JSF multiple kinds of objects in a datatable [closed] - list

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I wanna know how can i put in a datatable multiple kinds of objects. I have stored in a database objects of many types. I have to show them in a datatable.
Can anybody tell me how can i do it?
Diego Sabino

I had a similar situation, I thought of two options.
Adapter/Wrapper object for all different objects, and use wrapper methods to show data.
Let objects implement an interface and use that interface methods to pull relevant information for datatable.
Hope this helps.


data structure project using Avl tree [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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hello everybody Can anyone help me in choosing a project for data structure course final project in c++ my teacher told me to do it using avl tree I just want to ask which project will be useful to do it any management system,like library,banking,etc,which proposal will be best plesae help me I will be very thankful to you :)
Avl trees are used, basically when you want to store information and search for it using quickly from a key.
With this premise, you can use them, for example, in a relational database key search, a dictionary word search, a compiler analizer, etc.

Messagebox with Django [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have to make bills in my Django Project.
Before I create this bills, I have to ask the user, which kind of Bill, he want's to create.
Therefore something like a Messagebox should be opened.
Is something like this possible in Django?
Thank's for your help!
Messageboxes are a part of the frontend, and not the backend where django mostly operates.
What you want is javascript and html, a popup messagebox is called a "Modal" and there are several implementations you can use. for example, Bootstrap seems to be popular

Bindind to keys C++ [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Hello there I am a realative newbie when it comes to using different "commands" in order to achieve things so I was wondering if any of you know a way to bind a key to do a certain task anywhere in the programme ,so I would be able to display a function for example and after the display finishes the programme carries on normally like nothing happened and then that same key on any other push would still do the display . Thanks in advance
Plain C++ does not have any concept of "key binding". The platform (e.g., the operating system) has this knowledge and it provides some libraries to handle it. So, you must provide more information about the operating system, or use a cross-platform library like Qt.

A property which is not true for classes [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am facing the question in below (especially C++)
A property which is not true for classes is that they
(A) are removed from memory when not in use.
(B) permit data to be hidden from other classes.
(C) bring together all aspects of an entity in one place.
(D) Can closely model objects in the real world.
Could anyone explain me about meaning of that question?
What is property for classes?
I am new in C++, so if this question is posted anywhere, kindly inform me.
Thank you!
In order: No. Yes. Maybe. Hopefully.
Could anyone explain me about meaning of that question?
The question gives four "properties" (or traits) of things:
a) are removed from memory when not in use.
b) permit data to be hidden from other classes.
c) bring together all aspects of an entity in one place.
d) can closely model objects in the real world.
Your task is to identify at least one of those four choices which does not apply to the programming concept called a class.
This question is asking about (not necessarily in this order):
Real-world modeling
Garbage collection

Is there a "generics-like" feature in C++? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to create a list class in C++ similar to the lists in Java. Is there a way I can have it be able to list whatever object it wants to? The class resizes arrays to create the list, but what I need to do is find out the kind of object that's needed to store.
Yes, C++ has templates that can be used to create generic containers roughly similar to Java generic containers.
While your immediate reaction might be to assume that std::list is similar to a Java list, that would be a mistake. In Java, a list basically just means a sequence. In C++, a std::list is a linked list (which is rarely useful). Most of the time you want to use an std::vector (which is more like Java's ArrayList).
Yes, there is, and it's called Templates