Coldfusion and SVNKit Log - coldfusion

I am trying to use SVNKit to get a Log of the SVN Entries in Coldfusion. I downloaded the latest SVNKit jar files and threw them in the lib folder under WEB-INF/lib.
Here is my code that should return an Array Of Log Entries but this code is returning a Null Pointer exception in Coldfusion 9.0.2.
SVNURL = createObject('java','org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNURL').parseURIEncoded(svnurl);
drf = createObject("java","");
rf = drf.create(SVNURL);
SVNWCUtil = createObject("java","org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNWCUtil");
authManager = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultAuthenticationManager(user,pass);
log = rf.log(JavaCast("String[]",[]),JavaCast("null",""),JavaCast("long",10),JavaCast("long",15),true,true);
When running this code, I receive the following Error.
The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a programming error, either in your code or some system code.
Null Pointers are another name for undefined values.
Which points to this line..
log = rf.log(JavaCast("String[]",[]),JavaCast("null",""),JavaCast("long",10),JavaCast("long",15),true,true);
I moved this same code over to Railo, and everything is running fine. I just cannot see why ACF is choking on the log() method.
I was using the Printing Out Repository History example on the SVNKit Wiki to start me off.
Any suggestions on getting it to work in Adobe Coldfusion would be greatly appreciated. I did not test on CF10.

I wasn't using the JavaCast("boolean",true) for the last two arguments in the log() function. After that, everything worked fine.
Got to remember to check and use JavaCast()!
log = rf.log(JavaCast("String[]",[]),JavaCast("null",""),JavaCast("long",10),JavaCast("long",15),JavaCast("boolean",true),JavaCast("boolean",true));


Any way to block out new code for legacy versions of CF

I have written a library I include for some security patches. In that library there are a number of CF8 and up function,attributes,etc.
I really really dont want to cut the functionality down bc adobe couldnt get it together and get this basic functionality into CF7 so Im looking to write separate lines into each function. The issue is when CF is initially reading the code it bugs out if it finds something it doesnt recognize, whether or not it is going to be called.
For example in cfdirectory CF7 doesnt support the 'type' attribute. I have a find directory function that fails in CF7 when the 'type' attribute is present and taking it out increases the search time by 10x.
<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#arguments.start#" name="LOCAL.dirquery" type="dir" /><!---//GET QUERY OF DIRECTORIES IN START DIRECTORY--->
<cfsetting requesttimeout="600">
<cfdirectory action="list" directory="#arguments.start#" name="LOCAL.dirquery" /><!---//GET QUERY OF DIRECTORIES IN START DIRECTORY--->
This code does not work, neither does a conditional block. Im guessing the reader cannot parse thsi into whatever language and so is failing.
The code is probably failing at compile time, not at run time (need to see the error you are receiving to know for sure). If it's a compiler error, you'll need to have break out your CF7 functions in separate components from your CF8+ functions. Then check the CF version at run time to determine which component/function to call.
Here's some pseudo code you can use in application startup to load the correct version functions into memory. That way you have a consistent interface for calling the functions anywhere in your code.
Pseudo Code:
if (server.coldfusion.productversion == 7){
application.cffunctions = CF7FunctionsComponent;
} else {
application.cffunctions = CF8FunctionsComponent;
Everywhere else, you call the same function regardless of CF version currently running:

Creating a pst file using Redemption

I'm working on a project in C# that involves parsing .pst files and my group has chosen to use the Redemption library to do so. We have successfully parsed the email files in to RDOMail objects, however now we want to write a subset of those emails to a new .pst file. I have successfully written the subset to .eml files using the email.SaveAs() function, but I'm at a loss to figure out how to save that list as a .pst. I've been sifting through the documentation, however it leaves much to be desired. Can anyone who has used Redemption point me in the right direction or provide an example?? Thanks in advance for your help!
You will need to create/open a PST file using RDOSession.Stores.AddPstStore (returns RDOPSTStore object). Once you have the store, you can open/create folders (starting with the RDOStore.IPMRootFolder), create messages (RDOFolder.Items.Add) and copy old messages into new messages (RDOMail.CopyTo(RDOMail/RDOFolder)).
I have been struggling to do this for the last few hours and would like to save that time to others
You have to install redemption and add it as a reference to your project for it to work
RDOSession session = new RDOSession(); // throws exception 1
RDOFolder folder = session.GetDefaultFolder(rdoDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox);
string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(#"C:\emlFiles\", "*.eml");
foreach (string filePath in fileEntries)
RDOMail mail = folder.Items.Add("IPM.Mail");
mail.Sent = true;
mail.Import(filePath, 1024);
// folder.Items.Add(mail);
I also created a small sample windows forms app for it, I know the code is ugly but it does the trick

