Qt5 custom LineEdit widget (QLineEdit subclass) private variable crashes application - c++

I've created a custom QLineEdit widget that handles drag and drop of files. Everything is working great with that part, but as soon as I add a Class variable the application crashes either at the construction of the class or at destruction:
When my variable is QString, it crashes at construction
When my variable is QString*, it crashed at destruction
I tried deleting the variable (QString*) in the destructor, same issue...
Any ideas?
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QDragEnterEvent>
#include <QMimeData>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QString>
#include <QDebug>
class DropLineEdit : public QLineEdit
explicit DropLineEdit(QWidget *parent = 0);
virtual void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event);
virtual void dropEvent(QDropEvent *event);
virtual void dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event);
public slots:
QString * mFileName;
#include "droplineedit.h"
DropLineEdit::DropLineEdit(QWidget *parent) :
this->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { border: 2px solid gray ; border-radius: 8px ; padding: 0 6px }");
delete mFileName;
// **************************************** PROTECTED METHODS **************************************** //
void DropLineEdit::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event){
this->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { border: 3px solid black ; border-radius: 8px ; padding: 0 6px }");
void DropLineEdit::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *event){
this->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { border: 2px solid gray ; border-radius: 8px ; padding: 0 6px }");
void DropLineEdit::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event){
// Get the data. If multiple files are dropped, take only the first one and fetch save its info
QList<QUrl> list = event->mimeData()->urls();
QFileInfo * fileInfo = new QFileInfo(list.at(0).toLocalFile());
qDebug() << fileInfo->absoluteFilePath();
mFileName = new QString(fileInfo->absoluteFilePath());
this->setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { border: 2px solid gray ; border-radius: 8px ; padding: 0 6px }");

Add this to the constructor:
mFileName = 0;
You need to initialize the pointer. Otherwise it will have random value and you will be unable to check if you have created an object.
Modify the destructor:
delete mFileName;
You need to delete object if it's not NULL (your version is the opposite). delete will perform the check internally.
Note that if mFileName = new QString... is executed multiple times, several objects will be created. You need to delete previous object before creating new one if you need to avoid memory leak.
However, all the above information is provided for general education. You should not use QString* here. Non-pointer QString class member will be much more correct. In this case you don't need to use new or delete, you don't need to care about pointers and memory at all.

I was getting this as an error in debug: "invalid address specified to rtlfreeheap"
I did some research on that and found out that it could be related to an internal issue with Qt (the way object constructors are called). I went back in my main application to see how I called my DropLineEdit object and notice that I forgot to remove the setAcceptDrops(true) after creating DropLineEdit Classe (the object was formerly a normal QLineEdit before I created DropLineEdit).
Here was the function call:
DropLineEdit* Instrument::createDropLineEdit(){
DropLineEdit * lineEdit = new DropLineEdit();
return lineEdit;
Changed to:
DropLineEdit* Instrument::createDropLineEdit(){
DropLineEdit * lineEdit = new DropLineEdit();
return lineEdit;
After removing that redundant call (redundant since the acceptdrops was set in the constructor), I didn't get any application crash either with QString or QString* as member variable of DropLineEdit Class. I used a QString (not the pointer) and I was able to make my Class do what is was supposed to.
Thanks for your replies guys. Much appreciated.


How to combine a QLineEdit with a QPushButton having no space in between?

I need to make an element like this:
It's a combination of a line edit and a button with the same height and no space between them.
I have tried in Qt Designer but the height of them is not the same and there is always a small space between these 2 elements.
How can I solve this problem?
Maybe you could customize a QComboBox, something like this:
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QLineEdit>
class CustomBox : public QComboBox
CustomBox(QWidget * parent = nullptr) : QComboBox(parent)
QString ss =
"QComboBox::drop-down {border: none;}"
"QComboBox::down-arrow { image: url(/data/whatever.png); }"
"QComboBox::down-arrow:pressed { image: url(/data/whatever-pressed.png); }";
connect(lineEdit(), &QLineEdit::editingFinished, [this](){
QString t = lineEdit()->text();
void setText(const QString & t) { lineEdit()->setText(t); }
QString text() const { return lineEdit()->text(); }
void showPopup() override
emit buttonClicked();
void buttonClicked();
The combo box is set as editable, so you can use an underlying QLineEdit, which is, more or less, under full control through the protected lineEdit member function. As you can see, I connected its editingFinished signal to a lambda to avoid adding items to the combo each time (this happens when the user press Enter in an editable combo box).
The styling is quite simple, given that you have a couple of icons for the button.
I exposed the line edit text getter/setter, and added a signal for the button click, which gets emitted from the showPopup protected method (called when the user press the button).
Just an idea.

