C++ casting and typeid - c++

I got a function that have two base class pointers and depending on the subclass, other functions should be called...
Like this:
void function(A* a, A* a2){
if (typeid(*a).name() == "B"){
if(typeid(*a2).name() == "C"){
if(typeid(*a2).name() == "D"){
However, there's a whole buncha problems:
1) I've read that typeid.name yield different result depending on the compiler and therefore I don't want to use it.
2) I've considered creating an instance of "B" and instead writing if(typeid(*a2) == typeid(instanceOfB)) but that would be a lot of work since there are plenty of constructor arguments...
3) I've also considered using dynamic_cast but some subclasses look like this:
A <-- B <-- C
so if if I wanted to check if the argument is B with dynamic cast, it would pass even if the argument is in fact C because C inherits from B
Edit: It seems I'll have to reconsider the design but since many have stated the design is flawed I'll quickly explain what my train of thought:
There's a window. Several different objects are located inside the window and move around, a game. This function was supposed to function as a collision detection. Like this:
Go through all objects on the screen, check if the have collided. Take the two collided objects as arguments and call this function.
This function looks up a buncha different collisions like "if a is "an arrow" and a2 is "a bandit" then do some stuff but if a2 is "a tree" instead, do this instead!

Wouldn't it be better to have some virtual methods in A that do nothing by default and are overwritten by some of its inheriting classes?
class A {
virtual void method(A *a2) {
virtual void otherMethod() {
class B : public A {
virtual void method(A *a2) {
class C : public B {
virtual void otherMethod() {
// do your C stuff here
class D : public A {
virtual void otherMethod() {
// do your D stuff here
Would this achieve the things you are trying to do?


Preferred way to understand object type at runtime

Consider I have a Plant class that has derived Fruit and Vegetable classes, and Fruit class has some more derived classes, like Orange and Apple, while Vegetable has derived Potato and Tomato. Assume, Plant has Plant::onConsume()=0; method:
class Plant
virtual void onConsume(void)=0;
class Fruit:public Plant
class Orange:public Fruit
void onConsume(void)
// Do something specific here
class Apple:public Fruit
void onConsume(void)
// Do something specific here
class Vegetable:public Plant
class Potato:public Vegetable
void onConsume(void)
// Do something specific here
class Tomato:public Vegetable
void onConsume(void)
// Do something specific here
class Consumer
void consume(Plant &p)
// Specific actions depending on actual p type here
// like send REST command to the remote host for Orange
// or draw a red square on the screen for Tomato
Suppose, I have a Consumer class with Consumer::consume(Plant) method. This "consume" method should perform different actions for different "Plants" instances/types, among calling Plant::onConsume() for any of "Plants". These action ain't directly related to the Plant class, require a lot of different additional actions and parameters, could literally be completely arbitrary, so cannot be implemented inside onConsume method.
What is the preferred method to implement this? As I understand, it is possible to implement some "Plant::getPlantType()=0" method, that would return plant type, but in this case I'm not sure what should it return. In case the returned value would be an enum, I'd need to change this enum each time I add a new derived class. And in any case, there's no control that multiple derived classes could return the same value.
Also, I'm aware there's a dynamic_cast conversion that returns nullptr if conversion could not be made, and typeid() operator that returns std::typeinfo (even with typeinfo::name()), which could be used in the switch() (it's just great for my case). But I'm afraid it could significally slow down the execution and make code heavier.
So, my question is, what is the preferred way in C++ to do that? maybe I just forgot about some simpler way to implement that?
A little update. Thank you for your explanations about inheritance, encapsulation etc! I supposed it's clear from my question, but it is not, I am sorry about that. So, please think about it, like I don't have an access to the whole Plant sources hierarchy, just need to implement this Consumer::onConsume(Plant). So I cannot add new specific methods in it. Or, also, it could be considered as a Plants library, that I have to write once, and make it usable for other devs. So, I could divide use cases/functionality into two parts: one that implemented "per class" in the Plant::onConsume() method, and second that is unknown yet and will differ depending on usage.
One option would be the visitor pattern, but this requires one function per type in some class. Basically you create a base class PlantVisitor with one Visit function per object type and pass add a virtual method to Plant that receives a PlantVisitor object and calls the corresponding function of the visitor passing itself as parameter:
class PlantVisitor
virtual void Visit(Orange& orange) = 0;
virtual void Visit(Tomato& tomato) = 0;
class Plant
virtual void Accept(PlantVisitor& visitor) = 0;
class Orange : public Plant
void Accept(PlantVisitor& visitor) override
class Tomato : public Plant
void Accept(PlantVisitor& visitor) override
This would allow you to do something like this:
class TypePrintVisitor : public PlantVisitor
void Visit(Orange& orange) override
std::cout << "Orange\n";
void Visit(Tomato& tomato) override
std::cout << "Tomato\n";
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Plant>> plants;
TypePrintVisitor visitor;
for (size_t i = 0; i != plants.size(); ++i)
std::cout << "plant " << (i+1) << " is a ";
Not sure the need for this does not indicate a design inefficiency though.
Btw: If you've got multiple visitors and do not necessarily want to implement logic for every single type in all of them, you could add default implementations in PlantVisitor that call the function for the supertype instead of specifying pure virtual functions.
Polymorphism is all about not having to know about a specific type. Usually your design is flawed if you discover having to detect a specific type explicitly.
At very first:
void Consumer::consume(Plant p)
does not work as intended! The Plant object is accepted by value, i. e. its bytes are copied one by one; however, only those of the Plant type, any others (those of derived types) are ignored and get lost within consume function – this is called object slicing.
Polymorphism only works with references or pointers.
Now assume you want to do something like the following (incomplete code!):
void Consumer::consume(Plant& p) // must be reference or pointer!
if(/* p is apple */)
else if(/* p is orange */)
You don't want to decide yourself upon type, you let the Plant class do the stuff for you, which means you extend its interface appropriately:
class Plant
virtual void onConsume() = 0;
virtual void specific() = 0;
The code of the consume function will now be changed to:
void Consumer::consume(Plant const& p) // must be reference or pointer!
You'll do so at any place you need specific behaviour (and specific is just a demo name, chose one that describes nicely what the function actually is intended to do).
// ...
Of course you need now to provide appropriate implementations in your derived classes:
class Orange:public Fruit
void onConsume() override
{ }
void specific() override
class Apple:public Fruit
void onConsume() override
{ }
void specific() override
Note the addition of override keyword, which protects you from accidentally creating overloaded functions instead actually overwriting in case of signature mismatch. It helps you, too, to locate all places of necessary changes if you discover having to change the function signature in the base class.

