Creating array literals with various child classes of an interface in f# - casting

If I have the following interface
type IParameterizable =
abstract member Parameters : unit -> seq<Parameter>
I then have some factories that create various sub-classes of IParameterizable
let MakeA arg = ...
let MakeB arg = ...
let MakeC arg = ...
where A, B, C are child classes of IParameterizable. Now if I wish to make an array
let contents = [| MakeA 0; MakeB 1; MakeC 2 |]
the compiler complains that they are of different type. However if I do
let contents = [| MakeA 0 :> IParameterizable
; MakeB 1 :> IParameterizable
; MakeC 2 :> IParameterizable
this works but is a bit busy on the eyes. The obvious solution is to make the factories return IParameterizable rather than the concrete class but in other cases I need the concrete class rather than the interface.
Is there a way to only specify the type of the array once and then all elements
will be implicitly cast or a compiler error if the cast is impossible.

The trick is to define the type of the variable assigned to
let contents:IParameterizable array =
[| MakeA 0
; MakeB 1
; MakeC 2
Type inference then kicks in on the literal and locks it down.


I got some trouble with ocaml polymorphic function

i need your help please, where is the error in my code ?
let create = Array.make_matrix 10 10;;
let assoc int = create int,create (char_of_int int);;
the error is
3 | let assoc int = create int,create (char_of_int int);;
Error: This expression has type char but an expression was expected of type
when you define a polymorphic function implicitly on Ocaml, it has a `weak type meaning that a type will be definitely assigned to the function after you've called it once, so because you called to create on an int, it now has a type int -> int array and won't accept a char as an argument.
This is the "value restriction". You can make it work by defining create like this:
let create v = Array.make_matrix 10 10 v
It works like this:
# let create v = Array.make_matrix 10 10 v;;
val create : 'a -> 'a array array = <fun>
# let assoc int = create int,create (char_of_int int);;
val assoc : int -> int array array * char array array = <fun>
The value restriction states that only "values" (in a certain sense) can be polymorphic; in particular, an expression that just applies a function can't be fully polymorphic. You define create by just applying a function to some values, so the value restriction prevents it from being polymorphic. The above definition defines create instead as a lambda (a fun in OCaml), which is a "value" per the value restriction. So it can be fully polymorphic.
You can read about the value restriction in Chapter 5 of the OCaml manual.

When should extensible variant types be used in OCaml?