Qt get stylesheet border color

QPushButton#PBack {
background: #9A9AFF;
font: bold 28pt "Brutal Type";
color: #000000;
border: 3px solid #000000;
border-radius: 25px;
QPushButton#PBack:disabled {
background-color: #bdbdbd;
border-color: #787878;
How to get border-color inside of paintEvent?
void W_PBackButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
// Here i use constants
if (isEnabled() == true)
painter.setPen(QPen(QBrush(_enabled), 3));
painter.setPen(QPen(QBrush(_disabled), 3));
painter.fillPath(path, palette().base());
In example i use constants, but how to get color values from palette or styles?
Need to draw triangle button
Now, given the fact question is filled in with more information, I think I can provide some answer. Well, I do not think you need to try getting some "border" property which is declared by Qt. It would be much more difficult. Instead, you can define your own custom property, e.g. "borderColor" (or a couple of them, such for thickness, shape, and so on), and set it like this through stylesheet: "qproperty-borderColor". About definition of custom properties, you can read more information here: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/properties.html (and an example would be https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/properties.html#a-simple-example ).
The following code illustrates possible way of setting property desired. First of all, you would have to define your own class inheriting the class on which you want property to be set. Let's say it is child of QPushButton:
#include <QPushButton>
class CustomButton
: public QPushButton
Q_PROPERTY(QColor borderColor READ GetBorderColor WRITE SetBorderColor)
CustomButton(QWidget *parent = nullptr);
virtual ~CustomButton();
QColor GetBorderColor() const;
void SetBorderColor(const QColor& color);
virtual void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) override;
QColor m_borderColor;
#include "CustomButton.h"
#include <QDebug>
CustomButton::CustomButton(QWidget *parent)
: QPushButton(parent)
QColor CustomButton::GetBorderColor() const
return m_borderColor;
void CustomButton::SetBorderColor(const QColor& color)
m_borderColor = color;
qDebug() << m_borderColor;
void CustomButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event)
// Do whatever you like with m_borderColor and any other properties.
And finally, you would have to promote you QPushButton in the Qt Creator to your own CustomButton. Regarding widgets promotion, you can read about it here: https://doc.qt.io/archives/qt-4.8/designer-using-custom-widgets.html#promoting-widgets
And when you have everything setup, you can easily declare stylesheet for your newly introduced button:
#pushButton {
qproperty-borderColor: #123456;
Maybe it is not the way you have intented to achieve your goal initially, but it looks like that declaring custom stylesheet properties and using promotion of widgets would help you achieve your goal without any hacking and in a way Qt was been built to be used. Hopefully, it helps you. :)

Qt set style for all objects but one

I've currently got this style for all push buttons:
this->setStyleSheet(".QPushButton { background-color: #416eb6; color: #ddd; }");
This is great because it allows me to keep a constant styling for all the QPushButton's without having to style them individually.
An issue arises when I need to style a QPushButton representing a color chooser. The button should represent the color that was chosen from the color chooser, but instead it just keeps the initial style that I set.
Things I have tried:
Giving an empty style sheet for the item:
this->setStyleSheet(#m_colorChooserButton { });
Setting the style to initial:
this->setStyleSheet(#m_colorChooserButton { background-color: initial});
Using a similar css selector :not:
this->setStyleSheet(".QPushButton:not(#m_colorChooserButton) { background-color: #416eb6; color: #ddd; }");
Is there any way to achieve this result?
I'd like to mimic the :not selector if possible since that's the most straightforward, but at this point, I'd do anything that works.
I'd like to avoid having to manually specify the style for each button I want it to show on, as there are well over 100 buttons and finding the object names of these buttons is very time consuming (large legacy code base).
You have 2 choices: apply a stylesheet to just that button and invalidate/reapply it every time you change the selected colour or just subclass that button and reimplement the paintevent:
class ColorButton : public QPushButton{
ColorButton(QWidget* parent = Q_NULLPTR)
const QColor& color() const {return m_color;}
void setColor(const QColor& val){if(m_color==val) return; m_color=val; update();}
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QStylePainter p(this);
QStyleOptionButton option;
p.drawControl(QStyle::CE_PushButton, option);
QColor m_color;
The KDE API already has that widget: https://api.kde.org/frameworks-api/frameworks-apidocs/frameworks/kwidgetsaddons/html/classKColorButton.html

