I'm am fairly new to C++.
I have this code from an assignment, i don't quite understand all of it, but i have to make the program give an option at the end for the user to recall any partnumber and model year/engine no. that was entered.
I have no idea on how to go about doing this task... maybe have some kind of id for each node so i can recall it?
Or is it my only option to rewrite the program using an array or vector data structure?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
typedef unsigned short USHORT;
// **************** Part ************
// Abstract base class of parts
class Part
friend void showPart();
Part():itsPartNumber(1) {}
Part(ULONG PartNumber):itsPartNumber(PartNumber){}
virtual ~Part(){};
ULONG GetPartNumber() const { return itsPartNumber; }
virtual void Display() const =0; // must be overridden
ULONG itsPartNumber;
// implementation of pure virtual function so that
// derived classes can chain up
void Part::Display() const
cout << "\nPart Number: " << itsPartNumber << endl;
// **************** Car Part ************
class CarPart : public Part
friend void showPart();
CarPart(USHORT year, ULONG partNumber);
virtual void Display() const
Part::Display(); cout << "Model Year: ";
cout << itsModelYear << endl;
USHORT itsModelYear;
CarPart::CarPart(USHORT year, ULONG partNumber):
// **************** AirPlane Part ************
class AirPlanePart : public Part
friend void showPart();
AirPlanePart(USHORT EngineNumber, ULONG PartNumber);
virtual void Display() const
Part::Display(); cout << "Engine No.: ";
cout << itsEngineNumber << endl;
USHORT itsEngineNumber;
AirPlanePart::AirPlanePart(USHORT EngineNumber, ULONG PartNumber):
// **************** Part Node ************
class PartNode
PartNode (Part*);
void SetNext(PartNode * node) { itsNext = node; }
PartNode * GetNext() const;
Part * GetPart() const;
Part *itsPart;
PartNode * itsNext;
// PartNode Implementations...
PartNode::PartNode(Part* pPart):
delete itsPart;
itsPart = 0;
delete itsNext;
itsNext = 0;
// Returns NULL if no next PartNode
PartNode * PartNode::GetNext() const
return itsNext;
Part * PartNode::GetPart() const
if (itsPart)
return itsPart;
return NULL; //error
// **************** Part List ************
class PartsList
// needs copy constructor and operator equals!
Part* Find(ULONG & position, ULONG PartNumber) const;
ULONG GetCount() const { return itsCount; }
Part* GetFirst() const;
static PartsList& GetGlobalPartsList()
return GlobalPartsList;
void Insert(Part *);
void Iterate(void (Part::*f)()const) const;
Part* operator[](ULONG) const;
PartNode * pHead;
ULONG itsCount;
static PartsList GlobalPartsList;
PartsList PartsList::GlobalPartsList;
// Implementations for Lists...
delete pHead;
Part* PartsList::GetFirst() const
if (pHead)
return pHead->GetPart();
return NULL; // error catch here
Part * PartsList::operator[](ULONG offSet) const
PartNode* pNode = pHead;
if (!pHead)
return NULL; // error catch here
if (offSet > itsCount)
return NULL; // error
for (ULONG i=0;i<offSet; i++)
pNode = pNode->GetNext();
return pNode->GetPart();
Part* PartsList::Find(ULONG & position, ULONG PartNumber) const
PartNode * pNode = 0;
for (pNode = pHead, position = 0;
pNode = pNode->GetNext(), position++)
if (pNode->GetPart()->GetPartNumber() == PartNumber)
if (pNode == NULL)
return NULL;
return pNode->GetPart();
void PartsList::Iterate(void (Part::*func)()const) const
if (!pHead)
PartNode* pNode = pHead;
while (pNode = pNode->GetNext());
void PartsList::Insert(Part* pPart)
PartNode * pNode = new PartNode(pPart);
PartNode * pCurrent = pHead;
PartNode * pNext = 0;
ULONG New = pPart->GetPartNumber();
ULONG Next = 0;
if (!pHead)
pHead = pNode;
// if this one is smaller than head
// this one is the new head
if (pHead->GetPart()->GetPartNumber() > New)
pHead = pNode;
for (;;)
// if there is no next, append this new one
if (!pCurrent->GetNext())
// if this goes after this one and before the next
// then insert it here, otherwise get the next
pNext = pCurrent->GetNext();
Next = pNext->GetPart()->GetPartNumber();
if (Next > New)
pCurrent = pNext;
int main()
PartsList pl = PartsList::GetGlobalPartsList();
Part * pPart = 0;
ULONG PartNumber;
USHORT value;
ULONG choice;
while (1)
cout << "(0)Quit (1)Car (2)Plane: ";
cin >> choice;
if (!choice)
cout << "New PartNumber?: ";
cin >> PartNumber;
if (choice == 1)
cout << "Model Year?: ";
cin >> value;
pPart = new CarPart(value,PartNumber);
cout << "Engine Number?: ";
cin >> value;
pPart = new AirPlanePart(value,PartNumber);
void (Part::*pFunc)()const = &Part::Display;
cout << "\n\n\nThere are " << pl.GetCount() << " items in the list" << endl;
return 0;
I tried using The Find() in the PartsList class. Does Find() take the partnumber and return the address of the part?