I took a course on OCaml before extensible variant types were introduced, and I don't know much about them. I have several questions:
(This question was deleted because it attracted a "not answerable objectively" close vote.)
What are the low-level consequences of using EVTs, such as performance, memory representation, and (un-)marshaling?
Note that my question is about extensible variant type specifically, unlike the question suggested as identical to this one (that question was asked prior to the introduction of EVTs!).
Extensible variants are quite different from standard variants in term of
runtime behavior.
In particular, extension constructors are runtime values that lives inside
the module where they were defined. For instance, in
type t = ..
module M = struct
type t +=A
open M
the second line define a new extension constructor value A and add it to the
existing extension constructors of M at runtime.
Contrarily, classical variants do not really exist at runtime.
It is possible to observe this difference by noticing that I can use
a mli-only compilation unit for classical variants:
(* classical.mli *)
type t = A
(* *)
let x = Classical.A
and then compile with
ocamlopt classical.mli
without troubles because there are no value involved in the Classical module.
Contrarily with extensible variants, this is not possible. If I have
(* ext.mli *)
type t = ..
type t+=A
(* *)
let x = Ext.A
then the command
ocamlopt ext.mli
fails with
Error: Required module `Ext' is unavailable
because the runtime value for the extension constructor Ext.A is missing.
You can also peek at both the name and the id of the extension constructor
using the Obj module to see those values
let a = [%extension_constructor A]
Obj.extension_name a;;
: string = "M.A"
Obj.extension_id a;;
: int = 144
(This id is quite brittle and its value it not particurlarly meaningful.)
An important point is that extension constructor are distinguished using their
memory location. Consequently, constructors with n arguments are implemented
as block with n+1 arguments where the first hidden argument is the extension
type t += B of int
let x = B 0;;
Here, x contains two fields, and not one:
Obj.size (Obj.repr x);;
: int = 2
And the first field is the extension constructor B:
Obj.field (Obj.repr x) 0 == Obj.repr [%extension_constructor B];;
: bool = true
The previous statement also works for n=0: extensible variants are never
represented as a tagged integer, contrarily to classical variants.
Since marshalling does not preserve physical equality, it means that extensible
sum type cannot be marshalled without losing their identity. For instance, doing
a round trip with
let round_trip (x:'a):'a = Marshall.from_string (Marshall.to_string x []) 0
then testing the result with
type t += C
let is_c = function
| C -> true
| _ -> false
leads to a failure:
is_c (round_trip C)
: bool = false
because the round-trip allocated a new block when reading the marshalled value
This is the same problem which already existed with exceptions, since exceptions
are extensible variants.
This also means that pattern-matching on extensible type is quite different
at runtime. For instance, if I define a simple variant
type s = A of int | B of int
and define a function f as
let f = function
| A n | B n -> n
the compiler is smart enough to optimize this function to simply accessing the
the first field of the argument.
You can check with ocamlc -dlambda that the function above is represented in
the Lambda intermediary representation as:
(function param/1008 (field 0 param/1008)))
However, with extensible variants, not only we need a default pattern
type e = ..
type e += A of n | B of n
let g = function
| A n | B n -> n
| _ -> 0
but we also need to compare the argument with each extension constructor in the
match leading to a more complex lambda IR for the match
(function param/1009
(if (== (field 0 param/1009) A/1003) (exit 1 (field 1 param/1009))
(if (== (field 0 param/1009) B/1004) (exit 1 (field 1 param/1009))
with (1 n/1007) n/1007)))
Finally, to conclude with an actual example of extensible variants,
in OCaml 4.08, the Format module replaced its string-based user-defined tags
with extensible variants.
This means that defining new tags looks like this:
First, we start with the actual definition of the new tags
type t = Format.stag = ..
type Format.stag += Warning | Error
Then the translation functions for those new tags are
let mark_open_stag tag =
match tag with
| Error -> "\x1b[31m" (* aka print the content of the tag in red *)
| Warning -> "\x1b[35m" (* ... in purple *)
| _ -> ""
let mark_close_stag _tag =
"\x1b[0m" (*reset *)
Installing the new tag is then done with
let enable ppf =
Format.pp_set_tags ppf true;
Format.pp_set_mark_tags ppf true;
Format.pp_set_formatter_stag_functions ppf
{ (Format.pp_get_formatter_stag_functions ppf ()) with
mark_open_stag; mark_close_stag }
With some helper function, printing with those new tags can be done with
Format.printf "This message is %a.#." error "important"
Format.printf "This one %a.#." warning "not so much"
Compared with string tags, there are few advantages:
less room for a spelling mistake
no need to serialize/deserialize potentially complex data
no mix up between different extension constructor with the same name.
chaining multiple user-defined mark_open_stag function is thus safe:
each function can only recognise their own extension constructors.

