TCL :I am getting the following error while creating fibonacci - list

proc Fibonacci {x} {
set n(0) 0; set n(1) 1
set i 2
while {$i <= $x} {
set n($i) [expr n($i-2) + n($i-1)]
incr i
return $n($i)
set y [Fibonacci 10]
puts "$y"
I am getting the below error while compliling the above program. please correct me

Your problem is twofold in this statement:
set n($i) [expr n($i-2) + n($i-1)]
First of all, you have to get the value of n($i-2), not it's name, so you should change it to this:
set n($i) [expr {$n($i-2) + $n($i-1)}]
I also introduced {} to make expr a bit tidier and less error-prone. However, that still won't work, because $i-2 will not be calculated before trying to index the n array, so you need this:
set n($i) [expr {$n([expr {$i-2}]) + $n([expr {$i-1}])}]
Fixed? Nope, this line is still wrong:
return $n($i)
You see, you index by $i, but in your loop, you write to n($i) and after that immediately increase i, so it will be one higher than the last element. You need to change it to this:
return $n($x)
This gives a working version with your code:
proc Fibonacci {x} {
set n(0) 0
set n(1) 1
set i 2
while {$i <= $x} {
set n($i) [expr {$n([expr {$i-2}]) + $n([expr {$i-1}])}]
incr i
return $n($x)
set y [Fibonacci 10]
puts "$y"
This can still be done bether however, let's use for instead of while:
proc Fibonacci1 {x} {
set n(0) 0
set n(1) 1
for {set i 2} {$i <= $x} {incr i} {
set n($i) [expr {$n([expr {$i-2}]) + $n([expr {$i-1}])}]
return $n($x)
And let's replace that array by a list, which semantics work much better here:
proc Fibonacci2 {x} {
set n [list 0 1]
for {set i 2} {$i <= $x} {incr i} {
lappend n [expr {[lindex $n end] + [lindex $n end-1]}]
return [lindex $n end]
Arrays are quite useless here as they are actually associative containers in tcl, a list is a sequential container, what you obviously use in this algorithm. You can see this in speed, this was what I got on my computer with tcl 8.6:
time {Fibonacci1 100} 10000
64.1805 microseconds per iteration
time {Fibonacci2 100} 10000
23.9295 microseconds per iteration

Here is a working solution based on your code:
proc Fibonacci {x} {
set n(0) 0; set n(1) 1
set i 2
while {$i <= $x} {
set fiboMinus1 $n([expr {$i - 1}])
set fiboMinus2 $n([expr {$i - 2}])
set n($i) [expr {$fiboMinus1 + $fiboMinus2}]
incr i
return $n($x)
set y [Fibonacci 10]
puts "$y"


Get the top x values (independent of the sign) from a list with sign using TCL or sqlite

Having a list with positive and negative numbers the goal is the ge the top x values based on the abs value of the numbers, but with the sign. e.g.
set Input [list -3122.0 -1618.0 -1551.0 -894.2 296.4 2226.0 1855.0 1318.0 872.5 2004.0 2026.0 2828.0 ]
Output should be (when requesting only the top 10):
Output [ list -3122.0 2828.0 2226.0 2026.0 2004.0 1855.0 -1618.0 -1551.0 1318.0 -894.2 ]
I use the following code,
set ForceIDsPosetiv [ DB eval { SELECT Forcec FROM MaxForces WHERE Force > 0} ]
set ForceIDsNegativ [ DB eval { SELECT Forcec FROM MaxForces WHERE Force < 0} ]
set ForceIDsPosetiv [lsort -decreasing -real $ForceIDsPosetiv]
set ForceIDsNegativ [lsort -increasing -real $ForceIDsNegativ]
set SortedForcList ""
for {set row 0 } { $row <= 9 } {incr row} {
set firstForcePos [lindex $ForceIDsPosetiv 0]
set firstForceNeg [lindex $ForceIDsNegativ 0]
if { $firstForcePos == "" } {
lappend SortedForcList $firstForceNeg
set ForceIDsNegativ [lreplace $ForceIDsNegativ 0 0]
} else {
if { $firstForceNeg == "" } {
lappend SortedForcList $firstForcePos
set ForceIDsPosetiv [lreplace $ForceIDsPosetiv 0 0]
} else {
if { abs($firstForcePos) > abs($firstForceNeg) } {
lappend SortedForcList $firstForcePos
set ForceIDsPosetiv [lreplace $ForceIDsPosetiv 0 0]
} else {
lappend SortedForcList $firstForceNeg
set ForceIDsNegativ [lreplace $ForceIDsNegativ 0 0]
but I have the feeling that there is a far more efficient way to solve this. Do you have any suggestions? As you can see i use a sqlite db in the beginning. The table has only one column with all the forces. So an solution using sqlite would also be appreciated.
I don't know about TCL, but the SQL query would be something like:
FROM Maxforces
ORDER BY abs(Forcec) DESC
The idea is to sort by the absolute values of the numbers in descending order (So the largest one is first), but return the original numbers.
Edit: Now I do know about TCL:
set Input [list -3122.0 -1618.0 -1551.0 -894.2 296.4 2226.0 1855.0 1318.0 872.5 2004.0 2026.0 2828.0 ]
proc abscomp {a b} {
set a [::tcl::mathfunc::abs $a]
set b [::tcl::mathfunc::abs $b]
if {$a < $b} {
return -1
} elseif { $a > $b } {
return 1
} else {
return 0
set Output [lrange [lsort -decreasing -command abscomp $Input] 0 9]

How to make specific lists value (tcl)

I want to make specific repetitive lists.
XA0 XB0 XC0 XD0 XD1 XC1 XB1 XA1 XA2 XB2 XC2 XD2 XD3 XC3 XB3 XA3.....
As you see, A-B-C-D-D-C-B-A ... what is repetitive patterns & counts are also expanded.
Experts! Please help me!!
OK, flipping the pattern makes this a little trickier. But we have lreverse so it's not too difficult; we just need to flip the list of letters after each round of iterating through it.
set resultList {}
set letters {A B C D}
for {set i 0} {$i <= 3} {incr i} {
foreach ch $letters {
lappend resultList "X${ch}${i}"
set letters [lreverse $letters]
puts $resultList
# XA0 XB0 XC0 XD0 XD1 XC1 XB1 XA1 XA2 XB2 XC2 XD2 XD3 XC3 XB3 XA3

How can I compare two lists (containing character and number in it) in tcl?

I have two lists called hga and bbb. I am using tcl from a software called VMD. Now I would like to compare these lists by finding the common residues and different residues in these lists. How can I do that?
% set hga [atomselect 0 "name CA and within 8 of resname HEM"]
% set bbb [atomselect 1 "name CA and within 8 of resname HEM"]
% $hga get {resname resid}
% $bbb get {resname resid}
resname part is character and resid part is a number.
UPDATE : using package require struct gives me error. And I am not the root user.
I don't have VMD so I made proc from example output. This script finds indexes with the same attribute value. You need to set the attributes and use them in your get. Example:
set attrs {name backbone}
set values [$sel get $attrs]
set answer [same_values $attrs $values]
Test script
# $sel get {attr1 attr2}
# is a list of sublists. {attr1 attr2} {attr1 attr2} ...
set attrs {name backbone}
set values "{N 1} {H 0} {CA 1} {CB 0} {C 1} {O 1}"
proc same_values {attrs values} {
set len [llength $values]
set attrs_length [llength $attrs]
for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
set item_a [lindex $values $i]
set search_indexes [list]
for {set k 0} {$k < $attrs_length} {incr k} {
set key [list [lindex $attrs $k] [lindex $item_a $k]]
if {![info exists "matches($key)"]} {
# value hasn't been indexed.
# create index list and add to search list
set "matches($key)" [list $i]
lappend search_indexes $k
# continue if we don't have anything to search
if {[llength $search_indexes] == 0} {continue}
# search the rest of the list for matches
for {set j [expr $i + 1]} {$j < $len} {incr j} {
set item_b [lindex $values $j]
foreach {k} $search_indexes {
set a [lindex $item_a $k]
set b [lindex $item_b $k]
set attr [lindex $attrs $k]
if {$a == $b} {
set key [list $attr $a]
lappend "matches($key)" $j
set result [list]
set keys [lsort [array names matches]]
foreach {key} $keys {
lappend result $key "$matches($key)"
return $result
set answer [same_values $attrs $values]
foreach {attr_value indexes} $answer {
puts "$attr_value = $indexes"
% ./test.tcl
backbone 0 = 1 3
backbone 1 = 0 2 4 5
name C = 4
name CA = 2
name CB = 3
name H = 1
name N = 0
name O = 5

