Select a random object from an array of objects - c++

I'd like to implement a function that selects a random object from an array of objects and returns it to me. It should be something like (in C++ instead of psuedocode):
getRandomObject(objectList) {
return objectList[int(random(length of objectList))];
My current code looks like this, but doesn't seem to work:
//definition of random selector
object getRandomObject(Object* objectList) {
return objectList[int(ofRandom(0, sizeof(objectList)))];
//create a pointer for the listOfObjects
object* listOfObjects;
//create an empty object to put the randomly selected object in
object randomObject;
//later in the code, populate the array:
object* listOfObjects[] = {
new Object(),
new Object(),
new Object()
//select random object
randomObject = getRandomObject(listOfObjects);
But this seems to return a segmentation fault. A few problems I've noticed:
sizeof() returns the size of the pointer in getRandomObject, not the size of the array. is there a good way to get the size of the array? It might involves not using a float* pointer for the array. Is this a good use case for vectors?
I think that much of the problem lies in how I'm creating my arrays, and not so much in how I'm selecting the random object from them. I'm relatively new to C++ (coming from a Java background), so much of pointers / references / memory management in general is new to me.

I see one definite problem and one possible one. The definite problem is that sizeof(objectList) returns the size of the objectList pointer, which will be 4 or 8 on most platforms. It does not return the number of elements in the array, objectList. Either pass in the length of the array or use std::vector or std::array.
The second possible problem relates to ofRandom. Make sure that ofRandom(a,b) returns numbers >= a, but strictly < b. If it returns values <= b, then you'll need to us ofRandom(0, objectVector.size() - 1). Typically, functions like this are written to return values strictly < b, but you should check.

C++ has an array template class that you may want to consider using. Check out the documentation here:
This type has a method, size(), that will return the length of the array.

When the sizeof operator is applied to an array, it yields the total
number of bytes in that array, not the size of the pointer represented
by the array identifier.
So you take the space alocated for your whole array and divide by the memory need just for one element: sizeof(objectList) / sizeof(*objectList).

Mr Fooz noticed issues that cause a segfault.
Other compilation issues are:
listOfObjects is declared with 2 different types: object* and object*[3] while getRandomObject expects a type Object*.
listOfObjects[] contains elements of type object* while getRandomObject reads elements of type Object and returns object.


How to pass dynamic and static 2d arrays as void pointer?

