error while opening file through a c++ program via bash script - c++

I have a c++ program which read and writes to a file. When i invoke it from bash shell such as ./modifyFile /path/to/, it works. But, if i do the same from a bash script such as show below:
./modifyFile /path/to/
the c++ program is unable to open file. I print the filename, that is passed to the program and output is correct.
Infact, if i copy the filename which is printed by the c++ program and manually execute it on bash script such as ./modifyFile /path/to/, it works. So there are no user permissions issue either.
The c++ code, where file is not found is shown below
fstream aFile(filename.c_str(), fstream::ate | fstream::in | fstream::out);
cerr << "Unable to open file!" << endl; // this prints from bash script


PyRun_SimpleFile in C++ (Visual Studio Desktop application) does not call Python file (No error)

I hope I am not duplicating posts from the past (although I have read and tried many existing posts in stackoverflow without any gain). I have a VC++ application where I am trying to call a function that would then run a Python file. I have Python 311 installed and configured via the project settings. The code compiles fine but I believe does not run the file The returned value from PyRun_SimpleFile is 0 (if I run another file the result is -1). In the file, I am simply opening a test.txt file and appending the command line argument argv[1] "Hello world" (I tried without providing the argument too). If I double click in the folder or run it via the command prompt, it runs fine and writes the line in test.txt, but running the file via C++ does not append anything. Below is my code which does not throw any error or breaks the application. In project settings, I also configured to run Debug DLL in runtime library in code generation. Any advice would be great as at this point I am not sure where exactly the issue is arising. I also have #include <Python.h> in my code without any error
char* argv[2];
argv[0] = "";
argv[1] = "Hello world";
try {
PySys_SetArgv(2, (wchar_t**)argv);
file = fopen(argv[0], "r");
if (file) {
int result = PyRun_SimpleFile(file, argv[0]);
catch (IOException^ ex) {
// Could not open the file
Use _Py_fopen_obj. The snippet below works for me.
PyObject* obj = Py_BuildValue("s", argv[0]);
FILE* file = _Py_fopen_obj(obj, "r");
if (file) {
PyRun_SimpleFile(file, argv[0]);

I can't read a .dat file using fstream

I know there are a ton of questions pertaining to this subject but I cannot get this to work. The program ran fine on my laptop, but when I try to compile and run it in the the schools Linux lab the program cannot open the file. I have tried defining the absolute file position but nothing has worked. The file name is correct and everything but when I try to run the program it displays "failed". I'm using gedit and compiled the program with bash.
ifstream fin("rainfall.dat"); // If the file cannot open display failed
cout << "failed" << endl;
return 1;
#include <errno.h>
perror("open failed ");
this will give you a human readable message for the last error

C++ Project Won't Write to file After Export From xCode

I am having a strange issue. I have a function (writedata) that take a string and writes it to a file. Is works fine and files are created when I build and run the program within xCode.
When I export the compiled project from xCode and just try to run the executable terminal app no file is ever written. I can see the process completes in terminal with no errors given. I even get the 'cout<<"Done. File Written!"' message but no file.
void writedata(string writedata, string filename){
ofstream data(filename, ios::app);
if (data.is_open())
cout<<"Done. File Written!";
else cout << "Unable to open file";
Does anyone know why this is happening?

How to run a executable file in c++ in Linux?

I am trying to run an executable file within a c++ code. It compiles and run, but it displays a message "permission denied". This same code works on windows, I just use the appropriate file path.
Here is the code I am using
FILE *fp = popen("/home/Int_Outputs/bin/Debug","r");
if (fp == NULL){
std::cout <<"Popen is null" << std::endl;
char buff[50];
std::cout << buff;
return 0;
What are the POSIX permissions for that file?
To find out, open a terminal shell and do:
$ ls -l /home/Int_Outputs/bin/Debug
You have to make sure that the UID/GID that your application runs as has permission to read the file "/home/Int_Outputs/bin/Debug"

unable to open file using complete path in ubuntu with boost C++

Playing around wit boost library using ubuntu, with the following code the file main.cpp gets open and being printed but when I try to open some other file on some other location, it does not work.
Here is the code
std::string line;
boost::filesystem::ifstream file ("main.cpp") ;
if (file.is_open())
while ( getline (file,line) )
std::cout << line << '\n';
else std::cout << "Unable to open file"<< std::endl;
Here is the path that I am giving and its not working.
boost::filesystem::ifstream file ("/home/0circle/workspace/practice/main.cpp") ;
can someone tell me what could be the problem and how to cure it ?
Thanks :)
Make sure the file exists and you have permissions for reading the file:
execute in shell: ls -l /home/0circle/workspace/practice/main.cpp
verify if you have read rights (first column of the output of the
previous shell command). See this!
try to find out reason of failure: See this!