how to copy some part of the list to a new list in TCL?

I have a list as the following:
set list1 {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
how to copy three elements of it to another list every time?
for example after copy:
listc1 is {1,2,3}
listc2 is {4,5,6}
listc3 is {7,8,9}
Your first statement is slightly off: Tcl does not use comma to separate list elements, it uses spaces. Below is a code snippet which will do what you want:
set list1 {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
set counter 0
foreach {a b c} $list1 {
set listc[incr counter] [list $a $b $c]
The foreach statement takes 3 elements from the list at a time. In the first iteration, a=1, b=2, c=3. In the second, a=4, b=5, c=6 and so on.
The expression listc[incr counter] will yield listc1, listc2, ...
If the list's length is not divisible by three, then the last listc* will be filled with empty elements.
Here's one method, should work in any version of Tcl
proc partition {lst size} {
set partitions [list]
while {[llength $lst] != 0} {
lappend partitions [lrange $lst 0 [expr {$size - 1}]]
set lst [lrange $lst $size end]
return $partitions
set list1 {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
lassign [partition $list1 3] listc1 listc2 listc3
foreach var {listc1 listc2 listc3} {puts $var=[set $var]}
listc1=1 2 3
listc2=4 5 6
listc3=7 8 9
In Tcl 8.6, I'd look into using a coroutine and yield the next partition.
Generalizing #kostik's answer:
proc partition {list size} {
for {set i 0; set j [expr {$size - 1}]} {$i < [llength $list]} {incr i $size; incr j $size} {
lappend partitions [lrange $list $i $j]
return $partitions
set list1 {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
set listc1 [lrange $list1 0 2]
set listc2 [lrange $list1 3 5]
set listc3 [lrange $list1 6 9]
Since Tcl 8.4 the last statement might be written as
set listc3 [lrange $list1 6 end]

Looking for an efficient implementation of the reverse of lzip or interleave in Tcl: Building sublists with every nth item