I wrote this to dereference the retrieved address, but it gives me the error no match for 'operator<<' in 'std::cout << * show':
int findnumber;
ULONG position;
cout << "Enter Partnumber" << endl;
cin >> findnumber;
Part* show = pl.Find(position, findnumber);
cout << *show;
Am i doing this all wrong? D: Show me please...
The function Find does take a part number, but returns a pointer to a part, which is not the same as the address of the part (that would be a reference, denoted by an &). In addition, Find takes a reference to a variable called 'position', so after calling the Find function, the variable that was passed in for 'position' will contain the value of where the part is in the linked list.
The reason you can't use the << operator, is that it hasn't been provided for the Part class. However, from the source code provided, it looks like the objective is for you to understand Polymorphism and rather than trying to use <<, call the Display function on the part that you have found. e.g: -
Part* part = pl.Find(position, findnumber);
This will display the text for the relevant type of part, so if the part returned was a CarPart, the CarPart's Display function will be called, whereas if the part is an AirPlane part, its Display function is called.
If you wanted to use the stream operator (<<) you'd need to overload the io operators, which you can read more about here.
The class PartsList already has a Find() method that could be used to retrieve any part based on its partnumber. You can then call the Display() method of that part.
I was wondering how I could call the toString() method in my Link List of the class BoxClass. BoxClass has a double length, width and height.
my BoxClass:
class BoxClass{
double length;
double width;
double height;
// Default constructor w/ no parameters
length = 0;
width = 0;
height = 0;
// Constructor with arguments
BoxClass(double boxLength, double boxWidth, double boxHeight){
length = boxLength;
width = boxWidth;
height = boxHeight;
// Setters and Getters
void setLength(double boxLength){
length = boxLength;
double getLength(){
return length;
void setWidth(double boxWidth){
width = boxWidth;
double getWidth(){
return width;
void setHeight(double boxHeight){
height = boxHeight;
double getHeight(){
return height;
// Returns the volume of the boxes
double Volume(){
return (length * width * height);
// toString method for boxes, returns "(length) x (width) x (height) string
string toString(){
return ("(" + to_string(length)+ "x" + to_string(width) + "x" + to_string(height) + ")");
}; // End of BoxClass() class
//Template ListNode class definition.
#ifndef LINKNODE_H
#define LINKNODE_H
template <typename T> class LinkList;
template <typename T> class LinkNode{
friend class LinkNode <T>;
LinkNode(const T &);
T getData()const;
T data;
LinkNode <T> *nextPtr;
template <typename T> LinkNode <T>::LinkNode(const T &info):data(info), nextPtr(NULL){
// Empty body
template <typename T>T LinkNode<T>::getData()const{
return data;
Main (Creating the class, adding it to Link List
// Create the Box class
BoxClass userBox(length, width, height);
// Add box class to Link List
LinkList.h print() method
template<typename T>void LinkList<T>::print()const {
// To list off nodes
int counter = 1;
if (isEmpty()) {
cout << "No boxes in list!\n";
} else {
LinkNode<T>*currentPtr = firstPtr;
cout << "Your boxes in increasing order of volume is:\n";
// while (currentPtr) {
while (currentPtr != NULL) {
// Output as "#. (length x width x height)
cout << counter << ". " << currentPtr->data << endl;
printf(" %i. %.2f\n", counter, currentPtr->data);
currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
//Template LinkList class definition.
