C++: disallowing virtual function in derived class at compile vs runtime - c++

I have a parent class RO that has a method void setup(const int* p). I need a child class RW to have same method that allows non-const pointers only.
I do it by creating two methods in class RO and disallowing one of them in class RW:
class RO
void setup(int* p) { DO SMTH }
virtual void setup (const int* p) { RO::setup( const_cast<int*>(p) ); }
// the rest...
void read() const;
class RW : public RO
virtual void setup (const int* p) { throw SMTH }
// the rest...
void write();
I'd like to be able to disallow RW::setup at compile time when possible. I.e.,
const int* p;
RO* ro = new RW;
ro->setup(p); // Throw at run time, since it can be unknown
// at compile time that ro points to RW and not to RO.
RW* rw = new RW;
rw->f(p); // Disallow this at compile time, since it is
// known at compile time that rw points to RW.
Is there a way to do it?

Use private instead of public inheritance. Make methods of the parent class available in the child class using the using keyword.
Public inheritance is meant for situations where someone who uses a parent class object might as well use a chid class object (look up Liskov substitution principle for details). Your requirement breaks that, so it's no case for public inheritance.

It sounds like class RO has an invariant: "Never modifies *p" (even though it does a sneaky const_cast on p). If class RW violates that invariant, it CANNOT be a subclass of class RO.
I'm guessing what you really want is something more like:
class Readable {
virtual ~Readable();
virtual void read() const = 0;
class RO
: public Readable {
void setup(const int* p);
void read() const;
const int* m_p;
class RW
: public Readable
void setup(int* p);
void read() const;
void write();
int* m_p;
And if the followup question is: "What about DRY? Now I have to implement read() twice?", note that you can define a static member function in base class Readable something like:
static void do_read(const int* p);


Pimpl idiom usage in Qt, searching for laconic way

My problem with Qt & pimpl is not actually a problem, more a request for best-practice advice.
So: we've got quite a large project with lots of GUI and other Qt classes. Readability of headers is required for fine collaboration, reducing compilation time is also a matter of regular consideration.
Thus, there I have lots of classes like:
class SomeAwesomeClass: public QWidget
//interface goes here
void doSomething();
struct SomeAwesomeClassImpl;
QScopedPointer<SomeAwesomeClassImpl> impl;
Of course, the Pimpl class is in the .cpp file, works fine, like:
struct MonitorForm::MonitorFormImpl
//lots of stuff
This piece of software is supposed to be crossplatform (not a surprise) and cross-compiled without significant effort. I know about Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE, Q_D and other macros, they make me think more about Qt MOC, possible differences in Qt versions (because of legacy code), but this way or another there are many lines of code contatinig something like
//and even
The pseudo-code above is a much simplified version of the real one, but most of us are fine with it. But some colleagues insist, that it's rather bothering to write and read all those long lines, especially when impl->ui->mSomething-> is repeating too often. The opinion states, that Qt marcos also add visual garbaging to the situation in the end. Seversl #define's could help, but those are considered generally bad practice.
In short, based on your experience, is there a way to make pimpl usage more laconic? Maybe it isn't truly required as often as seems, in non-library classes for example? Maybe the goals of it's usage are not equal, depending on circumstances?
What's the proper way to cook it, anyway?
I know about Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE, Q_D and other macros
You know about them, but have you actually used them and understand their purpose, and - for the most part - their inevitability? Those macros weren't added to make stuff verbose. They are there because you end up needing them.
There are no differences in Qt PIMPL implementation between Qt versions, but you are depending on Qt's implementation details when you inherit from QClassPrivate, should you do so. The PIMPL macros have nothing to do with moc. You can use them in plain C++ code that doesn't use any Qt classes at all.
Alas, there's no escaping what you want for as long as you implement the PIMPLs the usual way (which is also Qt way).
Pimpl-pointer vs this
First of all, let's observe that impl stands for this, but the language lets you skip using this-> in most cases. Thus, it's nothing too foreign.
class MyClassNoPimpl {
int foo;
void setFoo(int s) { this->foo = s; }
class MyClass {
struct MyClassPrivate;
QScopedPointer<MyClassPrivate> const d;
void setFoo(int s);
virtual ~MyClass();
void MyClass::setFoo(int s) { d->foo = s; }
Inheritance demands...