This describes an interleave function that can lzip data:
% interleave {a b c} {1 2 3}
a 1 b 2 c 3
I am looking for the reverse operation. Also I would like to specify into how many sublists the input shall be split. For example:
% lnth {a 1 b 2 c 3} 1
{a 1 b 2 c 3}
% lnth {a 1 b 2 c 3} 2
{a b c} {1 2 3}
% lnth {a 1 b 2 c 3} 3
{a 2} {1 c} {b 3}
% lnth {a 1 b 2 c 3} 6
{a} {1} {b} {2} {c} {3}
For uneven splits, the missing elements shall be just omitted. If you feel like it you could provide a default argument to be filled in, but that's not required. Also I don't mind the exact quotation of the two corner cases where n==1 or n==[llength $L]. Thanks Hai Vu for pointing this out in your earlier answer.
It would be good to have some notion of complexity in time and memory.
I'm on Tcl8.4 (this cannot be changed).
For these kind of benchmark question its always good to have a central summary. All tests ran on the same machine, on the (rather small) example list $L as shown below. It's all highly un-scientific.Good code comes from the answers below, errors are mine.
Test code:
proc build_list {len} {
incr len
while {[incr len -1]} {
lappend res {}
set res
proc lnth3_prebuild_no_modulo {L n} {
# Build empty 2D list to hold result
set iterations [expr {int(ceil(double([llength $L]) / $n))}]
set one [build_list $iterations]
set res [list]
set cnt [expr {$n+1}]
while {[incr cnt -1]} {
lappend res $one
# Fill in original/real values
set iteration 0
set subListNumber 0
foreach item $L {
lset res $subListNumber $iteration $item
if {[incr subListNumber] == $n} {
set subListNumber 0
incr iteration
set res
proc lnth3_no_modulo {L n} {
# Create a list of variables: subList0, subList1, subList2, ...
for {set subListNumber 0} {$subListNumber < $n} {incr subListNumber} {
set subList$subListNumber {}
# Build the sub-lists
set subListNumber 0
foreach item $L {
lappend subList$subListNumber $item
if {[incr subListNumber] == $n} {
set subListNumber 0
# Build the result from all the sub-lists
set result {}
for {set subListNumber 0} {$subListNumber < $n} {incr subListNumber} {
lappend result [set subList$subListNumber]
return $result
proc lnth {L n} {
set listvars ""
for {set cnt 0} {$cnt < $n} {incr cnt} {
lappend listvars "L$cnt"
set iterations [expr {ceil(double([llength $L]) / $n)}]
for {set cnt 0} {$cnt < $iterations} {incr cnt} {
foreach listvar $listvars el [lrange $L [expr {$cnt*$n}] [expr {($cnt+1)*$n-1}] ] {
lappend $listvar $el
set res [list]
foreach listvar $listvars {
lappend res [eval "join \$$listvar"]
set res
proc lnth_prebuild {L n} {
set iterations [expr {int(ceil(double([llength $L]) / $n))}]
set one [build_list $iterations]
set listvars ""
for {set cnt 0} {$cnt < $n} {incr cnt} {
lappend listvars L$cnt
set L$cnt $one
for {set cnt 0} {$cnt < $iterations} {incr cnt} {
foreach listvar $listvars el [lrange $L [expr {$cnt*$n}] [expr {($cnt+1)*$n-1}] ] {
lset $listvar $cnt $el
set res [list]
foreach listvar $listvars {
lappend res [eval "join \$$listvar"]
set res
proc lnth2 {L n} {
set listLen [llength $L]
set subListLen [expr {$listLen / $n}]
if {$listLen % $n != 0} { incr subListLen }
set result {}
for {set iteration 0} {$iteration < $n} {incr iteration} {
set subList {}
for {set i $iteration} {$i < $listLen} {incr i $n} {
lappend subList [lindex $L $i]
lappend result $subList
return $result
proc lnth3 {L n} {
# Create a list of variables: subList0, subList1, subList2, ...
for {set subListNumber 0} {$subListNumber < $n} {incr subListNumber} {
set subList$subListNumber {}
# Build the sub-lists
set i 0
foreach item $L {