#ifndef LINKLIST_H
#define LINKLIST_H
#include <iostream>
#include "LinkNode.h"
using namespace std;
template<typename T> class LinkList {
void addNode(const T &);
void insertNode(const T &);
bool isEmpty() const;
void print() const;
LinkNode<T>*getNewNode(const T &);
template<typename T>LinkList<T>::LinkList() :firstPtr(NULL) {
// Empty body
template <typename T>void LinkList<T>::insertNode(const T &value) {
LinkNode<T>*newPtr = getNewNode(value);
bool inserted = false;
if (isEmpty() || (newPtr->data < firstPtr->data)) {
newPtr->nextPtr = firstPtr;
firstPtr = newPtr;
// cout << " " << newPtr->data << " inserted at front of list.\n";
printf(" %.2f inserted at front of list.\n", newPtr->data);
} else {
LinkNode<T>*currentPtr = firstPtr;
while (currentPtr->nextPtr && !inserted) {
if (newPtr->data < currentPtr->nextPtr->data) {
// cout << " " << newPtr->data << " inserted before " << currentPtr->nextPtr->data << ". " << endl;
printf(" %.2f inserted before %.2f.\n", newPtr->data, currentPtr->nextPtr->data);
newPtr->nextPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
currentPtr->nextPtr = newPtr;
inserted = true;
} else {
currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
if (!inserted) {
currentPtr->nextPtr = newPtr;
printf(" %.2f inserted at the end of list.\n", newPtr->data);
template<typename T>bool LinkList<T>::isEmpty()const {
return firstPtr == NULL;
template<typename T>LinkNode<T>*LinkList<T>::getNewNode(const T &value) {
return new LinkNode<T>(value);
template<typename T>void LinkList<T>::print()const {
// To list off nodes
int counter = 1;
if (isEmpty()) {
cout << "No boxes in list!\n";
} else {
LinkNode<T>*currentPtr = firstPtr;
cout << "Your boxes in increasing order of volume is:\n";
// while (currentPtr) {
while (currentPtr != NULL) {
// Output as "#. (length x width x height)
cout << counter << ". " << currentPtr->data << endl;
printf(" %i. %.2f\n", counter, currentPtr->data);
currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
So again, my question is- How do I go about traversing the list and calling the toString() BoxClass method? I tried everything from cout << data.toString() << endl; but that doesn't work. I've been stuck on this for days, can someone help me out?
edit: added LinkList.h
When you write template <typename T> class LinkNode{ you are specifically stating that your node class will have no built-in knowledge of the type of the node that it contains.
You have not shown us your LinkList<T> class, but obviously, the same thing applies to it: since it consists of LinkNode<T> it has to also accept a generic parameter of type <T>, so it cannot have built-in knowledge of the actual type of <T> either.
Therefore, you cannot suddenly introduce a method which has such knowledge. It does not make sense. "It does not compute".
What you need to do instead is add this print() method of yours elsewhere, and make it accept a LinkList<BoxClass>. Then, it will be able to view the LinkNodes as LinkNode<BoxClass>, and it will be able to invoke linkNode.data.toString().
The problem is that your implementation of LinkList<T> class has no way for the client code to go through each node of the list in a loop. What if we don't want to print, but do something else with each box?
In addition, it would look weird if I have a LinkList<Widget>, and I see the text when I call print():
"Your boxes in increasing order of volume is:";
I would say, "what boxes? what volume? I have Widgets, not boxes".
A more complete implementation would look something like this (caveat: This has not been compiled. It is to give you the gist of what you should be doing):
template<typename T> class LinkList {
void addNode(const T &);
void insertNode(const T &);
bool isEmpty() const;
// this is what you're missing from the current implementation
typedef LinkNode<T>* Iterator;
Iterator begin() { return firstPtr; }
Iterator next(Iterator ptr) { return ptr->nextPtr; }
Iterator end() { return NULL; }
LinkNode<T>* firstPtr;
LinkNode<T>* getNewNode(const T &);
Then with this, the print function need not be part of the linked list. It can live on the outside:
LinkList<BoxClass> boxList;
void print()
if (boxList.isEmpty())
cout << "No boxes in list!\n";
int counter = 1;
cout << "Your boxes in increasing order of volume is:\n";
// get first box
LinkList<BoxClass>::Iterator curBox = boxList.begin();
// loop until no more boxes
while (curBox != boxList.end())
// now use curBox to do whatever you want with this box
BoxClass& b = curBox->getData();
cout << counter << ". " << b.toString();
// go to the next box
curBox = boxList.next(curBox);
Note how print is no longer a member of LinkList. Also, note the typedef to give us a "nice" name for the LinkNode pointer that the client uses. The comments should be self-explanatory.
I didn't want to overcomplicate the code by introducing a "real" iterator (i.e. overloaded ++), but that operator would replace the LinkList<T>:::next() function call. I leave that to you as an additional exercise.
