read QProcess output to string - c++

I have a code that uses QProcess like this.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int status=0;
QProcess pingProcess;
QString ba;
QString exec = "snmpget";
QStringList params;
params << "-v" << "2c" << "-c" << "public" << "" << ".";
status=pingProcess.execute(exec, params);
This outputs the following.
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.30966. = STRING: "0.1"
I want to take(read) this output as string. I searched for this and I cant find the solution. Thanks in advance.

Did you try QByteArray QProcess::readAllStandardOutput() docs - here
QString can be instantiated from QByteArray:
QString output(pingProcess.readAllStandardOutput());
As others mentioned, and I join to them, you should not use execute method and replace it with:
pingProcess.start(exec, params);
pingProcess.waitForFinished(); // sets current thread to sleep and waits for pingProcess end
QString output(pingProcess.readAllStandardOutput());

In a more Qt way you can try to use readyReadStandardOutput signal:
connect(&pingProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(readData()));
and in corresponding slot readData to the string
QString output = pingProcess.readAllStandardOutput();

#Shf is right in that you should be using readAllStandardOutput. However, you're using the function execute() which is a static method. You should be calling start( ) from an instance of a QProcess.
It may also be a good idea to then either wait for the data with waitForReadyRead, or just wait for the process to finish with waitForFinished( ).
Also, there's an overloaded start function, which allows you to pass the whole command in, which may make your code easier to read: -
QProcess pingProcess;
QString exe = "snmpget -v 2c -c public .";
QString output(pingProcess.readAllOutput());
Note that calling waitForFinished will hang the current process, so if you're going to do something that will take a while, you would then want to dynamically create the QProcess and connect to the finished() signal in order for a connected slot to then read the data.

You shouldn't use QProcess::execute method, it's static and doesn't alter your pingProcess variable. You have no access to a process started using this method. You need to use start() method instead. Note that this method is asynchronous. You need to use waitForFinished and then read the data.
pingProcess.start(exec, params);
QByteArray output = pingProcess.readAllStandardOutput();


Signals and slots between objects in different threads in Qt

Basically, I've the next code:
class serverTCP : public QObject
// Other methods...
void newInstructions(QJsonDocument jDoc);
public slots:
void responseObtained(QJsonDocument jDoc);
class gatherModbus : public QObject
// Other methods...
void responseReady(QJsonDocument jDoc);
public slots:
void executeInstruction(QJsonDocument jDoc);
void myprocess() {
// Write and read Serial Port
// Save data in json
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
int netsNumber = 2; //In reality this is dynamic. It's only a example
serverTCP *server = new serverTCP;
gatherModbus * gather = new gatherModbus[netsNumber];
QThread * threads = new QThread[netsNumber];
// more necessary code...
for(int i = 0; i < netsNumber; i++)
QObject::connect(&server, SIGNAL(newInstructions(QJsonDocument)),
&gather[i], SLOT(executeInstruction(QJsonDocument)));
QObject::connect(&gather[i], SIGNAL(responseReady(QJsonDocument)),
&server, SLOT(responseObtained(QJsonDocument)));
QObject::connect(&threads[i], SIGNAL(start()),
&gather[i], SLOT(myprocess()));
// Other signals needed between the objects 'gather' and 'threads'
The problem is that the connections between objects 'server' and 'gather' do not work. The object 'server' is in the same thread as the 'main' function but objects 'gather' have moved to other threads.
What have I to do to make both objects can communicate properly?
My purpose is that the 'server' must be able to send a signal to all objects 'gather' there are. In each of the objects 'gather' must execute the slot and return the 'server' response if any.
If I set up the connection to be the type Qt::DirectConnection slots running on the same thread as the 'main' function and object 'server' and that does not interest me.
Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.
All is in Qt documentation.
First, read that.
Then if you're not satisfied, you can use QCoreApplication::postEvent() (for more informations you need : here)
Both signals/slots (QObject:connect()) and QCoreApplication::postEvent() are thread-safe and can solve your problem.
So events and signal/slots are two parallel mechanisms accomplishing the same things, in general an event will be generated by an outside entity (e.g. Keyboard, Mouswheel) and will be delivered through the event loop in QApplication. In general unless you set up the code you will not be generating events. You might filter them through QObject::installEventFilter() or handle events in subclassed object by overriding the appropriate functions.
Signals and Slots are much easier to generate and receive and you can connect any two QObject subclasses. They are handled through the Metaclass (have a look at your moc_classname.cpp file for more) but most of the interclass communication that you will produce will probably use signals and slots. Signals can get delivers immediately or deferred via a queue (if you are using threads) A signal can be generated
Your demo code seems OK. That's how we organize our current project. You'd better provide more detailed codes if necessary to explain your problem.
BTW, after reading your interests, I'd recommend you the QtConcurrent module which seems fitting your interest better.
Huh... Your code is not ok. This is the source of all your trouble
void myprocess() {
// Write and read Serial Port
// Save data in json
If you want the slots newInstructions and responseObtained slots to ever run, myprocess should not be an infinite loop. You need to :
Modify myprocess such that once it is done writing and reading currently available data, it completes
Have a mechanism to know that new processing need to be done. For instance, if you are using a QIODevice subclass (socket, input stream, etc...) you have the signal QIODevice::readyRead() which will notify you there is new data to read from the device. I suspect your newInstructions is supposed to do just that.
connect this mechanism to another call to myprocess to allow the processing to start again
Edit : Given your comment, this is a way to modify the infinite while loop without too much modification.
void myprocess() {
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &gatherModbus::myprocess, Qt::QueuedConnection);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod will schedule this method for execution at the back of the thread QEventLoop queue. Which means other slots can execute.
I can solve my problem adding the next line in the end of "myprocess" method:
The final code of this method is this:
void myprocess() {
// Write and read Serial Port
// Save data in json
// New line:
With this line I get that events will processed if any. I don't known if it is the best solution, but it works as wanted.
Thanks to all of you for your help and answers.