set subListNumber [expr {$i % $n}]
lappend subList$subListNumber $item
incr i
# Build the result from all the sub-lists
set result {}
for {set subListNumber 0} {$subListNumber < $n} {incr subListNumber} {
lappend result [set subList$subListNumber]
return $result
# stuff subcommands in a namespace
namespace eval ::unlzip {}
proc unlzip {L n} {
# check if we have the proc already
set name [format "::unlzip::arity%dunlzip" $n]
if {[llength [info commands $name]]} {
return [$name $L]
} else {
# create it
proc $name {V} [::unlzip::createBody $n]
return [$name $L]
proc ::unlzip::createBody {n} {
for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
lappend names v$i
lappend lnames lv$i
set lbody ""
set ret {
return [list }
foreach lname $lnames name $names {
append lbody [format {
lappend %s $%s} $lname $name]
append ret "\$$lname "
append ret {]}
return [format {foreach {%s} $V { %s }
%s} $names $lbody $ret]
### Tests
set proc_reference lnth
set procs {lnth_prebuild lnth2 lnth3 unlzip lnth3_no_modulo lnth3_prebuild_no_modulo}
set L {a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4 e 5 f 6 g 7 h 8 j 9 i 10 k 11 l 12 m 13 n 14 o 15 p 16 q 17 r 18 s 19 t 20 u 21 v 22 w 23 x 24 y 25 z 26}
set Ns {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 26}
# Functional verification
foreach n $Ns {
set expected [$proc_reference $L $n]
foreach p $procs {
set result [$p $L $n]
if {$expected ne $result} {
puts "Wrong result for proc $p, N=$n."
puts " Expected: $expected"
puts " Got: $result"
# Table header
puts -nonewline [format "%30s" {proc_name\N}]
foreach n $Ns {
puts -nonewline [format " %7d" $n]
puts ""
# Run benchmarks
foreach proc_name [concat $proc_reference $procs] {
puts -nonewline [format "%30s" $proc_name]
foreach n $Ns {
puts -nonewline [format " %7.2f" [lindex [time "$proc_name \$L $n" 10000] 0]]
puts ""
The results:
proc_name\N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 26
lnth 33.34 23.73 21.88 20.51 21.33 21.33 22.41 23.07 23.36 25.59 26.09 38.39
lnth_prebuild 41.14 31.00 28.88 27.24 28.48 29.06 30.45 31.46 31.43 34.65 34.45 49.10
lnth2 8.56 8.08 8.35 8.78 9.12 9.29 9.66 9.98 10.29 10.61 11.22 14.94
lnth3 17.15 18.35 18.91 19.55 20.55 21.42 22.24 23.54 23.71 24.27 25.79 33.78
unlzip 5.36 5.25 5.03 4.97 5.27 5.42 5.52 5.43 5.42 5.96 5.51 6.83
lnth3_no_modulo 14.88 16.56 17.20 17.97 18.63 19.42 19.78 20.74 21.53 21.84 23.60 31.29
lnth3_prebuild_no_modulo 14.44 13.30 12.83 12.51 12.51 12.43 12.36 12.41 12.41 12.83 12.70 14.09
One option would be creating specialized procs on the fly:
Not sure how fast it is for larger N or larger sets, but should be quite fast for repeated runs, as you have nearly no overhead than straight calls to foreach and lappend.
package require Tcl 8.4
# stuff subcommands in a namespace
namespace eval ::unlzip {}
proc unlzip {L n} {
# check if we have the proc already
set name [format "::unlzip::arity%dunlzip" $n]
if {[llength [info commands $name]]} {
return [$name $L]
} else {
# create it
proc $name {V} [::unlzip::createBody $n]
return [$name $L]
proc ::unlzip::createBody {n} {
for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
lappend names v$i
lappend lnames lv$i
set lbody ""
set ret {
return [list }
foreach lname $lnames name $names {
append lbody [format {
lappend %s $%s} $lname $name]
append ret "\$$lname "
append ret {]}
return [format {foreach {%s} $V { %s }
%s} $names $lbody $ret]
proc ::unlzip::arity1unlzip {V} {
return [list $V]
# example how the function looks for N=2
proc ::unlzip::arity2unlzip {V} {
foreach {v1 v2} $V {
lappend lv1 $v1
lappend lv2 $v2
return [list $lv1 $lv2]
