how to wakeup select() within timeout from another thread - c++

According to the "man select" information:
"On success, select() and pselect() return the number of file descrip‐
tors contained in the three returned descriptor sets which may be zero
if the timeout expires before anything interesting happens. On error,
-1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately; the sets and timeout become
undefined, so do not rely on their contents after an error."
Select will wakup because of:
1)read/write availability
2)select error
3)descriptoris closed.
However, how can we wake up the select() from another thread if there is no data available and the select is still within timeout?
Pseudo Code
// Thread blocks on Select
void *SocketReadThread(void *param){
while(!(ReadThread*)param->ExitThread()) {
struct timeval timeout;
timeout.tv_sec = 60; //one minute
timeout.tv_usec = 0;
fd_set rds;
FD_SET(sockfd, &rds)'
//actually, the first parameter of select() is
//ignored on windows, though on linux this parameter
//should be (maximum socket value + 1)
int ret = select(sockfd + 1, &rds, NULL, NULL, &timeout );
//handle the result
//might break from here
return NULL;
//main Thread
int main(){
//create the SocketReadThread
ReaderThread* rthread = new ReaderThread;
pthread_create(&pthreadid, NULL, SocketReaderThread,
NULL, (void*)rthread);
// do lots of things here
//now main thread wants to exit SocketReaderThread
//it sets the internal state of ReadThread as true
//but how to wake up select ??????????????????
//if SocketReaderThread currently blocks on select
1) #trojanfoe provides a method to achieve this, his method writes socket data (maybe dirty data or exit message data) to wakeup select. I am going to have a test and update the result there.
2) Another thing to mention, closing a socket doesn't guarantee to wake up select function call, please see this post.
After doing many tests, here are some facts about waking up select:
1) If the socket watched by select is closed by another application, then select() calling
will wakeup immediately. Hereafter, reading from or writing to the socket will get return value of 0 with an errno = 0
2) If the socket watched by select is closed by another thread of the same application,
then select() won't wake up until timeout if there is no data to read or write. After select timeouts, making read/write operation results in an error with errno = EBADF
(because the socket has been closed by another thread during timeout period)

I use an event object based on pipe():
#pragma once
class IoEvent {
int m_pipe[2];
bool m_ownsFDs;
IoEvent(); // Creates a user event
IoEvent(int fd); // Create a file event
IoEvent(const IoEvent &other);
virtual ~IoEvent();
* Set the event to signalled state.
void set();
* Reset the event from signalled state.
void reset();
inline int fd() const {
return m_pipe[0];
#include "IoEvent.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <poll.h>
using namespace std;
IoEvent::IoEvent() :
m_ownsFDs(true) {
if (pipe(m_pipe) < 0)
throw MyException("Failed to create pipe: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno);
if (fcntl(m_pipe[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0)
throw MyException("Failed to set pipe non-blocking mode: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno);
IoEvent::IoEvent(int fd) :
m_ownsFDs(false) {
m_pipe[0] = fd;
m_pipe[1] = -1;
IoEvent::IoEvent(const IoEvent &other) {
m_pipe[0] = other.m_pipe[0];
m_pipe[1] = other.m_pipe[1];
m_ownsFDs = false;
IoEvent::~IoEvent() {
if (m_pipe[0] >= 0) {
if (m_ownsFDs)
m_pipe[0] = -1;
if (m_pipe[1] >= 0) {
if (m_ownsFDs)
m_pipe[1] = -1;
void IoEvent::set() {
if (m_ownsFDs)
write(m_pipe[1], "x", 1);
void IoEvent::reset() {
if (m_ownsFDs) {
uint8_t buf;
while (read(m_pipe[0], &buf, 1) == 1)
You could ditch the m_ownsFDs member; I'm not even sure I use that any more.


