Is there no GetFilePointer(Ex) Windows API function? - c++

I am trying to debug a program that manipulates a file. For example, I set the file-pointer to offset 4 (using a base of 0), but it seems to be starting at offset 5 instead.
To try to figure out what is happening, I want to put in a line to print out the current file pointer (I’m not using an IDE for this little project, just Notepad2 and the command-line). Unfortunately there does not seem to be a Windows API function to retrieve the current file pointer, only one to set it.
I’m recall being able to find the current file pointer in Pascal (in DOS), but how can the current file pointer be determined in C++ in Windows?

Unlike most functions, that provide both a getter and setter (in the read-write sense), there is indeed no GetFilePointer or GetFilePointerEx.
However the value can be retrieved by calling SetFilePointer(Ex). The two SetFilePointer functions return the the return/output from SetFilePointer, but you have to make sure to specify an offset of 0, and FILE_CURRENT as the mode. That way, it moves 0 bytes from where it is, then returns (I can’t vouch for whether or not it wastes CPU cycles and RAM to perform the zero-move, but I would think they have optimized to not do so).
Yes, it is inconsistent and confusing (and redundant and poorly designed), but you can wrap it in your own GetFilePointer(Ex) function:
DWORD GetFilePointer (HANDLE hFile) {
return SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
LONGLONG GetFilePointerEx (HANDLE hFile) {
SetFilePointerEx(hFile, liOfs, &liNew, FILE_CURRENT);
return liNew.QuadPart;


WinAPI: Is it needed to call FlushInstructionCache on an executable memory-mapped file?

I have written a short program to read a windows obj file and find the .text section and run the code in it. To do this I make the following Windows API function calls (Full code [], for those interested):
HANDLE FileHandle = CreateFile("lib.obj",
HANDLE MappingHandle = CreateFileMapping(FileHandle, 0, PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, 0, 0, 0);
void *Address = MapViewOfFile(MappingHandle, FILE_MAP_EXECUTE | FILE_MAP_READ,
0, 0, 0);
I then find the .text section in the file and cast the pointer to the code to a function pointer in C++ and simply call the function. This actually appeared to work for me.
Have I made a mistake not calling FlushInstructonCache on the range of virtual memory mapped to the file?
I ask this because I was recently reading the VirtualAlloc documentation and it notes at the bottom:
When creating a region that will be executable, the calling program bears responsibility for ensuring cache coherency via an appropriate call to FlushInstructionCache once the code has been set in place. Otherwise attempts to execute code out of the newly executable region may produce unpredictable results.
Is it possible that my code will cause the CPU to execute old instructions in the instruction cache?
There is no such note on the MapViewOfFile or CreateFileMapping pages.
If you only load the file-content into memory using MapViewOfFile, it should be fine without.
If you MODIFY the content in memory, you need to flush the instructioncache before executing the code, as it MAY exist in cache in the unmodified form, and MAY then be executed without your modifications.
I use the word MAY because of two things:
it depends on the processor architecture whether the processor detects writes to the memory it is about to execute [some processors don't even have hardware to register writes to data that is in instruction caches - because it's so rare that it's very unlikely].
because it's hard to predict what may be in a cache - processors
have all manner of "clever" ways to prefetch and in general "fill"
Obviously, VirtualAlloc has zero chance of containing the data you wanted, so it's mentioned there because you'd ALWAYS write to it before executing.
Modifications include "fix up for absolute addresses" for example (something you'd have to do if you want to complete a project that loads something complex to execute it), or if you write a debugger, when you set a breakpoint by replacing an instruction with the INT 3 instruction on x86.
A second case of "modification" is if you unload the file, and load a different file (perhaps the "same" file, but rebuilt, for example), in which case, the previously executed code may still be in the cache, and you get the mysterious "why didn't my changes do what I expect"

C++ self erasing code [duplicate]

I was reading this question because I'm trying to find the size of a function in a C++ program, It is hinted at that there may be a way that is platform specific. My targeted platform is windows
The method I currently have in my head is the following:
1. Obtain a pointer to the function
2. Increment the Pointer (& counter) until I reach the machine code value for ret
3. The counter will be the size of the function?
Edit1: To clarify what I mean by 'size' I mean the number of bytes (machine code) that make up the function.
Edit2: There have been a few comments asking why or what do I plan to do with this. The honest answer is I have no intention, and I can't really see the benefits of knowing a functions length pre-compile time. (although I'm sure there are some)
This seems like a valid method to me, will this work?
Wow, I use function size counting all the time and it has lots and lots of uses. Is it reliable? No way. Is it standard c++? No way. But that's why you need to check it in the disassembler to make sure it worked, every time that you release a new version. Compiler flags can mess up the ordering.
static void funcIwantToCount()
// do stuff
static void funcToDelimitMyOtherFunc()
__asm _emit 0xCC
__asm _emit 0xCC
__asm _emit 0xCC
__asm _emit 0xCC
int getlength( void *funcaddress )
int length = 0;
for(length = 0; *((UINT32 *)(&((unsigned char *)funcaddress)[length])) != 0xCCCCCCCC; ++length);
return length;
It seems to work better with static functions. Global optimizations can kill it.
