How to delete blank observations in a data set in SAS - sas

I want to delete ALL blank observations from a data set.
I only know how to get rid of blanks from one variable:
data a;
set data(where=(var1 ne .)) ;
Here I set a new data set without the blanks from var1.
But how to do it, when I want to get rid of ALL the blanks in the whole data set?
Thanks in advance for your answers.

If you are attempting to get rid of rows where ALL variables are missing, it's quite easy:
/* Create an example with some or all columns missing */
data have;
set sashelp.class;
if _N_ in (2,5,8,13) then do;
call missing(of _numeric_);
if _N_ in (5,6,8,12) then do;
call missing(of _character_);
/* This is the answer */
data want;
set have;
if compress(cats(of _all_),'.')=' ' then delete;
Instead of the compress you could also use OPTIONS MISSING=' '; beforehand.
If you want to remove ALL Rows with ANY missing values, then you can use NMISS/CMISS functions.
data want;
set have;
if nmiss(of _numeric_) > 0 then delete;
data want;
set have;
if nmiss(of _numeric_) + cmiss(of _character_) > 0 then delete;
for all char+numeric variables.

You can do something like this:
data myData;
set myData;
array a(*) _numeric_;
do i=1 to dim(a);
if a(i) = . then delete;
drop i;
This will scan trough all the numeric variables and will delete the observation where it finds a missing value

Here you go. This will work irrespective of the variable being character or numeric.
data withBlanks;
input a$ x y z;
a 1 2 3
b 1 . 3
c . . 3
. . .
d . 2 3
e 1 . 3
f 1 2 3
%macro removeRowsWithMissingVals(inDsn, outDsn, Exclusion);
inDsn: Input dataset with some or all columns missing for some or all rows
outDsn: Output dataset with some or all columns NOT missing for some or all rows
Exclusion: Should be one of {AND, OR}. AND will only exclude rows if any columns have missing values, OR will exclude only rows where all columns have missing values
/*get a list of variables in the input dataset along with their types (i.e., whether they are numericor character type)*/
PROC CONTENTS DATA = &inDsn OUT = CONTENTS(keep = name type varnum);
/*put each variable with its own comparison string in a seperate macro variable*/
data _null_;
set CONTENTS nobs = num_of_vars end = lastObs;
/*use NE. for numeric cols (type=1) and NE '' for char types*/
if type = 1 then call symputx(compress("var"!!varnum), compbl(name!!" NE . "));
else call symputx(compress("var"!!varnum), compbl(name!!" NE '' "));
/*make a note of no. of variables to check in the dataset*/
if lastObs then call symputx("no_of_obs", _n_);
DATA &outDsn;
set &inDsn;
%do i =1 %to &no_of_obs.;
%if &i < &no_of_obs. %then &Exclusion;
%mend removeRowsWithMissingVals;
%removeRowsWithMissingVals(withBlanks, withOutBlanksAND, AND);
%removeRowsWithMissingVals(withBlanks, withOutBlanksOR, OR);
Outout of withOutBlanksAND:
a x y z
a 1 2 3
f 1 2 3
Output of withOutBlanksOR:
a x y z
a 1 2 3
b 1 . 3
c . . 3
e 1 . 3
f 1 2 3