Pass parent class reference as argument in derived class in C++

I'm new to C++ and am trying to achieve the following design.
class A { do (); doMore (); } // abstract
class B { do (); doMore (); } // abstract
class X : public A, public B // Also abstract
foo() {
// common code
bar() {
// common code
Both A and B provide implementations of do() and doMore().
How can I extract the common code that the new function takes an arg that calls the method in the correct parent class?
Something like
X::newMethod(arg_that_indicates_parent_class) {
// common code
Then call it like so
Looks like runtime polymorphism, but not quite (or is it?)... as it is within a child class...
Is this design itself just trash and there is a better way to achieve this?
If the idea is that do and doMore will be present in both A and B and those are the functions specifically you wish to call, you could
use a template function like so:
class X : public A, public B // Also abstract
template <typename T>
void newMethod()
Then using it explicitly, you could then do it like so:
X x;
This has the added benefit of catching some errors at compile time, that is, if you try and pass a C and it does not have
the do and doMore functions defined, you will receive a complier error (instead of a run-time crash).
This also lets you utilize the std::enable_if functionality if you are using C++1x.
Hope that can help.
Just factor out the "common code", and make it, well, common:
class X : public A, public B // Also abstract
void foo() {
void bar() {
void commoncode()
// Your common code
That's the most simple, straightforward way. Another alternative way would be closer in line to your "pass me a pointer of some kind" intended approach:
class X : public A, public B // Also abstract
void call_a()
void call_b()
void commoncode( void (X::*ptr)() )
// Your common code
And the parameter to commoncode() would be either

what is "capability query" in dynamic_cast context and why is this useful?