make variant constructors public in .mli

type some_type =
| This
| That
Then, I can implement like this:
let x = Something.This
I want to create something.mli and keep the same functionality in My first attempt was to write something.mli as:
type some_type
I thought that would make the variant constructors publicly available, but it didn't and now doesn't compile. Is there a way to expose the variant constructors in the .mli?
The .mli files define the interface for a module all on their own and the .ml file is not used at all when compiling them. You actually can have a .mli file for a pack made out of multiple .ml files. The never magically pull something from the .ml file into the interface.
Now, same as in the .ml file, there are three ways to specify a type in the .ml file:
1) As an abstract type. Nothing is exposed of the type:
# type some_type;;
type some_type
# let v = This;;
Error: Unbound constructor This
# let to_int = function This -> 1 | That -> 2;;
Error: Unbound constructor This
This hides the details of the type from the outside allowing the module to change the type at will later without breaking any source code. It is also used for phantom types that have no values or external values (see interfacing with C in the manual) that aren't ocaml types.
2) As public type. The structure of the type is exposed and values can be created:
# type some_type = This | That;;
type some_type = This | That
# let v = This;;
val v : some_type = This
# let to_int = function This -> 1 | That -> 2;;
val to_int : some_type -> int = <fun>
This is the opposite of the first case. Everything is made public.
But there is a third option:
3) As a private type. The structure of the type is exposed but values can not be created:
# type some_type = private This | That;;
type some_type = private This | That
# let v = This;;
Error: Cannot create values of the private type some_type
# let to_int = function This -> 1 | That -> 2;;
val to_int : some_type -> int = <fun>
This is somewhat between 1 and 2. The use case for this is when you need to control the construction of values. For example consider a type that holds small integers less than 100. You would write:
# let make x =
if x < 0 || x >= 100
then raise (Invalid_argument "Out of range")
else x;;
val make : int -> int = <fun>
You then write the .mli file as:
type t = private int;;
val make : int -> t;;
This ensures that values of type t can only be constructed using the make function. Anything expecting a type t will only accept a value of type t constructed by make. On the other hand anything expecting a type int will also accept a value of type t. The later would not be the case with an abstract type.
The something.mli file gives the interface for the file. So anything you want to be visible in the interface has to be defined in something.mli.
Since you want This and That to be visible, they have to be defined in something.mli.
For your small example, something.mli would contain exactly what you show for above:
type some_type = This | That
In a more realistic example, of course, the interface would contain much less than the implementation. In particular it just has the types of public functions and not the code.

OCaml: Type error while combining recursive modules and private type abbreviations

