Amazon Web Services - CreateDBSnapshot - amazon-web-services

I am completely new to Amazon Web Services, however, I did get an account and I am able to browse our list of servers. I am trying to create a database backup programmatically using .NET. I have installed AWS for .NET and I have built and run the sample Empty console program.
I can see that I can create an instance of the RDS service with the following line:
AmazonRDS rds = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonRDSClient(RegionEndPoint.USEast1);
However, I notice that the rds.CreateDBSnapshot(); needs a request object but I don't see anything like CreateDBSnapshotRequest in the reference .dll, can anyone help with a working example?

Like you said CreateDBSnapshotRequest is the parameter you have to pass to this function.
CreateDBSnapshotRequest is defined in the Amazon.RDS.Model namespace within the AWSSDK.dll assembly (version
Within CreateDBSnapshotRequest you must pass the the DB Instance Identifier (for example mydbinstance-1), that you defined when you invoked the CreateDBInstance (or one of it's related methods) and the identifier for the snapshot you wish to generate (example: my-snapshot-id) for this DB Instance.
edit / example
Well there are a couple ways to achieve this, here's one example - hope it clears up your doubts
using Amazon.RDS;
using Amazon.RDS.Model;
//gets the credentials from the default configuration
AmazonRDS rdsClient = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonRDSClient();
CreateDBSnapshotRequest dbSnapshotRequest = new CreateDBSnapshotRequest();
dbSnapshotRequest.DBInstanceIdentifier = "my-oracle-instance";
dbSnapshotRequest.DBSnapshotIdentifier = "daily-snapshot";
Dont't forget that the DB Instance (in the example my-oracle-instance) must exist (duh :) and must be in the available state, like this:

Related The Application Default Credentials are not available

I am fairly new to GCP API functions.
I am currently trying to the use text-to-speech module following these steps:
I did not set up the environmental variable since I used the authExplicit(String jsonPath) for its authentication:
my code looks like following;
public void main() throws Exception {
String jsonPath = "/User/xxx/xxxx/xxxxxx/xxxx.json";
//calling the text-to-speech function form the above link.
text2speech("some text");
authExplicit(jsonPath) goes through without any problem and prints a bucket. I thought the credential key in JSON was checked. However, text2speech function returns the error as follows: The Application Default Credentials are not available. They are available if running in Google Compute Engine. Otherwise, the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be defined pointing to a file defining the credentials. See for more information.
I want to get the text2speech function work by call Google Cloud API functions.
Please let me know how to solve this issue.
Your advice would be highly appreciated.
It's confusing.
Application Default Credentials (ADC) is a process that looks for the credentials in various places including the env var GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDNTIALS.
If GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDNTIALS is unset and the code is running on a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Compute Engine (GCE) service (e.g. Compute Engine), then it use the Metadata service to determine the credentials. If not, ADC fails and raises an error.
Your code fails because, authExplicit does not use ADC but loads the Service Account key from the file and creates a Storage account client using these credentials. Only the Storage client is thus authenticated.
I recommend a (simpler) solution: Use ADC and have Storage and Text2Speech clients both use ADC.
You will need to set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env var to the path to a key if you run your code off GCP (i.e. not on GCE or similar) but when it runs on GCP, it will leverage the service's credentials.
You will need to create both the Storage and Text2Speech clients to use ADCs:
Cloud Storage
Storage storage = StorageOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
TextToSpeechClient textToSpeechClient = TextToSpeechClient.create()

google cloud billing API: not able to update billing info

I am trying to learn how to use the cloud billing API and playing around with it's methods. I copied a code snippet in Java that shows how to use the updateBillingInfo method. I have a project in my cloud account, and it has a billing account associated with it, and I wanted to change it to a different billing account.
Here's what I tried:
String name = "projects/My project";
ProjectBillingInfo info = new ProjectBillingInfo();
Cloudbilling.Projects.UpdateBillingInfo request = cloudbillingService.projects().updateBillingInfo(name, info);
ProjectBillingInfo response = request.execute();
and my problem is that request.execute() (as well as the API browser explorer) throws an exception with code "500 - internal error encountered".
Am I not using it correctly? It was my understanding that after this, when I check my project in GCP, I should see my project listed to the new billing account. Help is much appreciated.
You are using an invalid Project ID, since GCP project IDs have no spaces in them. Note that Project IDs and Project names are different things. It needs to be the ID as seen here. The rest of your code snippet seems fine, just make sure you put the actual project ID like this: projects/your-project-id