Things become generally outlandish when you have inheritance, though:
class MyDerived : public MyClass {
class MyDerivedPrivate;
QScopedPointer<MyDerivedPrivate> const d;
void SetBar(int s);
void MyDerived::setFooBar(int f, int b) {
MyClass::d->foo = f;
d->bar = b;
You'll want to re-use a single d-pointer in the base class, but it will have the wrong type in all derived classes. Thus you might think of casting it - that's even more boilerplate! Instead, you use a private function that returns a correctly-cast d-pointer. Now you need to derive both public and private classes, and you need private headers for the private classes, so that the derived classes can use them. Oh, and you need to pass the pointer to the derived pimpl to the base class - because that's the only way you can initialize the d_ptr while keeping it const, as it must be. See - Qt's PIMPL implementation is verbose because you do actually need all of it to write safe, composable, maintainable code. No way around it.
class MyClass1 {
struct Private;
QScopedPointer<Private> const d_ptr;
MyClass1(Private &); // a signature that won't clash with anything else
inline Private *d() { return (Private*)d_ptr; }
inline const Private *d() const { return (const Private*)d_ptr; }
virtual ~MyClass1();
void setFoo(int);
struct MyClass1::Private {
int foo;
#include "MyClass1.h"
#include "MyClass1_p.h"
MyClass1::MyClass1(Private &p) : d_ptr(&p) {}
MyClass1::MyClass1() : d_ptr(new Private) {}
MyClass1::~MyClass1() {} // compiler-generated
void MyClass1::setFoo(int f) {
d()->foo = f;
#include "MyClass1.h"
class MyClass2 : public MyClass1 {
struct Private;
inline Private *d() { return (Private*)d_ptr; }
inline const Private *d() { return (const Private*)d_ptr; }
~MyClass2() override; // Override ensures that the base had a virtual destructor.
// The virtual keyword is not used per DRY: override implies it.
void setFooBar(int, int);
#include "MyClass1_p.h"
struct MyClass2::Private : MyClass1::Private {
int bar;
MyClass2::MyClass2() : MyClass1(*new Private) {}
MyClass2::~MyClass2() {}
void MyClass2::setFooBar(int f, int b) {
d()->foo = f;
d()->bar = b;
Inheritance, Qt way
Qt's PIMPL macros take care of implementing d() functions. Well, they implement d_func() and then you use the Q_D macro to obtain a local variable that is simply d. Rewriting the above:
class MyClass1Private;
class MyClass1 {
QScopedPointer<Private> d_ptr;
MyClass1(MyClass1Private &);
virtual ~MyClass1();
void setFoo(int);
struct MyClass1Private {
int foo;
#include "MyClass1.h"
#include "MyClass1_p.h"
MyClass1::MyClass1(MyClass1Private &d) : d_ptr(*d) {}
MyClass1::MyClass1() : d_ptr(new MyClass1Private) {}
MyClass1::MyClass1() {}
void MyClass1::setFoo(int f) {
d->foo = f;
#include "MyClass1.h"
class MyClass2Private;
class MyClass2 : public MyClass1 {
~MyClass2() override;
void setFooBar(int, int);
#include "MyClass1_p.h"
struct MyClass2Private : MyClass1Private {
int bar;
MyClass2() : MyClass1(*new MyClass2Private) {}
MyClass2::~MyClass2() {}
void MyClass2::setFooBar(int f, int b) {
d->foo = f;
d->bar = b;
Factories simplify pimpl
For class hierarchies that are sealed (i.e. where the user doesn't derive), the interface can be sanitized from any private details whatsoever by the use of factories:
class MyClass1 {
static MyClass1 *make();
virtual ~MyClass1() {}
void setFoo(int);
class MyClass2 : public MyClass1 {
static MyClass2 *make();
void setFooBar(int, int);
class MyClass3 : public MyClass2 {
static MyClass3 *make();
void setFooBarBaz(int, int, int);
template <class R, class C1, class C2, class ...Args, class ...Args2>
R impl(C1 *c, R (C2::*m)(Args...args), Args2 &&...args) {
return (*static_cast<C2*>(c).*m)(std::forward<Args2>(args)...);
struct MyClass1Impl {
int foo;
struct MyClass2Impl : MyClass1Impl {
int bar;
struct MyClass3Impl : MyClass2Impl {
int baz;
struct MyClass1X : MyClass1, MyClass1Impl {
void setFoo(int f) { foo = f; }
struct MyClass2X : MyClass2, MyClass2Impl {
void setFooBar(int f, int b) { foo = f; bar = b; }
struct MyClass3X : MyClass3, MyClass3Impl {
void setFooBarBaz(int f, int b, int z) { foo = f; bar = b; baz = z;}
MyClass1 *MyClass1::make() { return new MyClass1X; }
MyClass2 *MyClass2::make() { return new MyClass2X; }
MyClass3 *MyClass3::make() { return new MyClass3X; }
void MyClass1::setFoo(int f) { impl(this, &MyClass1X::setFoo, f); }
void MyClass2::setFooBar(int f, int b) { impl(this, &MyClass2X::setFooBar, f, b); }
void MyClass3::setFooBarBaz(int f, int b, int z) { impl(this, &MyClass3X::setFooBarBaz, f, b, z); }
This is very basic sketch that should be further refined.
#KubaOber gave an excellent coverage of how pimpl works and how to implement it. One thing not covered that you discussed are the inevitable macros to simplify the boilerplate. Let's take a look at a possible implementation, borrowed from my own Swiss Army knife library, which is clearly based on Qt's take.