P.S. I hate people, asking why you want to do this and it's impossible, etc. Stop asking these questions, please. Makes you sound stupid. Programmers are often asked to do non-standard things, because new products almost always push the limits of what's availble. If they don't, your product is probably a rehash of what's already been done. Boring!!!
No, this will not work:
There is no guarantee that your function only contains a single ret instruction.
Even if it only does contain a single ret, you can't just look at the individual bytes - because the corresponding value could appear as simply a value, rather than an instruction.
The first problem can possibly be worked around if you restrict your coding style to, say, only have a single point of return in your function, but the other basically requires a disassembler so you can tell the individual instructions apart.
It is possible to obtain all blocks of a function, but is an unnatural question to ask what is the 'size' of a function. Optimized code will rearrange code blocks in the order of execution and will move seldom used blocks (exception paths) into outer parts of the module. For more details, see Profile-Guided Optimizations for example how Visual C++ achieves this in link time code generation. So a function can start at address 0x00001000, branch at 0x00001100 into a jump at 0x20001000 and a ret, and have some exception handling code 0x20001000. At 0x00001110 another function starts. What is the 'size' of your function? It does span from 0x00001000 to +0x20001000, but it 'owns' only few blocks in that span. So your question should be unasked.
There are other valid questions in this context, like the total number of instructions a function has (can be determined from the program symbol database and from the image), and more importantly, what is the number of instructions in the frequent executed code path inside the function. All these are questions normally asked in the context of performance measurement and there are tools that instrument code and can give very detailed answers.
Chasing pointers in memory and searching for ret will get you nowhere I'm afraid. Modern code is way way way more complex than that.
This won't work... what if there's a jump, a dummy ret, and then the target of the jump? Your code will be fooled.
In general, it's impossible to do this with 100% accuracy because you have to predict all code paths, which is like solving the halting problem. You can get "pretty good" accuracy if you implement your own disassembler, but no solution will be nearly as easy as you imagine.
A "trick" would be to find out which function's code is after the function that you're looking for, which would give pretty good results assuming certain (dangerous) assumptions. But then you'd have to know what function comes after your function, which, after optimizations, is pretty hard to figure out.
Edit 1:
What if the function doesn't even end with a ret instruction at all? It could very well just jmp back to its caller (though it's unlikely).
Edit 2:
Don't forget that x86, at least, has variable-length instructions...
For those saying that flow analysis isn't the same as solving the halting problem:
Consider what happens when you have code like:
jmp foo
You will have to follow the jump each time to figure out the end of the function, and you cannot ignore it past the first time because you don't know whether or not you're dealing with self-modifying code. (You could have inline assembly in your C++ code that modifies itself, for instance.) It could very well extend to some other place of memory, so your analyzer will (or should) end in an infinite loop, unless you tolerate false negatives.
Isn't that like the halting problem?
I'm posting this to say two things:
1) Most of the answers given here are really bad and will break easily. If you use the C function pointer (using the function name), in a debug build of your executable, and possibly in other circumstances, it may point to a JMP shim that will not have the function body itself. Here's an example. If I do the following for the function I defined below:
FARPROC pfn = (FARPROC)some_function_with_possibility_to_get_its_size_at_runtime;
the pfn I get (for example: 0x7FF724241893) will point to this, which is just a JMP instruction:
Additionally, a compiler can nest several of those shims, or branch your function code so that it will have multiple epilogs, or ret instructions. Heck, it may not even use a ret instruction. Then, there's no guarantee that functions themselves will be compiled and linked in the order you define them in the source code.
You can do all that stuff in assembly language, but not in C or C++.
2) So that above was the bad news. The good news is that the answer to the original question is, yes, there's a way (or a hack) to get the exact function size, but it comes with the following limitations:
It works in 64-bit executables on Windows only.
It is obviously Microsoft specific and is not portable.
You have to do this at run-time.
The concept is simple -- utilize the way SEH is implemented in x64 Windows binaries. Compiler adds details of each function into the PE32+ header (into the IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION directory of the optional header) that you can use to obtain the exact function size. (In case you're wondering, this information is used for catching, handling and unwinding of exceptions in the __try/__except/__finally blocks.)
Here's a quick example:
//You will have to call this when your app initializes and then
//cache the size somewhere in the global variable because it will not
//change after the executable image is built.
size_t fn_size; //Will receive function size in bytes, or 0 if error
and then:
#include <Windows.h>
//The function itself has to be defined for two types of a call:
// 1) when you call it just to get its size, and
// 2) for its normal operation
bool some_function_with_possibility_to_get_its_size_at_runtime(size_t* p_getSizeOnly = NULL)
//This input parameter will define what we want to do:
//Do this function's normal work
return true;
//Get this function size
//INFO: Works only in 64-bit builds on Windows!
