Mouse events on a cairo context - c++

I'm developing an application with C++ and GTK3 but I'm stucked. I've created a visual application with glade which has three columns and one of them, the middle one, is a DrawingArea. In that DrawingArea I want to draw some circles at the point I want to after pressing a button and have different mouse events on that circles (like drag and drop, double click, right click...). I've made the first thing (draw a circle after pressing a button) following the official documentation, but the problem is that I don't know how to do the mouse events, but I thought about it and I have some different solutions (I don't know if they are the bests solutions or maybe there are better):
I think the best way is to create a signal to the cairomm context, but I didn't see anything to do that. Maybe the way would be to create a cairo surface or something like that.
Every time I click to create a circle, I would have to create a gtk widget in which I can handle mouse events. The problem here is that the widget needs to have circular shape and need to be drawable. Is it possible to create a circular DrawingArea? It could be the best. I saw the way to create custom widgets here.
Use goocanvasmm. The problem here is that goocanvasmm has a little documentation (I'm sorry I can not post more than two links because of my reputation) and I think this is not the best solution, I prefer to use cairomm.
This application was written in C using GTK2, and the circles were drawn using gnomecanvas, adding signals in an easy way to each circle; and now I'm moving this application to C++ and GTK3 to renew it.
I'm very new to GTK (and graphical interfaces in general), but I looked for solutions for hours and I don't know what is the best way in order to continue my work.
Thank you for your help :)

It's best to use a canvas library for this such as GooCanvas. Doing it with cairo alone would require you to listen to mouse events on the whole drawing area, and keep track of where the circles were in order to decide which circle the mouse event belongs to - exactly the problem which the canvas library has already solved for you.
If you are having trouble with goocanvasmm documentation, a look at the documentation for GooCanvas' C API combined with knowledge of how the C API translates into C++ will usually suffice. Although the GooCanvasmm documentation seems fairly extensive to me.


Adding a user interface to an image viewer plugin

I have a general question on how to develop an image viewer plugin with Firebreath. For that, I would like to incorporate a GUI framework, like wxwidget or Qt. The GUI would be used to to fire up some dialogs, adding a toolbar on top, or to open context menus with right clicking an image.
As far as I understand I have a hwnd handle and so I can draw onto a window. I also understand that I have various events I can react on, like mouse button clicks or keyboard strokes. But it fails me how I would add graphical menus, buttons, etc. I know I could use html around the window but that's not the route I like to take.
For instance, does it makes sense to render an user interface offline (in memory) onto an image and then keep somehow track of the state internally?
Has anyone done such thing? Or can anyone give me some insight on how to accomplish adding a user interface.
Assuming you only care about windows and assuming that you don't mind using a windowed plugin, which is the easiest (but no HTML elements can float over the plugin), it should be no different than creating a GUI in any other windows application.
You are given a window that shows up with the AttachedEvent; when DetachedEvent is fired you need to stop using the window. Many people create a child window inside that parent window and use that for all their actual real code which makes it a little easier to use one of those other abstractions, but that's basically all there is to it. I don't know specifically how you'd do it with QT or wxwidget but you'd create a child window of that HWND that you are given and have the abstraction do your thing for you.
As to whether or not it would be rendering things offscreen, etc, I have no idea; that would totally depend on the window system. There is no reason that I know of that you would need to do that, and most things just draw directly to the HWND, but there are a zillion different ways you could do it. It looks to me like what you really need is to understand how drawing in Windows actually works.
I hope that helps

Is there a way to customize what a button looks like in C++?

I have programmed in HTML, Java, CSS, C++, VB, an Python.
I'm looking to make button that looks completely the way I want it to look!
Like in HTML+Java+CSS, I can do that very thing!
I'm using Netbeans IDE. I was about to just use OpenGL to do the GUI programming for my programs, since it is so hard to find information on customized GUIs.
I just want to learn how to make the image and give button functionality to it. I want to be able to make the shape, color, and effects (when clicked, hovered over, etc).
Oh, and I program in Ubuntu Linux!
Any help would be appreciated!
Qt is a good idea, but you won't learn how it works, though it's not really important and far easier like that. Using C++ you will have libraries that respect the encapsulation principle, so you won't know at the first sight how do is work, just how to use it.
If you really want to code a button yourself, you can take a 2D drawing library such as SFML, with which you'll draw your button and handle events on it.
When I wrote a custom button class for my app, we (the C++ developers) were given PNG images from the designer department. They are much better with tools like Photoshop then we developers. We just showed image1.PNG by default, image2.PNG when the mouse was over the button ("hover"), and image3.PNG when the mouse was over the button and pressed. Drawing? Not necessary.
Color is trivial for designers. Shape isn't hard either. PNGs are rectangular, but can be transparent. So rounded edges are just a matter of a few transparent pixels there.