for a project using Tensorflow's C API I have to pass a void pointer (void*) to a method of Tensorflow. In the examples the void* points to a 2d array, which also worked for me. However now I have array dimensions which do not allow me to use the stack, which is why I have to use a dynamic array or a vector.
I managed to create a dynamic array with the same entries like this:
float** normalizedInputs;//
normalizedInputs = new float* [noCellsPatches];
for(int i = 0; i < noCellsPatches; ++i)
normalizedInputs[i] = new float[no_input_sizes];
for(int i=0;i<noCellsPatches;i++)
for(int j=0;j<no_input_sizes;j++)
The function call needing the void* looks like this:
TF_Tensor* input_value = TF_NewTensor(TF_FLOAT,in_dims_arr,2,normalizedInputs,num_bytes_in,&Deallocator, 0);
In argument 4 you see the "normalizedInputs" array. When I run my program now, the calculated results are totally wrong. When I go back to the static array they are right again. What do I have to change?
Greets and thanks in advance!
Edit: I also noted that the TF_Tensor* input_value holds totally different values for both cases (for dynamic it has many 0 and nan entries). Is there a way to solve this by using a std::vector<std::vector<float>>?
Respectively: is there any valid way pass a consecutive dynamic 2d data structure to a function as void*?
In argument 4 you see the "normalizedInputs" array. When I run my program now, the calculated results are totally wrong.
The reason this doesn't work is because you are passing the pointers array as data. In this case you would have to use normalizedInputs[0] or the equivalent more explicit expression &normalizedInputs[0][0]. However there is another bigger problem with this code.
Since you are using new inside a loop you won't have contiguous data which TF_NewTensor expects. There are several solutions to this.
If you really need a 2d-array you can get away with two allocations. One for the pointers and one for the data. Then set the pointers into the data array appropriately.
float **normalizedInputs = new float* [noCellsPatches]; // allocate pointers
normalizedInputs[0] = new float [noCellsPatches*no_input_sizes]; // allocate data
// set pointers
for (int i = 1; i < noCellsPatches; ++i) {
normalizedInputs[i] = &normalizedInputs[i-1][no_input_sizes];
Then you can use normalizedInputs[i][j] as normal in C++ and the normalizedInputs[0] or &normalizedInputs[0][0] expression for your TF_NewTensor call.
Here is a mechanically simpler solution, just use a flat 1d array.
float * normalizedInputs = new float [noCellsPatches*no_input_sizes];
You access the i,j-th element by normalizedInputs[i*no_input_sizes+j] and you can use it directly in the TF_NewTensor call without worrying about any addresses.
C++ standard does its best to prevent programmers to use raw arrays, specifically multi-dimensional ones.
From your comment, your statically declared array is declared as:
float normalizedInputs[noCellsPatches][no_input_sizes];
If noCellsPatches and no_input_sizes are both compile time constants you have a correct program declaring a true 2D array. If they are not constants, you are declaring a 2D Variable Length Array... which does not exist in C++ standard. Fortunately, gcc allow it as an extension, but not MSVC nor clang.
If you want to declare a dynamic 2D array with non constant rows and columns, and use gcc, you can do that:
int (*arr0)[cols] = (int (*) [cols]) new int [rows*cols];
(the naive int (*arr0)[cols] = new int [rows][cols]; was rejected by my gcc 5.4.0)
It is definitely not correct C++ but is accepted by gcc and does what is expected.
The trick is that we all know that the size of an array of size n in n times the size of one element. A 2D array of rows rows of columnscolumns if then rows times the size of one row, which is columns when measured in underlying elements (here int). So we ask gcc to allocate a 1D array of the size of the 2D array and take enough liberalities with the strict aliasing rule to process it as the 2D array we wanted. As previously said, it violates the strict aliasing rule and use VLA in C++, but gcc accepts it.