AWS DynamoDB resource not found exception

I have a problem with connection to DynamoDB. I get this exception:
Requested resource not found (Service: AmazonDynamoDB; Status Code:
400; Error Code: ResourceNotFoundException; Request ID: ..
But I have a table and region is correct.
From the docs it's either you don't have a Table with that name or it is in CREATING status.
I would double check to verify that the table does in fact exist, in the correct region, and you're using an access key that can reach it
My problem was stupid but maybe someone has the same... I changed recently the default credentials of aws (~/.aws/credentials), I was testing in another account and forgot to rollback the values to the regular account.
I spent 1 day researching the problem in my project and now I should repay a debt to humanity and reduce the entropy of the universe a little.
Usually, this message says that your client can't reach a table in your DB.
You should check the next things:
1. Your database is running
2. Your accessKey and secretKey are valid for the database
3. Your DB endpoint is valid and contains correct protocol ("http://" or "https://"), and correct hostname, and correct port
4. Your table was created in the database.
5. Your table was created in the database in the same region that you set as a parameter in credentials. Optional, because some
database environments (e.g. Testcontainers Dynalite) don't have an incorrect value for the region. And any nonempty region value will be correct
In my case problem was that I couldn't save and load data from a table in tests with DynamoDB substituted by Testcontainers and Dynalite. I found out that in our project tables creates by Spring component marked with #Component annotation. And in tests, we are using a global setting for lazy loading components to test, so our component didn't load by default because no one call it in the test explicitly. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
If DynamoDB table is in a different region, make sure to set it before initialising the DynamoDB by
AWS.config.update({region: "your-dynamoDB-region" });
This works for me:)
Always ensure that you do one of the following:
The right default region is set up in the AWS CLI configuration files on all the servers, development machines that you are working on.
The best choice is to always specify these constants explicitly in a separate class/config in your project. Always import this in code and use it in the boto3 calls. This will provide flexibility if you were to add or change based on the enterprise requirements.
If your resources are like mine and all over the place, you can define the region_name when you're creating the resource.
I do this for all my instantiations as it forces me to think about what I'm putting/calling where.
boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name='us-east-2')
I was getting this issue in my .NetCore Application.
Following fixed the issue for me in Startup class --> ConfigureServices method
new AWSOptions
Region = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName("eu-west-2")
I got Error warning Lambda : lifecycleIteration=0 lambda handler returned an error: ResourceNotFoundException: Requested resource not found
I spent 1 week to fix the issue.
And so its root cause and steps to find issue is mentioned in below Git Issue thread and fixed it.

how to create a vm snapshot using pyvmomi

I have a task of implementing a basic backup and recovery system within a django app. I have heard of pyvmomi, but never used it before.
My specific tasks at hand is:
1) make a call to a vCenter, pass the vm name, and request to make a snapshot
2) obtain the file location of the snapshot
3) and upload the snapshot file into an OpenStack Swift object store
What is the actual syntax of creating a vm snapshot using pyvmomi?
Also - what is the syntax to request the actual snapshot file from vCenter?
This should be helpful
Snapshot task result itself contains Moref to snashot created
So that you can get reference to created snapshot.

How to change client schema during provisioning?

I'm rushing (never a good thing) to get Sync Framework up and running for a "offline support" deadline on my project. We have a SQL Express 2008 instance on our server and then will deploy SQLCE to the clients. Clients will only sync with server, no peer-to-peer.
So far I have the following working:
Server schema setup
Scope created and tested
Server provisioned
Client provisioned w/ table creation
I've been very impressed with the relative simplicity of all of this. Then I realized the following:
Schema created through client provisioning to SQLCE does not setup default values for uniqueidentifier types.
FK constraints are not created on client
Here is the code that is being used to create the client schema (pulled from an example I found somewhere online)
static void Provision()
SqlConnection serverConn = new SqlConnection(
"Data Source=xxxxx, xxxx; Database=xxxxxx; " +
"Integrated Security=False; Password=xxxxxx; User ID=xxxxx;");
// create a connection to the SyncCompactDB database
SqlCeConnection clientConn = new SqlCeConnection(
#"Data Source='C:\SyncSQLServerAndSQLCompact\xxxxx.sdf'");
// get the description of the scope from the SyncDB server database
DbSyncScopeDescription scopeDesc = SqlSyncDescriptionBuilder.GetDescriptionForScope(
ScopeNames.Main, serverConn);
// create CE provisioning object based on the scope
SqlCeSyncScopeProvisioning clientProvision = new SqlCeSyncScopeProvisioning(clientConn, scopeDesc);
// starts the provisioning process
When Sync Framework creates the schema on the client I need to make the additional changes listed earlier (default values, constraints, etc.).
This is where I'm getting confused (and frustrated):
I came across a code example that shows a SqlCeClientSyncProvider that has a CreatingSchema event. This code example actually shows setting the RowGuid property on a column which is EXACTLY what I need to do. However, what is a SqlCeClientSyncProvider?! This whole time (4 days now) I've been working with SqlCeSyncProvider in my sync code. So there is a SqlCeSyncProvider and a SqlCeClientSyncProvider?
The documentation on MSDN is not very good in explaining what either of these.
I've further confused whether I should make schema changes at provision time or at sync time?
How would you all suggest that I make schema changes to the client CE schema during provisioning?
SqlCeSyncProvider and SqlCeClientSyncProvider are different.
The latter is what is commonly referred to as the offline provider and this is the provider used by the Local Database Cache project item in Visual Studio. This provider works with the DbServerSyncProvider and SyncAgent and is used in hub-spoke topologies.
The one you're using is referred to as a collaboration provider or peer-to-peer provider (which also works in a hub-spoke scenario). SqlCeSyncProvider works with SqlSyncProvider and SyncOrchestrator and has no corresponding Visual Studio tooling support.
both providers requires provisioning the participating databases.
The two types of providers provisions the sync objects required to track and apply changes differently. The SchemaCreated event applies to the offline provider only. This get's fired the first time a sync is initiated and when the framework detects that the client database has not been provisioned (create user tables and the corresponding sync framework objects).
the scope provisioning used by the other provider dont apply constraints other than the PK. so you will have to do a post-provisioning step to apply the defaults and constraints yourself outside of the framework.
While researching solutions without using SyncAgent I found that the following would also work (in addition to my commented solution above):
Provision the client and let the framework create the client [user] schema. Now you have your tables.
Deprovision - this removes the restrictions on editing the tables/columns
Make your changes (in my case setting up Is RowGuid on PK columns and adding FK constraints) - this actually required me to drop and add a column as you can't change the "Is RowGuid" property an existing columns
Provision again using DbSyncCreationOption.CreateOrUseExisting