I am reading some C++ material on dynamic_cast and there the following practice is considered bad:
class base{};
class derived1 d1 :public base{};
class derived2 d2 :public base
void foo(){}
void baz(base *b)
if (derived2 *d2= dynamic_cast<derived2 *> (b) )
d2-> foo();
The remedy to this is to use the "capability query" using an empty pure virtual base class like following:
class capability_query
virtual void foo()= 0;
class base{};
class derived1 d1 :public base{};
class derived2 d2 :public base, public capability_query
virtual void foo(){}
void baz(base *b)
if (capability_query *cq= dynamic_cast<capability_query *> (b) )
cq-> foo();
My 1st question is why is the first code block considered bad?
The way I see it foo is only executed if d2 can be successfully downcasted from b in the baz function. So what is the issue here?!
My 2nd question is why is the second code block considered good? and how does this fix the issue, which I don't understand in the first place.
FYI, my google search for capability query returned http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/More_C%2B%2B_Idioms/Capability_Query
which seems to be basically code block1 and not code block2. I still don't get why an additional empty base class is considered a better practice?
here is the best possible answer I can think of.Since inside baz I am downcasting to a pointer type and not reference, in case the downcast is not successful , I will get a Null pointer and not std::bad_cast. So, assuming the cast goes wrong and I do get NULL pointer , but what if I am not supposed to execute Null->foo and if I may forget to test for NULL, so code block 1 could be a problem.
The way code block 2 fixes this, is by adding an empty class. Even if
dynamic_cast<capability_query *> (b)
fails and I get a null pointer , you cannot execute
null->foo since inside capability_query class this foo method is pure virtual. This is just a conjecture , but may be I am on the right path??!!
The academic answer would be that in object oriented design you should not depend on the implementation i.e. concrete classes. Instead you should depend on high-level components like interfaces and abstract base classes. You can read more about this design principle on Wikipedia.
The reason for this is to decouple the design which makes the code more manageable and maintainable.
Let's look at an example. You have a base class and a derived class:
struct Duck {
virtual ~Duck() {}
struct MallardDuck : public Duck {
void quack() const {
std::cout << "Quack!" << std::endl;
Let's say you have another class with a function taking a parameter Duck.
struct SoundMaker {
void makeSound(const Duck* d) {
if (const MallardDuck* md = dynamic_cast<const MallardDuck*>(d)) {
You can use the classes like this:
MallardDuck md;
SoundMaker sm;
Which outputs Quack!.
Now lets add another derived class RubberDuck:
struct RubberDuck : public Duck {
void squeak() const {
std::cout << "Squeak!" << std::endl;
If you want SoundMaker to use the class RubberDuck you must make changes in makeSound:
void makeSound(const Duck* d) {
if (const MallardDuck* md = dynamic_cast<const MallardDuck*>(d)) {
} else if (const RubberDuck* rd = dynamic_cast<const RubberDuck*>(d)) {
What if you need to add another type of duck and produce its sound? For every new type of duck you add, you will have to make changes in both the code of the new duck class and in SoundMaker. This is because you depend on concrete implementation. Wouldn't it be better if you could just add new ducks without having to change SoundMaker? Look at the following code:
struct Duck {
virtual ~Duck() {}
virtual void makeSound() const = 0;
struct MallardDuck : public Duck {
void makeSound() const override {
void quack() const {
std::cout << "Quack!" << std::endl;
struct RubberDuck : public Duck {
void makeSound() const override {
void squeak() const {
std::cout << "Squeak!" << std::endl;
struct SoundMaker {
void makeSound(const Duck* d) {
d->makeSound(); // No dynamic_cast, no dependencies on implementation.
Now you can use both duck types in the same way as before:
MallardDuck md;
RubberDuck rd;
SoundMaker sm;
And you can add as many duck types as you wish without having to change anything in SoundMaker. This is a decoupled design and is much easier to maintain. This is the reason for why it is bad practise to down-cast and depend on concrete classes, instead only use high-level interfaces (in the general case).
In your second example you're using a separate class to evaluate if the requested behaviour of the derived class is available. This might be somewhat better as you separate (and encapsulate) the behaviour-control code. It still creates dependencies to your implementation though and every time the implementation changes you may need to change the behaviour-control code.
The first example, where foo is called on d2->foo(), violates the Open-Closed Principle, which in this case means that you should be able to add or remove functionality in d2 without changing code in baz (or anywhere else). The code:
void baz(base *b)
if (capability_query *cq= dynamic_cast<capability_query *> (b) )
cq-> foo();
shows that baz depends on the definition of the class d2. If one day, the function d2::foo() is removed, the function baz will also have to be modified, otherwise you'll be a compiler error.
However, in the improved version, if an author decides to remove the foo capability of d2 by removing the base class capability_query, (or indeed if the foo capability were to be added to class d1) the function baz needs no modification, and the run time behavior will automatically be correct.