Really weird nobody provided this elegant answer:
if missing(cats(of _all_)) then delete;
Edit: indeed, I didn't realized the cats(of _all_) returns a dot '.' for missing numeric value.
As a fix, I suggest this, which seems to be more reliable:
*-- Building a sample dataset with test cases --*;
data test;
attrib a format=8.;
attrib b format=$8.;
a=.; b='a'; output;
a=1; b=''; output;
a=.; b=''; output; * should be deleted;
a=.a; b=''; output; * should be deleted;
a=.a; b='.'; output;
a=1; b='b'; output;
*-- Apply the logic to delete blank records --*;
data test2;
set test;
*-- Build arrays of numeric and characters --*;
*-- Note: array can only contains variables of the same type, thus we must create 2 different arrays --*;
array nvars(*) _numeric_;
array cvars(*) _character_;
*-- Delete blank records --*;
*-- Blank record: # of missing num variables + # of missing char variables = # of numeric variables + # of char variables --*;
if nmiss(of _numeric_) + cmiss(of _character_) = dim(nvars) + dim(cvars) then delete;
The main issue being if there is no numeric at all (or not char at all), the creation of an empty array will generate a WARNING and the call to nmiss/cmiss an ERROR.
So, I think so far there is not other option than building a SAS statement outside the data step to identify empty records:
*-- Building a sample dataset with test cases --*;
data test;
attrib a format=8.;
attrib b format=$8.;
a=.; b='a'; output;
a=1; b=''; output;
a=.; b=''; output; * should be deleted;
a=.a; b=''; output; * should be deleted;
a=.a; b='.'; output;
a=1; b='b'; output;
*-- Create a SAS statement which test any missing variable, regardless of its type --*;
proc sql noprint;
select distinct 'missing(' || strip(name) || ')'
into :miss_stmt separated by ' and '
from dictionary.columns
where libname = 'WORK'
and memname = 'TEST'
miss_stmt looks like missing(a) and missing(b)
*-- Delete blank records --*;
data test2;
set test;
if &miss_stmt. then delete;


SAS Array Variable Name Based on Another Array

I have data in the following format:
data have;
input id rtl_apples rtl_oranges rtl_berries;
1 50 60 10
2 10 30 80
3 40 8 1
I'm trying to create new variables that represent the percent of the sum of the RTL variables, PCT_APPLES, PCT_ORANGES, PCT_BERRIES. The problem is I'm doing this within a macro so the names and number of RTL variables with vary with each iteration so the new variable names need to be generated dynamically.
This data step essentially gets what I need, but the new variables are in the format PCT1, PCT2, PCTn format so it's difficult to know which RTL variable the PCT corresponds too.
data want;
set have;
array rtls[*] rtl_:;
total_sales = sum(of rtl_:);
call symput("dim",dim(rtls));
array pct[&dim.];
do i=1 to dim(rtls);
pct[i] = rtls[i] / total_sales;
drop i;
I also tried creating the new variable name by using a macro variable, but only the last variable in the array is created. In this case, PCT_BERRIES.
data want;
set have;
array rtls[*] rtl_:;
total_sales = sum(of rtl_:);
do i=1 to dim(rtls);
var_name = compress(tranwrd(upcase(vname(rtls[i])),'RTL','PCT'));
call symput("var_name",var_name);
&var_name. = rtls[i] / total_sales;
drop i var_name;
I have a feeling I'm over complicating this so any help would be appreciated.
If you have the list of names in data already then use the list to create the names you need for your arrays.
proc sql noprint;
select distinct cats('RTL_',name),cats('PCT_',name)
into :rtl_list separated by ' '
, :pct_list separated by ' '
from dataset_with_names
data want;
set have;
array rtls &rtl_list;
array pcts &pct_list;
total_sales = sum(of rtls[*]);
do index=1 to dim(rtls);
pcts[index] = rtls[index] / total_sales;
drop index ;
You can't create variables while a data step is executing. This program uses PROC TRANSPOSE to create a new data using the RTL_ variables "renamed" PCT_.
data have;
input id rtl_apples rtl_oranges rtl_berries;
1 50 60 10
2 10 30 80
3 40 8 1
proc transpose data=have(obs=0) out=names;
var rtl_:;
data pct;
set names;
_name_ = transtrn(_name_,'rtl_','PCT_');
y = .;
proc transpose data=pct out=pct2;
id _name_;
var y;
data want;
set have;
if 0 then set pct2(drop=_name_);
array _rtl[*] rtl_:;
array _pct[*] pct_:;
call missing(of _pct[*]);
total = sum(of _rtl[*]);
do i = 1 to dim(_rtl);
_pct[i] = _rtl[i]/total*1e2;
drop i;
proc print;
You may want to just report the row percents
proc transpose data=&data out=&data.T;
by id;
var rtl_:;
proc tabulate data=&data.T;
class id _name_;
var col1;
, _name_='Result'*col1=''*sum=''
/ nocellmerge;