Copying Files in Threads to prevent a freezed application

I wrote a C++/QT Application with "Installer" features. Everything workes fine, but when I click outside the window while my programm is in a "copy process", it somehow loses focus and freezes until the copy process is over, then everything is displayed normaly with a QProgressBar value of 100%.
Im copying like this:
void Installer_C::copy(QString aSrcPath, QString aDstPath)
hSrc = CreateFileW(..); //source file
hDst = CreateFileW(..); //destination
WriteFile(...); //->returnes bytesWritten
updateQProgressBar(bytesWritten); //updates progressbar in my application
This function is called in a foreach loop iterating through a QStringList with files (located in my launchInstall() function).
Due to my problems, I thought about creating Threads for this copy process. Is it more efficient to create a new thread for each Installer_C::copy() call, or to just create one Thread to call the launchInstall() function (I think it wouldn't help much).Or a better Question: Would it even solve my problem that the application freezes? And how shall I do it so that the ProgressBar still will be updated from this thread?
I think, the best way to solve your problem is to create one addition thread to copy process. You can use QThread (Qt documentation: QThread) class to create a thread, which will copy files. The main thread will execute your GUI and it will be available during files copying.
Small example for copying thread:
class CopyThread : public QThread
QStringList oldfiles_;
QStringList newfiles_;
CopyThread(const QStringList& oldfiles,
const QStringList& newfiles,
QObject * parent = 0)
: QThread(parent)
, oldfiles_(oldfiles)
, newfiles_(newfiles)
void run() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE
int min = qMin(oldfiles_.count(), newFiles.count());
for(int i=0; i<min; ++i)
emit signalCopyFile(,;
void signalCopyFile(const QString&, const QString&);
void copyFile(QString aSrcPath, QString aDstPath)
QFile::copy(aSrcPath, aDstPath);
Of course, you must implement slot on your widget for signalCopyFile(const QString&, const QString&) and make connection. Small piece of code (for example) to start copy thread and make connection:
QStringList oldFiles;
QStringList newFiles;
CopyThread *copyThread = new CopyThread(oldFiles, newFiles, this);
connect(copyThread, &CopyThread::finished, copyThread, &QObject::deleteLater);
connect(copyThread, &CopyThread::signalCopyFile, youWidget, &YouWidget::yourSlot);
In yourSlot you can update value of your QProgressBar:
void yourSlot(const QString& oldFile, const QString& newFile)
// your actions when one file was copied
yourProgressBar->setValue(yourProgressBar.value() + 1);
Everything will be all right without freezes!
As I know there are two possible ways to solve this problem in Qt:
Using QCoreApplication::processEvents(). As docs said it's not a bad solution and suitable for handling long operations. I think it could be usefull for you. For example, you could call it after copying each file (or couple of files).
Using multithreading. It's a great approach to devide GUI threads and logical threads. You could adapt Kirill's solution for your goals.
So my suggestion is: if you need easy and quick working solution, the first way is for you.
If you want to make well-designed and more complex application and you are ready to code little bit more, use the second approach.