size_t nFnSz = 0;
//One of the reasons why we have to do this at run-time is
//so that we can get the address of a byte inside
//the function body... we'll get it as this thread context:
CONTEXT context = {0};
DWORD64 ImgBase = 0;
RUNTIME_FUNCTION* pRTFn = RtlLookupFunctionEntry(context.Rip, &ImgBase, NULL);
nFnSz = pRTFn->EndAddress - pRTFn->BeginAddress;
*p_getSizeOnly = nFnSz;
return false;
This can work in very limited scenarios. I use it in part of a code injection utility I wrote. I don't remember where I found the information, but I have the following (C++ in VS2005):
#pragma runtime_checks("", off)
static DWORD WINAPI InjectionProc(LPVOID lpvParameter)
// do something
return 0;
static DWORD WINAPI InjectionProcEnd()
return 0;
#pragma runtime_checks("", on)
And then in some other function I have:
size_t cbInjectionProc = (size_t)InjectionProcEnd - (size_t)InjectionProc;
You have to turn off some optimizations and declare the functions as static to get this to work; I don't recall the specifics. I don't know if this is an exact byte count, but it is close enough. The size is only that of the immediate function; it doesn't include any other functions that may be called by that function. Aside from extreme edge cases like this, "the size of a function" is meaningless and useless.
The real solution to this is to dig into your compiler's documentation. The ARM compiler we use can be made to produce an assembly dump (code.dis), from which it's fairly trivial to subtract the offsets between a given mangled function label and the next mangled function label.
I'm not certain which tools you will need for this with a windows target, however. It looks like the tools listed in the answer to this question might be what you're looking for.
Also note that I (working in the embedded space) assumed you were talking about post-compile-analysis. It still might be possible to examine these intermediate files programmatically as part of a build provided that:
The target function is in a different object
The build system has been taught the dependencies
You know for sure that the compiler will build these object files
Note that I'm not sure entirely WHY you want to know this information. I've needed it in the past to be sure that I can fit a particular chunk of code in a very particular place in memory. I have to admit I'm curious what purpose this would have on a more general desktop-OS target.
In C++, the there is no notion of function size. In addition to everything else mentioned, preprocessor macros also make for an indeterminate size. If you want to count number of instruction words, you can't do that in C++, because it doesn't exist until it's been compiled.
What do you mean "size of a function"?
If you mean a function pointer than it is always just 4 bytes for 32bits systems.
If you mean the size of the code than you should just disassemble generated code and find the entry point and closest ret call. One way to do it is to read the instruction pointer register at the beginning and at the end of your function.
If you want to figure out the number of instructions called in the average case for your function you can use profilers and divide the number of retired instructions on the number of calls.
I think it will work on windows programs created with msvc, as for branches the 'ret' seems to always come at the end (even if there are branches that return early it does a jne to go the end).
However you will need some kind of disassembler library to figure the current opcode length as they are variable length for x86. If you don't do this you'll run into false positives.
I would not be surprised if there are cases this doesn't catch.
There is no facilities in Standard C++ to obtain the size or length of a function.
See my answer here: Is it possible to load a function into some allocated memory and run it from there?
In general, knowing the size of a function is used in embedded systems when copying executable code from a read-only source (or a slow memory device, such as a serial Flash) into RAM. Desktop and other operating systems load functions into memory using other techniques, such as dynamic or shared libraries.
Just set PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE at the address where you got your function. Then read every byte. When you got byte "0xCC" it means that the end of function is actual_reading_address - 1.
Using GCC, not so hard at all.
void do_something(void) {
printf("%s!", "Hello your name is Cemetech");
printf("size of function do_something: %i", (int)(&&do_something_END - (int)do_something));
below code the get the accurate function block size, it works fine with my test
runtime_checks disable _RTC_CheckEsp in debug mode
#pragma runtime_checks("", off)
DWORD __stdcall loadDll(char* pDllFullPath)
return 0;
//return test(pDllFullPath);
#pragma runtime_checks("", restore)
DWORD __stdcall getFuncSize_loadDll()
DWORD maxSize=(PBYTE)getFuncSize_loadDll-(PBYTE)loadDll;
PBYTE pTail=(PBYTE)getFuncSize_loadDll-1;
while(*pTail != 0xC2 && *pTail != 0xC3) --pTail;
if (*pTail==0xC2)
{ //0xC3 : ret
//0xC2 04 00 : ret 4
pTail +=3;
return pTail-(PBYTE)loadDll;
The non-portable, but API-based and correctly working approach is to use program database readers - like dbghelp.dll on Windows or readelf on Linux. The usage of those is only possible if debug info is enabled/present along with the program. Here's an example on how it works on Windows:
SYMBOL_INFO symbol = { };
symbol.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
// Implies, that the module is loaded into _dbg_session_handle, see ::SymInitialize & ::SymLoadModule64
::SymFromAddr(_dbg_session_handle, address, 0, &symbol);
You will get the size of the function in symbol.Size, but you may also need additional logic identifying whether the address given is a actually a function, a shim placed there by incremental linker or a DLL call thunk (same thing).
I guess somewhat similar can be done via readelf on Linux, but maybe you'll have to come up with the library on top of its sourcecode...
