What is critical resources to a std::mutex object - c++

I am new to concurrency and I am having doubts in std::mutex. Say I've a int a; and books are telling me to declare a mutex amut; to get exclusive access over a. Now my question is how a mutex object is recognizing which critical resources it has to protect ? I mean which variable?
say I've two variables int a,b; now i declare mutex abmut; Now abmut will protect what???
both a and b or only a or b???

Your doubts are justified: it doesn't. That's your job as a programmer, to make sure you only access a if you've got the mutex. If somebody else got the mutex, do not access a or you will have the same problems you'd have without the mutex. That goes for all thread-syncronization constructs. You can use them to protect a resource. They don't do it on their own.

Mutex is more like a sign rather than a lock. When someone sees a sign saying "occupied" in a public washroom, he will wait until the user gets out and flips the sign. But you have to teach him to wait when seeing the sign. The sign itself won't prevent him from breaking in. Of course, the "wait" order is already set by mutex.lock(), so you can use it conveniently.

A std::mutex does not protect any data at all. A mutex works like this:
When you try to lock a mutex you look if the mutex is not already locked, else you wait until it is unlocked.
When you're finished using a mutex you unlock it, else threads that are waiting will do that forever.
How does that protect things? consider the following:
#include <iostream>
#include <future>
#include <vector>
struct example {
static int shared_variable;
static void incr_shared()
for(int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
int example::shared_variable = 0;
int main() {
std::vector<std::future<void> > handles;
for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
handles.push_back(std::async(std::launch::async, example::incr_shared));
for(auto& handle: handles) handle.wait();
std::cout << example::shared_variable << std::endl;
You might expect it to print 1000000000, but you don't really have a guarantee of that. We should include a mutex, like this:
struct example {
static int shared_variable;
static std::mutex guard;
static void incr_shared()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex>{ guard };
for(int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
So what does this exactly do? First of all std::lock_guard uses RAII to call mutex.lock() when it's created and mutex.unlock when it's destroyed, this last one happens when it leaves scope (here when the function exits). So in this case only one thread can be executing the for loop because as soon as a thread passes the lock_guard it holds the lock, and we saw before that no other thread can hold it. Therefore this loop is now safe. Note that we could also put the lock_guard inside the loop, but that might make your program slow (locking and unlocking is relatively expensive).
So in conclusion, a mutex protects blocks of code, in our example the for-loop, not the variable itself. If you want variable protection, consider taking a look at std::atomic. The following example is for example again unsafe because decr_shared can be called simultaneously from any thread.
struct example {
static int shared_variable;
static std::mutex guard;
static void decr_shared() { shared_variable--; }
static void incr_shared()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex>{ guard };
for(int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
This however is again safe, because now the variable itself is protected, in any code that uses it.
struct example {
static std::atomic_int shared_variable;
static void decr_shared() { shared_variable--; }
static void incr_shared()
for(int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
std::atomic_int example::shared_variable{0};

A mutex doesn't inherently protect any specific variables... instead, the programmer needs to realise that they have some group of 1 or more variables that several threads may attempt to use, then use a mutex so that only one of those threads can be running such variable-using/changing code at any point in time.
Note especially that you're only protected from other threads' code accessing/modifying those variables if their code locks the same mutex during the variable access. A mutex used by only one thread protects nothing.

mutex is used to synchronize access to a resource. Say you have a data say int, where you are going to do read write operation using an getter and a setter. So both getter and setters will use the same mutex to to sync read/write operation.
both of these function will lock the mutex at the beginning and unlock it before it returns. you can use scoped_lock that will automatically unlock on its destructor.
void setter(value_type v){
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
value = v;
value_type getter() const{
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(mutex);
return value;

Imagine you sit at a table with your friends and a delicious cake (the resources you want to guard, e.g. some integer a) in the middle. In addition you have a single tennis ball (this is our mutex). Now, only a single person can have the ball (lock the mutex using a lock_guard or similar mechanisms), but everyone can eat the cake (access the integer a).
As a group you can decide to set up a rule that only whoever has the ball may eat from the cake (only the person who has locked the mutex may access a). This person may relinquish the ball by putting it on the table (unlock the mutex), so another person can grab it (lock the mutex). This way you ensure that no one stabs another person with the fork, while frantically eating the cake.
Setting up and upholding a rule like described in the last paragraph is your job as a programmer. There is no inherent connection between a mutex and some resource (e.g. some integer a).