New to programming , but when I try to create this link list I receive an error 'no matching function for call to 'meetings::meetings()' Been through it a few times and I'm just not seeing what it causing the issue.
class meetings{
void duplicatetest (string,memberlist *&head);
void menufn(memberlist *&head);
void meetinginfo( memberlist *&head,string);
string timestamp ( memberlist *&head,string);
memberlist *&head;
string UID;
string timestp;
meetings *timest;
meetings *link;
int meetnum;
string dt;
void meetings::meetinginfo(memberlist *&head, string dt ){
string meetingNum;
memberlist *currptr;
meetings *meetptr , *nnmeet ,*meetcurr, *meethead;
meethead= NULL;
if (currptr->meetnum == 0 ) {
meethead = new meetings; // <<< Error appears here!
meetingNum = currptr->UID;
meethead->UID = meetingNum;
meethead->timestp = dt;
system ("pause");
else {
nnmeet = new meetings;
meetcurr->link= nnmeet;
nnmeet->timestp = dt;
cout << "Meeting number : ";
using namespace std;
#include "memberlist.h"
#include "meeting.h"
int main(){
system("color f0");
memberlist *member,entermember;
meetings menu, *meet;
return 0;
}//End of main
This is the other class I refer to from the meetings class
class memberlist {
void createlinklist (memberlist *&head);
void displaylist (memberlist *&head);
memberlist *link;
string name[2];
string UID;
int meetnum;
void memberlist::createlinklist (memberlist *&head)
ifstream fin;
memberlist *currptr , *nnptr;
head = NULL;
fin.open ("members.txt");
while (fin)
head = new memberlist;
fin>>head->UID >> head->name[0] >> head->name[1];
head->meetnum = 0;
currptr = head;
nnptr = new memberlist;
currptr->link = nnptr;
fin>>nnptr->UID >> nnptr->name[0] >> nnptr->name[1];
nnptr->meetnum = 0;
currptr = nnptr;
currptr->link = NULL;
currptr = NULL;
void memberlist::displaylist (memberlist *&head)
//memberlist *meetptr;
cout << " Student information " << endl;
memberlist *currptr;
currptr = head;
//meetptr = meethead;
while (currptr->link!= NULL)
cout << setw(10) << left << currptr->UID << " " << currptr->name[0] <<" " <<
currptr->name[1] <<endl;
currptr= currptr->link;
The problem is that data member head is defined as a reference.
memberlist *&head;
The compiler is unbale to generate the default constructor becuase it does not know how to initialize the reference. You have to define the constructor yourself.
According to the C++ Standard
A defaulted default constructor for class X is defined as deleted if:
— any non-static data member with no brace-or-equal-initializer is of
reference type,
Also take into account that referebces can be initialized only in the ctor initializer. For example
meetings::meetings( memberlist * &ptr ) : head( ptr )
// possible some additional code
Or as it is said in the quote I cited in the class definition using brace-or-equal-initializer.
I was trying to build my own binary search tree. However , my tree is not getting built. Please see code below and help.
using namespace std;
class Binarytree
struct node
int data;
node *left;
node *right;
node *root;
void insertdata(node*,int);
void deletedata();
void printdata(node*);
void userprint(char);
void getdata(int);
cout<<"Setting root as NULL"<<endl;
void Binarytree::insertdata(node* temp3,int temp)
{ cout << "in insert data"<<endl;
node Dummy=node();
cout << "Data To be inserted is "<<temp <<endl;
if (temp3 == NULL)
{ cout<<"Found NULL ROOT"<<endl;
cout << "Entered a Data in tree"<<endl;
cout<<"Data in root"<<root->data<<endl;
else if (temp3->data > temp)
{ cout<<"Making a Left Recursive Call"<<endl;
{ cout<<"Making a right Recursive Call"<<endl;
void Binarytree::getdata(int check)
{ cout <<"in getdata"<<endl;
cout << "before insertdata"<<endl;
void Binarytree::printdata(node* printrt)
if (printrt ==NULL)
cout << "Nothing to print";
{ cout << printrt->data << endl;
void Binarytree::userprint(char in)
{ node* data;
if (in == 'Y' || in == 'y')
void main()
{ Binarytree element=Binarytree();
int userdata,i=0;
bool check = true;
{ cout <<"Please Enter your Data"<<endl;
cin >> userdata;
cout<<"FUnction returned to main"<<endl;
The very first value is not getting inserted in root pointer. I know there are lots of code available for doing this but if i don't code it my own I feel my learning will be limited.
