Follow layout except content - c++

Right now I have where the tablewidget and calendar resizes as the window is expanded/contracted. But as you can see my table (2 columns, x rows) also follow the layout. How do I break out of this? What I want is the calendar and table widget to resize as the form expands and the two columns filling up the entire widget. Something like this:

You have to set size policies for these widgets with setSizePolicy() method - here is docs . And chose behavior you desire from this enum
For example, if you want tablewidget to take all available space:


ListView32 - re-adding column doesn't restore data

I'm implementing show/hide column behaviour in a standard C++ Win32 application (no frameworks).
Say we've got 3 columns in a ListView control in Details view. The user has the option to show/hide the last two columns in order to see the extra detail if wanted or hide them to reduce clutter. All works well except that after the columns are deleted and then re-added, the data from the sub-items in those columns doesn't show up again, i.e. the columns are empty.
None of the items themselves have been altered in the meantime - do I lose the sub-item text when I delete the columns or I am missing something to force the columns to redraw the data?
Steps to reproduce:
1) Create a ListView32 control with 3 columns and add a bunch of items (and text to each of the items' sub-items). All good.
2) The user clicks "Hide Details", so I use LVM_DELETECOLUMN twice to remove the last two columns and they disappear. All good.
3) The user clicks "Show Details", so I use LVM_INSERTCOLUMN to add the last two columns and the headings appear, but the columns themselves are empty.
As an alternative, setting the column widths to zero is a hack and the user can still grab the re-size column splitter, so it's not a great option.
Many thanks for any suggestions.
Typically one does not store data in GUI. In case of plain listview32 you should add items specifying LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK instead of real text and then handle LVN_GETDISPINFOW notification supplying (sub)item data. Windows will send this notification for all items. You can force Windows to retrieve data again by sending LVM_UPDATE message.
Setting the column widths is a viable solution. That is the way I do it in my UIs when columns can be shown and hidden dynamically. It works fine.
To prevent the user from resizing "hidden" columns, simply subclass the ListView using SetWindowLongPtr(GWL_WNDPROC) or SetWindowSubclass() to intercept HDN_BEGINTRACK notifications from the ListView's header control:
Notifies a header control's parent window that the user has begun dragging a divider in the control (that is, the user has pressed the left mouse button while the mouse cursor is on a divider in the header control). This notification code is sent in the form of a WM_NOTIFY message.
Returns FALSE to allow tracking of the divider, or TRUE to prevent tracking.

Qt - Can Several QtableWidgets share linked Items

Qt Several tableWidgets share linked Items
Hi, in Qt I have a QMainWindow -> centralWidget (QWidget) -> QtabWidget -> then 10 Tabs (QWidgets) -> each with up to 26 QtableWidgets:
Sample 1
Sample 2
The idea is that instead of this:
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_Add_Player_clicked()
. [10 tableWidgets in Total]
Is there a way so that I can add a column each time to every tableWidget with less code.
Of course that's not there is to it, in fact I want to know is there is a way to link some of the Items of each that are actually the same Item but it's repeated in each like for example the Player Name is the same per row in each tableWidget, so if the user edits the name in one, it should change it in the same row in every tableWidget.
Is there a way to link them somehow, or the only way it's checking for item changes as signals.
I would also like that if I sort by column in one tableWidget, the new arrangement of the rows should be the same in every tableWidget.
Can anyone point me in the correct direction, the only idea I have it's using signals for ItemChanged. Isn't there a better way?
Thanks a lot for your time.
If your tables are the same data, you should consider getting some nice model view controller action going (also say that phrase a lot when applying for jobs, they like that ;))
To do this you need to create a tablemodel. And a TableView widget. This way, the data is shared, so it exists in only one place. All your TableViews just show the data. You can have a look at QSortedFilterProxy to filter your data for a specific view(i have never used this, so don't know). That way you have your playerModel somewhere, and each view has a proxyModel that only shows for instance the active players.

interactivly resizable rows in QListWidget

In a QTableWidget I can configure the rows to be resizable by the user on run time by setting the verticalHeader's resizeMode to Interactive like this:
How would I configure a similar behavior for QListWidget? Unfortunately the QListWidget resizeMode does not have an Interactive item and I haven't found anything similar.
The best would be to configure it for the whole list but when it's possible for single rows/items that would be ok, too.
As doc said:
This view does not display horizontal or vertical headers; to display
a list of items with a horizontal header, use QTreeView instead.
So you should use QTreeView (or QTreeWidget) with one column and maybe with specific style.
Another approach. There are no header, so you can provide some instrument (dialog window, slider or something else) where user will be able to change row height, to change row height you should just use setData() and set QSize() to Qt::SizeHintRole. For example:

QTableWidget - combobox delegate how do I allow different options per cell

I have a QTableWidget with two columns that are currently using a ComboboxDelegate (my subclass of QItemDelegate) to present options to the user. I'd like the choice in the first column to effect the options available in the second, for the current row only.
E.g have a list of cars in the first column, and in the second a list of colours which are available for that car. Other rows to have different cars selected and thus different colour choices available.
From what I can see, I can only set an item delegate per row or column, so I can't see how to change the options in the second column's delegate without affecting all the other rows.
Is this possible? I'd really like to avoid going to a full view/model separation as I have quite a bit of code looking at this QTableWidget already (and I'm under time pressure)
Well for those interested; I went back to my pre-delegate approach, which was to use QTableWidget::setItemWidget() to provide a combobox widget for each cell.
I subclassed qcombobox to take a reference to the table, and connected the combobox CurrentIndexChanged with a slot to update the table data.
(setting a widget in a cell does not affect the tablewidget data unless you do this).
Using a full combobox like this is more expensive than an itemdelegate, but my tables are very small so I can get away with it. The rendering of the combobox is not as nice as the delegate (the combobox is visible all the time instead of only during editing in the delegate's case), but with time I'm sure I can improve on this.

GtkTreeView Column Header Click Event

I have a question. I have a GtkListStore and a GtkTreeView, and I want to sort the GtkListStore and update the result to the GtkTreeView when the user clicks on a certain column of the GtkTreeView. I am assuming that the columns are clickable, and cannot be re-ordered, so the numerical order of the columns can be used to set the sorting column's index. But I cannot seem to find which signal gets emitted when the user clicks on the header of a particular column. I have gone through the GTKMM documentation time and again, but it does not seem to be mentioned!
Use Gtk::TreeView::get_column(<column-no>) to get a particular column and attach to its "clicked" signal using Gtk::TreeViewColumn::signal_clicked():
Gtk::TreeViewColumn* col = myview.get_column(SOME_COLUMN_NUMBER);
That's not how you're supposed to do it.
There can be several views hooked up to the same model; sorting is not something you do to the model, it's something you do to the view.
See the GtkTreeSortable interface (and its GtkTreeModelSort implementation).