Concurrency Model C++

Suppose you are given the following code:
class FooBar {
public void foo() {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
public void bar() {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
The same instance of FooBar will be passed to two different threads. Thread A will call foo() while thread B will call bar(). Modify the given program to output "foobar" n times.
For the following problem on leetcode we have to write two functions
void foo(function<void()> printFoo);
void bar(function<void()> printBar);
where printFoo and correspondingly printBar is a function pointer that prints Foo. The functions foo and bar are being called in a multithreaded environment and there is no ordering guarantee on how foo and bar is being called.
My solution was
class FooBar {
int n;
mutex m1;
condition_variable cv;
condition_variable cv2;
bool flag;
FooBar(int n) {
this->n = n;
void foo(function<void()> printFoo) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
unique_lock<mutex> lck(m1);
cv.wait(lck,[&]{return !flag;});
void bar(function<void()> printBar) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
unique_lock<mutex> lck(m1);
cv2.wait(lck,[&]{return flag;});
// printBar() outputs "bar". Do not change or remove this line.
Let us assume, at time t = 0 bar was called and then at time t = 10 foo was called, foo goes through the critical section protected by the mutex m1.
My question are
Does the C++ memory model because of the fencing property guarantee that when the bar function resumes from waiting on cv2 the value of flag will be set to true?
Am I right in assuming locks shared among threads enforce a before and after relationship as illustrated in the manner of Leslie Lamports clocking system. The compiler and C++ guarantees everything before the end of a critical section (Here the end of the lock) will be observed will be observed by any thread that renters the lock, so common locks, atomics, semaphore can be visualised as enfocing before and after behavior by establishing time in multithreaded environment.
Can we solve this problem using just one condition variable?
Is there a way to do this without using locks and just atomics. What performance improvements do atomics give over locks?
What happens if i do cv.notify_one() and correspondigly cv2.notify_one() within the critical region, is there a chance of a missed interrupt.
Original Problem
Leslie Lamports Paper
Does the C++ memory model because of the fencing property guarantee that when the bar function resumes from waiting on cv2 the value of flag will be set to true?
By itself, a conditional variable is prone to spurious wake-up. A CV.wait(lck) call without a predicate clause can return for kinds of reasons. That's why it's always important to check the predicate condition in a while loop before entering wait. You should never assume that when wait(lck) returns that the thing you were waiting for has actually happened. But with the clause you added within the wait: cv2.wait(lck,[&]{return flag;}); this check is taken care of for you. So yes, when wait(lck, predicate) returns, then flag will be true.
Can we solve this problem using just one condition variable?
Absolutely. Just get rid of cv2 and have both threads wait (and notify) on the first cv.
Is there a way to do this without using locks and just atomics. What performance improvements do atomics give over locks?
atomics are great when you can get away with polling on one thread instead of waiting. Imagine a UI thread that wants to show you the current speed of your car. And it polls the speed variable on every frame refresh. But another thread, the "engine thread" is setting that atomic<int> speed variable with every rotation of the tire. That's where it shines - when you already have a polling loop in place, and on x86, atomics are mostly implemented with the LOCK op code prefix (e.g. concurrency is done correctly by the CPU).
As for an implementation for just locks and atomics... well, it's late for me. Easy solution, both threads just sleep and poll on an atomic integer that increments with each thread's turn. Each thread just waits for value to be "last+2" and polls every few milliseconds. Not efficient, but would work.
It's a bit late in the evening for me to thing about how to do this with a single or pair of mutexes.
What happens if i do cv.notify_one() and correspondigly cv2.notify_one() within the critical region, is there a chance of a missed interrupt.
No, you're fine. As long as all your threads are holding a lock and checking their predicate condition before entering the wait call. You can do the notify call insider or outside of the critical region. I always recommend doing notify_all over notify_one, but that might even be unnecessary.

How to use mutex correctly as parameter for a memberfunction in a thread?

