Application icon is not getting displayed in control panel add/remove programs - c++

I have a c++ application. The app icon shows fine on the start menu, task bar etc., but not in Add / Remove Programs in the control panel. What do I need to do to fix this?

Control panel add/remove program reads all the programs list from registry.
For XP it's HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
you can take backup of your registry, and remove your program name from this registry.


Modifying the Windows Explorer Toolbar with WinApi / c++

My task is to program change sorting parameter of files and folders in my operating system.
In the article on the MSDN:
Modifying the Windows Explorer Toolbar
In addition to modifying the Windows Explorer menu bar, you can also add buttons to the toolbar. And an example code.
But example of this modifying the Windows Explorer menu bar is not there, the only thing is there it's button adding example.
An alternative article has an example of opening it, so my question is: is it even possible, and if it is, how to do it?
The folder sort settings are saved to:
HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\
HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\BagMRU
The entries look like:
You would need to loop through all of these registry entries and change the 'Sort' key. This would only affect folders which have already been accessed.
If you want to see how these lists are parsed, run ShellBagsView while running ProcMon and log all the interactions with the registry.
To do it, not programatically you can follow these instructions:

Qt Disable Windows 10 Game Bar

I have an application developed in Qt that causes Windows 10 to think it is a game, and opens a pop up box that says Press the Win-key + G to open the Game bar. This is very unhelpful as my application is not a game; and it interferes with the user experience. How can I turn this off from within my application code? I have been unable to find any documentation related to this. Thanks in advance.
It is not possible to neither capture Windows shortcuts (in order to stop propagation and disable them), nor to disable game bar in a per-app base.
Options you have are:
to disable it globally (see this post): you can do it using the Registry, so it can be included in an installation package, but you'll affect the global settings of the user,
change the shortcut used to access it in the Xbox app,
use some third-party app, such as AutoHotKey, to map keyboard sequences to an empty action (related question).
Also you can (from user side) disable it for your app in Xbox app. (Xbox support):
Open Xbox app
In my games list select your app
Right click on it and delete it
This will delete your app from games list, so GameBar will not appear.

How to lock Windows 7 into a single program with C++?

I have been working on an app in Visual Studio 2015 (C++). It's a kiosk app for my school's tech support. Basically, it's a support site that will run in a kiosk. I need to figure out how to lock windows so it only runs that program. It would also be helpful to run the program in fullscreen mode. Keep in mind that all of the kiosks run Windows 7.
Set registry key
HKCU SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Disallow task manager via security of taskmgr.exe (add a deny read + deny execute to the binary)
Set autologn:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
DefaultUserName = whatever
DefaultPassword = whatever
Have a boot disk handy. The only way to reverse this is to boot the boot disk and undo one of the steps after mounting the appropriate hive.
you can create your program with main window in full screen mode and popup:
"MDI Project under Visual C++ WINAPI",
...);// add the remaining parameters
and find taskmgr.exe and hide it and start menu button and hide them also:
hTaskBar = ::FindWindow ("Shell_TrayWnd", "");
hStart = ::FindWindowEx(GetDesktopWindow(), NULL, "Button", "Start");
ShowWindow(hTaskBar, SW_HIDE);
ShowWindow(hStart, SW_HIDE);
so your program looks like easycafe or handycafe
I actually switched from C++ to C#, so I'm gonna explain my answer with C#.
I used a keyboard hook library to capture keyboard input and block all non-letter/number input so alt-f4, alt-tab etc. would not work. I then determined a closing sequence of characters using another keyboard hook (LWin+C+Home+F12+PrtSc).
As for Ctrl-Alt-Del, that cannot be disabled (as far as I know) because it is a system function, so I just left that as it is.
I also got the bounds of the screen and set the size of the window to the maximum screen size at application launch, as well as whenever the app is resized or moved. This essentially makes it so the app covers the task bar, and the bar with the close and minimize buttons is also covered, but if someone found a way to move it it would immediately go back to it's full size.
I also set up autologin as was detailed in a previous answer, but I just didn't do it through code.

Paste From QT Window to Another Application Input Widget

I am very new to C++ programming and the bulk of my program will be using the QT libraries. However, there is one part where I believe I will need to use Win32.
The scenario I want to code for is as follows:
I will have a QT application running. I want to be able to take some text which has been typed into a TextBox on the QT Window and paste that text into a TextBox in another application e.g. the address bar of Chrome, the address bar of Windows Explorer.
I want to be able to do that as a response to a button click on the QT Window. So, it would all happen in 3 steps. For example:
User types text into QT Window;
User places cursor in address bar of Chrome (Browser);
User clicks button on Window which pastes text into address bar of Chrome.
A nudge in the right direction would be most appreciated.
Edit - Additional Info
The application I’m building is a self-set assignment. I want to build a clipboard manager, similar to this old Delphi application . It will run in the system tray, in a minimised state.
The user, will put their focus into a text input in some application
which is running on their Windows machine e.g. Notepad.
Then, they will hit a hot key combination which will open a form (my QT Window.
The application will have been collecting clips as the user presses Ctrl-C (or by right-clicking) and those will be listed in that QT Form (just like the app in the link above).
The user then clicks on the particular item that they want paste and it will be pasted into the original input that they had put the cursor into.
Further Edit - further info
I'll break step 4 into a couple of sub-steps as it is causing confusion:
The user then clicks on the particular item that they want paste
Focus changes from QT Window back to the window of the other Win32 application which originally had focus
Content is pasted into the input control which now has the focus
I pretty much know how I can gather up items when the user copies things. But I have no idea how I will paste from my application to the target application.

Creating a Control Panel Applet similar to built in applets

I have created a Control panel applet. The icon is placed in the control panel. When I double click my icon, it just opens a notepad application.
What I have to implement is, when I double click on my icon, it should open the GUI similar to the UI of other the Control panel (Power options of control panel.)
My question is, do I need to create a separate windows forms application? or any other way is there?
Creating address bar similar to explorer is not possible, since MS has not exposed such control.
You can take a look at the following link...
MFC: Address Bar control like Windows Explorer