I am currently working with OCaml, and I want to create some types which are somehow secured, in the sense that I want to select only those instances which satisly some properties.
The way that I found to acheive that is to encapsulate my type in a module, making it private, and defining the constructors in such a way that they check if the object that they are trying to make satisfy these properties. As my code is a bit long, I want to split into different modules, but my types are mutually recursive, so I am using recursive modules. I end up in the following situation (I simplified a lot so that it becomes readable)
module rec A
: sig
type t = private int list
val secured_cons : int -> t -> t
= struct
type t = int list
let cons (i:int) (x:t) : t = i::x
let secured_cons i x : t = B.checker i x; cons i x
and B
: sig
val checker : int -> A.t -> unit
= struct
let checker i x = ()
But this code is rejected, with the following error message :
Characters 226-227:
let secured_cons i x = B.checker i x; cons i x
Error: This expression has type A.t but an expression was expected of type
t = int list
This looks to me very weird, because as we are in the context A, the two types t and A.t are supposed to be equal. From my understanding, what happens is that inside A, the type t is considered to be a synonym for int list whereas outside A, the signature tells us that it is private, so it is just a copy of this type, with a coercion A.t :> int list. The entire point is that there is no coercion the other way around, which is exactly why I want to use private type abbreviations
But in my case I am inside the module A, so I would like to use this extra information to say that my type t should coerce to A.t
Does anyone have a better explanation of why this error is happening, and how I could avoid it? (I have thought of switching to abstract types, but I get exactly the same error)
I have found a way to solve this issue I am posting it here in case anyone else ever encounters the same.
We just have to explicitly specify what types and coercion we expect from the system - here is my example slightly modified in a correct way :
module rec A
: sig
type t = private int list
val secured_cons : int -> t -> t
= struct
type t = int list
let cons (i:int) (x:t) : t = i::x
let secured_cons i (x:A.t) = B.checker i x; cons i (x :> t)
and B
: sig
val checker : int -> A.t -> unit
= struct
let checker i x = ()
It might look silly to write let secured_cons i (x:A.t) inside the module A itself, but as far as I understand it, it is the only way to specify to the system that it should go out of the module to check the signature, and use the same type as the signature (so here a private type) instead of the internal type t which is still a synonymous for int list
I had more trickier cases, but this idea could be adapted to each of them, and helped me solve them all.
Still I am not entirely sure of what is happening, and if anyone has clearer explanations, I would be very thankful
You're errors occur because when B.checker is invoked, x is infered as an A.t because of the signature of B.
You can see that easily if you explicitly type the secured_cons function :
let secured_cons i (x:t) : t = B.checker i x; cons i x
which now produces the symmetrical error:
let secured_cons i (x:t) = B.checker i x; cons i x
Error: This expression has type t = int list
but an expression was expected of type A.t
In fact you here have a real designing problem in my opinion. If you want the module B to check the values produced by the module A, so without surprise B must inspect in some way the type A.t. Having that type private makes it impossible.
From what i understand you have three options :
remove private
Add a browse, getter function that allows the B module to access the content of the values of type A.t
the way i would do this : put the checking function into the module A
I'd be glad to hear what more experienced users have to say about this, but here is my take on it.
I, as a developer, usually give a lot of importance to the semantics of a code. In your case, the B module is specifically used by the A module, and it has no other goal than that.
Thus, sticking to a nested module (even if it makes your code a bit longer) would be the way to go as far as I am concerned. There is no point is exposing the B module. Below is the refactored example to illustrate.
module A : sig
type t
val secured_cons : int -> t -> t
end = struct
type t = int list
module B : sig
val checker : int -> t -> unit
end = struct
let checker i x = ()
let cons i x = i::x
let secured_cons i x = B.checker i x; cons i x
And here is the signature of the module as given by utop:
module A : sig type t val secured_cons : int -> t -> t end
which is perfect in my sense because it only shows the interface to your module, and nothing of its implementation.
As a side-note, if you wanted to expose the signature of the B module (to give it to a functor, for example), just move it to the signature of the A module, as follows:
module A : sig
type t
val secured_cons : int -> t -> t
module B : sig
val checker : int -> t -> unit
end = struct
type t = int list
module B = struct
let checker i x = ()
let cons i x = i::x
let secured_cons i x = B.checker i x; cons i x
Here is the signature of the module as given by utop:
module A :
type t
val secured_cons : int -> t -> t
module B : sig val checker : int -> t -> unit end
Still I am not entirely sure of what is happening, and if anyone has clearer explanations, I would be very thankful
A private type abbreviation of the form type u = private t declares a type u that is distinct from the implementation type t. It is the same as declaring an abstract type with the following two exceptions:
compiler treats the type t, as an implementation type, that opens an avenue for optimizations - this, however, doesn't mean that a type checker considers them the same, for the type checker they are distinct.
typechecker allows a coercion of type u to type t.
So, from a typechecker perspective, these two types are distinct. As always in OCaml type discipline all coercions should be made explicit, and a subtype is not equal to a super type unless it is coerced. In your case, the typechecker is trying to unify type A.t = private int list with type int list since A.t and int list are distinct types, it is rejected. It is, however, allowed to coerce A.t to int list (but not the vice verse).
It might look silly to write let secured_cons i (x:A.t) inside the module A itself
You don't need to write it (at least in your simple example). Just using x :> t is enough.

Is there an F# cast function with type inference like Seq.cast?

So I have some COM-types with hard-to-remember, long, unwieldy names, so I'd rather not have to type them out when casting from object if I can avoid it. With Seq.cast it'll infer the required type and cast as necessary.
Here's a simplified version with int instead:
> let o = 1 :> obj;;
val o : obj = 1
> let inc x = x+1;;
val inc : int -> int
> inc o;;
inc o;;
stdin(15,5): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
Okay, makes sense. So we cast it:
> inc (o :?> int);;
val it : int = 2
However, if I cast it with Seq.cast I wouldn't need to explicitly write the type:
> inc ([o] |> Seq.cast |> Seq.head);;
val it : int = 2
Is there a function that works like cast below?
> inc (o |> cast);;
val it : int = 2
Is there an F# cast function with type inference like Seq.cast?
You can use the 'unbox' and 'box' operators to take advantage of type inference
inc (unbox o)
As Leaf mentioned, box and unbox work for conversions to/from obj. For other types you can use the upcast or static cast operators (:>) for upcasting and the downcast or dynamic cast (:?>) operators for downcasting. A wildcard can be used in place of an explicit type, for example: x :?> _.