Enforcing correct parameter types in derived virtual function

I'm finding it difficult to describe this problem very concisely, so I've attached the code for a demonstration program.
The general idea is that we want a set of Derived classes that are forced to implement some abstract Foo() function from a Base class. Each of the derived Foo() calls must accept a different parameter as input, but all of the parameters should also be derived from a BaseInput class.
We see two possible solutions so far, neither we're very happy with:
Remove the Foo() function from the base class and reimplement it with the correct input types in each Derived class. This, however, removes the enforcement that it be implemented in the same manner in each derived class.
Do some kind of dynamic cast inside the receiving function to verify that the type received is correct. However, this does not prevent the programmer from making an error and passing the incorrect input data type. We would like the type to be passed to the Foo() function to be compile-time correct.
Is there some sort of pattern that could enforce this kind of behaviour? Is this whole idea breaking some sort of fundamental idea underlying OOP? We'd really like to hear your input on possible solutions outside of what we've come up with.
Thanks so much!
#include <iostream>
// these inputs will be sent to our Foo function below
class BaseInput {};
class Derived1Input : public BaseInput { public: int d1Custom; };
class Derived2Input : public BaseInput { public: float d2Custom; };
class Base
virtual void Foo(BaseInput& i) = 0;
class Derived1 : public Base
// we don't know what type the input is -- do we have to try to cast to what we want
// and see if it works?
virtual void Foo(BaseInput& i) { std::cout << "I don't want to cast this..." << std::endl; }
// prefer something like this, but then it's not overriding the Base implementation
//virtual void Foo(Derived1Input& i) { std::cout << "Derived1 did something with Derived1Input..." << std::endl; }
class Derived2 : public Base
// we don't know what type the input is -- do we have to try to cast to what we want
// and see if it works?
virtual void Foo(BaseInput& i) { std::cout << "I don't want to cast this..." << std::endl; }
// prefer something like this, but then it's not overriding the Base implementation
//virtual void Foo(Derived2Input& i) { std::cout << "Derived2 did something with Derived2Input..." << std::endl; }
int main()
Derived1 d1; Derived1Input d1i;
Derived2 d2; Derived2Input d2i;
// set up some dummy data
d1i.d1Custom = 1;
d2i.d2Custom = 1.f;
d1.Foo(d2i); // this compiles, but is a mistake! how can we avoid this?
// Derived1::Foo() should only accept Derived1Input, but then
// we can't declare Foo() in the Base class.
return 0;
Since your Derived class is-a Base class, it should never tighten the base contract preconditions: if it has to behave like a Base, it should accept BaseInput allright. This is known as the Liskov Substitution Principle.
Although you can do runtime checking of your argument, you can never achieve a fully type-safe way of doing this: your compiler may be able to match the DerivedInput when it sees a Derived object (static type), but it can not know what subtype is going to be behind a Base object...
The requirements
DerivedX should take a DerivedXInput
DerivedX::Foo should be interface-equal to DerivedY::Foo
contradict: either the Foo methods are implemented in terms of the BaseInput, and thus have identical interfaces in all derived classes, or the DerivedXInput types differ, and they cannot have the same interface.
That's, in my opinion, the problem.
This problem occured to me, too, when writing tightly coupled classes that are handled in a type-unaware framework:
class Fruit {};
class FruitTree {