Count function for the last columns

How do i stat a count function for the last 3 columns in my dataset, putting into consideration that the name of the last 3 columns always changes
Data test;
Set test1;
You could also use an ARRAY. And the old if 0 then set.
data have;
retain id x1-x5 z1-z6 . z7-z10 . a ' ' z11-z12 . ;
id+1; z10 = 1; output;
id+1; z11 = 3.14159; output;
id+1; z12 = 42; output;
format _numeric_ 4.;
data want;
if 0 then set have(drop=id /*or other numeric vars as needed*/);
array _v[*] _numeric_;
set have;
nmiss_3 = nmiss(_v[dim(_v)],_v[dim(_v)-1],_v[dim(_v)-2]);
data want; /*move ID and NMISS_3 back to left*/
if 0 then set want(keep=id nmiss_3);
set want;
proc print;
You can query a data set's metadata to get the names of the last three columns.
data have;
retain id x1-x15 z1-z12 . ;
id+1; z10 = 1; output;
id+1; z11 = 3.14159; output;
id+1; z12 = 42; output;
format _numeric_ 4.;
* get data sets metadata;
proc contents noprint data=have out=have_metadata;
* query for names of last 3 columns;
proc sql noprint;
select name
into :last_three_columns separated by ','
from have_metadata
having varnum > max(varnum) - 3
%put NOTE: &=last_three_columns;
data want;
attrib last3_nmiss_count length=8;
set have;
last3_nmiss_count = nmiss(&last_three_columns);
dm 'viewtable
want(keep=last3_nmiss_count id z:)';

How to print two sets of variable series next to each other in SAS?

I have a SAS dataset where I keep 50 diagnoses codes and 50 diagnoses descriptions.
It looks something like this:
data diags;
set diag_list;
keep claim_id diagcode1-diagcode50 diagdesc1-diagdesc50;
I need to print all of the variables but I need diagnosis description right next to corresponding diagnosis code. Something like this:
proc print data=diags;
var claim_id diagcode1 diagdesc1 diagcode2 diagdesc2 diagcode3 diagdesc3; *(and so on all the way to 50);
Is there a way to do this (possibly using arrays) without having to type it all up?
Here's one approach then, using Macros. If you have other variables make sure to include them BEFORE the %loop_names(n=50) portion in the VAR statement.
*generate fake data to test/run solution;
data demo;
array diag(50);
array diagdesc(50);
do claim_id=1 to 100;
do i=1 to 50;
%macro loop_names(n=);
%do i=1 %to &n;
diag&i diagdesc&i.
proc print data=demo;
var claim_ID %loop_names(n=20);
Here is some example SAS code that uses actual ICD 10 CM codes and their descriptions and #Reeza proc print:
%* Copy government provided Medicare code data zip file to local computer;
filename cms_cm url '' recfm=s;
filename zip_cm "%sysfunc(pathname(work))/" lrecl=200000000 recfm=n ;
%let rc = %sysfunc(fcopy(cms_cm, zip_cm));
%put %sysfunc(sysmsg());
%* Define fileref to the zip file member that contains ICD 10 CM codes and descriptions;
filename cm_codes zip "%sysfunc(pathname(zip_cm))" member="2020 Code Descriptions/icd10cm_codes_2020.txt";
%* input the codes and descriptions, there are 72,184 of them;
%* I cheated and looked at the data (more than once) in order
%* to determine the variable sizes needed;
data icd10cm_2020;
infile cm_codes lrecl=250 truncover;
code length=$7
desc length=$230
code 1-7 desc 9-230;
* simulate claims sample data with mostly upto 8 diagnoses, and
* at least one claim with 50 diagnoses;
data have;
call streaminit(123);
do claim_id = 1 to 10;
array codes(50) $7 code1-code50;
array descs(50) $230 desc1-desc50;
call missing(of code:, of desc:);
if mod(claim_id, 10) = 0
then top = 50;
else top = rand('uniform', 8);
do _n_ = 1 to top;
p = ceil(rand('uniform', n)); %* pick a random diagnosis code, 1 of 72,184;
set icd10cm_2020 nobs=n point=p; %* read the data for that random code;
codes(_n_) = code;
descs(_n_) = desc;
drop top;
%macro loop_names(n=);
%do i=1 %to &n;
code&i desc&i.
ods _all_ close;
ods html;
proc print data=have;
var claim_id %loop_names(n=50);

Add observation at the end to an existing SAS dataset

My dataset(named A) has columns : A B C. I want to add new observations (new row) at the end of it with the values: 1 2 3. There must be an easy way to do that?
Just use a proc sql and insert statement.
proc sql;
insert into table_name (A,B,C) values (1,2,3);
Here are 5 more ways of doing this:
/*Some dummy data*/
data have;
input A B C;
4 5 6
data new_rows;
input A B C;
1 2 3
6 7 8
/* Modifying in place - more efficient, increased risk of data loss */
proc sql;
insert into have
select * from new_rows;
proc append base = have data = new_rows;
data have;
modify have;
set new_rows;
/* Overwriting - less efficient, no harm if interrupted. */
data have;
set have new_rows;
data have;
update have new_rows;
/*N.B. assumes that A B C form a set of unique keys and that the datasets are sorted*/
by A B C;

Do loop for creating new variables in SAS

I am trying to run this code
data swati;
input facility_id$ loan_desc : $50. sys_name :$50.;
fac_001 term_loan RM_platform
fac_001 business_loan IQ_platform
fac_002 business_loan BUSES_termloan
fac_002 business_loan RM_platform
fac_003 overdrafts RM_platform
fac_003 RCF IQ_platform
fac_003 term_loan BUSES_termloan
proc contents data=swati out=contents(keep=name varnum);
proc sort data=contents;
by varnum;
data contents;
set contents ;
where varnum in (2,3);
data contents;
set contents;
summary=catx('_',name, 'summ');
data _null_;
set contents;
call symput ("name" || put(_n_ , 10. -L), name);
call symput ("summ" || put (_n_ , 10. -L), summary);
options mlogic symbolgen mprint;
%macro swati;
%do i = 1 %to 2;
proc sort data=swati;
by facility_id &&name&i.;
data swati1;
set swati;
by facility_id &&name&i.;
length &&summ&i. $50.;
retain &&summ&i.;
if first.facility_id then do;
if first.&&name&i. = last.&&name&i. then &&summ&i.=catx(',',&&name&i., &&summ&i.);
else if first.&&name&i. ne last.&&name&i. then &&summ&i.=&&name&i.;
if last.facility_id ;
This code will create two new variables loan_desc_summ and sys_name_summ which has values of the all the loans_desc in one line and the sys_names in one line seprated by comma example (term_loan, business_loan), (RM_platform, IQ_platform) But if a customer has only one loan_desc the loan_summ should only have its value twice.
The problem while running the do loop is that after running this code, I am getting the dataset with only the sys_name_summ and not the loan_desc_summ. I want the dataset with all the five variables facility_id, loan_desc, sys_name, loan_desc_summ, sys_name_summ.
Could you please help me in finding out if there is a problem in the do loop??
Your loop is always starting with the same input dataset (swati) and generating a new dataset (SWATI1). So only the last time through the loop has any effect. Each loop would need to start with the output of the previous run.
You also need to fix your logic for eliminating the duplicates.
For example you could change the macro to:
%macro swati;
data swati1;
set swati;
%do i = 1 %to 2;
proc sort data=swati1;
by facility_id &&name&i.;
data swati1;
set swati1;
by facility_id &&name&i ;
length &&summ&i $500 ;
if first.facility_id then &&summ&i = ' ' ;
if first.&&name&i then catx(',',&&summ&i,&&name&i);
if last.facility_id ;
Also your program could be a lot smaller if you just used arrays.
data want ;
set have ;
by facility_id ;
array one loan_desc sys_name ;
array two $500 loan_desc_summ sys_name_summ ;
retain loan_desc_summ sys_name_summ ;
do i=1 to dim(one);
if first.facility_id then two(i)=one(i) ;
else if not findw(two(i),one(i),',','t') then two(i)=catx(',',two(i),one(i));
if last.facility_id;
drop i loan_desc sys_name ;
If you want to make it more flexible you can put the list of variable names into a macro variable.
%let varlist=loan_desc sys_name;
You could then generate the list of new names easily.
%let varlist2=%sysfunc(tranwrd(&varlist,%str( ),_summ%str( )))_summ ;
Then you can use the macro variables in the ARRAY, RETAIN and DROP statements.