Powershell regex are too annoying - regex

I have the following URLs
I would like to delete everything before and including /sites/ to give the following output
I have tried -replace "*/sites/","" but his doesn't give me the required result.

.* means any number of character. So it will remove all letters before the sites. Some characters ". ^ $ * + ? { [ ] \ | ( ) “ has special meaning in regex. So we need to mask it to use literally using “\”. Example “/” for the “/”. Try this.
"http://servername:12345/sites/MYSITE1/SUBSITE1" -replace ".*sites\/",""


Regex to evaluate phone number in Pentaho [duplicate]

I wanted to remove the special characters like ! # # $ % ^ * _ = + | \ } { [ ] : ; < > ? / in a string field.
I used the "Replace in String" step and enabled the use RegEx. However, I do not know the right syntax that I will put in "Search" to remove all these characters from the string. If I only put one character in the "Search" it was removed from the string. How can I remove all of these??
This is the picture of how I did it:
As per documentation, the regex flavor is Java. You may use
See the Java regex syntax reference:
\p{Punct} Punctuation: One of !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?#[]^_`{|}~

Regular expression not working with \ and ]

I have a regex for validating a password which has to be at least 8 chars and must contain letter(upper and lower case) number and a special character from set ^ $ * . [ ] { } ( ) ? - " ! # # % & / \ , > < ' : ; | _ ~ ` .
I face 2 problems, after adding the / to the reg exp its not recognized (other characters are still working OK. If I add the /] as well the expression no longer works (everything is invalid though the pattern seems to be ok in the browser debug mode).
The regex string
static get PASSWORD_VALIDATION_REGEX(): string {
return '(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[A-Z])' + // contains lowercase number uppercase
'(?=.*[\-~\$#!%#<>\|\`\\\/\[;:=\+\{\}\.\(\)*^\?&\"\,\'])' + // special
'.{8,}'; // more than allowed char
I used the regexp as a form validator and as a match in function
password: ['', {validators: [Validators.required,
updateOn: 'change'
Tried to use only (?=.*[\\]) for the special chars list, in that case I've received a console error
Invalid regular expression: /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[\]).{8,}$/: Unterminated character class
For '(?=.*[\]])' no console error but the following error is present in the form validation 'pattern'
actualValue: "AsasassasaX000[[][]"
requiredPattern: "^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[]]).{8,}$"
The same value and pattern fails on https://regex101.com/
Thanks for your help / suggestions in advance!
You have overescaped your pattern and failed to escape the ] char correctly. In JavaScript regex, ] inside a character class must be escaped.
If you are confused with how to define escapes inside a string literal (and it is rather confusing indeed), you should use a regex literal. One thing to remember about the regex use with Validators.pattern is that the string pattern is anchored by the Angular framework by enclosing the whole pattern with ^ and $, so these anchors must be present when you define the pattern as a regex literal.
static get PASSWORD_VALIDATION_REGEX(): string {
return /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[-~$#!%#<>|`\\\/[\];:=+{}.()*^?&",']).{8,}$/;
Note the \] that matches a ] char and \\ to match \ inside [...].

WPF Regex special character '&' incorrect syntax

In my WPF application I want to validate email with this conditions.
The local part can be up to 64 characters in length and consist of any combination of alphabetic characters, digits, or any of the following special characters: ! # $ % & ‘ * + – / = ? ^ _ ` . { | } ~.
My Regex is
But when i use '&' character it shows the following error
Expected the following token: ";".
I have found my solution.
I had to use &
My final Regex is

PowerShell Regex - word with wildcards and commas

Trying to do a replace on what I understand to be a simple operation but hitting a wall.
I can replace a word with a comma on the end:
$firstval = 'ssonp,RDPNP,LanmanWorkstation,webclient,MfeEpePcNP,PRNetworkProvider'
($firstval) -replace 'webclient+,',''
But haven't been able to work out how to add a wildcard in the word, or how I'd have multiple words with wildcards proceeded by a comma, e.g.:
w* client+,* fee*, etc
(spaces added to stop being interpreted as formatting within the question)
Played with a few permeations and attempted to use examples from other questions without any luck.
The -replace operator takes a regular expression as its first parameter. You seem to be confusing wildcards and regular expressions. Your pattern w*client+,*fee*,, though a valid regular expression, seems to be intended to use wildcards.
The regular expression equivalent of the * wildcard is .*, where . means "any character" and * means "0 or more occurrences". Thus, the regular expression equivalent of w*client, would be w.*client,, and, similarly the regular expression equivalent of *fee*, would be .*fee.*,. Since the string to be searched has comma-separated values, however, we don't want our patterns to include "any character" (.*) but rather "any character but comma" ([^,]*). Therefore, the patterns to use become w[^,]*client, and [^,]*fee[^,]*,, respectively.
To search for both words in a string, separate the two patterns with |. The following builds such a pattern and tests it against strings with a match in various locations:
# Match w*client or *fee*
$wordPattern = 'w[^,]*client|[^,]*fee[^,]*';
# Match $wordPattern and at most one comma before or after
$wordWithAdjacentCommaPattern = '({0}),?|,({0})$' -f $wordPattern;
"`$wordWithAdjacentCommaPattern: $wordWithAdjacentCommaPattern";
# Replace single value
'webclient', `
# Replace first value
'webclient,middle,last', `
# Replace middle value
'first,webclient,last', `
# Replace last value
'first,middle,webclient' `
| ForEach-Object -Process { '"{0}" => "{1}"' -f $_, ($_ -replace $wordWithAdjacentCommaPattern); };
This outputs the following:
$wordWithAdjacentCommaPattern: (w[^,]*client|[^,]*fee[^,]*),?|,(w[^,]*client|[^,]*fee[^,]*)$
"webclient" => ""
"webclient,middle,last" => "middle,last"
"first,webclient,last" => "first,last"
"first,middle,webclient" => "first,middle"
A non-regex alternative you might consider would be to split your input string into individual values, filter out values that match certain wildcards, and reassemble what's left into comma-separated values:
'ssonp,RDPNP,LanmanWorkstation,webclient,MfeEpePcNP,PRNetworkProvider' -split ',', -1, 'SimpleMatch' `
| Where-Object { $_ -notlike 'w*client' -and $_ -notlike '*fee*'; } `
) -join ',';
By the way, you used the regular expression webclient+, to match and remove the text webclient, from your string (looks like the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order\ProviderOrder registry value). Just a note that, with the +, that will search for the literal text webclien followed by 1 or more occurrences of t followed by the literal text ,. Thus, that will match webclientt,, webclienttt,, webclientttttttttt,, etc. as well webclient,. If you are only interested in matching webclient, then you can just use the pattern webclient, (no +).

Remove special characters using Pentaho - Replace in String

I wanted to remove the special characters like ! # # $ % ^ * _ = + | \ } { [ ] : ; < > ? / in a string field.
I used the "Replace in String" step and enabled the use RegEx. However, I do not know the right syntax that I will put in "Search" to remove all these characters from the string. If I only put one character in the "Search" it was removed from the string. How can I remove all of these??
This is the picture of how I did it:
As per documentation, the regex flavor is Java. You may use
See the Java regex syntax reference:
\p{Punct} Punctuation: One of !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?#[]^_`{|}~