My Problem is that I dont know how to properly use the mutex. I understand how it works theoretically but I don´t know why it doesnt work in my code.I thought if I use a mutex on a var it will be blocked until it gets unlocked. Nevertheless it seems I still have a data race.
I tried to define a class mutex and a mutex in the main which I pass by reference. Somehow nothing of this works.
class test {
void dosmth(std::mutex &a);
int getT(){return t;};
int t = 0;
void test::dosmth(std::mutex &a) {
int main() {
test te;
std::mutex help;
std::thread t(&test::dosmth, std::addressof(te), std::ref(help));
for (int i = 0; i <te.getT() ; ++i) {
The result just should be that I get some output so I will now it works.
As Michael mentioned, you should synchronise the reader and writer to avoid undefined behaviour. Instead of passing the mutex as an argument, a common pattern is to make the mutex a member of the object (te), lock and unlock every time (prefer lock_gaurd instead of manually locking and unlocking) you enter a member function (that modifies internal state of the object). Here is some pseudo-code:
class Foo{
std::mutex m; // reader and writer are sync'ed on the same mutex
int data_to_sync;
int read(){
lock_gaurd<mutex> lg(m); //RAII lock
return data_to_sync;
//automagically released upon exit
void write(){
lock_gaurd<mutex> lg(m);
A mutex can only guarantee mutual exclusion if said mutex is used to regulate entry to all critical sections of code where a given object would be accessed concurrently. In your case, you have your second thread modify the value of the object te.t while your main thread is reading the value of the same object. Only one thread, however, is using a mutex to protect the access to te.t. The object te.t is not atomic. Therefore, you have a data race and, thus, undefined behavior [intro.races]/21.
You have to also lock and unlock the mutex in your for(;;) loop in main, e.g.:
for (int i = 0; i <te.getT() ; ++i) {
or better, using std::lock_guard:
std::lock_guard lock(help);
for (int i = 0; i <te.getT() ; ++i) {
I thought if I use a mutex on a var...
You don't use a mutex "on a var." Locking a mutex prevents other threads from locking the same mutex at the same time, but it does not stop other threads from accessing any particular variable(s).
If you want to use a mutex to protect a variable (or more typically, several variables) from being accessed by more than one thread at the same time, then it's up to you to ensure that you do not write any code that accesses the variables without locking the mutex first.

One mutex vs Multiple mutexes. Which one is better for the thread pool?

Example here, just want to protect the iData to ensure only one thread visit it at the same time.
struct myData;
myData iData;
Method 1, mutex inside the call function (multiple mutexes could be created):
void _proceedTest(myData &data)
std::mutex mtx;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
int const nMaxThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int iThread = 0; iThread < nMaxThreads; ++iThread)
threads.push_back(std::thread(_proceedTest, iData));
for (auto& th : threads) th.join();
Method2, use only one mutex:
void _proceedTest(myData &data, std::mutex &mtx)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
std::mutex mtx;
int const nMaxThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int iThread = 0; iThread < nMaxThreads; ++iThread)
threads.push_back(std::thread(_proceedTest, iData, mtx));
for (auto& th : threads) th.join();
I want to make sure that the Method 1 (multiple mutexes) ensures that only one thread can visit the iData at the same time.
If Method 1 is correct, not sure Method 1 is better of Method 2?
I want to make sure that the Method 1 (multiple mutexes) ensures that only one thread can visit the iData at the same time.
Your 1st example creates a local mutex variable on the stack, it won't be shared with the other threads. Thus it's completely useless.
It won't guarantee exclusive access to iData.
If Method 1 is correct, not sure Method 1 is better of Method 2?
It isn't correct.
The other answers are correct on the technical level, but there is an important language independent thing missing: you always prefer to minimize the number of different mutexes/locks/... !
Because: as soon as you have more than one thing that a thread needs to acquire in order to do something (to then release all acquired locks) order becomes crucial.
When you have two locks, and you have to different pieces of code, like:
getLockA() {
getLockB() {
do something
release B
release A
getLockB() {
getLockA() {
you can quickly run into deadlocks - because two threads/processes can acquire one lock each - and then they are both stuck, waiting for the other one to release its lock. Of course - when looking at the above example "you would never make a mistake, and always go A first then B". But what if those locks exist in completely different parts of your application? And they aren't acquired in the same method or class, but over the course of say 3, 5 nested method invocations?
Thus: when you can solve your problem with one lock - use one lock only! The more locks you need to get something done, the higher the risk to end up in dead locks.
Method 1 only works if you make the mutex variable static.
void _proceedTest(myData &data)
static std::mutex mtx;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
This will make mtx be shared by all threads that enter _proceedTest.
Since a static function scope variable is only visible to users of the function, it is not really a sufficient lock for the passed in data. This is because it is conceivable that multiple threads could be calling different functions that each want to manipulate data.
Thus, even though Method 1 is salvageable, Method 2 is still better, even though the cohesion between the lock and the data is weak.
The mutex in version 1 will go out of scope once you leave the _proceedTest scope, locking a mutex like that makes no sense because it will never be accessible to the other thread.
In the second version multiple threads can share the mutex (as long as it doesn't go out of scope, for example as a class member), this way one thread can lock it and the other thread can see that it is locked (and won't be able to lock it aswell, hence the term mutual exclusion).

When would getters and setters with mutex be thread safe?