Dynamic arrays of objects/classes in C++

I'll cut to the chase to save you all some boredom of surplus reading:
I've tried to comb the internet in search of tutorials over dynamical arrays of objects/classes where they explain how pointers are implemented here.
This in particular: TheClass **foo[10]; or something like that, I don't understand what two stars/asterisks are good for and how they are used.
And this whole thing in general.
I do know how dynamical arrays are declared,how regular pointers are used,how to make classes,how to make dynamic arrays of classes.
But all this combined got me confused.
So my questions are:
What does this do and how does it work?
Can you recommend a site where you know examples/tutorials of this can be found?
Does this have a specific name rather than "dynamic object arrays with double pointers"
or whatnot?
If no tutorial comes to mind, I'd appreciate it if you could make a very, very brief example.
Like for instance
int *something;
int somethingElse = 10;
something = &somethingElse; /*Now when you change "somethingElse","something"
will also change to the same number*/
A little super-short example and explanation like that would be greatly appreciated. =)
The simplest, more or less usefull, example using pointers to pointers would be a two dimensional array. So for example
//Create a pointer to (an array of) pointers to (an array of) ints
int** array2D;
//Create a array of pointers to (an array of) ints and assign it to the pointer
array2D = new int*[10];
//Assign each of the pointers to a new array of 10 ints
for(size_t i =0; i<10;i++) {
array2D[i] = new int[10];
//Now you have an 2 dimensional array of ints that can be access by
array2D[1][3] = 15;
int test = array2D[1][3];
I hope this explains a bit what pointers to pointers are and how they work.
A pointer is, well, a pointer. It points at something. Period. If you understand that much, then you should be able to understand what a pointer to a pointer is. It is just a pointer whose value is the memory address of another variable that is itself a pointer to something else. That's all. Every time you add a * to the mix, it is just another level of pointer indirection. For example:
int i;
int* p_i = &i; // p_i is a pointer to an int and points at i
int** pp_i = &p_i; // pp_i is a pointer to an int* and points at p_i
int*** ppp_i = &pp_i; // ppp_i is a pointer to an int** and points at pp_i
Now apply that concept to TheClass **foo[10]; (which is actually TheClass** foo[10]; from the compiler's perspective). It is declaring an array named foo that contains 10 TheClass** pointer-to-pointer elements. Each TheClass* might be a pointer to a specific TheClass object, or it might be a dynamic array of TheClass elements (no way to know without more context), then each TheClass** is a pointer to a particular TheClass* pointer.
Well i see you aim for the complete answer, i'll give u a brief example on that.
If you define an array of pointers to pointers, like in your "class foo**[10]" example, let's say:
int numX = 100;
int numY = 1000;
Node **some[10];
some[0] = new Node*[numX];
some[0][0] = new Node[numY];
Then what it does mean is:
You have 10 Node** in your 1st level. So you have 10 pointers to type Node**, but they aren't pointing anywhere useful yet.
This is just 10 adjacent memory locations for storing pointers. In this case it is irrelevant what they are pointing to, mainly it is just 10 fields containing space for a pointer.
Then take the first of these 10 "spaces" and assign the address of an array of 100 pointers to type Node*
some[0] = new Node*[numX]; //numX = 100
This is done and evaluated during runtime, so u can use a variable value given by user input or some application logic, to define dimensions of arrays aka memory-fields.
Now you have 1 of 10 pointers pointing to 100 pointers to type Node*, but still pointing to a black hole.
In the last step create 1000 objects of type Node and attach their addresses to the first of your 100 pointers.
some[0][0] = new Node[numY]; //numY = 1000
In the above example this means, only [0][0][0] to [0][0][999] are objects, the 1000 you created with:
This way you can build multi-dimensional arrays with the specified type. What makes the whole thing work, is that you instantiate what you need in the last dimension (3) and create pointers to uniquely index every field created from [0][0][0] to [9][99][999].
some[0][1]; // memory violation not defined
some[0][0]; // good -> points to a *Node
some[0][0][0]; // good -> actually points to Node (data)
some[1][0][0]; // memory violation not defined
As far as i know, most often you use a one-dimensional array and some tiny math, to simulate two-dimensional arrays. Like saying element [x][y] = [x+y*width];
However you want to use your memory, in the end it all boils down to some memory-adresses and their content.
TheClass** foo[10];
This line of code tells the compiler to a make an array called foo of 10 elements of type pointer to (pointer to Theclass ).
In general when you want to figure out a type that involve multiple astrisks, ampersands. Read Left to Right. so we can break out the code above to something like this:
( (Theclass) * ) * foo[10]
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
5 4 3 2 1
#1 an array of 10 elements named #2 foo #3 of type pointer #4 to pointer #5 to Theclass

c++ array initialization, good practice

I would like to be sure that this is not wrong: I initialize array with
double* lower = input->getLowerBox();
where function getLowerBox() returns some double*. is it correct? Or shold I initialize this way::
double* lower = new double[nbP];
for (int i=0;i<nbP;i++)
or to avoid multiple calls to getLowerBox,
double* lower = new double[nbP];
double* tmp = input->getLowerBox();
for (int i=0;i<nbP;i++)
delete[] tmp;
Two steps recipe:
Change Input::getLowerBox() to return std::vector<double> const&
Use a copy if you want to modify the returned value, and the const reference instead
Well, it depends on what you want to do. Do you need a new array or not.
Your first snippet doesn't create a new array, so memory management is more important.
For example:
double* lower = input->getLowerBox();
delete[] lower;
would possibly render input->getLowerBox() invalid. Or something like:
double* lower = NULL;
Class input;
lower = input->getLowerBox();
would make lower a dangling pointer, if input clears the contents of the array in the destructor.
The last two snippets create new arrays. It is safer IMO, but also uses extra memory.
Both are correct, depending on what you want to do. Whichever you choose, make sure to document it fully.
The first way is fine. You're going to return a pointer to a double, which I'm assuming is related to an array (If not, then please correct me). By doing that, you're pointing to the first element of that array and then you can just index lower or use pointer arithmetic to access the other elements.
EDIT: Could you post the definition of getLowerBox() so it's more clear to what you're trying to do?
Do you have the ability to change getLowerBox() ? If so, I would change it so it returns a vector.
Depending on the implementation, it might return you a pointer which you can own or a pointer to an internal static (bad but possible) so you need to know what it's doing and act accordingly by retaining the pointer or taking a copy of the array respectively.
If you don't have control over getLowerBox() and you know the size of the array it returns, it would be a reasonable idea copy it to a vector
double* lower = input->getLowerBox();
vector<double> lowerV(lower, lower + N );
(where N is the size of the array - BTW this is just from memory, I haven't compiled it.)
I would definitely go with the first one for multiple reasons. It's cleaner, it avoids unnecessary calls / variable creation, etc. Just make sure that input's a pointer if you're using "->"; otherwise use ".".