virtual Fruit* pick() = 0;
class FruitEater {
virtual void eat( Fruit* ) = 0;
class Banana : public Fruit {};
class BananaTree {
virtual Banana* pick() { return new Banana; }
class BananaEater : public FruitEater {
void eat( Fruit* f ){
assert( dynamic_cast<Banana*>(f)!=0 );
delete f;
And a framework:
struct FruitPipeLine {
FruitTree* tree;
FruitEater* eater;
void cycle(){
eater->eat( tree->pick() );
Now this proves a design that's too easily broken: there's no part in the design that aligns the trees with the eaters:
FruitPipeLine pipe = { new BananaTree, new LemonEater }; // compiles fine
pipe.cycle(); // crash, probably.
You may improve the cohesion of the design, and remove the need for virtual dispatching, by making it a template:
template<class F> class Tree {
F* pick(); // no implementation
template<class F> class Eater {
void eat( F* f ){ delete f; } // default implementation is possible
template<class F> PipeLine {
Tree<F> tree;
Eater<F> eater;
void cycle(){ eater.eat( tree.pick() ); }
The implementations are really template specializations:
template<> class Tree<Banana> {
Banana* pick(){ return new Banana; }
PipeLine<Banana> pipe; // can't be wrong
pipe.cycle(); // no typechecking needed.
You might be able to use a variation of the curiously recurring template pattern.
class Base {
// Stuff that don't depend on the input type.
template <typename Input>
class Middle : public Base {
virtual void Foo(Input &i) = 0;
class Derived1 : public Middle<Derived1Input> {
virtual void Foo(Derived1Input &i) { ... }
class Derived2 : public Middle<Derived2Input> {
virtual void Foo(Derived2Input &i) { ... }
This is untested, just a shot from the hip!
If you don't mind the dynamic cast, how about this:
Class BaseInput;
class Base
void foo(BaseInput & x) { foo_dispatch(x); };
virtual void foo_dispatch(BaseInput &) = 0;
template <typename TInput = BaseInput> // default value to enforce nothing
class FooDistpatch : public Base
virtual void foo_dispatch(BaseInput & x)
foo_impl(dynamic_cast<TInput &>(x));
virtual void foo_impl(TInput &) = 0;
class Derived1 : public FooDispatch<Der1Input>
virtual void foo_impl(Der1Input & x) { /* your implementation here */ }
That way, you've built the dynamic type checking into the intermediate class, and your clients only ever derive from FooDispatch<DerivedInput>.
What you are talking about are covariant argument types, and that is quite an uncommon feature in a language, as it breaks your contract: You promised to accept a base_input object because you inherit from base, but you want the compiler to reject all but a small subset of base_inputs...
It is much more common for programming languages to offer the opposite: contra-variant argument types, as the derived type will not only accept everything that it is bound to accept by the contract, but also other types.
At any rate, C++ does not offer contravariance in argument types either, only covariance in the return type.
C++ has a lot of dark areas, so it's hard to say any specific thing is undoable, but going from the dark areas I do know, without a cast, this cannot be done. The virtual function specified in the base class requires the argument type to remain the same in all the children.
I am sure a cast can be used in a non-painful way though, perhaps by giving the base class an Enum 'type' member that is uniquely set by the constructor of each possible child that might possibly inherit it. Foo() can then check that 'type' and determine which type it is before doing anything, and throwing an assertion if it is surprised by something unexpected. It isn't compile time, but it's the closest a compromise I can think of, while still having the benefits of requiring a Foo() be defined.
It's certainly restricted, but you can use/simulate coviarance in constructors parameters.

