E_NOINTERFACE when calling CreateDXGIFactory1 - c++

I am relatively new to C++ in general, and very new to Windows development.
I am writing a program that uses the DXGI library - it compiles just fine, but when I run the executable, the HRESULT from the CreateDXGIFactory1 comes out as 0x80004002, or E_NOINTERFACE.
Am I missing some sort of library, or is there a deeper issue at play here?
The code I am using follows:
Output is "Error: 0x80004002".
//Initialize a UUID
GUID uuid;
HRESULT hCreateUUID = CoCreateGuid(&uuid);
//Convert the UUID to string
HRESULT hStringToUUID = StringFromCLSID(uuid, &stringUUID);
//Initialize the factory pointer
IDXGIFactory1* pFactory;
//Actually create it
HRESULT hCreateFactory = CreateDXGIFactory1(uuid, (void**)(&pFactory));
if (hCreateFactory == S_OK) {
printf("Factory creation was a success\n");
} else {
printf("ERROR: 0x%X\n", hCreateFactory);

You are passing a random, freshly created GUID. This makes no sense. You are supposed to pass the IID of the interface you wish to obtain - namely, __uuidof(IDXGIFactory1). The example in the documentation shows just that.


Create IMFByteStream from byte array

I am trying to adapt a method that originally took a URL from Microsoft's MediaFoundation audio playback sample to instead take a source from a const char* array. Problem is, CreateObjectFromByteStream requires an IMFByteStream, not a const char*. How can I get what I need?
// Create a media source from a byte stream
HRESULT CreateMediaSource(const byte *data, IMFMediaSource **ppSource)
IMFSourceResolver* pSourceResolver = NULL;
IUnknown* pSource = NULL;
// Create the source resolver.
HRESULT hr = MFCreateSourceResolver(&pSourceResolver);
if (FAILED(hr))
goto done;
// Use the source resolver to create the media source.
// Note: For simplicity this sample uses the synchronous method to create
// the media source. However, creating a media source can take a noticeable
// amount of time, especially for a network source. For a more responsive
// UI, use the asynchronous BeginCreateObjectFromURL method.
hr = pSourceResolver->CreateObjectFromByteStream(data,
NULL, // URL of the source.
NULL, // Optional property store.
&ObjectType, // Receives the created object type.
&pSource // Receives a pointer to the media source.
if (FAILED(hr))
goto done;
// Get the IMFMediaSource interface from the media source.
hr = pSource->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(ppSource));
return hr;
I found easiest way to do this to just create tempfile and write *data there. Ugly hack, but worked good enough for me and if needed it can easily replaced by custom inmemory IMFByteStream implementation.
So code would be something like this:
Byte data[] = {'a','b','c','d','e','f'};
hr = MFStartup(MF_VERSION);
IMFByteStream *stream = NULL;
hr = MFCreateTempFile(
ULONG wroteBytes = 0;
stream->Write(data, sizeof(data), &wroteBytes);
// make sure that wroteBytes is equal with data length
You can use MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStream() to create an IMFByteStream from an IStream and you can create and IStream from a byte array using SHCreateMemStream(). The documentation at the time of writing is at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/mfidl/nf-mfidl-mfcreatemfbytestreamonstream and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shlwapi/nf-shlwapi-shcreatememstream
Here's a quick example:
// Generate a byte array
int sample_size = 0x100;
BYTE* sample_bytes = (BYTE*)malloc(sample_size)
// Create the IStream from the byte array
IStream* pstm = SHCreateMemStream(sample_bytes, sample_size);
// Create the IMFByteStream from the IStream
IMFByteStream* pibs = NULL;
MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStream(pstm, &pibs);
// Clean up time
if (pibs)
if (pstm)
if (sample_bytes)
Having an IStream interface but not a byte array interface seems to be a frequent occurrence in the Microsoft API. Thankfully creating an IStream is easy.

What is the preferred way to get a device path for CreateFile() in a UWP C++ App?