Let recv() only the previous accepted socket

I am using this server application:
I'd like to add some conditions to FD_ISSET() before recv():
if (`client's socket` was the previous `accepted socket`) {
canRecv = TRUE;
} else {
canRecv = FALSE;
This is my idea of ​​program functionality:
recv only from the previous accepted socket
Wait for the communication to end
I don't know how to:
loop through each fd from select()
let only one recv()
return the others to the queue of select()
I use simple example from IBM Knowledge Center:
You could create a std::vector<int> sockets; to keep your sockets. Checking if it's the latest you added will then be done by just checking if(current_socket == sockets[sockets.size()-1]) ...
Here's an example with a helper class to keep a list of your sockets and function for waiting on activity.
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
constexpr unsigned other_socket = 0b00;
constexpr unsigned server_socket = 0b01;
constexpr unsigned latest_addition = 0b10;
class SocketList {
explicit SocketList(int server) : readfds{} { add(server); }
void add(int s) {
FD_SET(s, &readfds);
if(s > max_fd) max_fd = s;
// return the ready sockets and a state for each
std::vector<std::pair<int, unsigned>> wait() {
int ready_sockets;
do {
ready_sockets = select(max_fd + 1, &readfds, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
} while(ready_sockets == -1 && errno == EINTR); // retry if interrupted
// throw if an error occured
if(ready_sockets == -1) throw std::runtime_error(std::strerror(errno));
std::vector<std::pair<int, unsigned>> result;
// loop through each fd used in the select()
for(int s : sockets) {
if(FD_ISSET(s, &readfds)) {
auto x = other_socket;
if(s == sockets[0]) x |= server_socket;
if(s == sockets[sockets.size() - 1]) x |= latest_addition;
result.emplace_back(s, x);
return result;
int max_fd = 0;
fd_set readfds;
std::vector<int> sockets;
It can be used like this:
int server = socket(...);
SocketList ss(server);
// all sockets in result are ready
auto result = ss.wait();
for(auto [sock, state] : result) {
if(state & server_socket) {
// do server things on sock
} else if(state & latest_addition) {
// do stuff if sock was the latest addition
} else {
// do this if sock is not the server socket or the latest addition
recv only from the previous accepted socket
Wait for the communication to end
For that you really don't need select. Just recv directly on the previously accepted socket. This is usually not a good behavior of a server that is supposed to server many clients simultaneously since a bad client could connect without sending anything, and that would stop the server from responding to any new clients - until the bad client decides to disconnect (if that ever happens).
I don't know how to:
1. loop through each fd from select()
That is shown in the code above.
let only one recv()
When you have the result vector in the example above, you can loop through them and only keep the part dealing with latest_addition:
if(state & latest_addition) {
// do stuff if sock was the latest addition
return the others to the queue of select()
The state of the other ready sockets in result will remain unchanged if you don't read from them, so they are returned automatically. This also means that the next select will return immediately if you don't read from all fds that are ready, so the program will spin really fast until there's some action on the latest added socket again, effectively making this a polling program and the select is sort of useless.

Sockets - keeping a socket open after data transfer

I have written simple server/client programs, in which the client sends some hardcoded data in small chunks to the server program, which is waiting for the data so that it can print it to the terminal. In the client, I'm calling send() in a loop while there is more data to send, and on the server, I'm doing the same with read(), that is, while the number of bytes returned is > 0, I continue to read.
This example works perfectly if I specifically call close() on the client's socket after I've finished sending, but if I don't, the server won't actually exit the read() loop until I close the client and break the connection. On the server side, I'm using:
while((bytesRead = read(socket, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0)
Shouldn't bytesRead be 0 when all the data has been received? And if so, why will it not exit this loop until I close the socket? In my final application, it will be beneficial to keep the socket open between requests, but all of the sample code and information I can find calls close() immediately after sending data, which is not what I want.
What am I missing?
When the other end of the socket is connected to some other network system halfway around the world, the only way that the receiving socket knows "when all the data has been received" is precisely when the other side of the socket is closed. That's what tells the other side of the socket that "all the data has been received".
All that a socket knows about is that it's connected to some other socket endpoint. That's it. End of story. The socket has no special knowledge of the inner workings of the program that has the other side of the socket connection. Nor should it know. That happens to be the responsibility of the program that has the socket open, and not the socket itself.
If your program, on the receiving side, has knowledge -- by the virtue of knowing what data it is expected to receive -- that it has now received everything that it needs to receive, then it can close its end of the socket, and move on to the next task at hand.
You will have to incorporate in your program's logic, a way to determine, in some form or fashion, that all the data has been transmitted. The exact nature of that is going to be up to you to define. Perhaps, before sending all the data on the socket, your sending program will send in advance, on the same socket, the number of bytes that will be in the data to follow. Then, your receiving program reads the number of bytes first, followed by the data itself, and then knows that it has received everything, and can move on.
That's one simplistic approach. The exact details is up to you. Alternatively, you can also implement a timeout: set a timer and if any data is not received in some prescribed period of time, assume that there is no more.
You can set a flag on the recv call to prevent blocking.
One way to detect this easily is to wrap the recv call:
enum class read_result
// note: numerically in increasing order of severity
template<std::size_t BufferLength>
read_result read(int socket_fd, char (&buffer)[BufferLength], int& bytes_read)
auto result = recv(socket_fd, buffer, BufferLength, MSG_DONTWAIT);
if (result > 0)
return read_result::ok;
else if (result == 0)
return read_result::end_of_file;
else {
auto err = errno;
if (err == EAGAIN or err == EWOULDBLOCK) {
return read_result::would_block;
else {
return read_result ::error;
One use case might be:
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cerrno>
#include <iostream>
enum class read_result
// note: numerically in increasing order of severity
template<std::size_t BufferLength>
read_result read(int socket_fd, char (&buffer)[BufferLength], int& bytes_read)
auto result = recv(socket_fd, buffer, BufferLength, MSG_DONTWAIT);
if (result > 0)
return read_result::ok;
else if (result == 0)
return read_result::end_of_file;
else {
auto err = errno;
if (err == EAGAIN or err == EWOULDBLOCK) {
return read_result::would_block;
else {
return read_result ::error;
struct keep_reading
keep_reading& operator=(read_result result)
result_ = result;
const operator bool() const {
return result_ < read_result::end_of_file;
auto get_result() const -> read_result { return result_; }
read_result result_ = read_result::ok;
int main()
int socket; // = open my socket and wait for it to be connected etc
char buffer [1024];
int bytes_read = 0;
keep_reading should_keep_reading;
while(keep_reading = read(socket, buffer, bytes_read))
if (should_keep_reading.get_result() != read_result::would_block) {
// read things here
else {
// idle processing here
std::cout << "reason for stopping: " << should_keep_reading.get_result() << std::endl;

