std::ofstream::open will it read the entire file into memory? - c++

I'm writing things from my memory to the disk in order to free my memory.
I wonder each time I call open(), and appendix new elements to the end of the file, will it read the entire file into memory? or it is just a pointer to the end of the file?

The fstream implementation doesn't specify exactly what happens if you use the ofstream::app, ios::app, ofstream::ate or ios::ate mode to open the file.
But in any sane implementation, the file is not read into memory, all that happens is that the fstream implementation positions the "current position" to the end of the file.
To read the entire file into memoiry would be rather terrible if you have a system with 2GB of RAM and you wanted to append to a file that is bigger than 2GB.
Being very pedantic, when writing something to a text-file, it is likely that the filesystem that is part of the operating system will read the last few (kilo)bytes of the file, as most hard-disks and similar storage requires that the data is being written to a "block", which is a fixed size (e.g. 512 bytes or 4 kilobytes). So, unless the current filesize is exactly at a boundary of such a block, the filesystem must read the last block of the file and write it back with the additional data that you asked to write.
If you are worried about appending to a log-file that gets very large, no, it's not an issue. If you are worried about memory safety because your file has secret data that you won't want stored in memory, then may be a problem, because a portion of that will probably be loaded into memory, and there is nothing you can do to control that.


How to read huge file in c++

If I have a huge file (eg. 1TB, or any size that does not fit into RAM. The file is stored on the disk). It is delimited by space. And my RAM is only 8GB. Can I read that file in ifstream? If not, how to read a block of file (eg. 4GB)?
There are a couple of things that you can do.
First, there's no problem opening a file that is larger than the amount of RAM that you have. What you won't be able to do is copy the whole file live into your memory. The best thing would be for you to find a way to read just a few chunks at a time and process them. You can use ifstream for that purpose (with, for instance). Allocate, say, one megabyte of memory, read the first megabyte of that file into it, rinse and repeat:
ifstream bigFile("mybigfile.dat");
constexpr size_t bufferSize = 1024 * 1024;
unique_ptr<char[]> buffer(new char[bufferSize]);
while (bigFile)
{, bufferSize);
// process data in buffer
Another solution is to map the file to memory. Most operating systems will allow you to map a file to memory even if it is larger than the physical amount of memory that you have. This works because the operating system knows that each memory page associated with the file can be mapped and unmapped on-demand: when your program needs a specific page, the OS will read it from the file into your process's memory and swap out a page that hasn't been used in a while.
However, this can only work if the file is smaller than the maximum amount of memory that your process can theoretically use. This isn't an issue with a 1TB file in a 64-bit process, but it wouldn't work in a 32-bit process.
Also be aware of the spirits that you're summoning. Memory-mapping a file is not the same thing as reading from it. If the file is suddenly truncated from another program, your program is likely to crash. If you modify the data, it's possible that you will run out of memory if you can't save back to the disk. Also, your operating system's algorithm for paging in and out memory may not behave in a way that advantages you significantly. Because of these uncertainties, I would consider mapping the file only if reading it in chunks using the first solution cannot work.
On Linux/OS X, you would use mmap for it. On Windows, you would open a file and then use CreateFileMapping then MapViewOfFile.
I am sure you don't have to keep all the file in memory. Typically one wants to read and process file by chunks. If you want to use ifstream, you can do something like that:
ifstream is("/path/to/file");
char buf[4096];
do {, sizeof(buf));
process_chunk(buf, is.gcount());
} while(is);
A more advances aproach is to instead of reading whole file or its chunks to memory you can map it to memory using platform specific apis:
Under windows: CreateFileMapping(), MapViewOfFile()
Under linux: open(2) / creat(2), shm_open, mmap
you will need to compile 64bit app to make it work.
for more details see here: CreateFileMapping, MapViewOfFile, how to avoid holding up the system memory
You can use fread
char buffer[size];
fread(buffer, size, sizeof(char), fp);
Or, if you want to use C++ fstreams you can use read as buratino said.
Also have in mind that you can open a file regardless of its size, the idea is to open it and read it in chucks that fit in your RAM.

How does fstream work? Memory or file?