I am converting a project to a UWP App, and thus have been following guidelines outlined in the MSDN post here. The existing project heavily relies on CreateFile() to communicate with connected devices.
There are many posts in SO that show us how to get a CreateFile()-accepted device path using SetupAPI's SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail() Is there an alternative way to do this using the PnP Configuration Manager API? Or an alternative, user-mode way at all?
I had some hope when I saw this example in Windows Driver Samples github, but quickly became dismayed when I saw that the function they used in the sample is ironically not intended for developer use, as noted in this MSDN page.
function GetDevicePath in general correct and can be used as is. about difference between CM_*(..) and CM_*_Ex(.., HMACHINE hMachine) - the CM_*(..) simply call CM_*_Ex(.., NULL) - so for local computer versions with and without _Ex suffix the same.
about concrete GetDevicePath code - call CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size and than CM_Get_Device_Interface_List only once not 100% correct - because between this two calls new device with this interface can be arrived to system and buffer size returned by CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size can be already not enough for CM_Get_Device_Interface_List. of course possibility of this very low, and you can ignore this. but i prefer make code maximum theoretical correct and call this in loop, until we not receive error other than CR_BUFFER_SMALL. also need understand that CM_Get_Device_Interface_List return multiple, NULL-terminated Unicode strings - so we need iterate here. in [example] always used only first returned symbolic link name of an interface instance. but it can be more than 1 or at all - 0 (empty). so better name function - GetDevicePaths - note s at the end. i be use code like this:
ULONG GetDevicePaths(LPGUID InterfaceClassGuid, PWSTR* pbuf)
ULONG len = 1024;//first try with some reasonable buffer size, without call *_List_SizeW
for(PWSTR buf;;)
if (!(buf = (PWSTR)LocalAlloc(0, len * sizeof(WCHAR))))
switch (err = CM_Get_Device_Interface_ListW(InterfaceClassGuid, 0, buf, len, CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_PRESENT))
err = CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_SizeW(&len, InterfaceClassGuid, 0, CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_PRESENT);
if (err)
*pbuf = buf;
return NOERROR;
and usage example:
void example()
PWSTR buf, sz;
sz = buf;
while (*sz)
DbgPrint("%S\n", sz);
// do something
sz += 1 + wcslen(sz);
so we must not simply use in returned DevicePathS (sz) only first string, but iterate it
while (*sz)
// use sz
sz += 1 + wcslen(sz);
I got a valid Device Path to a USB Hub Device, and used it successfully to get various device descriptors by sending some IOCTLs, by using the function I posted in my own answer to another question
I'm reporting the same function below:
This function returns a list of NULL-terminated Device Paths (that's what we get from CM_Get_Device_Interface_List())
You need to pass it the DEVINST, and the wanted interface GUID.
Since both the DEVINST and interface GUID are specified, it is highly likely that CM_Get_Device_Interface_List() will return a single Device Path for that interface, but technically you should be prepared to get more than one result.
It is responsibility of the caller to delete[] the returned list if the function returns successfully (return code 0)
int GetDevInstInterfaces(DEVINST dev, LPGUID interfaceGUID, wchar_t**outIfaces, ULONG* outIfacesLen)
if (!outIfaces)
return -1;
if (!outIfacesLen)
return -2;
// Get System Device ID
WCHAR sysDeviceID[256];
cres = CM_Get_Device_ID(dev, sysDeviceID, sizeof(sysDeviceID) / sizeof(sysDeviceID[0]), 0);
if (cres != CR_SUCCESS)
return -11;
// Get list size
ULONG ifaceListSize = 0;
cres = CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size(&ifaceListSize, interfaceGUID, sysDeviceID, CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_PRESENT);
if (cres != CR_SUCCESS)
return -12;
// Allocate memory for the list
wchar_t* ifaceList = new wchar_t[ifaceListSize];
// Populate the list
cres = CM_Get_Device_Interface_List(interfaceGUID, sysDeviceID, ifaceList, ifaceListSize, CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_PRESENT);
if (cres != CR_SUCCESS) {
delete[] ifaceList;
return -13;
// Return list
*outIfaces = ifaceList;
*outIfacesLen = ifaceListSize;
return 0;
Please note that, as RbMm already said in his answer, you may get a CR_BUFFER_SMALL error from the last CM_Get_Device_Interface_List() call, since the device list may have been changed in the time between the CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size() and CM_Get_Device_Interface_List() calls.