Safely deleting QML component being used in StackView transition

My question deals with the lifetime of a QObject created by QQmlComponent::create(). The object returned by create() is the instantiation of a QQmlComponent, and I am adding it to a QML StackView. I am creating the object in C++ and passing it to QML to display in the StackView. The problem is that I am getting errors when I pop an item from the stack. I wrote a demo app to illustrate what's happening.
Disclaimer: Yes, I know that reaching into QML from C++ is not "best practice." Yes, I know that you should do UI stuff in QML. However, in the production world, there is a ton of C++ code that needs to be shared with the UI, so there needs to be some interop between C++ and CML. The primary mechanism I'm using is Q_PROPERTY bindings by setting the context on the C++ side.
This screen is what the demo looks like when it starts:
The StackView is in the center with a gray background and has one item in it (with the text 'Default View'); this item is instantiated and managed by QML. Now if you press the Push button, then the C++ back-end creates an object from ViewA.qml and places it on the stack...here is a screen shot showing this:
At this point, I press Pop to remove "View A" (in red in the picture above) from the StackView. C++ calls into QML to pop the item from the stack and then deletes the object it created. The problem is that QML needs this object for the transition animation (I'm using the default animation for StackView), and it complains when I delete it from C++. So I think I understand why this is happening, but I'm not sure how to find out when QML is done with the object so I can delete it. How can I make sure QML is done with an object that I created in C++ so I can safely delete it?
Summarizing, here are the steps that reproduce the problem I am describing:
Start program
Click Push
Click Pop
The following output shows the TypeErrors that happen when the item is popped in step 3 above:
In the output below, I press "Push" once, then I press "Pop". Note the two TypeErrors when ~ViewA() is called.
root object name = "appWindow"
[c++] pushView() called
qml: [qml] pushView called with QQuickRectangle(0xdf4c00, "my view")
[c++] popView() called
qml: [qml] popView called
[c++] deleting view
~ViewA() called
file:///opt/Qt5.8.0/5.8/gcc_64/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Private/StackViewSlideDelegate.qml:97: TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of null
file:///opt/Qt5.8.0/5.8/gcc_64/qml/QtQuick/Controls/StackView.qml:899: TypeError: Type error
Context must be set from C++
Clearly, what is happening is that the object (item) that the StackView is using is being deleted by C++, but QML still needs this item for the transition animation. I suppose I could create the object in QML and let the QML engine manage the lifetime, but I need to set the QQmlContext of the object to bind the QML view to Q_PROPERTYs on the C++ side.
See my related question on Who owns object returned by QQmlIncubator.
Code Example
I've generated a minimally complete example to illustrate the problem. All files are listed below. In particular, look at the code comments in ~ViewA().
// main.qml
import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4
Item {
id: myItem
objectName: "appWindow"
signal signalPushView;
signal signalPopView;
visible: true
width: 400
height: 400
Button {
id: buttonPushView
text: "Push"
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.top: parent.top
onClicked: signalPushView()
Button {
id: buttonPopView
text: "Pop"
anchors.left: buttonPushView.left
anchors.top: buttonPushView.bottom
onClicked: signalPopView()
Rectangle {
x: 100
y: 50
width: 250
height: width
border.width: 1
StackView {
id: stackView
initialItem: view
anchors.fill: parent
Component {
id: view
Rectangle {
color: "#DDDDDD"
Text {
anchors.centerIn: parent
text: "Default View"
function pushView(item) {
console.log("[qml] pushView called with " + item)
function popView() {
console.log("[qml] popView called")
// ViewA.qml
import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
id: myView
objectName: "my view"
color: "#FF4a4a"
Text {
text: "View A"
anchors.centerIn: parent
// viewa.h
#include <QObject>
class QQmlContext;
class QQmlEngine;
class QObject;
class ViewA : public QObject
explicit ViewA(QQmlEngine* engine, QQmlContext* context, QObject *parent = 0);
virtual ~ViewA();
// imagine that this view has property bindings used by 'context'
// Q_PROPERTY(type name READ name WRITE setName NOTIFY nameChanged)
QQmlContext* context = nullptr;
QObject* object = nullptr;
// viewa.cpp
#include "viewa.h"
#include <QQmlEngine>
#include <QQmlContext>
#include <QQmlComponent>
#include <QDebug>
ViewA::ViewA(QQmlEngine* engine, QQmlContext *context, QObject *parent) :
// make property bindings visible to created component
this->context->setContextProperty("ViewAContext", this);
QQmlComponent component(engine, QUrl(QLatin1String("qrc:/ViewA.qml")));
object = component.create(context);
qDebug() << "~ViewA() called";
