I am newbie to informatica.
I am using INFORMATICA 9.1.0 and oracle 11g as source and target database.
I tried to create one table in target database and tried to load data from source to target.
Table is getting created in target database. and I created mapping and workflow which is valid and i start work flow but it gave me following error.
Message Code RR_4036
Error connecting to database [ Arun
ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement
Database driver error...
Function Name : executeDirect
SQL Stmt : Arun
Oracle Fatal Error
Database driver error...
Function Name : ExecuteDirect
Oracle Fatal Error
please help me with good solutions.

I got solution for this.
Previously while creating remote connection in Relational Connection Editor for a session, In code page option i chose "UTF-8 encoding of unicode". Now i changed to "ms windows latin 1 (ansi) superset of latin1" and I restarted the workflow which is succeeded.
The following video link shows how to create relational connection for a session.


Tibco 7.14 connectivity issues with Hive EMR (AWS) using JDBC driver

Unable to view the table contents in Tibco Spotfire Analytics Explorer.
I have copied the hive EMR jar files to library folder in tibco server. Once the server is up, I tried to configure the data source in Information Designer. I am able to setup the datasource and I can see schema. But when I tried to expand the table, I am not getting any results
This is the error message I am getting here
Error message: An issue occurred while creating the default model. It may be partially constructed.
The data source reported a failure.
InformationModelException at Spotfire.Dxp.Data:
Error retrieving metadata: java.lang.NullPointerException (HRESULT: 80131500)
The following is the URL template in Information Designer
which I changed to
Please let me know what need to be changed in the driver config or any other place to see the contents of the table.

Issue connecting to Databricks table from Azure Data Factory using the Spark odbc connector

​We have managed to get a valid connection from Azure Data Factory towards our Azure Databricks cluster using the Spark (odbc) connector. In the list of tables we do get the expected list, but when querying a specific table we get an exception.
ERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][Hardy] (35) Error from server: error code:
'0' error message:
Error while using path xxxx for resolving path xxxx within mount at
'/mnt/xxxx'.'.. Activity ID:050ac7b5-3e3f-4c8f-bcd1-106b158231f3
In our case the Databrick tables and mounted parquet files stored in Azure Data Lake 2, this is related to the above exception. Any suggestions how to solve this issue?
Ps. the same error appaers when connectin from Power BI desktop.
In your configuration to mount the lake can you add this setting:
"": "true"
I haven't tried your exact scenario - however this solved a similar problem for me using Databricks-Connect.

Connect to database with Amazon Redshift

Trying to do something really simple, not sure why it's not working.
I downloaded SQL workbench and connected to my Redshift driver. Connection is fine. I created a database using CREATE DATABASE dbexample
Now I'm trying to connect to the database. I've tried \c dbexample and \connect dbexample and am getting the following error:
An error occurred when executing the SQL command:
\connect dbname
[Amazon](500310) Invalid operation: syntax error at or near "\"
Position: 1;
\connect dbname
1 statement failed.
Anyone know why it's not connecting?
The \backslash commands are specific to the psql utility and are not generic SQL commands for use in a product such as SQL Workbench.
Instead, specify the database name when you connect SQL Workbench to the database.
Provide the name of the database in the URL itself:

MySQL insert query work on sql managers but not from within php code

Im using WampServer and when i run this query:
insert into users (pname,puname,email,psw,Addr,Gps,Mob,Ass,About,Pic,Prev,Want,Pt,Rate,Dat)
values ("aaa","admin","a#a.a","a","a","33.3216452,44.35840350000001","11111111111",
"","","img/icon.png",0,0,0,0,"2014-01-15 08:04:32");
from phpmyadmin it works good but when i run it from browser (php code) i got this error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near '"aaa","admin","a#a.a","a","a",' at line 1
and when i run it from ems manager it say "Query OK, 1 rows affected" but no row added

FreeTDS SQL Server Invalid data type

I am using Ubuntu. I want to access Microsoft sql database using pyodbc in django. I installed all requirements. To do that, I wrote this
cursor.execute('SELECT Id FROM %s' %table_name)
I am getting error which is
[HY004] [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Invalid data type (0) (SQLBindParameter)')
But, when I try this
cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM mytable')
It works fine. Why do I see that error, Is there a way to solve that issue ?
SQL Server doesn't support variables for table names. Try building the whole statement as a string and then executing it.