What is the different between system and Administrator account when call SHGetSpecialFolderLocation() function?

I write two program, one is windows service run in system account(named xxService) and the other one is common application run in Administrator account(named xx);
They use the same code to get CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS directory. In most machine , they run well.
But some machine, the xxService can get the correct directory, the xx have failure in SHGetSpecialFolderLocation();
the program only run on Windows XP(sp3).
Use SHGetFolderPathA() function to solve this problem.
My english is poor, everybody excuse me!
[2964] [db](tid=1108)(pid=2964): SHGetSpecialFolderLocation() fail.hr=0x80070057, ierr=122
the detail error info:
// MessageId: E_INVALIDARG
// MessageText:
// One or more arguments are invalid
122 (0x7A)
The data area passed to a system call is too small.
LPMALLOC pShellMalloc;
hr = SHGetMalloc(&pShellMalloc);
hr = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL,CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS,&pidl);
if(!SHGetPathFromIDListW(pidl, strDbFilePath))
int ierr=GetLastError();
DebugMsgW((L"SHGetPathFromIDListW() fail., ierr=%d"), ierr);
int ierr=GetLastError();
DebugMsgW((L"SHGetSpecialFolderLocation() fail.hr=0x%x, ierr=%d"), hr, ierr);
int ierr=GetLastError();
DebugMsgW((L"SHGetMalloc() fail.hr=0x%x, ierr=%d"), hr, ierr);
SHGetSpecialFolderLocation() (and any other function that returns an HRESULT) does not use GetLastError() to report error codes, since the HRESULT is the error code. Even SHGetPathFromIDList() is not documented as using GetLastError(), either. So the return value of GetLastError() is irrelevant in your example and needs to be removed to avoid confusion.
As for the E_INVALIDARG error, you are using a legacy function. CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS is known to fail in SHGetSpecialFolderLocation() on some systems. You need to use a newer function, such as SHGetFolderPath(), or SHGetKnownFolderPath() on Vista+.

Direct2d CreateBitmapfromWICBitmap giving assert error within ATL

I have a simple function that loads a Png file and returns it as a ID2D1Bitmap. But when it tries to call the CreateBitmapfromWicBitmap function, it gives a debug assert error. The funny thing is that I first made an imageload function in a seperate project, and it works fine in there. Both of these functions have the same code, while the second one is giving errors.
Here's the erroring code:
ID2D1Bitmap* Wnd::LoadPng(LPCWSTR Path) {
CComPtr<IWICBitmapDecoder> pDecoder;
CComPtr<IWICBitmapFrameDecode> pFrame;
CComPtr<ID2D1Bitmap> pBit;
CComPtr<IWICFormatConverter> pConv;
Hr = m_pWICFactory->CreateDecoderFromFilename(Path,NULL,GENERIC_READ,WICDecodeMetadataCacheOnDemand,&pDecoder);
if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) {
Hr = m_pWICFactory->CreateFormatConverter(&pConv);
if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) {
Hr = pDecoder->GetFrame(0,&pFrame);
if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) {
Hr = pConv->Initialize(pFrame,GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppPBGRA,WICBitmapDitherTypeNone,0,0.f,WICBitmapPaletteTypeCustom);
if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) {
Hr = m_pRT->CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(pConv,0,&pBit);
return pBit;
The error happens in atlcomcli.h at line 182 in function _NoAddRefReleaseOnCComPtr.
I double-checked all headers and libraries and they're the same in both projects (With some extra headers in the second project).
Here's the code that WORKS:
CComPtr<IWICFormatConverter> Conv;
CComPtr<IWICBitmapFrameDecode> Frame;
CComPtr<ID2D1Bitmap> Bit;
Hr = m_pRT->CreateBitmapFromWicBitmap(Conv,0,&Bit);
BitmapDecoder is predefined here, but it's exactly the same as in the first snippet.
------------------------------- FIXED ----------------------------
Third time I forgot to call the init function for my rendertarget.
The assertion failure warns you that you are trying to "use" a NULL interface pointer through CComPtr template. You should look up on the call stack which exactly line of your code you are at, and what variable holds NULL pointer which you expect to be non-NULL. Or otherwise just step through your code with debugger.