How to create custom skin like WinAmp

I guess this question has been ask before, but I have not found sufficient answer to even start poking around. Most answer refers to catching WM_PAINT method directly and do custom rendering, or use a onwer draw object. However, I did not see a centralized place that has the info. to start researching. Hence, the question.
My goal is to create a very simple GUI program with custom look into it. I prefer the way winamp does their custom look that is customizable through "skins". However, I am not interested in using some cross-platform library like GTK+, QT or wxWidget.
I have some experience in system programming, but not much for GUI. I spent most of my time developing console applications, and I just started doing some QT development. If you can point me in the right direction, I'd be very appreciated.
PS: I am interested in both windows and linux environment.
Sorry for the late reply. I had a chance to have a quick talk with the original developer for winamp, and this is the quick answers I have:
Using skins: Artists create skins, developer will render the skins
To the OS (Windows), winamp is just one pretty box, nothing else. There is a container windows, and that's about it
All controls (button, label, list, etc) are implemented by winamp team themselves. All messages and stuffs are passed as relative position to the container window. WinAmp and the GUI engine has to decide if a button is clicked or if the label next to it is the target, etc.
Rendering artists skins created in XML
I do not have the details on if they use any libraries to do all that, but I am suspecting they do hook a window call directly, and do custom rendering themselves.
GUI skin usually using plug-in mechanism
I guess this is exactly what you are looking for:
I also interested in creating custom look of window and widgets.
Speaking about widgets it's not hard, just need to create subclass (if you are using C++) or some widget and implement some methods like draw, handle etc. But this solution is good only if you use some high-level library like GTK, QT, etc. If you want to implement all controls by your own, you may get any graphics library, which can create window and do any graphics inside. For example, SDL2 + Cairo. SDL2 for creating window, Cairo for vector rendering controls/widgets. Both of this libraries are for win and linux. Another option is take opengl/vulkan + some lib for rendering window. It could be SDL2, SFML, GLFW.
If you really interested how it works on low level, then search Windows API for Windows and XLib or XCB for Linux/X.Org.
Speaking about window, I still investigate it. However I have one thought: you may create an empty window and then draw whatever you want. Then you need to add handlers for resizing window on the borders. But I am not sure if it's good solution, and if it won't freezes.

Qt - Real time drawing

I want to show a car's path in a window in real time, how to do that, and what classes I have to use. Is there anything like drawing area, in Qt.
Any Help will be appreciated.
You'll need to read up on QGraphicsview. There are several helpful examples that show every bit of what functionality is present here. The implementation itself... I guess it's just a bunch of QLines on a QGraphicsScene. The realtime part is handled by calling repaint or paintevent or whatever it's called periodically, or setting up a complex animation.
The Qwt library on top of Qt is pretty good for this.

How does get object from point work?

I'm new to programming. I want to make a card game with C++ / Allegro. The graphics api is irrelevant though. I want it to have many buttons you can click. I'm wondering the proper way this is done. For instance, how does windows know which control you click on from your cursor. I would use an array of rectangles and check each rectangle to ee if my mouse is is 1 of their bounds, but this doesn't seem very good. What about if I draw a line from 2 points and want to be able to drag any part of the line? I doubt i'm doing this right either. Any insight on this would be very helpful. Thanks
Basically, you want to make a mouse-driven user interface.
This is very difficult to do from scratch, that's why Allegro has a built-in GUI system. If you don't like it, you'd better use a GUI library than doing it yourself.
I'd recommand MasKing, it's an add-on for Allegro, to write graphical interfaces in C++.