Firstly, we need a base public interface and a base private implementation with the boilerplate. Inheriting directly from Qt's implementation is useless if we aren't using Qt (and an incredibly bad idea besides), so we'll just create a lightweight base class for the implementation (or d_ptr) and the implementation's back-pointer to the interface (the q_ptr).
#include <QScopedPointer> //this could just as easily be std::unique_ptr
class PublicBase; //note the forward declaration
class PrivateBase
//Constructs a new `PrivateBase` instance with qq as the back-pointer.
explicit PrivateBase(PublicBase *qq);
//We declare deleted all other constructors
PrivateBase(const PrivateBase &) = delete;
PrivateBase(PrivateBase &&) = delete;
PrivateBase() = delete;
//! Virtual destructor to prevent slicing.
virtual ~PrivateBase() {}
//...And delete assignment operators, too
void operator =(const PrivateBase &) = delete;
void operator =(PrivateBase &&) = delete;
PublicBase *qe_ptr;
class PublicBase
//! The only functional constructor. Note that this takes a reference, i.e. it cannot be null.
explicit PublicBase(PrivateBase &dd);
QScopedPointer<PrivateBase> qed_ptr;
PrivateBase::PrivateBase(PublicBase *qq)
: qe_ptr(qq)
PublicBase::PublicBase(PrivateBase &dd)
: qed_ptr(&dd) //note that we take the address here to convert to a pointer
Now to the macros.
/* Use this as you would the Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC macro. */
#define QE_DECLARE_PUBLIC(Classname) \
inline Classname *qe_q_func() noexcept { return static_cast<Classname *>(qe_ptr); } \
inline const Classname* qe_cq_func() const noexcept { return static_cast<const Classname *>(qe_ptr); } \
friend class Classname;
/* Use this as you would the Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE macro. */
#define QE_DECLARE_PRIVATE(Classname) \
inline Classname##Private* qe_d_func() noexcept { return reinterpret_cast<Classname##Private *>(qed_ptr.data()); } \
inline const Classname##Private* qe_cd_func() const noexcept { return reinterpret_cast<const Classname##Private *>(qed_ptr.data()); } \
friend class Classname##Private;
These are fairly self-explanatory: they cast the stored pointer to the appropriate derived type. The macro leverages the class name + "Private" to cast to the right type. This means your private class MUST follow the naming pattern: InterfaceClass becomes InterfaceClassPrivate. For scope resolution to work, they need to be in the same namespace, too. Your private class can't be a member of your public class.
And finally, the accessors, with a C++11 twist:
#define QE_DPTR auto d = qe_d_func()
#define QE_CONST_DPTR auto d = qe_cd_func()
#define QE_QPTR auto q = qe_q_func()
#define QE_CONST_QPTR auto q = qe_cq_func()
Not having to explicitly specify the class name makes usage incredibly easy and less rigid. Should this class be renamed or the function moved to another level in the inheritance hierarchy, you don't have to change the QE_CONST_DPTR statement.
SomeInterface::getFoo() const noexcept
return d->foo;
would become:
SomeInterfaceInheritingFromSomeOtherInterface::getFoo() const noexcept
return d->foo;
One purpose of PIMPL is to decouple interface from private implementation. Examples like impl->ui->component->doStuff(); are a sign that there is a problem with the scope of the interface. IMHO you should normally not see more than one deep calls.
impl->doStuff(); OK
impl->ui->doStuff(); Hmmm, better avoid that.
impl->ui->component->... Uh oh, things go wrong here. Caller needs to know far too much details of the implementation. That's not the purpose of PIMPL!
You may want to read https://herbsutter.com/gotw/_100/, especially the section What parts of the class should go into the impl object?

C++ passing base type to pure virtual function

i want to understand the behavior of pure virtual functions in derived class when passing to it an argument of same type as (abstract) base class.
to clarify the question, i took the following code from GeeksForGeeks and modified it:
namespace example {
class Employee
const Type worker;
Employee(const Type& worker) : worker(worker) {}
virtual ~Employee {}
virtual void raiseSalary(const Employee&) = 0;
{ /* common raise salary code */ }
virtual void promote(const Employee&) = 0;
{ /* common promote code */ }
class Manager: public Employee {
int degree;
virtual void raiseSalary(const Employee&)
{ /* Manager specific raise salary code, may contain
increment of manager specific incentives*/ }
virtual void promote(const Employee&)
{ /* Manager specific promote */ }
Now, how can we get access to the field degree in derived class Manager inorder to update his degree? since the passed argument to raiseSalary(Employee& employee) could be Manager or Engineer
I think there are two ways to handle that problem. Let's start with some really bad solution: using casting. In that case dynamic_cast. You can try to down cast a type. If dynamic_cast isn't able to do that it is going to return a null pointer or throw an exception (depends on wheather you cast a pointer or a value/reference type). But that approach is going to force you to adapt your casts as more Manager, Engineer types are going to come. You might also need to use friend to allow specific classes to access internals of others. friend is not going to be inherited in the hierarchy, so you are going to end up with many friends => broken, broken, broken :(
An alternative would be to use the Visitor Pattern: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visitor_pattern
Using the visitor pattern you can also make a base no-op visitor and finer grained Visitors to handle specific stuff. Just a small example (with specific visitors without derivation):
namespace example {
class SalaryRaisingVisitor;
class EmployeePromotingVisitor;
class Employee
Employee() {}
//don't forget to implement the copy constructor: read more about rule of 3!!!
