I have the char array:
char* chararray = new char[33];
and the int:
int exponent = 11111111;
What I want to do, but am confused as to how, is: input the values of exponent into chararray. With the restrictions that exponent has to take up the 2nd to 9th values of chararray. chararray will be all 32 0s,and I want it to become 0xxxxxxxx0000....00, the x's being the 8 digits in exponent.
Furthermore, no build-in conversion functions like atof or atoi. I also want to avoid using Floats or doubles not that you'd really need to.
Note, this is for making IEEE754 32bit values to get some understanding.
Will edit for additional details or clarification if needed.
Try this after initializing the array with '0':
for(int i=9; i>=2; i--) {
chararray[i] = (exponent%10) + '0';
exponent = exponent/10;
chararray[32] = '\0';
I am currently working on an arbitrary size integer library for learning purposes.
Each number is represented as uint32_t *number_segments.
I have functional arithmetic operations, and the ability to print the raw bits of my number.
However, I have struggled to find any information on how I could convert my arbitrarily long array of uint32 into the correct, and also arbitrarily long base 10 representation as a string.
Essentially I need a function along the lines of:
std::string uint32_array_to_string(uint32_t *n, size_t n_length);
Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
You do it the same way as you do with a single uint64_t except on a larger scale (bringing this into modern c++ is left for the reader):
char * to_str(uint64_t x) {
static char buf[23] = {0}; // leave space for a minus sign added by the caller
char *p = &buf[22];
do {
*--p = '0' + (x % 10);
x /= 10;
} while(x > 0);
return p;
The function fills a buffer from the end with the lowest digits and divides the number by 10 in each step and then returns a pointer to the first digit.
Now with big nums you can't use a static buffer but have to adjust the buffer size to the size of your number. You probably want to return a std::string and creating the number in reverse and then copying it into a result string is the way to go. You also have to deal with negative numbers.
Since a long division of a big number is expensive you probably don't want to divide by 10 in the loop. Rather divide by 1'000'000'000 and convert the remainder into 9 digits. This should be the largest power of 10 you can do long division by a single integer, not bigum / bignum. Might be you can only do 10'000 if you don't use uint64_t in the division.
As part of a homework, I'm writing a program that takes a float decimal number as input entered from terminal, and return IEEE754 binary32 of that number AND return 1 if the binary exactly represents the number, 0 otherwise. We are only allowed to use iostream and cmath.
I already wrote the part that returns binary32 format, but I don't understand how to see if there's rounding to that format.
My idea to see the rounding was to calculate the decimal number back from binary32 form and compare it with the original number. But I am having difficulty with saving the returned binary32 as some type of data, since I can't use the vector header. I've tried using for loops and pow, but I still get the indices wrong.
Also, I'm having trouble understanding what exactly is df or *df? I wrote the code myself, but I only know that I needed to convert address pointed to float to address pointed to char.
My other idea was to compare binary32 and binary 64, which gives more precision. And again, I don't know how to do this without using vector?
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
int i ,j;
float num;
num = atof(argv[1]);
char* numf = (char*)(&num);
for (i = sizeof(float) - 1; i >= 0; i--){
for (j = 7; j >= 0; j--)
if (numf[i] & (1 << j)) {
cout << "1";
cout << "0";
cout << endl;
Since there's no other way around without using header files, I hard coded for loops to convert binary32 back to decimal.
Since x = 1.b31b30...b0 * 2^p. One for loop for finding the exponent and one for loop for finding the significand.
Basic idea: Convert your number d back to a string (eg. with to_string) and compare it to the input. If the strings are different, there was some loss because of the limitations of float.
Of course, this means your input always has to be in the same string format that to_string uses. No additional unneeded 0's, no whitespaces, etc.
That said, doing the float conversion without cast (but with manually parsing the input and calculating the IEEE754 bits) is more work initally, but in return, it sovled this problem automatically. And, as noted in the comments, your cast might not work the way you want.
Is there a way for the user to input a binary number in C or C++?
If we write something like
int a = 0b1010;
std::cout << a << std::endl
Then the output comes out to be 10 (when using the appropriate compiler extensions).
but when we try to write
int n;
std::cin >> n;
int t = 0bn;
It gives us an error so can anyone suggest that how can we directly read binary number as input rather than using string to store input?
There is a bit of confusion here, let's disentangle it a bit.
0b1010 is an integer literal, a constant, compile-time integer value written in base 2. Likewise, 0xA is a literal in base 16 and 10 is in base 10. All of these refer to the same integer, it is just a different way of telling the compiler which number you mean. At runtime, in memory, this integer is always represented as a base-2 number.
std::cout << a; takes the integer value of a and outputs a string representation of it. By default it outputs it in base 10, but you can i.e use the std::hex modifier to have it output it in base 16. There is no predefined modifier to print in binary. So you need to do that on your own (or google it, it is a common question).