Class redeclaration error on targetEntity="Y" within ZF2

I am facing a weird error within my codebase currently. You can see the full ZF2s project code on my github right here. <- there's a link
I'm having a Module set up with two Entities (X and Y). Entity_X contains a reference to Entity_Y via (targetEntity="Entity_Y"). The Error persist with the FQCN or just the CN itself.
id int PK,
id_Y int FK,
text varchar
id int PK,
text varchar
When loading Entity_Y first and then Entity_X everything is working fine. This remains true for both StandardAutoloader and ClassMapAutoloader. However: when loading Entity_X first with ClassMapAutoloader present, i will be seeing the following error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Kennzahlen\Entity\Referenzwert (Entity_Y)
in \module\Kennzahlen\src\Kennzahlen\Entity\Referenzwert.php
on line 13
Loading Entity_X first with StandardAutoloader works without any problems, too.
The Problem appears to be within ZF2s ClassMapAutoloader (or Autoloading-Mechanism in General). My Module used the ClassMapAutoloader and using this i've gotten the above mentioned error. When removing the ClassMapAutoloader and simply using the StandardAutoloader, the error vanished into thin air. Thanks to #ocramius and all others i've botheres with this :)
I'm writing a failing test case to try and solve this in doctrine/common. The problem seems to be that silent autoloaders (as explained by #Xerkus) are not compatible with doctrine/common itself. To solve that, use a StandardAutoloader from ZF2 (or from composer) instead of using the ClassMapAutoloader. This will solve the issue until a patch is ready.
Update: patch is being suggested at doctrine/common#216
i have no knowledge of doctrine, but i browsed through source and i think i found issue:
here, this code expects that autoloader will return value evaluated to true, but that is not requirement of spl autoload mechanism, therefore autoloader can return NULL,
To check if i am correct, in in your project in doctrine replace line 224 in Doctrine/Common/ClassLoader.php
} else if ($loader[0]->{$loader[1]}($className)) {
} else if ($loader[0]->{$loader[1]}($className) && class_exists($className, false)) {
Ans see if issue is fixed, if i am correct - then report bug to doctrine project

Google Geocoder Returning null From Reverse Lookup

I am trying to use the Google geocoder to do a reverse-geocoder lookup. I am running the exact same command on 8 values, and I am only having an error on two of them, which has me confused as one of the failing values is identical to one of the working values. (The 'working' values aren't really working- they still return a value of undefined from the 'formatted_address' field, but they aren't throwing errors). The command that I am running is as follows:
geocoder.geocode({latLng: new google.maps.LatLng(machineList[i].y, machineList[i].x)}, function(results, status) { address = results[0]; });
I am receiving a type error from Javascript, claiming that results is null. I'm not sure why this is happening. Any ideas?
Well, it turns out this was a timing issue. The geocode() command was taking longer to complete for certain locations than for others, which caused the value to show up as null. I ended up eliminating the problem by moving all the subsequent code into the callback function (I hadn't done this earlier because the whole thing is running inside of a loop, and I was having some difficulty getting it to pass in the iterator as a parameter). Now everything seems to be working well and the locations are showing up as they should.

C++, OLE, Excel Automation: EAccessviolation at 00000800

I am writing an background service application that has to automatically read data from Excel 2003 files. But no matter what I try, the method OlePropertyGet() always results in an EAccessViolation error while trying to read from address "00000800".
The error always occurs at the last line of this code snippet, and seems independent of what parameter the method receives:
Variant excel, workbooks;
excel = GetActiveOleObject("Excel.Application");
excel = CreateOleObject("Excel.Application");
workbooks = excel.OlePropertyGet("Workbooks");
I've done some extensive google search on this, but found nothing that's even remotely helpful, only this forum thread where someone has the same issue, but doesn't give any information about the cause or solution (it's somewhat funny that at one point the author mentions he knows the cause, but doesn't say what it is!).
I'm open to any ideas as to what is causing this and how to solve this problem, but also alternative approaches to Excel OLE automation.
My guess is its a null pointer issue..
It looks like neither GetActiveOleObject() nor CreateOleObject() worked.
Try checkign the validity of 'excel' before calling OlePropertyGet.
And I guess you should make sure you have Excel installed.
You can use Visual Studio Tools for Office (see
Or you can use ATL support to instantiate the object model provided by office.
Your code may not be able to resolve "Excel.Application" successfully, leading to a null pointer. It uses a registry lookup with that string to identify Excel. It sounds like you're missing that registry entry.
I use such code to determine validity of created objects(in C++ Builder):
Varaint excel = GetActiveOleObject("Excel.Application");
TAutoDriver<IDispatch> dispatcher;
dispatcher.Bind(excel, false);
if (dispatcher.IsBound())
Variant workbooks = excel.OlePropertyGet("Workbooks");