virtual ~Employee {}
virtual void accept(SalaryRaisingVisitor const&) = 0;
virtual void accept(EmployeePromotingVisitor const&) = 0;
class Manager: public Employee {
int degree;
virtual void accept(SalaryRaisingVisitor const& v)
v.visit(*this, degree);
virtual void accept(EmployeePromotingVisitor const& v)
v.visit(*this, degree);
class Engineer: public Employee {
virtual void accept(SalaryRaisingVisitor const& v)
virtual void accept(EmployeePromotingVisitor const& v)
class SalaryRaisingVisitor
void visit(Manager& m, int& degree) //might be const if no internal state changes
void visit(Engineer& e) //might be const if no internal state changes
At the end as you deal with C++, try to avoid virtual functions :) and move everything to static polymorphism :)
You are getting the concept of virtual functions with classes wrong. The class "knows" what it is (via vtable), so you can just write it as class function, not as static global function. Each function inside the class knows all class variables, so you don't have to pass an object of the class.
namespace example {
class Employee
const Type worker;
Employee(const Type& worker) : worker(worker) {}
virtual ~Employee {}
virtual void raiseSalary() = 0;
{ /* common raise salary code */ }
virtual void promote() = 0;
{ /* common promote code */ }
class Manager: public Employee {
int degree;
virtual void raiseSalary()
//the Employed standard code
Employee::raiseSalary(); //This won't compile since you set the virtual function = 0
//Manager specific raise salary code
degree = 0; //this lazy bastards should do real work like coding stuff
virtual void promote()
Employee::promote(); //employee common code. This won't compile since you set the virtual function = 0
/* Manager specific promote */
degree = degree * 2;
Employee array[10];
array[0] = Manager(); //create a manager object on the stack
array[1] = Manager(); //create a manager object on the stack
array[0].raiseSalary(); //Only Mananer0 gets raiseSalary
/*the manager object in array[0] uses its virtual function
to the manager raiseSalary function. The Manager RaiseSalary function
in this case calls the base class raiseSalary function explicitly
via Employee::raiseSalary(); */
You should rather structure your code like this:
class Employee
virtual void raiseSalary() = 0;
virtual void promote() = 0;
class Manager: public Employee
virtual void raiseSalary()
{ /* Manager specific raise salary code, may contain... */ }
virtual void promote()
{ /* Manager specific promote */ }
int main()
Manager bob;
bob.promote(); // <--- Proper method in the Manager class will be called.
// Current instance will always have the right class.
In other words you should seek opportunity to pass the specific derived class as the this parameter. Unfortunately this will not work in complex cases when multiple params are needed. But well, this was the idea of the language designers. The perfect language is not developed yet.
I think that you can't and it's the wanted behaviour.
The only way to do this is to cast you argument (which is quite complicated in C++ since you have four different kind of casting). Other solution is to give to any employee a grade attribute.

C++ Overload an overrided method

Is it possible in C++ to overload in the child classes an overrided method?
I'm asking this because I have many child classes that although they are the same (in my case game objects) they interact in different ways with each others.
So, I need to create a function like void processCollision(GameObject obj) in the superclass.
But that could be overloaded in the child classes depending on the class of the GameObject (if it's a building, a car ...).
I'm just trying to run from the alternative which is using upcasting and RTTI.
What you're trying to implement is normally called "multiple dispatch" and unfortunately C++ doesn't support it directly (because in C++ view methods are bounded with classes and there are no multimethods).
Any C++ solution will require some coding for the implementation.
One simple symmetric way to implement it is to create a map for the supported cases:
typedef void (*Handler)(Obj *a, Obj *b);
typedef std::map<std::pair<OType, OType>, Handler> HandlerMap;
HandlerMap collision_handlers;
then the collision handling is:
HandlerMap::iterator i =
collision_handlers.find(std::make_pair(a->type, b->type));
if (i != collision_handlers.end()) i->second(a, b);
and the code goes in a free function.
If speed is a key factor and the object type can be coded in a small integer (e.g. 0...255) the dispatch could become for example:
collision_handlers[(a->type<<8)+b->type](a, b);
where collision handler is just an array of function pointers, and the speed should be equivalent to a single virtual dispatch.
The wikipedia link at the start of the answer lists another more sophisticated option for C++ (the visitor pattern).
"I'm just trying to run from the alternative which is using upcasting and RTTI."
Virtual polymorphism doesn't need upcasting or RTTI. Usually that's what virtual member functions are for:
class GameObject {
virtual void processCollision(GameObject& obj);
class SomeGameObject1 : public GameObject {
// SomeGameObject1's version of processCollision()
virtual void processCollision(GameObject& obj) {
// e.g here we also call the base class implementation
// ... and add some additional operations
class SomeGameObject2 : public GameObject {
// SomeGameObject2's version of processCollision()
virtual void processCollision(GameObject& obj) {
// Here we leave the base class implementation aside and do something
// completely different ...