So please help in figuring error in this code.
Having really tried to compile and there might be other problems... but
void Binarytree::insertdata(node* temp3,int temp)
void Binarytree::insertdata(node* &temp3,int temp)
so that the node created inside insertdata really modifies the outside pointer.
and change
node Dummy=node();
node *Dummy=new node();
As I said there might be other problems... you should worry about deleting nodes and all that...
Alternative you could create nodes outside of insertdata() and keep the same signature.
Anyway, good luck
The root cause (if you'll pardon the pun) is the way you're adding things to the root of the tree. Your code creates a temporary variable called Dummy on the stack and then takes its address. That's the first mistake because that temporary variable gets destroyed when the function ends.
The second problem is that in order to change the value of a pointer that you pass to a function, you have to pass a pointer to a pointer. In other words, your member function that was insertdata(node *, int) must become insertdata(node **, int)if you want to actually change the passed pointer rather than just a local copy as your original code had done.
To illustrate that fact, try this code.
#include <iostream>
int Y = 99;
void makeitsix(int n) {
n = 6;
void pointToY(int *ptr) {
ptr = &Y;
int main()
int x = 5;
int *p = &x;
std::cout << "x = " << x << ", *p = " << *p << std::endl;
std::cout << "x = " << x << ", *p = " << *p << std::endl;
return 0;
When makeitsix() gets called, it's only the local copy of n that is altered, and not the value of 5 that was originally passed in. Similarly, ptr in the pointToY() function is only altering a local copy of ptr and not p that was used to call the function from within main(). If it were not so, an invocation such as makeitsix(3) would lead to some very strange effects!
I took the liberty of changing things somewhat in your code to make it a little cleaner, including
giving the node structure its own constructor
creating an extractor for the Binarytree
removing the various diagnostic printout statements (for brevity)
making the tree printout look more like a tree with the root to the left and the branches extending rightward
made some member functions private
and a few other minor things. The complete working code is below:
class Binarytree
struct node
node(int d=0) : data(d), left(NULL), right(NULL) {};
int data;
node *left;
node *right;
node *root;
void insertdata(node**,int);
std::ostream& printdata(std::ostream &out, node*, int depth=0);
Binarytree() : root(NULL) {};
std::ostream &printTo(std::ostream &out);
void insert(int);
void Binarytree::insertdata(node** temp3,int temp)
node *Dummy=new node(temp);
if (*temp3 == NULL) {
} else if ((*temp3)->data > temp) {
} else {
void Binarytree::insert(int check)
std::ostream &Binarytree::printdata(std::ostream &out, node* printrt, int depth)
if (printrt != NULL)
printdata(out, printrt->left, depth+1);
for (int i = 0; i < depth; ++i)
out << '\t';
out << printrt->data << std::endl;
printdata(out, printrt->right, depth+1);
return out;
std::ostream &Binarytree::printTo(std::ostream &out)
return printdata(out, root);
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, Binarytree &b)
return b.printTo(out);
int main()
Binarytree element;
int userdata,i=0;
bool check = true;
std::cout << "Please Enter your Data" << std::endl;
std::cin >> userdata;
std::cout << "Tree:\n" << element << std::endl;
return 0;
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post.
Closed 9 years ago.
Improve this question
I'm totally at wit's end: I can't figure out how my dependency issues. I've read countless posts and blogs and reworked my code so many times that I can't even remember what almost worked and what didnt. I continually get not only redefinition errors, but class not defined errors. I rework the header guards and remove some errors simply to find others. I somehow got everything down to one error but then even that got broke while trying to fix it.
Would you please help me figure out the problem?