You must bear in mind that although disassembly-based approach is possible, you'll basically have to analyze a directed graph with endpoints in ret, halt, jmp (PROVIDED you have incremental linking enabled and you're able to read jmp-table to identify whether the jmp you're facing in function is internal to that function (missing in image's jmp-table) or external (present in that table; such jmps frequently occur as part of tail-call optimization on x64, as I know)), any calls that are meant to be nonret (like an exception generating helper), etc.
It's an old question but still...
For Windows x64, functions all have a function table, which contains the offset and the size of the function. . This function table is used for unwinding when an exception is thrown.
That said, this doesn't contain information like inlining, and all the other issues that people already noted...
int GetFuncSizeX86(unsigned char* Func)
if (!Func)
printf("x86Helper : Function Ptr NULL\n");
return 0;
for (int count = 0; ; count++)
if (Func[count] == 0xC3)
unsigned char prevInstruc = *(Func - 1);
if (Func[1] == 0xCC // int3
|| prevInstruc == 0x5D// pop ebp
|| prevInstruc == 0x5B// pop ebx
|| prevInstruc == 0x5E// pop esi
|| prevInstruc == 0x5F// pop edi
|| prevInstruc == 0xCC// int3
|| prevInstruc == 0xC9)// leave
return count++;
you could use this assumming you are in x86 or x86_64

Getting The Size of a C++ Function

I was reading this question because I'm trying to find the size of a function in a C++ program, It is hinted at that there may be a way that is platform specific. My targeted platform is windows
The method I currently have in my head is the following:
1. Obtain a pointer to the function
2. Increment the Pointer (& counter) until I reach the machine code value for ret
3. The counter will be the size of the function?
Edit1: To clarify what I mean by 'size' I mean the number of bytes (machine code) that make up the function.
Edit2: There have been a few comments asking why or what do I plan to do with this. The honest answer is I have no intention, and I can't really see the benefits of knowing a functions length pre-compile time. (although I'm sure there are some)
This seems like a valid method to me, will this work?
Wow, I use function size counting all the time and it has lots and lots of uses. Is it reliable? No way. Is it standard c++? No way. But that's why you need to check it in the disassembler to make sure it worked, every time that you release a new version. Compiler flags can mess up the ordering.
static void funcIwantToCount()
// do stuff
static void funcToDelimitMyOtherFunc()
__asm _emit 0xCC
__asm _emit 0xCC
__asm _emit 0xCC
__asm _emit 0xCC
int getlength( void *funcaddress )
int length = 0;
for(length = 0; *((UINT32 *)(&((unsigned char *)funcaddress)[length])) != 0xCCCCCCCC; ++length);
return length;
It seems to work better with static functions. Global optimizations can kill it.
P.S. I hate people, asking why you want to do this and it's impossible, etc. Stop asking these questions, please. Makes you sound stupid. Programmers are often asked to do non-standard things, because new products almost always push the limits of what's availble. If they don't, your product is probably a rehash of what's already been done. Boring!!!
No, this will not work:
There is no guarantee that your function only contains a single ret instruction.
Even if it only does contain a single ret, you can't just look at the individual bytes - because the corresponding value could appear as simply a value, rather than an instruction.
The first problem can possibly be worked around if you restrict your coding style to, say, only have a single point of return in your function, but the other basically requires a disassembler so you can tell the individual instructions apart.
It is possible to obtain all blocks of a function, but is an unnatural question to ask what is the 'size' of a function. Optimized code will rearrange code blocks in the order of execution and will move seldom used blocks (exception paths) into outer parts of the module. For more details, see Profile-Guided Optimizations for example how Visual C++ achieves this in link time code generation. So a function can start at address 0x00001000, branch at 0x00001100 into a jump at 0x20001000 and a ret, and have some exception handling code 0x20001000. At 0x00001110 another function starts. What is the 'size' of your function? It does span from 0x00001000 to +0x20001000, but it 'owns' only few blocks in that span. So your question should be unasked.
There are other valid questions in this context, like the total number of instructions a function has (can be determined from the program symbol database and from the image), and more importantly, what is the number of instructions in the frequent executed code path inside the function. All these are questions normally asked in the context of performance measurement and there are tools that instrument code and can give very detailed answers.
Chasing pointers in memory and searching for ret will get you nowhere I'm afraid. Modern code is way way way more complex than that.
This won't work... what if there's a jump, a dummy ret, and then the target of the jump? Your code will be fooled.
In general, it's impossible to do this with 100% accuracy because you have to predict all code paths, which is like solving the halting problem. You can get "pretty good" accuracy if you implement your own disassembler, but no solution will be nearly as easy as you imagine.
A "trick" would be to find out which function's code is after the function that you're looking for, which would give pretty good results assuming certain (dangerous) assumptions. But then you'd have to know what function comes after your function, which, after optimizations, is pretty hard to figure out.
Edit 1:
What if the function doesn't even end with a ret instruction at all? It could very well just jmp back to its caller (though it's unlikely).
Edit 2:
Don't forget that x86, at least, has variable-length instructions...