As you're mentioning upcasting I'd suspect you want to handle collisions differently, depending on the actual GameObject type passed. This indeed would require upcasting (and thus RTTI) like follows
class Building : public GameObject {
virtual void processCollision(GameObject& obj) {
Car* car = dynamic_cast<Car*>(&obj);
Airplane* airplane = dynamic_cast<Airplane*>(&obj);
if(car) {
else if(airplane) {
void collapse();
Based on the above, that makes me contemplative about some design/architectural principles:
May be it's not the best idea to place the processCollision() implementation strategy to the GameObject classes themselves. These shouldn't know about each other (otherwise it will be tedious to introduce new GameObject types to the model)
You should introduce a kind of GameManager class that keeps track of moving/colliding GameObject instances, and chooses a GameObjectCollisionStrategy class implementing void processCollision(GameObject& a,GameObject& b); based on the actual types of a and b.
For choosing the strategy, and resolve the final GameObject implementations and corresponding strategies, you should concentrate all of that business knowdlege to a CollisionStrategyFactory, and delegate to this.
The latter would look something like this
class GameObjectCollisionStrategy {
virtual processCollision(GameObject& a,GameObject& b) const = 0;
class CollideBuildingWithAirplane : public GameObjectCollisionStrategy {
virtual void processCollision(GameObject& a,GameObject& b) const {
Building* building = dynamic_cast<Building*>(a);
Airplane* airplane = dynamic_cast<Airplane*>(b);
if(building && airplane) {
class CollideBuildingWithCar : public GameObjectCollisionStrategy {
virtual void processCollision(GameObject& a,GameObject& b) const {
Building* building = dynamic_cast<Building*>(a);
Car* car = dynamic_cast<Car*>(b);
if(building && car) {
class CollisionStrategyFactory {
static const GameObjectCollisionStrategy& chooseStrategy
(GameObject* a, GameObject* b) {
if(dynamic_cast<Building*>(a)) {
if(dynamic_cast<Airplane*>(b)) {
return buildingAirplaneCollision;
else if(dynamic_cast<Car*>(b)) {
return buildingCarCollision;
return defaultCollisionStrategy;
class DefaultCollisionStrategy : public GameObjectCollisionStrategy {
virtual void processCollision(GameObject& a,GameObject& b) const {
// Do nothing.
// Known strategies
static CollideBuildingWithAirplane buildingAirplaneCollision;
static CollideBuildingWithCar buildingCarCollision;
static DefaultCollisionStrategy defaultCollisionStrategy;
class GameManager {
void processFrame(std::vector<GameObject*> gameObjects) {
for(std::vector<GameObject*>::iterator it1 = gameObjects.begin();
it1 != gameObjects.end();
++it1) {
for(std::vector<GameObject*>::iterator it2 = gameObjects.begin();
it2 != gameObjects.end();
++it2) {
if(*it1 == *it2) continue;
if(*it1->collides(*it2)) {
const GameObjectCollisionStrategy& strategy =
Alternatively you may want to opt for static polymorphism, which also works without RTTI, but needs all types known at compile time. The basic pattern is the so called CRTP.
That should look as follows
class GameObject {
// Put all the common attributes here
const Point& position() const;
const Area& area() const;
void move(const Vector& value);
template<class Derived>
class GameObjectBase : public GameObject {
void processCollision(GameObject obj) {
class SomeGameObject1 : public GameObjectBase<SomeGameObject1 > {
// SomeGameObject1's version of processCollisionImpl()
void processCollisionImpl(GameObject obj) {
class SomeGameObject2 : public GameObjectBase<SomeGameObject2 > {
// SomeGameObject2's version of processCollisionImpl()
void processCollisionImpl(GameObject obj) {
But this would unnecessarily complicate the design, and I doubt it will provide any benefits for your use case.

Is this an example of bad design?

I will start with my design:
class IOutputBlock{
virtual void write(char *) = 0;
virtual bool hasMemory() = 0;
virtual void openToWrite() = 0;
class IInputBlock{
virtual bool hasNext() = 0;
virtual IField *next() = 0;
virtual void openToRead() = 0;
class MultiplicationNode : public OperationNode
MultiplicationNode(Node *l, Node *r);
virtual bool hasNext();
IInputBlock * evaluate();
class IOBlock: public IInputBlock, public IOutputBlock{
virtual void write(char *);
virtual bool hasMemory();
virtual void openToWrite();
virtual bool hasNext();
virtual IField *next();
virtual void openToRead();
Inside the evaluate method i need to create an IOuputBlock to write data in the block.
I want the MultiplicationNode consumer just see method for iterate over the block (IInputBlock interface).
But ​​in the return of evaluate method, I have to perform a typecast.