Special interaction between derived objects (i.e. mutiple dispatch)

So, I have a list of base class pointers:
list<Base*> stuff;
Then, at some point one of the objects will look through all other objects.
Base * obj = ...; // A pointer from the 'stuff'-list.
for (list<Base*>::iterator it = stuff.begin(); it != stuff.end(); it++)
if (obj == *it)
// Problem scenario is here
What I want to achieve is that depending on what derived typeobj and *it are, they will interact differently with each other, i.e. DerivedA will destroy itself if it's interacting with DerivedB, but only if DerivedB has set the property bool c = true;. So something like:
struct Base
virtual void interact(Base * b); // is always called
struct DerivedA : public Base
virtual void interact(Base * b){} // is never called
virtual void interact(DerivedB * b) // is never called
if (b->c)
delete this;
struct DerivedB : public Base
bool c = false;
virtual void interact(Base * b){} // is never called
virtual void interact(DerivedA * a) // is never called
c = true;
// and many many more Derived classes with many many more specific behaviors.
At compile time, they are both Base-pointers and will not be able to call each other and expect the type to magically appear. If this was a one way relation, i.e. I knew what type of one of them, I could use the Visitor pattern. I believe I should use some kind of Mediator pattern but can't really figure out how since the mediator too will hold Base-pointers and thus it won't make a difference.
I haven't got a clue on how to continue... anyone?
I'm creating a game, this problem originates from the Room class who keeps track of it's contents, i.e. what GameObjects are currently in the room.
Sometimes, an object moves (for example, the player). The room will then loop over all objects that are on the soon-to-be-moved-upon floor tile (the loop above) and will check if the objects will interact with eachother.
For example, if it's a Troll the Player would want to hurt it. Or he would just like to hurt any Character (both Troll and Player are derived from Character) that originates from any another "team" (which can be accessed from the function getAlignment(), which all Characters implement).
If you can, grab a copy of "More Effective C++", and have a look at item #31 which is about implementing multiple dispatch, which is basically what you're looking for here. Meyers discusses several approaches to the problem and their various trade-offs. (He even uses a game as an example.)
Perhaps the best advice he gives, however, is to try and redesign your code to avoid requiring this facility. In the text, a non-member function approach is also explored, which has the added bonus of eliminating the question of to which object each function describing an interaction should belong.
I think your suggested idea (with the Base::interact) function is almost complete. It seems that the only missing part is this:
In your Base, you need to have all the interact overloads for the sub-types. Consider this extension to your Base structure:
struct DerivedA;
struct DerivedB;
struct Base
virtual void interact(Base * b); // *<->Base interaction
virtual void interact(DerivedA * da); // *<->DerivedA interaction
virtual void interact(DerivedB * db); // *<->DerivedB interaction
This is a painful thing about implementing double-dispatch in C++: if you add a new sub-type, you have to touch the base of the hierarchy.
you will need to implement all possible combinations of types interacting with each other as virtual functions on top of hierarchy.
Here's an example that tests all possible interactions:
void say(const char *s){std::cout<<s<<std::endl;}
struct DerivedA;
struct DerivedB;
struct Base{
virtual void interact(Base *b) = 0;
virtual void interactA(DerivedA *b) = 0;
virtual void interactB(DerivedB *b) = 0;
struct DerivedA : public Base
virtual void interact(Base *b){
b->interactA( this );
virtual void interactA(DerivedA *b){
virtual void interactB(DerivedB *b){
struct DerivedB:public Base{
virtual void interact(Base *b){
b->interactB( this );
virtual void interactA(DerivedA *b){
virtual void interactB(DerivedB *b){
void interact(Base *b1,Base *b2){
b1->interact( b2 );
Base *a = new DerivedA;
Base *b = new DerivedB();
First: Why do you use struct instead of class?
Second: If you use class instead of struct you could (must) do something like this:
class Base
virtual void interact(Base * b); // see the VIRTUAL word (explained down)
class DerivedA : public Base
virtual void interact(DerivedB * b)
if (b->c)
delete this;
class DerivedB : public Base
bool c = false;
virtual void interact(DerivedA * a)
c = true;
Using virtual keyword is wath you need (I guess). If you define a method as virtual you are telling "Hey! this maybe has been override someplace" so.. when you code this:
DerivedA* a = new DerivedA();
DerivedB* b = new DerivedB();
a.interact(b); // here instead of calling Base::interact(Base*) call the override method in DerivedA class (because is virtual)
Forget that answer.. (didn't see the comment of the virtual)
Please, see catwalk and Frerich Raabe answers.
Your interact() functions don't have the same signature: In the derived classes they should also be
virtual void interact(Base * b);
The virtual is optional, of course, but for clarity I'd put it in there.
To find out whether DerivedA::interact() should do something with it's parameter, you can implement another virtual functions in your base class:
virtual canDoX(Base * b);
virtual canDoY(Base * b);
Then in the derived implementations it could look like this:
// DerivedA
void interact(Base * b)
if (b->canDoX() && b->c)
delete this;
// DerivedB
void interact(Base * b)
c = true;
Since you liked Frerich Raabe's answer, let me explain why I think my approach is a bit better.
Following his advice, one has to create an interact() method for each derived class in the base and all other derived classes that can interact with a certain class.
With my solution one would have to add methods for certain properties, that can also be combined.
If you have a Troll it would return true in its canBeKilled() method. An apple canBeEaten() and a tasty wild animal canBeKilled() and then canBeEaten().
If you can combine the properties, you have to add fewer functions.
Furthermore: If the troll drank some elixir making it invulnerable for a period of time, it returns canBeKilled() == false and that's it. You don't have to check the isInvulnerable() flag in each other interacting class.
I think your problem is well discussed in
Scott Meyer's Effective C++ which is like as follows:
Rule : Don't try access array of derived class objects using base class pointer -->the result would be undefined.
I will give you an example of it:
struct Base{
virtual void print() { //in base }
virtual ~Base() {} //
struct Derived : public Base {
virtual void print(){ //in derived }
void foo(Base *pBase,int N)
for(int i=0; i<N ; i++)
pBase[i].print(); // result will be undefined......
int main()
Derived d[5];
The reason for it such behaviour is that compiler find next elements at the jump of sizeof(Base) bytes....
I think you got my point....