The disassambled bytecode for Tcl 8.6 for the N=3 proc would look like this (via Tcl 8.6. ::tcl::unsupported::disassemble proc:
ByteCode 0x00667988, refCt 1, epoch 5, interp 0x005E0B70 (epoch 5)
Source "foreach {v0 v1 v2} $V { \n\t lappend lv0 $v0\n\t "
Cmds 6, src 149, inst 86, litObjs 1, aux 1, stkDepth 3, code/src 0.00
Proc 0x00694368, refCt 1, args 1, compiled locals 9
slot 0, scalar, arg, "V"
slot 1, scalar, temp
slot 2, scalar, temp
slot 3, scalar, "v0"
slot 4, scalar, "v1"
slot 5, scalar, "v2"
slot 6, scalar, "lv0"
slot 7, scalar, "lv1"
slot 8, scalar, "lv2"
Exception ranges 1, depth 1:
0: level 0, loop, pc 17-57, continue 10, break 61
Commands 6:
1: pc 0-63, src 0-94 2: pc 17-30, src 32-46
3: pc 31-44, src 55-69 4: pc 45-57, src 78-93
5: pc 64-84, src 120-148 6: pc 73-83, src 128-147
Command 1: "foreach {v0 v1 v2} $V { \n\t lappend lv0 $v0\n\t "
(0) loadScalar1 %v0 # var "V"
(2) storeScalar1 %v1 # temp var 1
(4) pop
(5) foreach_start4 0
[data=[%v1], loop=%v2
it%v1 [%v3, %v4, %v5]]
(10) foreach_step4 0
[data=[%v1], loop=%v2
it%v1 [%v3, %v4, %v5]]
(15) jumpFalse1 +46 # pc 61
Command 2: "lappend lv0 $v0"
(17) startCommand +13 1 # next cmd at pc 30
(26) loadScalar1 %v3 # var "v0"
(28) lappendScalar1 %v6 # var "lv0"
(30) pop
Command 3: "lappend lv1 $v1"
(31) startCommand +13 1 # next cmd at pc 44
(40) loadScalar1 %v4 # var "v1"
(42) lappendScalar1 %v7 # var "lv1"
(44) pop
Command 4: "lappend lv2 $v2 "
(45) startCommand +13 1 # next cmd at pc 58
(54) loadScalar1 %v5 # var "v2"
(56) lappendScalar1 %v8 # var "lv2"
(58) pop
(59) jump1 -49 # pc 10
(61) push1 0 # ""
(63) pop
Command 5: "return [list $lv0 $lv1 $lv2 ]"
(64) startCommand +21 2 # next cmd at pc 85, 2 cmds start here
Command 6: "list $lv0 $lv1 $lv2 "
(73) loadScalar1 %v6 # var "lv0"
(75) loadScalar1 %v7 # var "lv1"
(77) loadScalar1 %v8 # var "lv2"
(79) list 3
(84) done
(85) done
As straight forward as it gets..., well, if the lists are incomplete (llength $L modulo $n isn't zero) you would need some little extra checks. As long as the lists are balanced, you could als pre populate the lists and use lset instead of lappend, which is faster, as it doesn't reallocate the list array so often.
Here is my approach: build one sub-list at a time, then append to the result before building the next one.
proc lnth2 {L n} {
set listLen [llength $L]
set subListLen [expr {$listLen / $n}]
if {$listLen % $n != 0} { incr subListLen }
set result {}
for {set iteration 0} {$iteration < $n} {incr iteration} {
set subList {}
for {set i $iteration} {$i < $listLen} {incr i $n} {
lappend subList [lindex $L $i]
lappend result $subList
return $result
Let say that L = {a 1 b 2 c 3} and n = 2, then I will build the first sub-list {a b c} by picking out the 0th, 2nd, and 4th items from the original list, append that to the result and move on the the second sub-list. Likewise, the second sub-list will be the 1th, 3rd, and 5th items.
After reviewing my solution, I still don't like the fact that I have to use lindex. I imagine lindex has to travese the list in order to find the list item, and my solution placed lindex right inside a loop; which means we traverse the same list several times. The next attempt is to traverse the list only once. This time, I mimic your algorithm, but avoid using the list functions such as lrange.
proc lnth3 {L n} {
# Create a list of variables: subList0, subList1, subList2, ...
for {set subListNumber 0} {$subListNumber < $n} {incr subListNumber} {
set subList$subListNumber {}
# Build the sub-lists
set i 0
foreach item $L {
set subListNumber [expr {$i % $n}]