Is this implementation correct? Or is it an example of bad design?
Can u suggest another design? Or maybe design pattern to help.
IInputBlock * MultiplicationNode::evaluate()
IOutputBlock *outputBlock = new IOBlock();
//need to write to outputblock
return (IInputBlock *)outputBlock;
I could also do this below, but I don't think it is right, because i was violation "program to an interface", and exposing unnecessary methods inside evaluate method from IInputBlock interface.
IInputBlock * MultiplicationNode::evaluate()
IOBlock *outputBlock = new IOBlock();
//need to write to outputblock
return outputBlock;
One option is to separate read and write classes (even if underlying data is shared):
class WriteOnlyBlock: public IOutputBlock{
// return new instance of something like ReadOnlyBlock
// potentially tied to same internal data
public: IInputBlock AsRead()...
This way you make conversion explicit and prevent callers from attempting to cast IInputBlock to IOutputBlock and minimize number of extra methods exposed by each class.

PIMPL problem: How to have multiple interfaces to the impl w/o code duplication

I have this pimpl design where the implementation classes are polymorphic but the interfaces are supposed to just contain a pointer, making them polymorphic somewhat defeats the purpose of the design.
So I create my Impl and Intf base classes to provide reference counting. And then the user can create their implementations. An example:
class Impl {
mutable int _ref;
Impl() : _ref(0) {}
virtual ~Impl() {}
int addRef() const { return ++_ref; }
int decRef() const { return --_ref; }
template <typename TImpl>
class Intf {
TImpl* impl;
Intf(TImpl* t = 0) : impl(0) {}
Intf(const Intf& other) : impl(other.impl) { if (impl) impl->addRef(); }
Intf& operator=(const Intf& other) {
if (other.impl) other.impl->addRef();
if (impl && impl->decRef() <= 0) delete impl;
impl = other.impl;
~Intf() { if (impl && impl->decRef() <= 0) delete impl; }
TImpl* GetImpl() const { return impl; }
void SetImpl(... //etc
class ShapeImpl : public Impl {
virtual void draw() = 0;
class Shape : public Intf<ShapeImpl> {
Shape(ShapeImpl* i) : Intf<ShapeImpl>(i) {}
void draw() {
ShapeImpl* i = GetImpl();
if (i) i->draw();
class TriangleImpl : public ShapeImpl {
void draw();
class PolygonImpl : public ShapeImpl {
void draw();
void addSegment(Point a, Point b);
Here is where have the issue. There are two possible declaration for class Polygon:
class Polygon1 : public Intf<PolygonImpl> {
void draw() {
PolygonImpl* i = GetImpl();
if (i) i->draw();
void addSegment(Point a, Point b) {
PolygonImpl* i = GetImpl();
if (i) i->addSegment(a,b);
class Polygon2 : public Shape {
void addSegment(Point a, Point b) {
ShapeImpl* i = GetImpl();
if (i) dynamic_cast<Polygon*>(i)->addSegment(a,b);
In the Polygon1, I have rewrite the code for draw because I have not inherited it. In Polygon2 I need ugly dynamic casts because GetImpl() doesn't know about PolygonImpl. What I would like to do is something like this:
template <typename TImpl>
struct Shape_Interface {
void draw() {
TImpl* i = GetImpl();
if (i) i->draw();
template <typename TImpl>
struct Polygon_Interface : public Shape_Interface<Timpl> {
void addSegment(Point a, Point b) { ... }
class Shape : public TIntf<ShapeImpl>, public Shape_Interface<ShapeImpl> {...};
class Polygon : public TIntf<PolygonImpl>, public Polygon_Interface<PolygonImpl> {
Polygon(PolygonImpl* i) : TIntf<PolygonImpl>(i) {}
But of course there's a problem here. I can't access GetImpl() from the Interface classes unless I derive them from Intf. And if I do that, I need to make Intf virtual everywhere it appears.
template <typename TImpl>
class PolygonInterface : public virtual Intf<TImpl> { ... };
class Polygon : public virtual Intf<PolygonImpl>, public PolygonInterface { ... }
OR I can store a TImpl*& in each Interface and construct them with a reference to the base Intf::impl. But that just means I have a pointer pointing back into myself for every interface included.
template <typename TImpl>
class PolygonInterface {
TImpl*& impl;
PolygonInterface(TImpl*& i) : impl(i) {}
Both of these solutions bloat the Intf class, add an extra dereference, and basically provide no benefit over straight polymorphism.
So, the question is, is there a third way, that I've missed that would solve this issue besides just duplicating the code everywhere (with its maintenance issues)?
TOTALLY SHOULD, BUT DOESN'T WORK: I wish there were base classes unions that just overlaid the class layouts and, for polymorphic classes, required that they have the exact same vtable layout. Then both Intf and ShapeInterface would each declare a single T* element and access it identically:
class Shape : public union Intf<ShapeImpl>, public union ShapeInterface<ShapeImpl> {};
I should note that your Impl class is nothing more than the reimplementation of a shared_ptr without the thread safety and all those cast bonuses.
