Deploying failed in AWS Elasticbeanstalk - amazon-web-services

I have a problem in deploying PHP based web application in AWS EB. I tried to push files using GIT bash; it went fine and shows completed 100%.
Then I checked in my AWS console it shows "Environment update is starting." after few seconds it shows
"Service:AmazonCloudFormation, Message:Stack:arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:556003586595:stack/awseb-e-m3tbtwpcpe-stack/0bb57070-5fac-11e2-af2e-5081b23f0c86 is in UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED state and can not be updated."
"Failed to deploy application."
Please help someone how to resolve this issue. I am in urgency of setting the web application in AWS EB as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance,

Have you tried rebuilding the environment from the AWS Console? Are you doing anything less common like running your Beanstalk environment inside of a VPC?


Cannot deploy my monorepo API folder to aws Elastic Beanstalk

I am trying to set up a monorepo with a react frontend in a client folder, and an express backend in an api folder.
I have successfully deployed the frontend to aws amplify, but I cannot deploy my backend using aws elastic beanstalk and aws codepipeline.
I am getting the following error message in aws Elastic Beanstalk: "Instance deployment failed to generate a 'Procfile' for Node.js. Provide one of these files: 'package.json', 'server.js', or 'app.js'. The deployment failed."
I know the error message is obvious, but I cannot find anywhere that specifies what I should set in my procfile, package.json or so on, in my root folder so that Elastic Beanstalk can target my api folder. More specifically the path "/api/server.js"
I have looked high and low for a solution but nothing seems to work...
Has anyone had this issue before and could perhaps help? I've been trying to solve this for 9 days now... :'(
Really appreciate any help on this!

Why does AWS EC2 instance authentication keeps stop working (session maybe)?

Problem In Short: PHP website hosted on AWS EC2 session stops working and restarting the EC2 instance fixes it.
I have this website built on custom PHP hosted on AWS as an instance of EC2, DB is MySql RDS. Everything was working just fine a few weeks back. Now at certain times, the user can't log in to the website. I reckon there's some problem with the session but not sure.
But whenever I restart the ec2 instance, the authentication (user/pass) for the website starts working again. This is very strange because.. there's is no such issues on AWS troubleshooting or in Stackoverflow. I hope there is a permanent solution rather than having to restart the server every other day.
This is an e-commerce site with at least 500 to 700 orders per day.
If an issue is resolved by the restart of server/EC2-instance, then most likely you have memory/CPU related problems in your application.
You can do the following to nail the issue
Trace the cloudwatch statistics for your EC2 instance for CPU and memory
Set up another environment for load testing your application
Generate load script to simulate the scenario leading to the problem
Run a code profiler to investigate the problematic code
Fix problems, run the load again to verify your changes
Apply the changes in prod and hope your application rocks in production afterward
EDIT : As suggested by #Boinst, as in interm solution you can schedule restart of EC2 instance, while you find the root cause. One of the ways to do that can be to use AWS CLI
aws ec2 reboot-instances --instance-ids yourInstanceId
you can add a cronjob/scheduled task a machine setup with AWS CLI.

How to debug failed NetCore AWS Elastic Beanstalk deployment?

I have an DotNet Core AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment which has started failing to deploy. The environment waits up to 10 minutes for the healthcheck to pass, but consistent gets "403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.".
I've RDP'd to the environment and the folder C:\inetpub\AspNetCoreWebApps is empty. In working environments, this contains the code.
I've tried redeploying the entire environment and deploying a package from a week ago which was previously fine. Additionally, I've tried deploying using the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio and by uploading a package rather than using CodePipeline. All of these actions result in the same behaviour.
I'm struggling to find any logs which indicate why the code isn't being deployed to the environment. Requesting the last 100 lines doesn't contain anything useful and I can't find any deployment logs on the filesystem. In the pulled logs there is no AWS.DeploymentCommands log file.
The environment is configured to deploy as rolling with batch +1. As such, it is a new EC2 which is being written to.
What is the next step in debugging the cause of the failure?
I was able to diagnose the problem - a public file referenced in the ebextension folder had been deleted. The log file I was looking for was in C:\cfn\log\cfn-init.txt.

AWS .ebextension scripts not executing

I have a powershell script in the .ebextensions folder but its not executing. It used to work but suddenly has stopped working and there have been no changes to elastic beanstalk or the scripts that i know off. I have two instance running under elastic beanstalk and if I log into one and then deploy my package it doesnt take the instance down. I can literally watch the service (IIS Rest service) files being updated.
Elastic Beanstalk is configured for autoscaling min 2 instances max 4. I've tried doing a deploy though the AWS Elastic Beanstalk console but no joy.
Does it need to actually take the instances down in order to run the scripts? I find it odd that it can update the service without stopping the instance.
Also do .ebextension scripts not execute against running instances? is there a way to force it to execute?
What else can I check to see why the ebextensions are not being picked up?
It's working now. My ebextensions script was not formatted properly, i.e. didn't have the necessary indentations that YAML requires so the commands where being ignored. However no error was raised by EB.
Another problem is that eb cli uses git to bundle your app, which means that you need to perform a commit so that all changes are properly bundled.
Until I get my changes right, I keep doing git add & git commit --amend all the time...

how to restart Django server without terminating database and server instance - AWS

I am hosting a Django application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. I recently made changes to my and apparently (according to this thread: Django ignoring changes made to file - Amazon AWS ) I need to 'reload the django process / restart the thread'. I figured that meant for me to run
eb stop
and then
eb start
again but when I ran
eb stop
it needed to first terminate my database as well as my EC2 instance, cloudwatch alarm etc. Is there any way for me to restart the DJango process so that it can update the file without me having to run
eb stop
eb start
You do not need to stop and start your environment. From what I understand you need to update your environment with your updated source code. Did you try git commit folloed by git aws.push?
Take a look here:
Let me know if you run into any issues with git aws.push.
You can also try restart app server on your environment using aws cli:
But as far as I can tell, git aws.push will suffice.
I've had troubles with my Django files not updating after using:
$ eb deploy
The eb cli tool does not have a restart command, however you can login to the AWS console and restart your environment through the actions menu on the dashboard for your eb environment.
This generally fixes any issues that I have. However sometimes I've had to ssh directly into the instance and enable debugging through the settings.
The other command that Rohit referenced is from a different aws cli tool. I haven't personally tried it but here is more documentation on the command and how to install it: