Why does FQL return different user IDs to Graph API - facebook-graph-api

I want to see which users can see a particular album. I use the following query to get my albums and their privacy settings:
SELECT id,allow,deny,description,friends,value FROM privacy WHERE id IN
(SELECT object_id FROM album WHERE owner=me())
and it returns something like this for each album:
"id": 212102865605678,
"allow": "211824028961234,212367312342178",
"deny": null,
"description": "John Doe, Work People",
"friends": "SOME_FRIENDS",
"value": "CUSTOM"
The second ID in the allow column is right. That's the ID for the 'Work People' friendlist.
But the other ID isn't really the ID of 'John Doe'.
If I use the FB.api from javascript using 'me/friends' I get this:
"name": "John Doe",
"id": "100005318169867"
Same name, but different ID. I'm quite certain that they're the same user (I don't have many friends). Is this the difference between some internal database ID and external ID?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Upload photos to Facebook Sales group album with graph API, using the Source field and not URL

Is there a way to create an album to the SALES groups in Facebook ? when I use the graph API explorer to fetch the user's groups it only brings back the user groups and not the sales groups he / she is part of
Command I used is get > v2.7 > me/groups and it returns
"data": [
"name": "Shadow Creek Columbus Indiana",
"privacy": "SECRET",
"id": "647651662006143"
"paging": {
"cursors": {
"before": "NjQ3NjUxNjYyMDA2MTQz",
"after": "NjQ3NjUxNjYyMDA2MTQz"
My second question is, if I were to create an album in the above group and add photos to it using the URL I am able to, however I have a phonegap app and that would be loading the images from the local and not from web, so I need to use the Source field instead of URL. However I am not able to test the same using the explorer. What value should I specify in the Source field ?

facebook group members Bio information

I am interested in retrieving a Facebook group members' Bio information.
I have created an app where I have requested permission of about user_about_me and the app is under review for submission.
I have coded for the app in JSP but it can only select name, gender, last_name, first_name only. It is not selecting the Bio information.
I face the same problem even in the graph API explorer, when I use
I can retrieve list of all group members. But I can not see more details than the following:
"data": [
"name": "name",
"administrator": false,
"id": "USER ID"
When I click on the ID (or enter the ID in the explorer), I can only get the following:
"id": "member_ID",
"first_name": "firstname",
"last_name": "lastname",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/...",
"name": "name ",
"updated_time": "2015-02-07T10:02:58+0000"
This is not showing the Bio information.
when I enter the following:
I just get
"id": "10153223503039309"
I will appreciate if someone please identify me the problem. I believe this problem will also solve my code problem, where at the moment I am unable to retrieve the group member's Bio information too.
Is it possible that the problem will be resolved after the app's acceptance, which is under review?
Thanks you very much.
You canĀ“t just grab more information from the user just because he is a member of some group. You would have to let him authorize your App with the correct permissions in order to get more data.

Entries in me/feed from current user to group

Recently me/feed started to include entries sent by current user to groups.
The id field is invalid for those entries and simply returns "false".
Changing the first part of the id to the one mentioned in "to" gives a valid entry.
It could be a good workaround except there is no way to immediately know which posts are normal and which posts are to Groups.
I did notice that on posts to groups there is an extra field 'version' that is not documented. Anyone knows what this field means?
Example entry:
"id": "1188060277_343671429042688",
"from": {
"name": "My Name",
"id": "1188060277"
"to": {
"data": [
"version": 1,
"name": "Group Name",
"id": "194744830602016"
Hope this helps :)
The Groups that the user belongs to.
user_groups or friends_groups.
An array of objects containing the version(old-0 or new Group-1), name, id, administrator (if user is the administrator of the Group) and bookmark_order(at what place in the list of group bookmarks on the homepage, the group shows up for the user).