Consider the following class:
class testThreads
int var; // variable to be modified
std::mutex mtx; // mutex
void set_var(int arg) // setter
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
var = arg;
int get_var() // getter
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
return var;
void hundred_adder()
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
int got = get_var();
set_var(got + 1);
When I create two threads in main(), each with a thread function of hundred_adder modifying the same variable var, the end result of the var is always different i.e. not 200 but some other number.
Conceptually speaking, why is this use of mutex with getter and setter functions not thread-safe? Do the lock-guards fail to prevent the race-condition to var? And what would be an alternative solution?
Thread a: get 0
Thread b: get 0
Thread a: set 1
Thread b: set 1
Lo and behold, var is 1 even though it should've been 2.
It should be obvious that you need to lock the whole operation:
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
var += 1;
Alternatively, you could make the variable atomic (even a relaxed one could do in your case).
int got = get_var();
set_var(got + 1);
Your get_var() and set_var() themselves are thread safe. But this combined sequence of get_var() followed by set_var() is not. There is no mutex that protects this entire sequence.
You have multiple concurrent threads executing this. You have multiple threads calling get_var(). After the first one finishes it and unlocks the mutex, another thread can lock the mutex immediately and obtain the same value for got that the first thread did. There's absolutely nothing that prevents multiple threads from locking and obtaining the same got, concurrently.
Then both threads will call set_var(), updating the mutex-protected int to the same value.
That's just one possibility that can happen here. You could easily have multiple threads acquiring the mutex sequentially and thus incrementing var by several values, only to be followed by some other, stalled thread, that called get_var() several seconds ago, and only now getting around to calling set_var(), thus resetting var to a much smaller value.
The code show in thread-safe in a sense that it will never set or get partial value of the variable.
But your usage of the methods does not guarantee that value will correctly change: reading and writing from multiple threads can collide with each other. Both threads read the value (11), both increment it (to 12) and than both set to the same (12) - now you counted 2 but effectively incremented only once.
Option to fix:
provide "safe increment" operation
provide equivalent of InterlockedCompareExchange to make sure value you are updating correspond to original one and retry as necessary
wrap calling code into separate mutex or use other synchronization mechanism to prevent operations to intermix.
Why don't you just use std::atomic for the shared data (var in this case)? That will be more safe efficient.
This is an absolute classic.
One thread obtains the value of var, releases the mutex and another obtains the same value before the first thread has chance to update it.
Consequently the process risks losing increments.
There are three obvious solutions:
void testThreads::inc_var(){
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
That's safe because the mutex is held until the variable is updated.
Next up:
bool testThreads::compare_and_inc_var(int val){
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
if(var!=val) return false;
return true;
Then write code like:
int val;
This works because the loop repeats until it confirms it's updating the value it read. This could result in live-lock though in this case it has to be transient because a thread can only fail to make progress because another does.
Finally replace int var with std::atomic<int> var and either use ++var or var.compare_exchange(val,val+1) or var.fetch_add(1); to update it.
NB: Notice compare_exchange(var,var+1) is invalid...
++ is guaranteed to be atomic on std::atomic<> types but despite 'looking' like a single operation in general no such guarantee exists for int.
std::atomic<> also provides appropriate memory barriers (and ways to hint what kind of barrier is needed) to ensure proper inter-thread communication.
std::atomic<> should be a wait-free, lock-free implementation where available. Check your documentation and the flag is_lock_free().