For those saying that flow analysis isn't the same as solving the halting problem:
Consider what happens when you have code like:
jmp foo
You will have to follow the jump each time to figure out the end of the function, and you cannot ignore it past the first time because you don't know whether or not you're dealing with self-modifying code. (You could have inline assembly in your C++ code that modifies itself, for instance.) It could very well extend to some other place of memory, so your analyzer will (or should) end in an infinite loop, unless you tolerate false negatives.
Isn't that like the halting problem?
I'm posting this to say two things:
1) Most of the answers given here are really bad and will break easily. If you use the C function pointer (using the function name), in a debug build of your executable, and possibly in other circumstances, it may point to a JMP shim that will not have the function body itself. Here's an example. If I do the following for the function I defined below:
FARPROC pfn = (FARPROC)some_function_with_possibility_to_get_its_size_at_runtime;
the pfn I get (for example: 0x7FF724241893) will point to this, which is just a JMP instruction:
Additionally, a compiler can nest several of those shims, or branch your function code so that it will have multiple epilogs, or ret instructions. Heck, it may not even use a ret instruction. Then, there's no guarantee that functions themselves will be compiled and linked in the order you define them in the source code.
You can do all that stuff in assembly language, but not in C or C++.
2) So that above was the bad news. The good news is that the answer to the original question is, yes, there's a way (or a hack) to get the exact function size, but it comes with the following limitations:
It works in 64-bit executables on Windows only.
It is obviously Microsoft specific and is not portable.
You have to do this at run-time.
The concept is simple -- utilize the way SEH is implemented in x64 Windows binaries. Compiler adds details of each function into the PE32+ header (into the IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION directory of the optional header) that you can use to obtain the exact function size. (In case you're wondering, this information is used for catching, handling and unwinding of exceptions in the __try/__except/__finally blocks.)
Here's a quick example:
//You will have to call this when your app initializes and then
//cache the size somewhere in the global variable because it will not
//change after the executable image is built.
size_t fn_size; //Will receive function size in bytes, or 0 if error
and then:
#include <Windows.h>
//The function itself has to be defined for two types of a call:
// 1) when you call it just to get its size, and
// 2) for its normal operation
bool some_function_with_possibility_to_get_its_size_at_runtime(size_t* p_getSizeOnly = NULL)
//This input parameter will define what we want to do:
//Do this function's normal work
return true;
//Get this function size
//INFO: Works only in 64-bit builds on Windows!
size_t nFnSz = 0;
//One of the reasons why we have to do this at run-time is
//so that we can get the address of a byte inside
//the function body... we'll get it as this thread context:
CONTEXT context = {0};
DWORD64 ImgBase = 0;
RUNTIME_FUNCTION* pRTFn = RtlLookupFunctionEntry(context.Rip, &ImgBase, NULL);
nFnSz = pRTFn->EndAddress - pRTFn->BeginAddress;
*p_getSizeOnly = nFnSz;
return false;
This can work in very limited scenarios. I use it in part of a code injection utility I wrote. I don't remember where I found the information, but I have the following (C++ in VS2005):
#pragma runtime_checks("", off)
static DWORD WINAPI InjectionProc(LPVOID lpvParameter)
// do something
return 0;
static DWORD WINAPI InjectionProcEnd()
return 0;
#pragma runtime_checks("", on)
And then in some other function I have:
size_t cbInjectionProc = (size_t)InjectionProcEnd - (size_t)InjectionProc;
You have to turn off some optimizations and declare the functions as static to get this to work; I don't recall the specifics. I don't know if this is an exact byte count, but it is close enough. The size is only that of the immediate function; it doesn't include any other functions that may be called by that function. Aside from extreme edge cases like this, "the size of a function" is meaningless and useless.
The real solution to this is to dig into your compiler's documentation. The ARM compiler we use can be made to produce an assembly dump (code.dis), from which it's fairly trivial to subtract the offsets between a given mangled function label and the next mangled function label.
I'm not certain which tools you will need for this with a windows target, however. It looks like the tools listed in the answer to this question might be what you're looking for.
Also note that I (working in the embedded space) assumed you were talking about post-compile-analysis. It still might be possible to examine these intermediate files programmatically as part of a build provided that:
The target function is in a different object
The build system has been taught the dependencies
You know for sure that the compiler will build these object files
Note that I'm not sure entirely WHY you want to know this information. I've needed it in the past to be sure that I can fit a particular chunk of code in a very particular place in memory. I have to admit I'm curious what purpose this would have on a more general desktop-OS target.
In C++, the there is no notion of function size. In addition to everything else mentioned, preprocessor macros also make for an indeterminate size. If you want to count number of instruction words, you can't do that in C++, because it doesn't exist until it's been compiled.
What do you mean "size of a function"?
If you mean a function pointer than it is always just 4 bytes for 32bits systems.
If you mean the size of the code than you should just disassemble generated code and find the entry point and closest ret call. One way to do it is to read the instruction pointer register at the beginning and at the end of your function.
If you want to figure out the number of instructions called in the average case for your function you can use profilers and divide the number of retired instructions on the number of calls.
I think it will work on windows programs created with msvc, as for branches the 'ret' seems to always come at the end (even if there are branches that return early it does a jne to go the end).