Pimpl is nothing but a technic to avoid needless compile-time dependencies.
You do not need to actually know how a class is implemented to inherit from it. It would defeat the purpose of encapsulation (though your compiler does...).
So... I think that you are not trying to use Pimpl here. I would rather think this is a kind of Proxy patterns, since apparently:
Polygon1 numberOne;
Polygon2 numberTwo = numberOne;
numberTwo.changeData(); // affects data from numberOne too
// since they point to the same pointer!!
If you want to hide implementation details
Use Pimpl, but the real one, it means copying in depth during copy construction and assignment rather than just passing the pointer around (whether ref-counted or not, though ref-counted is preferable of course :) ).
If you want a proxy class
Just use a plain shared_ptr.
For inheritance
It does not matter, when you inherit from a class, how its private members are implemented. So just inherit from it.
If you want to add some new private members (usual case), then:
struct DerivedImpl;
class Derived: public Base // Base implemented with a Pimpl
std::shared_ptr<DerivedImpl> _data;
There is not much difference with classic implementation, as you can see, just that there is a pointer in lieu of a bunch of data.
If you forward declare DerivedImpl (which is the goal of Pimpl), then the destructor automatically generated by the compiler is... wrong.
The problem is that in order to generate the code for the destructor, the compiler needs the definition of DerivedImpl (ie: a complete type) in order to know how to destroy it, since a call to delete is hidden in the bowels of shared_ptr. However it may only generate a warning at compilation time (but you'll have a memory leak).
Furthermore, if you want an in-depth copy (rather than a shallow one, which consists in the copy and the original both pointing to the same DerivedImpl instance), you will also have to define manually the copy-constructor AND the assignment operator.
You may decide to create a better class that shared_ptr which will have deep-copy semantics (which could be called member_ptr as in cryptopp, or just Pimpl ;) ). This introduce a subtle bug though: while the code generated for the copy-constructor and the assignement operator could be thought of as correct, they are not, since once again you need a complete type (and thus the definition of DerivedImpl), so you will have to write them manually.
This is painful... and I'm sorry for you.
EDIT: Let's have a Shape discussion.
// Shape.h
namespace detail { class ShapeImpl; }
class Shape
virtual void draw(Board& ioBoard) const = 0;
detail::ShapeImpl* m_impl;
}; // class Shape
// Rectangle.h
namespace detail { class RectangleImpl; }
class Rectangle: public Shape
virtual void draw(Board& ioBoard) const;
size_t getWidth() const;
size_t getHeight() const;
detail::RectangleImpl* m_impl;
}; // class Rectangle
// Circle.h
namespace detail { class CircleImpl; }
class Circle: public Shape
virtual void draw(Board& ioBoard) const;
size_t getDiameter() const;
detail::CircleImpl* m_impl;
}; // class Circle
You see: neither Circle nor Rectangle care if Shape uses Pimpl or not, as its name implies, Pimpl is an implementation detail, something private that is not shared with the descendants of the class.
And as I explained, both Circle and Rectangle use Pimpl too, each with their own 'implementation class' (which can be nothing more than a simple struct with no method by the way).
I think you were right in that I didn't understand your question initially.
I think you're trying to force a square shape into a round hole... it don't quite fit C++.
You can force that your container holds pointers to objects of a given base-layout, and then allow objects of arbitrary composition to be actually pointed to from there, assuming that you as a programmer only actually place objects that in fact have identical memory layouts (member-data - there's no such thing as member-function-layout for a class unless it has virtuals, which you wish to avoid).
std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<IShape> > shapes;
NOTE at the absolute MINIMUM, you must still have a virtual destructor defined in IShape, or object deletion is going to fail miserably
And you could have classes which all take a pointer to a common implementation core, so that all compositions can be initialized with the element that they share (or it could be done statically as a template via pointer - the shared data).
But the thing is, if I try to create an example, I fall flat the second I try to consider: what is the data shared by all shapes? I suppose you could have a vector of Points, which then could be as large or small as any shape required. But even so, Draw() is truly polymorphic, it isn't an implementation that can possibly be shared by multiple types - it has to be customized for various classifications of shapes. i.e. a circle and a polygon cannot possibly share the same Draw(). And without a vtable (or some other dynamic function pointer construct), you cannot vary the function called from some common implementation or client.
Your first set of code is full of confusing constructs. Maybe you can add a new, simplified example that PURELY shows - in a more realistic way - what you're trying to do (and ignore the fact that C++ doesn't have the mechanics you want - just demonstrate what your mechanic should look like).