server and multiple clients using pthreads and select()

consider the next piece of code -
int get_ready_connection(int s) {
/* socket of connection */
int caller;
if ((caller = accept(s,NULL,NULL)) < SUCCESS)
server_log->write_to_log(sys_call_error(SERVER, "accept"));
return FAILURE;
return caller;
int establish_connection(sockaddr_in& connection_info)
// Create socket
if ((server_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < SUCCESS)
server_log->write_to_log(sys_call_error(SERVER, "socket"));
return FAILURE;
// Bind `sock` with given addresses
if (bind(server_sock, (struct sockaddr *) &connection_info, \
sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < SUCCESS)
server_log->write_to_log(sys_call_error(SERVER, "bind"));
return FAILURE;
// Max # of queued connects
if (listen(server_sock, MAX_PENDING_CONNECTIONS) < SUCCESS)
server_log->write_to_log(sys_call_error(SERVER, "listen"));
return FAILURE;
// Create a set of file descriptors and empty it.
fd_set set;
bool is_inside;
int ret_val;
FD_SET(server_sock, &set);
struct timeval tv = {2, 0};
ret_val = select(server_sock + 1, &set, NULL, NULL, &tv); // TODO ret_val
is_inside = FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &set);
// get user input
string user_input;
getline(cin, user_input);
if ((strcasecmp(user_input.c_str(), EXIT_TEXT) == 0))
return SUCCESS;
is_inside = FD_ISSET(server_sock, &set);
// get the first connection request
int current_connection = get_ready_connection(server_sock);
if (current_connection == FAILURE) {
exit_write_close(server_log, sys_call_error(SERVER, "accept"),
// if exit was not typed by the server's stdin, process the request
pthread_t thread;
// create thread
if (pthread_create(&thread, NULL, command_thread_func, &current_connection) != 0)
exit_write_close(server_log, sys_call_error(SERVER, "pthread_create"), ERROR);
All im trying to do, is to "listen" to STDIN for the user to type 'EXIT' in server's shell, and to wait for clients to pass commands from their shells (every time a command is recieved by the server from the user, the server parses it, and the server creates a thread that handles execution of the command)
To do it simultaniously, i used select().
When i work with a single thread, everything's perfect. But the problem is when im connecting another client i get a seg fault. i suspect that the problem is right here. any suggestions?
Hard to know if this is your exact problem, but this is definitely a problem:
You can't call pthread_create and provide a pointer to a stack variable (&current_connection) as your thread function's argument. For one thing, it's subject to immediate destruction as soon as the parent exits that scope.
Secondly, it will be overwritten on the next call to get_ready_connection.

