
Compile both and check the resulting disassembly, if they are the same (which they probably are). Choose the one you find most readable.
if you want to do something a limited amount of times, then "for" let's you specify the constraint without jumbling it in with the logic inside your loop.
Keeping readability aside for a small while, there is usually no performance difference between the different loops. At least there is no significant difference.
For desktop applications you can chose based on Readability criteria. Refer to the other posts - e.g. looking at for loop someone thinks the incrementor is declared within the loop.
It seems for web applications e.g. client side scripting there might be a difference.
Check this site:
Run your own experiments and go by the results else stick by readability rules.
I can see 2 reasons, none of which I'd consider:
Only have 1 loop construct, but then Kristo's objection stands
write "for (; EVER;)", but then prefer a LOOP_FOREVER macro if really want this.
There really is no difference in C-ish languages between a for (;cond;) loop and a while loop. Generally what I do in C-ish languages is start off writing the loop as a "for" and change it into a "while" if I end up with that form. It is kinda rare though, as you are always iterating through something, and C lets you put any code you want in that last area.
It would be different if C had real (pre-computed iteration) for loops.
You might want to use a do-while loop instead of a for loop so the code is processed at least once before conditions are checked and met (or not).
I used to write some pretty cryptic C/C++ code. Looking back, I would probably do this in a while loop:
ifstream f("file.txt");
char c;
for(f.get(c); !f.eof(); f.get(c)) {
// ...
I guess my point is that for loops are usually shorter but less readable, if they're not used in the traditional sense of looping over a range.
This question has been answered - the language has a more natural construct for expressing what you want - you should use it. For example, I can certainly write this:
for (bool b = condition(); b; b = !b) {
/* more code */
while (condition()) {
/* more code */
instead of the more conventional:
if (condition()) {
/* more code */
But why? C (and all languages) have idioms and most of them make rational sense in terms of expressivity and expectation of meaning. When you dick with the idiom, your mess with the sensibilities of the person who has to read your code.