// Deleting 'object' in this destructor causes errors
// because it is an instance of a QML component that is
// being used in a transition. Deleting it here causes a
// TypeError in both StackViewSlideDelegate.qml and
// StackView.qml. If 'object' is not deleted here, then
// no TypeError happens, but then 'object' is leaked.
// How should 'object' be safely deleted?
delete object; // <--- this line causes errors
delete context;
// viewmanager.h
#include <QObject>
class ViewA;
class QQuickItem;
class QQmlEngine;
class ViewManager : public QObject
explicit ViewManager(QQmlEngine* engine, QObject* topLevelView, QObject *parent = 0);
QList<ViewA*> listOfViews;
QQmlEngine* engine;
QObject* topLevelView;
public slots:
void pushView();
void popView();
// viewmanager.cpp
#include "viewmanager.h"
#include "viewa.h"
#include <QQmlEngine>
#include <QQmlContext>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QMetaMethod>
ViewManager::ViewManager(QQmlEngine* engine, QObject* topLevelView, QObject *parent) :
QObject::connect(topLevelView, SIGNAL(signalPushView()), this, SLOT(pushView()));
QObject::connect(topLevelView, SIGNAL(signalPopView()), this, SLOT(popView()));
void ViewManager::pushView()
qDebug() << "[c++] pushView() called";
// create child context
QQmlContext* context = new QQmlContext(engine->rootContext());
auto view = new ViewA(engine, context);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(topLevelView, "pushView",
Q_ARG(QVariant, QVariant::fromValue(view->object)));
void ViewManager::popView()
qDebug() << "[c++] popView() called";
if (listOfViews.count() <= 0) {
qDebug() << "[c++] popView(): no views are on the stack.";
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(topLevelView, "popView");
qDebug() << "[c++] deleting view";
auto view = listOfViews.takeLast();
delete view;
// main.cpp
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
#include <QQmlContext>
#include <QQuickView>
#include <QQuickItem>
#include "viewmanager.h"
#include <QDebug>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QQuickView view;
QObject* item = view.rootObject();
qDebug() << "root object name = " << item->objectName();
ViewManager viewManager(view.engine(), item);
return app.exec();
I'm posting an answer to my own question. If you post an answer, I'll consider accepting your answer instead of this one. But, this is a possible work-around.
The problem is that a QML object that is created in C++ needs to live long enough for the QML engine to complete all transitions. The trick I'm using is to mark the QML object instance for deletion, wait a few seconds for QML to finish the animation, and then delete the object. The "hacky" part here is that I have to guess how many seconds I should wait until I think that QML is completely finished with the object.
First, I make a list of objects that are scheduled to be destroyed. I also make a slot that will be called after a delay to actually delete the object:
class ViewManager : public QObject {
QList<ViewA*> garbageBin;
public slots:
void deleteAfterDelay();
Then, when the stack item is popped, I add the item to garbageBin and do a single-shot signal in 2 seconds:
void ViewManager::popView()
if (listOfViews.count() <= 0) {
qDebug() << "[c++] popView(): no views are on the stack.";
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(topLevelView, "popView");
// schedule the object for deletion in a few seconds
QTimer::singleShot(2000, this, SLOT(deleteAfterDelay()));
After a few seconds, the deleteAfterDelay() slot is called and "garbage collects" the item:
void ViewManager::deleteAfterDelay()
if (garbageBin.count() > 0) {
auto view = garbageBin.takeFirst();
qDebug() << "[c++] delayed delete activated for " << view->objectName();
delete view;
Aside from not being 100% confident that waiting 2 seconds will always be long enough, it seems to work extremely well in practice--no more TypeErrors and all objects created by C++ are properly cleaned up.
I believe I have identified a way to ditch the garbage list that #Matthew Kraus recommended. I let QML handle destroying the view while popping out of the StackView.
warning: Snippets are incomplete and only meant to illustrate extension to OP's post
function pushView(item, id) {
// Attach option to automate the destruction on pop (called by C++)
rootStackView.push(item, {}, {"destroyOnPop": true})
function popView(id) {
// Pop immediately (removes transition effects) and verify that the view
// was deleted (null). Else, delete immediately.
var old = rootStackView.pop({"item": null, "immediate": true})
if (old !== null) {
old.destroy() // Requires C++ assigns QML ownership
// Tracking views in m_activeList by id. Notify C++ ViewManager that QML has
// done his job
You will quickly find that the interpreter yells at you on delete if the object was created, and still owned, by C++.
m_pEngine->setObjectOwnership(view, QQmlEngine::JavaScriptOwnership);
QVariant arg = QVariant::fromValue(view);
bool ret = QMetaObject::invokeMethod(
Q_ARG(QVariant, arg),
Q_ARG(QVariant, m_idCnt));

