Best way to have animated background in cocos2d - cocos2d-iphone

I have seen some similar questions asked but no definitive answer.
I have a background image that I'm using for my main menu for a cocos2d game. I plan to have it animated but not sure what is the most efficient way to do this. One idea was to have multiple images to create the animation but I was thinking this may take up too much memory as each image would be quite big.
The other idea was having one background image as a sprite and then having child sprites of that image that are animated with ccaction. The only thing is I may not be able to create such an elaborate animation if I do this.
I just wanted to get some feedback on this to see what would be the best approach.
Thank you,

Making a frame-by-frame animation of the whole screen would make your app size litteraly explode.
You should definitely go with your 2nd idea, i.e have different sprites for each animated component and use actions to animate them.
Check out CocosBuilder: it provides a nice UI for designing such complex animations


Achieve Infinite Scrolling for a platformer game using cocos2d language objective c

I am trying to develop an 2D game using cocos2d library. I am still learning the framework.
Please understand that I am new to game development but not new to programming using objective c.
Here is the issue I am facing when it comes to my game development effort - I feel that I am missing the theoretical understanding of how to develop an infinite scrolling game. Is it possible for any of you to provide me some guidance on that ?
Here is my understanding of achieving infinite scrolling using cocos2d framework:
Cocos2d has a singleton director class which handles the current scene and scene transitions
In the current scene, I feel like I have to create an platform object consisting of several images and add them as a child to the current layer. And constantly run a move action to the platform sprite. So as and when I detect a particular image is off screen I have to replace it with another image. That way I will be able to create an infinite scrolling.
I am sorry if point 2 is not coherent. I just attempted to put my understanding of how to infinite scrolling.
Can you please help me with this ?
I dissected how to implement scrolling with cocos2d-iphone in this article. What you probably want is the "fake scrolling" approach where two background images are moved and switch position after one completely left the screen.
You want to do this for the background layer only, not individual sprites. Your world isn't really moving, it's just the background panning that creates the illusion of movement. All sprites etc (player, enemies) movement is still relative to screen coordinates.
You'll find a working implementation in the code for my Learn Cocos2D 2 book in the Shoot'em Up project.
If you don't want to bother implementing this yourself, KoboldTouch supports endless/infinite scrolling for tilemaps. Here the game objects actually move along with the background infinitely (up to the maximum coordinates supported by float which is around +/- 16 million points).

Scrolling Background with Cocos2D and Box2D

I am trying to create a simple game that mainly consists of a ball rolling down an incline. The player's only control is to cause the ball to jump. My question is, what is the best way to make it appear to roll while generally keeping the ball at the same place on the screen? I have considered CCCamera, but it seems like it's not the best option since I want a repeating background image. Scrolling the background manually is also giving me trouble because it's not clear how to get the ball to stay in one place while letting Box2D handle the physics. I'd appreciate any help as I've been stuck on this for quite a while.
Use CCFollow on the layer where you draw the game stuff, and let it follow the ball sprite:
[gameLayer runAction:[CCFollow actionWithTarget:ball]];

(Cocos2d) how to implement optional sprites for a single scene & layer?

I am sorry for the terrible description of this question. I am making a game where the user has to try and through a football through a moving tire. I have the game set up with a single scene & layer and I am wondering how to implement options for having different background images, tires, and footballs to choose from. I don't expect someone to explain to me how to code my game. I want to have specific objects for the different background images. Like, for instance, a prison background image would have a metal tire, different football, and have certain objects be flying through the scene while attempting to throw the football through the tire. Should I create a separate scene & layer for each background image & its corresponding sprites or is there a better way to go about this. All I am asking is for someone to point me to some example code or a project that does something similar. SORRY for the long post
If you are willing to keep everything in just one png (background + moving sprites) and use a CCSpriteBatchNode you can easily keep the rects of the elements equal for all the different settings and just load a different file.
Otherwise just have a set of files and use same CGRect, it shouldn't be hard at all..

Cocos2D - Large Image

Is it possible to use a large image in Cocos2D, and allow, via swiping or pinching, for the user to zoom in and out?
I see from this post, that the max res for a Cocos2D image is 2048x2048. That is obviously larger than a device viewport, so I want the user to be able to move around the image.
I'm not creating a game, I'm making a sort of interactive biological cell, that will allow the user to tap arbitrary organelles, and see a popup of information about them.
Here is an idea of what the image will be, and obviously cramming the whole thing into a device viewport is not possible:
So really, before I delve too deep into this project, I'm just curious as to whether it is possible to use a large image, that allows the user the ability to arbitrarily move it around, and, if I can detect organelle touches, perhaps via CCSprites?
I recommend subclassing CCSprite and using your large image as the class's image. CCSprites certainly can detect touches by simply adding the basic CCTouchDispatcher delegate to the sprite's class:
[[CCTouchDispatcher sharedDispatcher] addTargetedDelegate:self priority:-1 swallowsTouches:YES];
Then also add this method to your CCSprite subclass:
-(BOOL) ccTouchBegan:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
You can do anything you want with the touches at this point, scroll or whatever suits your needs.
You could break up your image into many multiple sprites and use a CCLayer to manage touches instead, it just depends on whether you really need your image to be that large, or if the limitations for a single image are enough for you to work with, considering they are pretty large too. My method here is a lot less complicated than that.
The max texture size is limited by OpenGL ES not just coscos2d and it changes by device. However, you can load the image into more than one texture and then position and move those textures around the screen. So really you could have the appearance of an image any size you would like but programmatically you will have to manage the different sprites (tiles) of the image.
CCSptites don't detect touches. CCLayers have will get the touch events you can then do a hit test to see if it hits a givcen CCSprite.

what's the best way to display images in qt? also I would like to zoom in to particular areas as well

I've been using label to display images. I'd like to be able to click and create a bounding box then be able to drag the cursor to move around in the image. What would I need to do this? Thanks.
I'm not 100% sure I understand what you are trying to do, but I think the QGraphicsScene is what you are looking for. You can (among many other things):
Render images (QGraphicsPixmapItem, for example)
Change the zoom level when rendering the scene on a QGraphicsView.
Select things using a "rubber band"
Move items around with the mouse (see QGraphicsItem::ItemIsMovable)
You may need to get familiar with Qt's graphics view framework.