I'm not finding a clear answer to one aspect of the fstream object necessary to determine whether it is worth using. Does fstream store its contents in memory, or is it more like a pointer to a location in a file? I was originally using CFile and reading the text into a CString, but I'd rather not have the entire file in memory if I can avoid it.
fstream is short for file stream -- it's normally a connection to a file in the host OS's file system. (ยง27.9.1.1/1: "The class basic_filebuf<charT,traits> associates both the input sequence and the output sequence with a file.")
It does (normally) buffer some information from that file, and if you happen to be working with a tiny file, it might all happen to fit in the buffer. In a typical case, however, most of the data will be in a file on disk (or at least in the OS's file cache) with some relatively small portion of it (typically a few kilobytes) in the fstream's buffer.
If you did want to use a buffer in memory and have it act like a file, you'd normally use a std::stringstream (or a variant like std::istringstream or std::ostringstream).

How to read blocks of data from a file and then read from that block into a vector?

Suppose I have a file which has x records. One 'block' holds m records. Total number of blocks in file n=x/m. If I know the size of one record, say b bytes (size of one block = b*m), I can read the complete block at once using system command read() (is there any other method?). Now, how do I read each record from this block and put each record as a separate element into a vector.
The reason why I want to do this in the first place is to reduce the disk i/o operations. As the disk i/o operations are much more expensive according to what I have learned.
Or will it take the same amount of time as when I read record by record from file and directly put it into vectors instead of reading block by block? On reading block by block, I will have only n disk I/O's whereas x I/O's if I read record by record.
You should consider using mmap() instead of reading your files using read().
What's nice about mmap is that you can treat file contents as simply mapped into your process space as if you already had a pointer into the file contents. By simply inspecting memory contents and treating it as an array, or by copying data using memcpy() you will implicitly perform read operations, but only as necessary - operating system virtual memory subsystem is smart enough to do it very efficiently.
The only possible reason to avoid mmap maybe if you are running on 32-bit OS and file size exceeds 2 gigabytes (or slightly less than that). In this case OS may have trouble allocating address space to your mmap-ed memory. But on 64-bit OS using mmap should never be a problem.
Also, mmap can be cumbersome if you are writing a lot of data, and size of the data is not known upfront. Other than that, it is always better and faster to use it over the read.
Actually, most modern operating systems rely on mmap extensively. For example, in Linux, to execute some binary, your executable is simply mmap-ed and executed from memory as if it was copied there by read, without actually reading it.
Reading a block at a time won't necessarily reduce the number of I/O operations at all. The standard library already does buffering as it reads data from a file, so you do not (normally) expect to see an actual disk input operation every time you attempt to read from a stream (or anything close).
It's still possible reading a block at a time would reduce the number of I/O operations. If your block is larger than the buffer the stream uses by default, then you'd expect to see fewer I/O operations used to read the data. On the other hand, you can accomplish the same by simply adjusting the size of buffer used by the stream (which is probably a lot easier).

c++ fstream and seekp

If I do a seekp past the end of a file and then a write what happens? What I would like to happen is that the file would automatically be extended to the size of the seekp location. If so, does it also fill in the space between the old end of file and the new location by writing anything to the disk or is the space just allocated.
However, if it does not extend the file, how could I accomplish fairly efficiently?
It is perfectly acceptable to seekp() past the end of file and then write. The file would indeed be extended.
Whether or not there would be disk space allocated for the hole depends on the filesystem. Some filesystems (e.g. ext3) support sparse files, some don't.

Using the pagefile for caching?

I have to deal with a huge amount of data that usually doesn't fit into main memory. The way I access this data has high locality, so caching parts of it in memory looks like a good option. Is it feasible to just malloc() a huge array, and let the operating system figure out which bits to page out and which bits to keep?
Assuming the data comes from a file, you're better off memory mapping that file. Otherwise, what you end up doing is allocating your array, and then copying the data from your file into the array -- and since your array is mapped to the page file, you're basically just copying the original file to the page file, and in the process polluting the "cache" (i.e., physical memory) so other data that's currently active has a much better chance of being evicted. Then, when you're done you (typically) write the data back from the array to the original file, which (in this case) means copying from the page file back to the original file.
Memory mapping the file instead just creates some address space and maps it directly to the original file instead. This avoids copying data from the original file to the page file (and back again when you're done) as well as temporarily moving data into physical memory on the way from the original file to the page file. The biggest win, of course, is when/if there are substantial pieces of the original file that you never really use at all (in which case they may never be read into physical memory at all, assuming the unused chunk is at least a page in size).
If the data are in a large file, look into using mmap to read it. Modern computers have so much RAM, you might not enough swap space available.