However you will need some kind of disassembler library to figure the current opcode length as they are variable length for x86. If you don't do this you'll run into false positives.
I would not be surprised if there are cases this doesn't catch.
There is no facilities in Standard C++ to obtain the size or length of a function.
See my answer here: Is it possible to load a function into some allocated memory and run it from there?
In general, knowing the size of a function is used in embedded systems when copying executable code from a read-only source (or a slow memory device, such as a serial Flash) into RAM. Desktop and other operating systems load functions into memory using other techniques, such as dynamic or shared libraries.
Just set PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE at the address where you got your function. Then read every byte. When you got byte "0xCC" it means that the end of function is actual_reading_address - 1.
Using GCC, not so hard at all.
void do_something(void) {
printf("%s!", "Hello your name is Cemetech");
printf("size of function do_something: %i", (int)(&&do_something_END - (int)do_something));
below code the get the accurate function block size, it works fine with my test
runtime_checks disable _RTC_CheckEsp in debug mode
#pragma runtime_checks("", off)
DWORD __stdcall loadDll(char* pDllFullPath)
return 0;
//return test(pDllFullPath);
#pragma runtime_checks("", restore)
DWORD __stdcall getFuncSize_loadDll()
DWORD maxSize=(PBYTE)getFuncSize_loadDll-(PBYTE)loadDll;
PBYTE pTail=(PBYTE)getFuncSize_loadDll-1;
while(*pTail != 0xC2 && *pTail != 0xC3) --pTail;
if (*pTail==0xC2)
{ //0xC3 : ret
//0xC2 04 00 : ret 4
pTail +=3;
return pTail-(PBYTE)loadDll;
The non-portable, but API-based and correctly working approach is to use program database readers - like dbghelp.dll on Windows or readelf on Linux. The usage of those is only possible if debug info is enabled/present along with the program. Here's an example on how it works on Windows:
SYMBOL_INFO symbol = { };
symbol.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
// Implies, that the module is loaded into _dbg_session_handle, see ::SymInitialize & ::SymLoadModule64
::SymFromAddr(_dbg_session_handle, address, 0, &symbol);
You will get the size of the function in symbol.Size, but you may also need additional logic identifying whether the address given is a actually a function, a shim placed there by incremental linker or a DLL call thunk (same thing).
I guess somewhat similar can be done via readelf on Linux, but maybe you'll have to come up with the library on top of its sourcecode...
You must bear in mind that although disassembly-based approach is possible, you'll basically have to analyze a directed graph with endpoints in ret, halt, jmp (PROVIDED you have incremental linking enabled and you're able to read jmp-table to identify whether the jmp you're facing in function is internal to that function (missing in image's jmp-table) or external (present in that table; such jmps frequently occur as part of tail-call optimization on x64, as I know)), any calls that are meant to be nonret (like an exception generating helper), etc.
It's an old question but still...
For Windows x64, functions all have a function table, which contains the offset and the size of the function. . This function table is used for unwinding when an exception is thrown.
That said, this doesn't contain information like inlining, and all the other issues that people already noted...
int GetFuncSizeX86(unsigned char* Func)
if (!Func)
printf("x86Helper : Function Ptr NULL\n");
return 0;
for (int count = 0; ; count++)
if (Func[count] == 0xC3)
unsigned char prevInstruc = *(Func - 1);
if (Func[1] == 0xCC // int3
|| prevInstruc == 0x5D// pop ebp
|| prevInstruc == 0x5B// pop ebx
|| prevInstruc == 0x5E// pop esi
|| prevInstruc == 0x5F// pop edi
|| prevInstruc == 0xCC// int3
|| prevInstruc == 0xC9)// leave
return count++;
you could use this assumming you are in x86 or x86_64

Are there equivalents to pread on different platforms?

I am writing a concurrent, persistent message queue in C++, which requires concurrent read access to a file without using memory mapped io. Short story is that several threads will need to read from different offsets of the file.
Originally I had a file object that had typical read/write methods, and threads would acquire a mutex to call those methods. However, it so happened that I did not acquire the mutex properly somewhere, causing one thread to move the file offset during a read/write, and another thread would start reading/writing to an incorrect part of the file.
So, the paranoid solution is to have one open file handle per thread. Now I've got a lot of file handles to the same file, which I'm assuming can't be great.
I'd like to use something like pread, which allows passing in of the current offset to read/write functions.
However, the function is only available on linux, and I need equivalent implementations on windows, aix, solaris and hpux, any suggestions?
On Windows, the ReadFile() function can do it, see the lpOverlapped parameter and this info on async IO.
With NIO, java.nio.channels.FileChannel has a read(ByteBuffer dst, long position) method, which internally uses pread.
Oh wait, your question is about C++, not Java. Well, I just looked at the JDK source code to see how it does it for Windows, but unfortunately on Windows it isn't atomic: it simply seeks, then reads, then seeks back.