getting high resolution photos that were posted on a page wall/feed

I'm getting my page wall with the open graph.
And when someone posted a photo, I get it on the JSON
"id": "27888702146_10150369820322147",
"from": {
"name": "brocoli",
"category": "Record label",
"id": "27888702146"
"message": "Vincent Epplay / David Fenech / Jac Berrocal \u00e0 Beaubourg ce soir, 19h, gratos.",
"picture": "http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/305819_10150369820292147_27888702146_8255527_583491475_s.jpg",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150369820292147&set=a.386279807146.165840.27888702146&type=1",
"icon": "http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v1/yz/r/StEh3RhPvjk.gif",
"type": "photo",
"object_id": "10150369820292147",
"created_time": "2011-10-16T08:22:21+0000",
"updated_time": "2011-10-16T08:22:21+0000",
"likes": {
"data": [
"name": "brocoli",
"category": "Record label",
"id": "27888702146"
"name": "Agathe Morier",
"id": "601668526"
"count": 2
"comments": {
"count": 0
"is_published": true
The problem is that the picture link is a low resolution copy of the picture.
How can I get the URL of the full picture ?
You can get different version of the photo by querying Graph API with its object_id (not photo post_id which is id in results you provided).
Once you'll request the photo by object id you'll get array of images with URLs and dimensions:
If you're attempting to access posts on a Facebook Page (such as for a company) instead of typical user profile, you firstly need to fetch the feed like this:
And then access data[0].attachments.data[0].subattachments.data[0].target.id to get the object ID (or "target ID" in this case) which you can then use to perform an additional query to obtain the higher resolution image. Increment the numbers to get additional posts and images inside each post.
All you need to do is :
// replace 961 with your required height which u want
You can do this from the main posts list now using
/v2.3/105753476132681/posts?limit=5&fields=likes.summary(true),comments.summary(true), attachments
If attachments doesn't work, try full_picture - but that just gave the 100x100 image for me as well.
Attachments returns a data hash with a 640x480 version of the image at least (not sure what my orig. photo size was)
Use this Code. Its Work for me and get Clear Image
String getPicture = hashMap.get("picture");
if (getPicture.contains("_t.")) {
PICTURE_URL = getPicture.replaceAll("_t.", "_n.");
} else if (getPicture.contains("_a.")) {
PICTURE_URL = getPicture.replaceAll("_a.", "_n.");
} else if (getPicture.contains("_s.")) {
PICTURE_URL = getPicture.replaceAll("_s.", "_n.");
} else if (getPicture.contains("_q.")) {
PICTURE_URL = getPicture.replaceAll("_q.", "_n.");
Bitmap bitmap=BitmapFactory.decodeStream(url.openConnection().getInputStream());
Though requesting a photo by its object_id will return an array of images with different dimensions, in some cases this approach would require an additional call to the Facebook API.
A simpler approach is to add full_picture to your list of parameters, which will extract the highest resolution image associated with the post.
For example, if you want to extract all the posts from a Facebook page in the past X days, with the object_id approach you'd need to call the API 3 times:
To get the page info.
To extract the list of posts and obtain the object_id for each post.
For each object_id, to retrieve the list of higher resolution images.

Using facebook fql, how do I find where a school is?

[Note: the first two answers, which includes the one I wrote, do not yet deal with the "optional" fql.multiquery issue.]
When I am using facebook's fql, I can get a list of schools I have attended, or that friends have attended. Specifically, I can get the school's name, and it's facebook id. However, I do not know how to query for deeper information about these schools.
Specifically, I would like to find out where the schools were located. But, I do not know what facebook graph entity (or whatever else) those school ids are part of.
How would I find out from facebook where these schools are located?
Optional: It would be even better if this can be done in the same multiquery that returned the lists of schools in the first place (this would be a query against the user table for my id and another query against the user table for some ids of my friends).
Here's an expanded version of the optional part mentioned in the above paragraph (note that I tried adding this as a separate question, but when I went in make the illustrative data more relevant, I saw that it had silently vanished. So I am assuming I tripped over some feature of stack overflow designed to weed out questions which are too similar to each other. So, instead, let's just say that this is a clarification of what I meant, in the above paragraph)
Using facebook's javascript sdk, this fails, silently:
disp('loginResponse', response);
var userQuery= FB.Data.query(
'select uid,name,education from user where uid= {0}'
, response.session.uid);
var friendlist = FB.Data.query(
'select uid2 from friend where uid1 = {0} order by rand() limit 10'
, response.session.uid);
var friends = FB.Data.query(
'select uid,name,education from user where uid in (select uid2 from {0})'
, friendlist);
var friendSchools= FB.Data.query(
'select page_id,name,location from page where page_id in (select education.school.id from {0})'
, friends);
self.queries= [userQuery, friendlist, friends, friendSchools];
, function() {alert(1)});
If I remove the friendSchools element from the queries array, it works just fine, and a friend might be represented by an object like this:
uid: '...',
name: '...',
id: '115920001751600',
name: 'Burlington High School'
id: '138792749476094',
name: '1978'
type: 'High School'
id: '20697868961',
name: 'Boston University'
id: '188387604516411',
name: 'BS'
id: '103823546338323',
name: '1982'
type: 'College'
So, how do I restructure the where clause in the friendSchools query so that that query can be performed?
In other words, how can I use fql.multiquery to find information about schools (or other such entities) returned elsewhere in the multiquery?
I would suggest using batch requests (more information here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/batch/) to query the graph based on the schools ID you already have. The location of the school can be retrieved in it's default basic information returned (example below).
"id": "6192688417",
"name": "Stanford University",
"picture": "http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/41571_6192688417_2310209_s.jpg",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/stanford",
"likes": 203153,
"category": "Education",
"website": "http://www.stanford.edu",
"username": "stanford",
"founded": "1891",
"location": {
"street": "450 Serra Mall",
"city": "Stanford",
"state": "CA",
"country": "United States",
"zip": "94305",
"latitude": 37.42895,
"longitude": -122.1697
"public_transit": "http://transportation.stanford.edu",
"general_info": "Located between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of Silicon Valley, Stanford University is recognized as one of the world's leading research and teaching institutions.\n\nLeland and Jane Stanford founded the University to \"promote the public welfare by exercising an influence on behalf of humanity and civilization.\" Stanford opened its doors in 1891, and more than a century later, it remains dedicated to finding solutions to the great challenges of the day and to preparing our students for leadership in today's complex world.",
"checkins": 9938
And, it looks like to get fql to work I want to be querying the page table. For example:
select name,location from page where page_id = 87873693141
(That said, I'm still trying to figure out how to extract the list my education's school ids into the where clause for a multi-query.)