lappend subList$subListNumber $item
incr i
# Build the result from all the sub-lists
set result {}
for {set subListNumber 0} {$subListNumber < $n} {incr subListNumber} {
lappend result [set subList$subListNumber]
return $result
Sadly, this attempt performs worse than my first attempt. I still don't understand why.
Got something now - but do not like it because it does not seem to be efficient:
proc lnth {L n} {
set listvars ""
for {set cnt 0} {$cnt < $n} {incr cnt} {
lappend listvars "L$cnt"
set iterations [expr {ceil(double([llength $L]) / $n)}]
for {set cnt 0} {$cnt < $iterations} {incr cnt} {
foreach listvar $listvars el [lrange $L [expr {$cnt*$n}] [expr {($cnt+1)*$n-1}] ] {
lappend $listvar $el
set res [list]
foreach listvar $listvars {
lappend res [eval "join \$$listvar"]
set res
The trick is to have a couple of sublists, stored in variables L0, L1, L2, and to create those sublists dynamically, depending on how many ($n) are wanted.
The number of iterations then depends on len($L)/$n, using the ceil() here to cover incomplete iterations.
The last loop assembles the overall result list.
I simply do not know how to get around constructing the result list more efficiently during the main work loop. And I know too little about the internal efficiencies of Tcl in lappend or alternatives. Also it may be faster to just iterate over L and dole out elements to those sublists...
Out of curiosity, and inspired by Donal's comment that linsert is actually O(1) because Tcl lists are implemented with C arrays, I tried to improve Hai Vu's answer a little: First be removing the modulo operation with a simple counter and comparison. And second by replacing the lappend with an lset. This latter change requires to prebuild the result array.
Here's the code:
proc lnth3_no_modulo {L n} {
# Create a list of variables: subList0, subList1, subList2, ...
for {set subListNumber 0} {$subListNumber < $n} {incr subListNumber} {
set subList$subListNumber {}
# Build the sub-lists
set subListNumber 0
foreach item $L {
lappend subList$subListNumber $item
if {[incr subListNumber] == $n} {
set subListNumber 0
# Build the result from all the sub-lists
set result {}
for {set subListNumber 0} {$subListNumber < $n} {incr subListNumber} {
lappend result [set subList$subListNumber]
return $result
proc build_list {len} {
incr len
while {[incr len -1]} {
lappend res {}
set res
proc lnth3_prebuild_no_modulo {L n} {
# Build empty 2D list to hold result
set iterations [expr {int(ceil(double([llength $L]) / $n))}]
set one [build_list $iterations]
set res [list]
set cnt [expr {$n+1}]
while {[incr cnt -1]} {
lappend res $one
# Fill in original/real values
set iteration 0
set subListNumber 0
foreach item $L {
lset res $subListNumber $iteration $item
if {[incr subListNumber] == $n} {
set subListNumber 0
incr iteration
set res
These two make small improvements on the run time - but not by much:
proc_name\N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 26
lnth3 17.41 18.62 19.07 19.99 21.39 21.45 23.90 23.58 23.62 24.50 25.67 33.91
lnth3_no_modulo 14.95 16.39 16.95 17.80 18.20 19.17 19.86 20.62 21.23 21.99 23.40 31.71
lnth3_prebuild_no_modulo 14.46 12.90 12.24 11.85 11.80 11.65 11.61 11.61 11.70 11.81 11.96 13.23
It seems the prebuild alternative becomes more effective the more lappend list operations would have to be done otherwise.
A simple and efficient algorithm is something like this:
foreach {a b c} $data {
lappend ra $a
lappend rb $b
lappend rc $c
list $ra $rb $rc
The downside is here that you have to specify different variables.
Upside is that it is efficient.