Why does select only show file descriptors as ready if data is already being sent?

I'm using select() in a thread to monitor a datagram socket, but unless data is being sent to the socket before the thread starts, select() will continue to return 0.
I'm mixing a little C and C++; here's the method that starts the thread:
bool RelayStart() {
sock_recv = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
memset(&addr_recv, 0, sizeof(addr_recv));
addr_recv.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr_recv.sin_port = htons(18902);
addr_recv.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
bind(sock_recv, (struct sockaddr*) &addr_recv, sizeof(addr_recv));
isRelayingPackets = true;
return true;
The method that stops the thread:
bool RelayStop() {
isSendingVideo = false;
return true;
And the method run in the thread:
void Run() {
fd_set read_fds;
int select_return;
struct timeval select_timeout;
FD_SET(sock_recv, &read_fds);
while (isRelayingPackets) {
select_timeout.tv_sec = 1;
select_timeout.tv_usec = 0;
select_return = select(sock_recv + 1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &select_timeout);
if (select_return > 0 && FD_ISSET(sock_recv, &read_fds)) {
// ...
The problem is that if there isn't a process already sending UDP packets to port 18902 before RelayStart() is called, select() will always return 0. So, for example, I can't restart the sender without restarting the thread (in the correct order.)
Everything seems to work fine as long as the sender is started first.
The Run thread only constructs read_fds once.
The select call updates read_fds to have all its bits cleared for all descriptors that did not have data ready, and all its bits set for those that were set before and do have data ready.
Hence, if no descriptor has any data ready and the select call times out (and returns 0), all the bits in read_fds are now cleared. Further calls passing the same all-zero bit-mask will scan no file descriptors.
You can either re-construct the read-set on each trip inside the loop:
while (isRelayingPackets) {
FD_SET(sock_recv, &read_fds);
or use an auxiliary variable with a copy of the bit-set:
while (isRelayingPackets) {
fd_set select_arg = read_fds;
... same as before but use &select_arg ...
(Or, of course, there are non-select interfaces that are easier to use in some ways.)
How were you expecting it to behave? The point of select() is to sleep to a timeout until data are available to be read; in this case, it will time out after 1 second and return 0. Perhaps you don't actually want a timeout before the start of a stream?