0b at last, is only used to define integer literals. It is not a runtime operator. Recall, all ints are represented as base 2 numbers in memory. Other bases do not exist from a machine point of view, int is int, so there is nothing to convert. If you need to read a binary number from a string, you would roll the reverse code to what you do to print it (std::cin >> n assumes that the input is a base 10 number, so it reads a wrong number if the input is actually intended to be in base 2).
While there is no function to read binary numbers directly, there are functions, strtox (where x represents the data type) to convert a string containing a binary number (or a number of any other base) to a numeric value.
So the solution is to first read the number as a string and then convert it.
char input[100];
char *endpointer;
<read input using either C or C++ syntax>
int n = (int) strtol(input, &endpointer, 2);
To take a binary number as input, there are two ways I use frequently:
(Keynote: Take the input as string!!! use: #include <string>)
The to_ulong() method of the bitset template of the bitset library
for this you need to include the bitset library using #include <bitset>
string s;
cin>>s; // Suppose s = "100100101"
int n = (int) bitset<64>(s).to_ulong();
cout<<n; // 293
Explore more about bitset here and about to_ulong() here.
The stoi() method of the string library
for this you need to include the string library using #include <string>
string s;
cin>>s; // Suppose s = "100100101"
int n = stoi(s, 0, 2);
cout<<n; // 293
Explore the format of stoi() here.
rather do it yourself:
uint32_t a = 0;
char c;
while ((c = getchar()) != '\n') { // read a line char by char
a <<= 1; // shift the uint32 a bit left
a += (c - '0') & 1; // convert the char to 0/1 and put it at the end of the binary
printf("%u\n", a);
I know that to pad an integer with zeroes I can do the following,
NSString *version = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%03d", appVersion.intValue];
This will add up to 3 zeroes to the left of the integer if needed. However I would like to do the same but instead of padding to the left, I need to pad to the right.
How can I pad an integer with zeroes but to the right of the integer? (Ideally with similar simplicity as the above method)
Here's an example of what I need,
If the integer turns out to be 38, I need the version string to come out as 380 (Only one zero was added to the end of the integer because I wanted a max of three characters and if the integer is less than three characters, zeroes will be added to make it three).
The method I am currently using will give me 038. I need 380.
Or if the integer is 381 then the output should be 381 because I only want a max of three character.
Can you multiply the value by 1000, and then print that? If you need a lot of zeroes, you might generally want to promote the int to a long or long long before multiplying, to reduce the likelihood of overflow.
NSString *version = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%ld", ((long)appVersion.intValue)*1000];
If you need the length of the int in digits, before deciding to multiply by some factor of ten, take the floor of the decimal log of the value and add one. For example:
int foo = 123;
int digitsInFoo = floor(log10(foo)) + 1; /* 3 */
Then use some rule to decide how many zero digits to add.
int totalDesiredLength = 5;
int numberOfZeroesNeeded = totalDesiredLength - digitsInFoo; /* this assumes totalDesiredLength >= digitsInFoo */
int factor = (int) pow(10, numberOfZeroesNeeded); /* 100 */
Then the five-digit result will be foo * factor or 12300. You can adjust this for your situation as needed. Test for bounds so that you don't end up with weird results.
char buf[4];
int len = sprintf(buf, "%u", 38);
while (len < 3)
buf[len++] = '0';
buf[len] = '\0';
You might prefer sprint_s over sprintf. And if you're really paranoid, check that the value returned from sprintf isn't negative.
How to convert string (22.123) format number into float variable format without using any API in c++. This is just to understand more about the inside coding.. thnx
something like:
double string_to_double(std::string s)
int p = 0;
int p_dec = s.length();
double val = 0;
for (int i=0; i<s.length(); ++i)
double digit = (double)(s[i] - '0');
if (s[i] == '.') { p_dec = p; }
else { val += digit*powf(10,p--); }
val /= powf(10, p_dec);
Basic algorithm, assuming no input in the form 1.2e-4:
(1) Read an integer before the dot. If the number of digits is > 16 (normal precision of double), convert that integer into floating point directly and return.
(2) Read an at most 16 digits dot as an integer. Compute (that integer) ÷ 10digits read. Sum up this with the integer in step (1) and return.
This only involve 2 floating point operation: one + and one ÷, and a bunch of integer arithmetics. The advantage over multiplications and divisions by powers of 10 is that the error won't accumulate unnecessarily.
(To read 16-digit integers you need a 64-bit int.)
In reality, you should use sscanf(str, "%lf", ...), std::istringstream, or boost::lexical_cast<double>.
go over the number digit by digit by using a bunch of multiplications and divisions by powers of 10 and construct the string character by character.
If you just want an idea of how to do it, the other answer, if you want an accurate result, the problem is not so simple and you should refer to the literature on the subject. An example: ftp://ftp.ccs.neu.edu/pub/people/will/howtoread.ps
I'm pretty sure that the Plauger Standard C Library book has a disc with the source of strtod.
and there are online versions too: