Can't import module from library - python-2.7

I have a script that requires two other modules to be loaded from another folder in the same directory as the script.
In the main script I have the line:
from modules import *
But I keep getting this error:
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ts3'
I have an file in the modules folder which has this line:
__all__ = ['setjoin', 'ts3']
Python is for some reason unable to load just the ts3 module. It is able to load setjoin completely fine.
Folder structure:
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks :)

I've found the problem. I'm not sure why I did this, but I was trying to import maow from I've now removed that import and it works fine :)


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'config.wsgi'

I'm trying to run a .py file and in the file I have this import
from config.wsgi import *
import os
from django.template.loader import get_template
from weasyprint import HTML, CSS
from config import settings
The whole project works, if I set runserver, the project starts without any problem, but this file does not work. The structure of the project is as follows
the case as I say the project works, but in the views of the applications that I have been doing to put imports I get in red underlined but as I say it works for example:
from core.general.forms import ActividadForm
That comes out in red, if I put in front of the core, app.core as follows
from app.core.general.forms import ActividadForm
it does not show red but the project does not work and I get the following error
from app.core.general.forms import ActividadForm
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'app'
I understand that it is the routes or something I did wrong from the beginning, please could someone help me.
Thank you very much.
I tried adding the route, changing the app's route in settings, but to no avail.
You've named the file but it needs to be
Rename your file in config and retry.
To your question, I think its because you're missing the file in the general app.
If you haven't already go one, you'll likely need to have add the same again in your core app too.
You probably manually created all of these files and structures I suspect, and if that's the case, please take a look at the documentation regarding creating new apps inside a django project.
If you go a bit further up the page, it will also tell you how to create the initial django project structure with a command.
Thank you very much for the answer, I managed to solve it after a lot of testing.
There are two ways, open the project again from the app folder (I had it open in the ProjectName folder).
Or as a second option in pyCharm on the left where the project folders are, I went to the app folder (which is the root) and right clicked and in the menu, Mark Directorie as - Sources root. Then my problem is fixed.
I had all the arcvhiso, and where I put the wrong name is that I wrote it wrong here but in the project it was right.
Thank you very much for the help.

webapp2 - how do I include library

I am testing Google Cloud and first I wanted to develop something on my PC before I use in on google cloud.
I am using APACHE and configured it in that way, that when I am going to the page localhost/wsgi_app I see my page which physically is stored in folder /svc/http/webapp2. File which contains my app is stored in subfolder webapp2. All works fine. I provide this information just in case it might play any role.
The issue I have is with import from library.
I did it on Django and now try to move it to webapp2.
The first lines of my program look like this:
import webapp2
import MySQLdb
import json
I have file called which contains some classess and funtions.
it is in the same folder as
I want to include it, however this seems not to work:
import webapp2
import MySQLdb
import json
from test import *
my contains definition of the class 'Quote', but when I call the page I see error
NameError: global name 'Quote' is not defined
When I put the inside of the file in the file all works fine.
My goal is to separate the code into several files.
Any idea why :
from test import *
does not work ?
It worked on any other program I wrote, so why not here?
issue solved.
issue is not related to weapp2 but to WSGI and the path where python search for files.
Most simple solution is to add something like this ;
it will import the file.
other than this here is quite good article

Importerror:No module named in python

I created a file named in /home/Desktop/problems directory
and i want to import it to a file present in /home/Desktop/PP file
def matrix():
print "enter into matrix"
and i want to access this file in a file named
so i did like this.. file
import sys
import os
from hello import *
But i am getting an error like no module named new
Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: The directory order was it was giving the error.. it should have been /home/valac/Desktop/problems !!
I created both files with the content described here and I ran your
And it worked just fine. How are you executing or using your script? The problem is probably related to that. Can you explain how are you using
Do you have init file in the pp folder? You may create under folder pp.
The does not need to contain any code. It will change the folder as a module.

Python 2.7 packages and importing between directories

Ok so I've been struggling with this for over a week now and I've tried various methods mentioned on this site and others on google but here goes. I'm running python 2.7. I've got a python script in the parent directory which calls a second script located in a child directory. The second script starts a different thread and does an os.system call to a third and final script. This third script needs to import something located in the parent directory. Can someone tell me what's wrong with this setup? I do have located in every folder being used. And I do try adding the relative parent directory to the path. I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
File Structure
Parent Directory
Child Directory
Method 1
import os
import sys
import multiprocessing
def listen():
listen_string = "python ~/path/"
q = multiprocessing.Process(target=listen())
import sys
import Imports_needed
ImportError: No module named "Imports_needed"
Method 2
import os
import sys
import multiprocessing
def listen():
listen_string = "python ~/path/"
q = multiprocessing.Process(target=listen())
import sys
from .. import Imports_needed
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
Question about method 2, how come it's telling me this is not a package despite each directory containing
Additionally, I've used something very similar to method 1 in the past but I cannot see any differences between my code or file structures. If anyone has any suggestions I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
EDIT: Apologies, I forgot something fairly significant in the description. There's a third file involved that I completely forgot about... So sorry :( Python_Script_2 makes a new thread via multiprocessing and does an os.system call to Python_Script_3. Python_Script_3 is located in the same child directory as Python_Script_2. Python_Script_3 is having the import issues when trying to import from the Parent Directory. I've updated the question to reflect this. (I'm sorry, I know this is a major detail that I left out but it's a complicated package and doing many more things than just what I'm asking about)
try the following
from Parent_Directory import Imports_needed
from Parent_Directory.Imports_needed import <your class or method>
You don't need
at all. If is imported from the main script, import path inside of will be relative to the main script. So
import Imports_needed
is enough.
Make sure you hava double underscore prefix for the file in your child directory (in your example you have only 1 underscore symbol _).
If you rely on sys.path.append(), you should use:
import os
import sys
otherwise, '..' says nothing to the interpreter about your app environment.

Django: How to specify path to settings file

I know this question has already been asked multiple times but I still can't seem to find a solution that works for me. My Django project folder looks like this:
Now the "core" folder looks like this:
settings -> is a symbolic link pointing to the right settings file, on my machine, in production.
Here's my problem: when I try to use, I get a weird error ImproperlyConfigured: The SECRET_KEY setting must not be empty. When I pass the path to the settings file as an argument (--settings=core.settings.local) it runs fine. I figured the problem was that Django didn't know where to look for the settings file. How can I tell him (her?) where to look?
I already tried exporting the path to the env (export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=core.settings.local) and setting the PYTHONPATH to the parent directory, to no avail.
The primary use of is to initialize Python packages. The easiest way to demonstrate this is to take a look at the structure of a standard Python module.
As you can see in the structure above the inclusion of the file in a directory indicates to the Python interpreter that the directory should be treated like a Python package can be an empty file but it is often used to perform setup needed for the package(import things, load things into path, etc).
One common thing to do in your is to import selected Classes, functions, etc into the package level so they can be convieniently imported from the package.
In our example above we can say that has the Class File. So without anything in our you would import with this syntax:
from package.file import File
However you can import File into your to make it available at the package level:
# in your
from file1 import File
# now import File from package
from package import File
So for conclusion, when you call import in in a package mypackage, it's like you use package as a simple python file, that's what my solution do:
from .local import * in
I haven't use this before in the settings case but I use it when I wanna to subdivide my models in a Django app, --> models package, ./manage syndb doesn't discover my models declared, I found so this solution that's similar. You can find more details here
Last thing, I'm sure there's others solution to your problem, but this can be the most simple.
Good luck
You are in import hell somewhere. Had this problem too one time. The only way to find out where the root of your problem is, might be to disable all apps, try starting the server, enable the first app, start the server, enable the next etc.
BTW: your project layout should not be used from Django 1.4 onward.
I'd try to use the new layout and hope that it 'just works'.
I think you need to change the name of the file that the is looking for.
imp.find_module('settings') # Assumed to be in the same directory.
except ImportError:
import sys
sys.stderr.write("Error: Can't find the file '' in the directory containing %r. It appears you've customized things.\nYou'll have to run, passing it your settings module.\n" % __file__)
If you had the file in the same directory simple changing the 'settings' to 'local' would have worked.
But, since you have it in a different directory, I think you need to configure the settings. Refer to this:
from django.conf import settings
settings.configure(DEBUG=True, TEMPLATE_DEBUG=True,
TEMPLATE_DIRS=('/home/web-apps/myapp', '/home/web-apps/base'))
Hope that helps.