For Unix platforms, the punchline is that pread is standard for any XSI-supporting (X/Open System Interface, apparently) operating system:
Based on another answer, the closest I could come up with is this. However, there is a bug: ReadFile will change the file offset, and pread is guaranteed to not change the file offset. There's no real way to fix this, because code can do normal read() and write() concurrently with no lock. Anybody found a call that will not change the offset?
unsigned int FakePRead(int fd, void *to, std::size_t size, uint64_offset) {
// size_t might be 64-bit. DWORD is always 32.
const std::size_t kMax = static_cast<std::size_t>(1UL << 31);
DWORD reading = static_cast<DWORD>(std::min<std::size_t>(kMax, size));
DWORD ret;
OVERLAPPED overlapped;
memset(&overlapped, 0, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));
overlapped.Offset = static_cast<DWORD>(off);
overlapped.OffsetHigh = static_cast<DWORD>(off >> 32);
if (!ReadFile((HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd), to, reading, &ret, &overlapped)) {
// TODO: set errno to something?
return -1;
// Note the limit to 1 << 31 before.
return static_cast<unsigned int>(ret);

Why would waveOutWrite() cause an exception in the debug heap?

While researching this issue, I found multiple mentions of the following scenario online, invariably as unanswered questions on programming forums. I hope that posting this here will at least serve to document my findings.
First, the symptom: While running pretty standard code that uses waveOutWrite() to output PCM audio, I sometimes get this when running under the debugger:
ntdll.dll!_RtlpBreakPointHeap#4() + 0x28 bytes
ntdll.dll!_RtlpValidateHeapEntry#12() + 0x113 bytes
ntdll.dll!_RtlDebugGetUserInfoHeap#20() + 0x96 bytes
ntdll.dll!_RtlGetUserInfoHeap#20() + 0x32743 bytes
kernel32.dll!_GlobalHandle#4() + 0x3a bytes
wdmaud.drv!_waveCompleteHeader#4() + 0x40 bytes
wdmaud.drv!_waveThread#4() + 0x9c bytes
kernel32.dll!_BaseThreadStart#8() + 0x37 bytes
While the obvious suspect would be a heap corruption somewhere else in the code, I found out that that's not the case. Furthermore, I was able to reproduce this problem using the following code (this is part of a dialog based MFC application:)
void CwaveoutDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
wfx.nSamplesPerSec = 44100; /* sample rate */
wfx.wBitsPerSample = 16; /* sample size */
wfx.nChannels = 2;
wfx.cbSize = 0; /* size of _extra_ info */
wfx.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
wfx.nBlockAlign = (wfx.wBitsPerSample >> 3) * wfx.nChannels;
wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec = wfx.nBlockAlign * wfx.nSamplesPerSec;
ZeroMemory(&header, sizeof(header));
header.dwBufferLength = 4608;
header.lpData = (LPSTR)GlobalLock(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, 4608));
waveOutPrepareHeader(hWaveOut, &header, sizeof(header));
waveOutWrite(hWaveOut, &header, sizeof(header));
afx_msg LRESULT CwaveoutDlg::OnWOMDone(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
WAVEHDR *hdr = (WAVEHDR*)lParam;
waveOutUnprepareHeader(dev, hdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
ZeroMemory(hdr, sizeof(*hdr));
hdr->dwBufferLength = 4608;
hdr->lpData = (LPSTR)GlobalLock(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_SHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, 4608));
waveOutPrepareHeader(hWaveOut, &header, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
waveOutWrite(hWaveOut, hdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
return 0;
Before anyone comments on this, yes - the sample code plays back uninitialized memory. Don't try this with your speakers turned all the way up.
Some debugging revealed the following information: waveOutPrepareHeader() populates header.reserved with a pointer to what appears to be a structure containing at least two pointers as its first two members. The first pointer is set to NULL. After calling waveOutWrite(), this pointer is set to a pointer allocated on the global heap. In pseudo code, that would look something like this:
struct Undocumented { void *p1, *p2; } /* This might have more members */
MMRESULT waveOutPrepareHeader( handle, LPWAVEHDR hdr, ...) {
hdr->reserved = (Undocumented*)calloc(sizeof(Undocumented));
/* Do more stuff... */
MMRESULT waveOutWrite( handle, LPWAVEHDR hdr, ...) {
/* The following assignment fails rarely, causing the problem: */
hdr->reserved->p1 = malloc( /* chunk of private data */ );
/* Probably more code to initiate playback */
Normally, the header is returned to the application by waveCompleteHeader(), a function internal to wdmaud.dll. waveCompleteHeader() tries to deallocate the pointer allocated by waveOutWrite() by calling GlobalHandle()/GlobalUnlock() and friends. Sometimes, GlobalHandle() bombs, as shown above.
Now, the reason that GlobalHandle() bombs is not due to a heap corruption, as I suspected at first - it's because waveOutWrite() returned without setting the first pointer in the internal structure to a valid pointer. I suspect that it frees the memory pointed to by that pointer before returning, but I haven't disassembled it yet.
This only appears to happen when the wave playback system is low on buffers, which is why I'm using a single header to reproduce this.
At this point I have a pretty good case against this being a bug in my application - after all, my application is not even running. Has anyone seen this before?