std::lock_guard example, explanation on why it works

I've reached a point in my project that requires communication between threads on resources that very well may be written to, so synchronization is a must. However I don't really understand synchronization at anything other than the basic level.
Consider the last example in this link: http://www.bogotobogo.com/cplusplus/C11/7_C11_Thread_Sharing_Memory.php
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;
// a global variable
// a global instance of std::mutex to protect global variable
std::mutex myMutex;
void addToList(int max, int interval)
// the access to this function is mutually exclusive
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(myMutex);
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
if( (i % interval) == 0) myList.push_back(i);
void printList()
// the access to this function is mutually exclusive
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(myMutex);
for (auto itr = myList.begin(), end_itr = myList.end(); itr != end_itr; ++itr ) {
cout << *itr << ",";
int main()
int max = 100;
std::thread t1(addToList, max, 1);
std::thread t2(addToList, max, 10);
std::thread t3(printList);
return 0;
The example demonstrates how three threads, two writers and one reader, accesses a common resource(list).
Two global functions are used: one which is used by the two writer threads, and one being used by the reader thread. Both functions use a lock_guard to lock down the same resource, the list.
Now here is what I just can't wrap my head around: The reader uses a lock in a different scope than the two writer threads, yet still locks down the same resource. How can this work? My limited understanding of mutexes lends itself well to the writer function, there you got two threads using the exact same function. I can understand that, a check is made right as you are about to enter the protected area, and if someone else is already inside, you wait.
But when the scope is different? This would indicate that there is some sort of mechanism more powerful than the process itself, some sort of runtime environment blocking execution of the "late" thread. But I thought there were no such things in c++. So I am at a loss.
What exactly goes on under the hood here?
Let’s have a look at the relevant line:
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(myMutex);
Notice that the lock_guard references the global mutex myMutex. That is, the same mutex for all three threads. What lock_guard does is essentially this:
Upon construction, it locks myMutex and keeps a reference to it.
Upon destruction (i.e. when the guard's scope is left), it unlocks myMutex.
The mutex is always the same one, it has nothing to do with the scope. The point of lock_guard is just to make locking and unlocking the mutex easier for you. For example, if you manually lock/unlock, but your function throws an exception somewhere in the middle, it will never reach the unlock statement. So, doing it the manual way you have to make sure that the mutex is always unlocked. On the other hand, the lock_guard object gets destroyed automatically whenever the function is exited – regardless how it is exited.
myMutex is global, which is what is used to protect myList. guard(myMutex) simply engages the lock and the exit from the block causes its destruction, dis-engaging the lock. guard is just a convenient way to engage and dis-engage the lock.
With that out of the way, mutex does not protect any data. It just provides a way to protect data. It is the design pattern that protects data. So if I write my own function to modify the list as below, the mutex cannot protect it.
void addToListUnsafe(int max, int interval)
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
if( (i % interval) == 0) myList.push_back(i);
The lock only works if all pieces of code that need to access the data engage the lock before accessing and disengage after they are done. This design-pattern of engaging and dis-engaging the lock before and after every access is what protects the data (myList in your case)
Now you would wonder, why use mutex at all, and why not, say, a bool. And yes you can, but you will have to make sure that the bool variable will exhibit certain characteristics including but not limited to the below list.
Not be cached (volatile) across multiple threads.
Read and write will be atomic operation.
Your lock can handle situation where there are multiple execution pipelines (logical cores, etc).
There are different synchronization mechanisms that provide "better locking" (across processes versus across threads, multiple processor versus, single processor, etc) at a cost of "slower performance", so you should always choose a locking mechanism which is just about enough for your situation.
Just to add onto what others here have said...
There is an idea in C++ called Resource Acquisition Is Initialization (RAII) which is this idea of binding resources to the lifetime of objects:
Resource Acquisition Is Initialization or RAII, is a C++ programming technique which binds the life cycle of a resource that must be acquired before use (allocated heap memory, thread of execution, open socket, open file, locked mutex, disk space, database connection—anything that exists in limited supply) to the lifetime of an object.
C++ RAII Info
The use of a std::lock_guard<std::mutex> class follows the RAII idea.
Why is this useful?
Consider a case where you don't use a std::lock_guard:
std::mutex m; // global mutex
void oops() {
in this case, a global mutex is used and is locked before the call to doSomething(). Then once doSomething() is complete the mutex is unlocked.
One problem here is what happens if there is an exception? Now you run the risk of never reaching the m.unlock() line which releases the mutex to other threads.
So you need to cover the case where you run into an exception:
std::mutex m; // global mutex
void oops() {
try {
} catch(...) {
m.unlock(); // now exception path is covered
// throw ...
This works but is ugly, verbose, and inconvenient.
Now lets write our own simple lock guard.
class lock_guard {
std::mutex& m;
lock_guard(std::mutex& m_):(m(m_)){ m.lock(); } // lock on construction
~lock_guard() { t.unlock(); }} // unlock on deconstruction
When the lock_guard object is destroyed, it will ensure that the mutex is unlocked.
Now we can use this lock_guard to handle the case from before in a better/cleaner way:
std::mutex m; // global mutex
void ok() {
lock_guard lk(m); // our simple lock guard, protects against exception case
} // when scope is exited our lock guard object is destroyed and the mutex unlocked
This is the same idea behind std::lock_guard.
Again this approach is used with many different types of resources which you can read more about by following the link on RAII.
This is precisely what a lock does. When a thread takes the lock, regardless of where in the code it does so, it must wait its turn if another thread holds the lock. When a thread releases a lock, regardless of where in the code it does so, another thread may acquire that lock.
Locks protect data, not code. They do it by ensuring all code that accesses the protected data does so while it holds the lock, excluding other threads from any code that might access that same data.