To my mind, I just don't get the actual practical application, unless you're tyring to do something like the following:
Take a COM class, which inherits from two other COM Interfaces:
class MyShellBrowserDialog : public IShellBrowser, public ICommDlgBrowser
And now I have a diamond inheritence pattern: IShellBrowser inherits ultimately from IUnknown, as does ICommDlgBrowser. But it seems incredibly silly to have to write my own IUnknown:AddRef and IUnknown::Release implementation, which is a highly standard implementation, because there's no way to cause the compiler to let another inherited class supply the missing virtual functions for IShellBrowser and/or ICommDlgBrowser.
i.e., I end up having to:
class MyShellBrowserDialog : public IShellBrowser, public ICommDlgBrowser
virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) { return ++m_refcount; }
virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) { return --m_refcount; }
because there's no way I know of to "inherit" or "inject" those function implementations into MyShellBrowserDialog from anywhere else which actually fill-in the needed virtual member function for either IShellBrowser or ICommDlgBrowser.
I can, if the implementations were more complex, manually link up the vtable to an inherited implementor if I wished:
class IUnknownMixin
ULONG m_refcount;
IUnknonwMixin() : m_refcount(0) {}
ULONG AddRef(void) { return ++m_refcount; } // NOTE: not virutal
ULONG Release(void) { return --m_refcount; } // NOTE: not virutal
class MyShellBrowserDialog : public IShellBrowser, public ICommDlgBrowser, private IUnknownMixin
virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void) { return IUnknownMixin::AddRef(); }
virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void) { return IUnknownMixin::Release(); }
And if I needed the mix-in to actually refer to the most-derived class to interact with it, I could add a template parameter to IUnknownMixin, to give it access to myself.
But what common elements could my class have or benefit by that IUnknownMixin couldn't itself supply?
What common elements could any composite class have that various mixins would want to have access to, which they needed to derive from themselves? Just have the mixins take a type parameter and access that. If its instance data in the most derived, then you have something like:
template <class T>
class IUnknownMixin
T & const m_outter;
IUnknonwMixin(T & outter) : m_outter(outter) {}
// note: T must have a member m_refcount
ULONG AddRef(void) { return ++m_outter.m_refcount; } // NOTE: not virtual
ULONG Release(void) { return --m_outter.m_refcount; } // NOTE: not virtual
Ultimately your question remains somewhat confusing to me. Perhaps you could create that example that shows your preferred-natural-syntax that accomplishes something clearly, as I just don't see that in your initial post, and I can't seem to sleuth it out from toying with these ideas myself.
I have seen lots of solutions to this basic conundrum: polymorphism + variation in interfaces.
One basic approach is to provide a way to query for extended interfaces - so you have something along the lines of COM programming under Windows:
const unsigned IType_IShape = 1;
class IShape
virtual ~IShape() {} // ensure all subclasses are destroyed polymorphically!
virtual bool isa(unsigned type) const { return type == IType_IShape; }
virtual void Draw() = 0;
virtual void Erase() = 0;
virtual void GetBounds(std::pair<Point> & bounds) const = 0;
const unsigned IType_ISegmentedShape = 2;
class ISegmentedShape : public IShape
virtual bool isa(unsigned type) const { return type == IType_ISegmentedShape || IShape::isa(type); }
virtual void AddSegment(const Point & a, const Point & b) = 0;
virtual unsigned GetSegmentCount() const = 0;
class Line : public IShape
Line(std::pair<Point> extent) : extent(extent) { }
virtual void Draw();
virtual void Erase();
virtual void GetBounds(std::pair<Point> & bounds);
std::pair<Point> extent;
class Polygon : public ISegmentedShape
virtual void Draw();
virtual void Erase();
virtual void GetBounds(std::pair<Point> & bounds);
virtual void AddSegment(const Point & a, const Point & b);
virtual unsigned GetSegmentCount() const { return vertices.size(); }
std::vector<Point> vertices;
Another option would be to make a single richer base interface class - which has all the interfaces you need, and then to simply define a default, no-op implementation for those in the base class, which returns false or throws to indicate that it isn't supported by the subclass in question (else the subclass would have provided a functional implementation for this member function).
class Shape
struct Unsupported
Unsupported(const std::string & operation) : bad_op(operation) {}
const std::string & AsString() const { return bad_op; }
std::string bad_op;
virtual ~Shape() {} // ensure all subclasses are destroyed polymorphically!
virtual void Draw() = 0;
virtual void Erase() = 0;
virtual void GetBounds(std::pair<Point> & bounds) const = 0;
virtual void AddSegment(const Point & a, const Point & b) { throw Unsupported("AddSegment"); }
virtual unsigned GetSegmentCount() const { throw Unsupported("GetSegmentCount"); }
I hope that this helps you to see some possibilities.
Smalltalk had the wonderful attribute of being able to ask the meta-type-system whether a given instance supported a particular method - and it supported having a class-handler that could execute anytime a given instance was told to perform an operation it didn't support - along with what operation that was, so you could forward it as a proxy, or you could throw a different error, or simply quietly ignore that operation as a no-op).
Objective-C supports all of those same modalities as Smalltalk! Very, very cool things can be accomplished by having access to the type-system at runtime. I assume that .NET can pull of some crazy cool stuff along those lines (though I doubt that its nearly as elegant as Smalltalk or Objective-C, from what I've seen).
Anyway, ... good luck :)