I'm seeing this on Windows XP SP2. The audio card is from SigmaTel, and the driver version is
To prevent confusion in the future, I'd like to point out that the answer suggesting that the problem lies with the use of malloc()/free() to manage the buffers being played is simply wrong. You'll note that I changed the code above to reflect the suggestion, to prevent more people from making the same mistake - it doesn't make a difference. The buffer being freed by waveCompleteHeader() is not the one containing the PCM data, the responsibility to free the PCM buffer lies with the application, and there's no requirement that it be allocated in any specific way.
Also, I make sure that none of the waveOut API calls I use fail.
I'm currently assuming that this is either a bug in Windows, or in the audio driver. Dissenting opinions are always welcome.
Now, the reason that GlobalHandle()
bombs is not due to a heap corruption,
as I suspected at first - it's because
waveOutWrite() returned without
setting the first pointer in the
internal structure to a valid pointer.
I suspect that it frees the memory
pointed to by that pointer before
returning, but I haven't disassembled
it yet.
I can reproduce this with your code on my system. I see something similar to what Johannes reported. After the call to WaveOutWrite, hdr->reserved normally holds a pointer to allocated memory (which appears to contain the wave out device name in unicode, among other things).
But occasionally, after returning from WaveOutWrite(), the byte pointed to by hdr->reserved is set to 0. This is normally the least significant byte of that pointer. The rest of the bytes in hdr->reserved are ok, and the block of memory that it normally points to is still allocated and uncorrupted.
It probably is being clobbered by another thread - I can catch the change with a conditional breakpoint immediately after the call to WaveOutWrite(). And the system debug breakpoint is occurring in another thread, not the message handler.
However, I can't cause the system debug breakpoint to occur if I use a callback function instead of the windows messsage pump. (fdwOpen = CALLBACK_FUNCTION in WaveOutOpen() )
When I do it this way, my OnWOMDone handler is called by a different thread - possibly the one that's otherwise responsible for the corruption.
So I think there is a bug, either in windows or the driver, but I think you can work around by handling WOM_DONE with a callback function instead of the windows message pump.
You're not alone with this issue:
I'm seeing the same problem and have done some analysis myself:
waveOutWrite() allocates (i.e. GlobalAlloc) a pointer to a heap area of 354 bytes and correctly stores it in the data area pointed to by header.reserved.
But when this heap area is to be freed again (in waveCompleteHeader(), according to your analysis; I don't have the symbols for wdmaud.drv myself), the least significant byte of the pointer has been set to zero, thus invalidating the pointer (while the heap is not corrupted yet). In other words, what happens is something like:
(BYTE *) (header.reserved) = 0
So I disagree with your statements in one point: waveOutWrite() stores a valid pointer first; the pointer only becomes corrupted later from another thread.
Probably that's the same thread (mxdmessage) that later tries to free this heap area, but I did not yet find the point where the zero byte is stored.
This does not happen very often, and the same heap area (same address) has successfully been allocated and deallocated before.
I'm quite convinced that this is a bug somewhere in the system code.
Not sure about this particular problem, but have you considered using a higher-level, cross-platform audio library? There are a lot of quirks with Windows audio programming, and these libraries can save you a lot of headaches.
Examples include PortAudio, RtAudio, and SDL.
The first thing that I'd do would be to check the return values from the waveOutX functions. If any of them fail - which isn't unreasonable given the scenario you describe - and you carry on regardless then it isn't surprising that things start to go wrong. My guess would be that waveOutWrite is returning MMSYSERR_NOMEM at some point.
Use Application Verifier to figure out what's going on, if you do something suspicious, it will catch it much earlier.
It may be helpful to look at the source code for Wine, although it's possible that Wine has fixed whatever bug there is, and it's also possible Wine has other bugs in it. The relevant files are dlls/winmm/winmm.c, dlls/winmm/lolvldrv.c, and possibly others. Good luck!
What about the fact that you are not allowed to call winmm functions from within callback?
MSDN does not mention such restrictions about window messages, but usage of window messages is similar to callback function. Possibly, internally it's implemented as a callback function from the driver and that callback does SendMessage.
Internally, waveout has to maintain linked list of headers that were written using waveOutWrite; So, I guess that:
hdr->reserved = (Undocumented*)calloc(sizeof(Undocumented));
sets previous/next pointers of the linked list or something like this. If you write more buffers, then if you check the pointers and if any of them point to one another then my guess is most likely correct.
Multiple sources on the web mention that you don't need to unprepare/prepare same headers repeatedly. If you comment out Prepare/unprepare header in the original example then it appears to work fine without any problems.
I solved the problem by polling the sound playback and delays:
WAVEHDR header = { buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
waveOutPrepareHeader(hWaveOut, &header, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
waveOutWrite(hWaveOut, &header, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
* wait a while for the block to play then start trying
* to unprepare the header. this will fail until the block has
* played.
while (waveOutUnprepareHeader(hWaveOut,&header,sizeof(WAVEHDR)) == WAVERR_STILLPLAYING)
Playing Audio in Windows using waveOut Interface