QAbstractVideoSurface example

I'm trying to make myself a QML Camera item which has more functions, and also provide a source to the VideoOutput element. Such as this:
in the document it says
If you are extending your own C++ classes to interoperate with
VideoOutput, you can either provide a QObject based class with a
mediaObject property that exposes a QMediaObject derived class that
has a QVideoRendererControl available, or you can provide a QObject
based class with a writable videoSurface property that can accept a
QAbstractVideoSurface based class and can follow the correct protocol
to deliver QVideoFrames to it.
I have tried giving my object a private property mediaObject, which is of type QCamera, but looks like QCamera does not have a QVideoRenderControl (or its my fault not knowing how to do it correctly).
I need to achieve the effect I've shown in the beginning, anyway is welcomed.
Or otherwise can anyone give me a short example on what is meant by "a writable videoSurace property that accept blablabla and follow the correct protocol"?
I can't help you with your main concern but i can give you an example usage of the videoSurface.You can use the "writable videoSurface" like this:
My example consists of three main steps:
You write a class that has a QAbstactVideoSurface property. This class will be your video provider which can display frames on the VideoOutput via calling its present() function.
#include <QObject>
#include <QAbstractVideoSurface>
#include <QVideoSurfaceFormat>
#include <QTimer>
class VideoAdapter : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QAbstractVideoSurface* videoSurface READ videoSurface WRITE setVideoSurface NOTIFY signalVideoSurfaceChanged)
explicit VideoAdapter(QObject *parent = nullptr);
QAbstractVideoSurface *videoSurface() const;
void setVideoSurface(QAbstractVideoSurface *videoSurface);
void signalVideoSurfaceChanged();
private slots:
void slotTick();
void startSurface();
QAbstractVideoSurface *mVideoSurface;
QVideoSurfaceFormat *mSurfaceFormat;
QImage *mImage;
QTimer mTimer;
#include "videoadapter.h"
#include <QDebug>
VideoAdapter::VideoAdapter(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent), mVideoSurface(nullptr), mSurfaceFormat(nullptr)
connect(&mTimer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &VideoAdapter::slotTick);
QAbstractVideoSurface *VideoAdapter::videoSurface() const
return mVideoSurface;
void VideoAdapter::setVideoSurface(QAbstractVideoSurface *videoSurface)
if(videoSurface != mVideoSurface)
mVideoSurface = videoSurface;
emit signalVideoSurfaceChanged();
// This is the test timer that will tick for us to present the image
// on the video surface
void VideoAdapter::slotTick()
QVideoFrame frame(*mImage);
void VideoAdapter::startSurface()
mImage = new QImage("../resources/images/test.jpg");
auto pixelFormat = QVideoFrame::pixelFormatFromImageFormat(mImage->format());
mSurfaceFormat = new QVideoSurfaceFormat(mImage->size(), pixelFormat);
qDebug() << "Surface couldn't be started!";
This class only loads an image file and displays it with the usage of a timer but in your case you will be having a frame source so you can change this to suit your needs. If you can convert your frame to QImage of QVideoFrame you can display it like this.
You have to make this class usable in QML. In my case i created an object and made it visible to QML via setting it as a property.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
QQmlDebuggingEnabler enabler;
VideoAdapter adapter;
// When you do this this object is made visible to QML context with the
// given name
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("videoAdapter", &adapter);
const QUrl url(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml"));
QObject::connect(&engine, &QQmlApplicationEngine::objectCreated,
&app, [url](QObject *obj, const QUrl &objUrl) {
if (!obj && url == objUrl)
}, Qt::QueuedConnection);
return app.exec();
You give this object to the VideoOutput as source in QML.
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
color: "black"
title: qsTr("Video Player")
VideoOutput {
id: videoPlayer
anchors.fill: parent
source: videoAdapter
This example as i said is a simple one that only loads an image and only displays that one image periodically.
This question is an old one and you probably moved on but hope this can at least help other people.
The code provided by #U.Tuken works fine, except if I change the name of property name in Q_PROPERTY from "videoSurface" to any other word, it doesn't work. That is very strange behaviour cause from Qt's point of view "videoSurface" is just a name.
Additionally I got error
"qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: failed minimal tag size sanity".
This error pops up if the imported "JPG" is not of correct format
as per this link.
Changing the "JPG" file helped me get rid of the above warning.