what's wrong in my code related to COM?

if( strcmpi(appName.c_str(),MSSQL)==0 ||strcmpi(appName.c_str(),MSSQL2005)==0 )
IID_ISQLDMOServer, (LPVOID*)&m_pSQLServer))) {
IDiscoverPtr pICalc;
HRESULT hRes=CoCreateInstance(Test::CLSID_SqlClass, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,Test::IID_IDiscover, reinterpret_cast<void**> (&pICalc));
cout << "CoCreateInstance Failed on CLSID_SQLDMOServer\n";
return FALSE;
if((strcmpi(appName.c_str(),MSSQL2008)==0 || strcmpi(appName.c_str(),MSSQL2005)==0 ) && DMOAvailable==false )
HRESULT hr=CoInitialize(NULL);
IDiscoverPtr pICalc(__uuidof(SqlClass));
Test::IID_IDiscover, reinterpret_cast<void**> (&pICalc))))
cout<<" Loading SQLSMO failed This is because of SMO not Available "<<endl;
return FALSE;
*****BLOCK_3 ****
if((strcmpi(appName.c_str(),MSSQL2008)==0 && DMOAvailable==true))
HRESULT hr= CoInitialize(NULL);
cout<<"\nIn Init SqlServer DMO-true and SQL2008"<<endl;
Test::IID_IDiscover, reinterpret_cast<void**> (&pICalc));
printf(" Loading SQLSMO failed This is because of SMO not Available 0x%X\n",hRes)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
I have prepared the Test.dll in c# and in that i have a an interface IDiscover and a class SqlClass implementing that interface.I have Manually assigned the Guid like this
public interface IDiscover
string getSqlInstances(string HostName);
string getDB(string SQLInstanceName);
string getDatabaseInfo(string SQLInstanceName, string DBName);
namespace Test
public class SqlClass:IDiscover
I also make COMVisible=true;
and register the class using RegAsm.exe Test.dll/tlb:Test.tlb /codebase
and imported the tlb in one cpp file as #import c:...\Test.tlb named_guids
This is working fine in my Machine And also in My virtual Machine for any case.if i gave sql2005 it works and i gave sql2008 it working.
and in some other machine it shows that errror code as 0x80004002 only when entering into 3rd block.if it enters 1st block and 2nd block its working fine in other machine also.what happening in 3rd block i am not understanding plzzzzzzzz help me in this regard...
Sharptooth u can plzz go through this one .....
When working with COM, your assemblies should be "Release Builds". Make sure that's the case before digging around any further.
These two statements:
IDiscoverPtr pICalc(__uuidof(SqlClass));
HRESULT hRes=CoCreateInstance(Test::CLSID_SqlClass, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, Test::IID_IDiscover, reinterpret_cast<void**> (&pICalc));
do exactly the same thing, so you don't need to run them in sequence.
The first one translates the HRESULT into an exception of type _com_error. I'd try something like:
IDiscoverPtr pDiscover;
HRESULT hr = pDiscover.CreateInstance(__uuidof(SqlClass));
if (FAILED(hr))
printf("SQL DMO is not avilable. Error code: 0x%X\n", hr);
Could you post back what the error code is?
The IDiscoverPtr constructor will throw an exception if it can't instantiate the COM object. The most likely reason is that the COM object is not registered in the registry of that machine (regasm was not run for the .NET assembly that implements the IDiscover).
I have seen the error 0x80004002 E_NOINTERFACE if you expose a property of type DateTime on the com visible type you are trying to call CreateInstance() on. I've also noticed that you have to Rebuild the project that imports the tlb file instead of a Build if the tlb file changes for example.