C++ Array of Objects

I have an array in a class that should hold some instances of other objects. The header file looks like this:
class Document {
long arraysize;
long count;
Row* rows;
Then in the constructor I initialize the array like this:
this->rows = new Row[arraysize];
But for some reason this just sets rows to an instance of Row rather than an array of rows. How would I initialize an array of Row objects?
Both SharpTooth and Wok's answers are correct.
I would add that if you are already struggling at this level you may be better off using a std::vector instead of a built-in array in this case. The vector will handle growing and shrinking transparently.
This should work. One possible "error" would be an incorrect value for arraySize.
However you should better use a std::vector from the standard library for that purpose.
#include <vector>
class Document {
// ...
std::vector<Row> rows;
// ...
and in your constructor:
Document::Document() : rows(arraySize) { // ... }
Document::Document() { rows.assign(arraySize, Row()); }
If arraySize contains a reasonable value at that point you actually get an array. I guess you trust your debugger and the debugger only shows the 0th element (that's how debuggers treat pointers), so you think there's only one object behind that pointer.
For i in [0;arraysize[, *(this->rows+i) should be an instance of row.
What precisely makes you think that rows is only one element? Make certain that you arraysize isn't 1. If it is, you'll get an array of 1 element. Mind you, you must still call delete [] with an array of size 1.
Also, why is arraysize different than count? Using that terminology, you should be making an array of count elements and arraysize should be equal to sizeof(Row) * count.
Also, you specifically ask "How would I initialize an array of Row objects?". Do you mean allocate? If so, that's how you would do so. If you mean initialize, the default constructor of Row will be called on each element of the array when the array is allocated.

Dynamic array allocation in C++ question

I have a struct of type Duplicate
I have a variable of type int called stringSize, it has a value of 5
I am creating a dynamic array:
Duplicate *duplicates;
duplicates = new Duplicate[stringSize - 1];
Later I delete[] duplicates;
I'm getting one member in that array only? I've verified that stringSize - 1 = 4 with a debug walk through. What can I do to get the 4 members I need?
Any help appreciated,
Thanks // :)
Duplicate *duplicates;
duplicates = new Duplicate[stringSize - 1];
Indeed gives you duplicates[0-3] (Assuming stringSize - 1 is 4, like you say). How are you determining you're getting less?
I suspect you may be doing something like: sizeof(duplicates) / sizeof(duplicates[0]), and on an off-change getting one. The above code only works for statically allocated arrays, where sizeof(duplicates) would match the size of the array, in bytes. In your case, it'll simply return the size of a pointer on your system. (duplicates is a Duplicate*)
And mandatory: Use std::vector if this is "real" code.
Your debugger is doing the best it can. As far is it's concerned, you've merely got a pointer to some data. Consider:
Duplicate foo;
Duplicate *duplicates_A;
duplicates_A = &foo; // points to one Duplicate
Duplicate *duplicates_B;
duplicates_B = new Duplicate[4]; // points to memory containing 4 Duplicate's
void bar(Duplicate* p)
// is p a pointer to one value, or is it an array?
// we can't tell, and this is the same boat your debugger is in
How should the debugger, just given a pointer, know if it's pointing to an array or just one value? It cannot, safely. (It would have to determine, somehow, if the pointer was to an array, and the size of that array.)
You can't use sizeof to determine the size of a dynamic array. In fact, there isn't a standard API to determine the size of a dynamic array.
Use std::vector if you need to access the size.
If you use a debugger to view the elements you get, the problem may be that the type of your variable is Duplicate* which is just a pointer (which in C happens to also be an array but the type is just a pointer to one instance of Duplicate.