QT C++ download multiple files with progress total

I realized downloading multiple files, but I don't know how to implement the total progress bar of the download, that is common.
My code:
QNetworkAccessManager manager;
QList<QNetworkReply *> currentDownloads;
void MainWindow::checkUpdate()
QStringList files;
files << ""
<< "";
void MainWindow::doDownload(const QVariant& v)
if (v.type() == QVariant::StringList) {
foreach (QString url, v.toStringList()) {
QNetworkReply* reply = manager.get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url)));
connect(&manager, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)),
this, SLOT(updateDownloadProgress(qint64, qint64)));
void MainWindow::downloadFinished(QNetworkReply *reply)
void MainWindow::updateDownloadProgress(qint64 bytesRead, qint64 totalBytes)
I would be grateful for any help and hints! Thank you.
You probably need to iterate over your 'currentDownloads' list and connect to each one's signal downloadProgress. Then your slot(s) will be called from all of them. In that slot(s) you'll have to sum up all information coming as parameters of QNetworkReply::downloadProgress signal.
You can create a dedicated object for each QNetworkReply instance of your currentDownloads list so that you know from to which file a coming signal belongs, but if I am not mistaking you can also use single slot for all of them and then there is a meta function in Qt that will tell you from which sender the signal came.
P.S. In response to your request for small example here is "straight-forward" approach (without using QSignalMapper or QObject::sender()):
Implement a class "ProgressListenner" something like this (beware I am writing pseudo-code and you'll need to add/fix some necessarily stuff to make it actually working):
class ProgressListenner
ProgressListenner() : _lastKnownReceived(0), _lastKnownTotal(0){}
qint64 _lastKnownReceived;
qint64 _lastKnownTotal;
onDownloadProgress ( qint64 bytesReceived, qint64 bytesTotal )
_lastKnownReceived = bytesReceived;
_lastKnownTotal = bytesTotal;
Than after your line QList<QNetworkReply *> currentDownloads; add QList<ProgressListenner*> downloadListenners;. Inside your foreach each time you are adding new QNetworkReply object to currentDownloads also:
1. create new instance of ProgressListenner and add it to downloadListenners.
2. connect signal of that particular QNetworkReply to that corresponding ProgressListenner's slot: connect(reply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), pListenner, SLOT(onDownloadProgress (qint64, qint64)));
This way every time some QNetworkReply will fire it's progress signal, slot of corresponding ProgressListenner will be called.
Next step is sum up numbers from all downloads. One simple way is:
1. Create one more function in ProgressListenner class and make it static (important). Let say the name of function is CommonProgress.
2. At the end of onDownloadProgress function call also call CommonProgress
3. In CommonProgress function (taking care about thread safety!) iterate over all elements of downloadListenners and sum up their _lastKnownReceived and _lastKnownTotal. Do the necessarily arithmetic... Don't forget that bytesTotal can be -1!!!

launching a program inside another program

I'm trying to get Qt to launch another Qt program when a button is clicked.
Here is my code.
void Widget::launchModule(){
QString program = "C:\A2Q1-build-desktop\debug\A2Q1.exe";
QStringList arguments;
QProcess *myProcess = new QProcess(this);
myProcess->start(program, arguments);
QString strOut = myProcess->readAllStandardOutput();
So it is supposed to save into the QString strOut. First of all I am having an error with the QString program line I don't understand how to point this to the program as all examples of QProcess I have looked at use / and this doesn't make sense to me. Also with the syntax of the program string correct, will this work?
In a C/C++ string literal, you must escape all backward slashes.
It's really bad to use the waitForX() functions in Qt. They block your GUI and make your application unresponsive. From a user experience point of view, it truly sucks. Don't do it.
You should code in asynchronous style, with signals and slots.
My other answer provides a rather complete example how asynchronous process communications might work. It uses QProcess to launch itself.
Your original code could be modified as follows:
class Window : ... {
Q_SLOT void launch() {
const QString program = "C:\\A2Q1-build-desktop\\debug\\A2Q1.exe";
QProcess *process = new QProcess(this);
connect(process, SIGNAL(finished(int)), SLOT(finished()));
connect(process, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), SLOT(finished()));
Q_SLOT void finished() {
QScopedPointer<Process> process = qobject_cast<QProcess*>(sender());
QString out = process->readAllStandardOutput();
// The string will be empty if the process failed to start
... /* process the process's output here */
// The scoped pointer will delete the process at the end
// of the current scope - right here.

Executing VBS Via QProcess Never Emits readyStandardOutPut

I am unable to get QProcess to read any output from my VBScript. The script executes both on its own and when called from QProcess, and outputs to QCreator's Application Output, so I know my VBS is executing. To troubleshoot I've cut my VBS down to:
Qt-side I've tried:
Connecting QProcess's finished, readyReadStandardOutput,
readyReadStandardError signals
I have also tried setProcessChannelMode to QProcess::MergedChannels
In the MainWindow constructor:
void MainWindow::processDone()
/*QString str;
void MainWindow::runProcess()
QString script = "cscript";
QStringList args;
args<<QString(QDir::currentPath()+ "/myVBs.vbs")<<"//NoLogo";
QProcess::execute is a static method, so Process->execute(script, args) is equivalent to QProcess::execute(script, args), i.e. your instance Process isn't used at all. Use
Process->start( script, args );