Socket class Error

// class does not contain WSASTARTUP () and WSACLEANUP ()
#include "includes.h"
#include "LOGMSGs.h"
// 1, CListenSocket: class is used to create the listener thread local variable.
// This class can be reused. When you call Close () is closed, re-calling Open () the new listening port. But the system did not use the feature.
class CListenSocket
// main method:
// BIND each object only to a port.
CListenSocket(u_short nPort, int nSndSize = 0);
// to release SOCKET
// Create server listening SOCKET, specific options see the code. Fails to return false.
bool Open(); // call can be repeated
// error return INVALID_SOCKET
SOCKET Accept(u_long & nClientIP);
// repeated calls. Usually not, can be used to take the initiative to close the SOCKET.
// close the re-call after Open () re-use the object.
void Close(); // call can be repeated
bool IsOpen() { return m_bState; }
bool Rebuild();
SOCKET Socket() { return m_sockListen; }
// main member variables:
const u_short m_nPort;
const int m_nSndBuf;
SOCKET m_sockListen;
// network status is normal sign.
// When the value is false that the object is not available. May not have Open (), may also be a network error.
bool m_bState;
time_t m_tCloseTime; // SOCKET last closed the time delay for the automatic re-SOCKET
#include "ListenSocket.h"
long s_nSocketCount = 0;
CListenSocket::CListenSocket(u_short nPort, int nSndBuf /*= 0*/) // 0: Default
: m_nPort(nPort), m_nSndBuf(nSndBuf)
m_sockListen = INVALID_SOCKET;
m_bState = false;
// m_nPort = nPort;
m_tCloseTime = 0;
// Error returned INVALID_SOCKET
SOCKET CListenSocket::Accept(u_long & nClientIP)
// Reconstruction SOCKET
LOGMSG("Anti-crash system start listening SOCKET [%d] re under construction...", m_nPort);
LOGMSG("... listen SOCKET reconstruction success.");
PrintText("Listen SOCKET [%d] failed to rebuild SOCKET success. Server continues to run in the ...", m_nPort);
Error("... listen SOCKET reconstruction has failed. Server will not accept new connections");
PrintText("Listen SOCKET [%d] error, [%d] seconds after the re-SOCKET. Server continues to run in the ...", m_nPort, REBUILDLISTENDELAYSEC); // nDelaySec);
m_tCloseTime = clock();
Error("ACCEPT inner exception a1");
struct sockaddr_in addr;
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr));
int len = sizeof(addr);
SOCKET newsock = accept(m_sockListen, (sockaddr*)&addr, (int*)&len); // receive to the other side of the map, you can use
#ifdef PROFILE_X
// Analysis Accept speed (cycle speed)
const int nTimes2 = ACCEPTPROFILESEC; // Statistics once every 30 seconds the speed ACCEPT
static clock_t tNextTime2 = clock() + nTimes2 * CLOCKS_PER_SEC; //? Only one monitor thread, no sharing violation
static long nCount2 = 0; //? Only one monitor thread, no sharing violation
if(clock() >= tNextTime2)
PrintText("Each [%d] seconds to execute a [%d] times Accept ()", nTimes2, InterlockedExchange(&nCount2, 0));
tNextTime2 = clock() + nTimes2 * CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
#endif // PROFILE
if(newsock == INVALID_SOCKET)
// Network Error
int err = WSAGetLastError();
PrintText("Listen SOCKET %d failed, %s seconds after the re-SOCKET.", m_nPort, REBUILDLISTENDELAYSEC);
Error("Listen SOCKET [%d] failed [%d], [%s] seconds after the re-SOCKET.", m_nPort, err, REBUILDLISTENDELAYSEC);
Error("ACCEPT inner exception a2");
nClientIP = addr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr;
// Check whether the SOCKET closed
fd_set readmask;
FD_SET(newsock, &readmask);
struct timeval timeout = {0, 0};
char nTemp;
if(select(FD_SETSIZE, &readmask, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0, &timeout)
&& recv(newsock, &nTemp, 1, MSG_PEEK) == 0)
#ifdef ALPHA_X
LOGMSG("ACCEPT a new SOCKET is invalid .");
fd_set exceptmask;
FD_SET(newsock, &exceptmask);
int ret = select(FD_SETSIZE, &readmask, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) &exceptmask, &timeout);
if(ret < 0)
Error("ACCEPT a new SOCKET is invalid . can't read"); // Not trigger
else if(ret > 0)
if(FD_ISSET(newsock, &exceptmask))
LOGMSG("ACCEPT a new SOCKET is invalid.except"); // Not trigger
else if(FD_ISSET(newsock, &readmask))
char nTemp;
if(recv(newsock, &nTemp, 1, MSG_PEEK) == 0)
#ifdef ALPHA_X
LOGMSG("ACCEPT a new SOCKET is invalid. recv==0"); // Not trigger
#ifdef PROFILE_X
// analysis Accept speed (received valid SOCKET)
const int nTimes = ACCEPTPROFILESEC; // Statistics once every 10 seconds the speed ACCEPT
static clock_t tNextTime = clock() + nTimes * CLOCKS_PER_SEC; //? Only one monitor thread, no sharing violation
static long nCount = 0; //? Only one monitor thread, no sharing violation
if(clock() >= tNextTime)
LOGPROFILE("Port [%d] for every [%d] seconds, the successful implementation of the [%d] times Accept()",
m_nPort, nTimes, InterlockedExchange(&nCount, 0));
tNextTime = clock() + nTimes * CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
#endif // PROFILE
return newsock;
#include "includes.h"
#include "IniFile.h"
#include "LOGMSGs.h"
#include "ListenSocket.h"
CListenSocket Sock(9985);
int main()
u_long ip;
but i always got this error : ACCEPT inner exception a2 while it should work anyclue why?
CListenSocket Sock(9985);
int main()
/* I think you meant 'IsOpen()' */
u_long ip;
Incidentally, this code sure reads funny. It feels like a generic toolkit programmed without a specific goal in mind. Maybe I'm missing it, but I have to think you'd have better results if you just wrote the network code that actually needed, and then abstract out the common bits into some helper routines later. There's no point in trying too hard to make the be-all and end-all network helper library, but there is a huge point in making tools that collapse common cases.
Feel free to ignore that last paragraph if you know what you're doing :) but if you're just starting out, I'd like to suggest writing a few smaller clients and servers, and then try writing your abstraction layer.