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include "card.h"
using namespace std;
// ====DECL======
abilities = 0;
flavorText = 0;
keywords = 0;
artifact = 0;
classType = new char[strlen("Card") + 1];
classType = "Card";
Card::~Card (){
delete name;
delete abilities;
delete flavorText;
artifact = NULL;
// ------------
Card::Card(const Card & to_copy)
name = new char[strlen(to_copy.name) +1]; // creating dynamic array
strcpy(to_copy.name, name);
type = to_copy.type;
color = to_copy.color;
manaCost = to_copy.manaCost;
abilities = new char[strlen(to_copy.abilities) +1];
strcpy(abilities, to_copy.abilities);
flavorText = new char[strlen(to_copy.flavorText) +1];
strcpy(flavorText, to_copy.flavorText);
keywords = new char[strlen(to_copy.keywords) +1];
strcpy(keywords, to_copy.keywords);
inPlay = to_copy.inPlay;
tapped = to_copy.tapped;
enchanted = to_copy.enchanted;
cursed = to_copy.cursed;
if (to_copy.type != ARTIFACT)
artifact = to_copy.artifact;
// ====DECL=====
int Card::equipArtifact(Artifact* to_equip){
artifact = to_equip;
Artifact * Card::unequipArtifact(Card * unequip_from){
Artifact * to_remove = artifact;
artifact = NULL;
return to_remove;
// put card in hand or in graveyard
int Card::enchant( Card * to_enchant){
to_enchant->enchanted = true;
cout << "enchanted" << endl;
int Card::disenchant( Card * to_disenchant){
to_disenchant->enchanted = false;
cout << "Enchantment Removed" << endl;
// ========DECL=====
currPower = basePower;
currToughness = baseToughness;
classType = new char[strlen("Spell") + 1];
classType = "Spell";
// ---------------
Spell::Spell(const Spell & to_copy){
currPower = to_copy.currPower;
basePower = to_copy.basePower;
currToughness = to_copy.currToughness;
baseToughness = to_copy.baseToughness;
// =========
int Spell::attack( Spell *& blocker ){
blocker->currToughness -= currPower;
currToughness -= blocker->currToughness;
int Spell::counter (Spell *& to_counter){
cout << to_counter->name << " was countered by " << name << endl;
// ============
int Spell::heal (Spell *& to_heal, int amountOfHealth){
to_heal->currToughness += amountOfHealth;
// -------
summoningSick = true;
// =====DECL======
color = NON;
classType = new char[strlen("Land") + 1];
classType = "Land";
// ------
int Land::generateMana(int mana){
// ... //
#ifndef CARD_H
#define CARD_H
#include <cctype>
#include <iostream>
#include "conception.h"
class Artifact;
class Spell;
class Card : public Conception
Card(const Card &);
char* name;
enum CardColor { WHITE, BLUE, BLACK, RED, GREEN, NON };
CardType type;
CardColor color;
int manaCost;
char* abilities;
char* flavorText;
char* keywords;
bool inPlay;
bool tapped;
bool cursed;
bool enchanted;
Artifact* artifact;
virtual int enchant( Card * );
virtual int disenchant (Card * );
virtual int equipArtifact( Artifact* );
virtual Artifact* unequipArtifact(Card * );
// ------------
class Spell: public Card
Spell(const Spell &);
virtual int heal( Spell *&, int );
virtual int attack( Spell *& );
virtual int counter( Spell*& );
int currToughness;
int baseToughness;
int currPower;
int basePower;
class Land: public Card
virtual int generateMana(int);
class Forest: public Land
int generateMana();
class Creature: public Spell
bool summoningSick;
class Sorcery: public Spell
conception.h -- this is an "uber class" from which everything derives
class Conception{
char* classType;
classType = new char[11];
char = "Conception";
game.cpp -- this is an incomplete class as of this code
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include "game.h"
#include "player.h"
card = 0;
delete card;
Battlefield::Battlefield(const Battlefield & to_copy){
// ===========
class Game(){
Player** player; // for multiple players
Battlefield* root; // for battlefield
getPlayerMove(); // ask player what to do
#ifndef GAME_H
#define GAME_H
#include "list.h"
class CardList();
class Battlefield : CardList{
Card* card; // make an array
class Game : Conception{
Player** player; // for multiple players
Battlefield* root; // for battlefield
getPlayerMove(); // ask player what to do
Battlefield* field;
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include "list.h"
// ==========
root = new Node;
classType = new char[strlen("LinkedList") + 1];
classType = "LinkedList";
delete root;
LinkedList::LinkedList(const LinkedList & obj)
// code to copy
// ---------
// =========
int LinkedList::delete_all(Node* root){
if (root = 0)
return 0;
root = 0;
int LinkedList::add( Conception*& is){
if (root == 0){
root = new Node;
root->next = 0;
Node * curr = root;
root = new Node;
root->it = is;
int LinkedList::remove(Node * root, Node * prev, Conception* is){
if (root = 0)
return -1;
if (root->it == is){
root->next = root->next;
return 0;
remove(root->next, root, is);
return 0;
Conception* LinkedList::find(Node*& root, const Conception* is, Conception* holder = NULL)
if (root==0)
return NULL;
if (root->it == is){
return root-> it;
holder = find(root->next, is);
return holder;
Node* LinkedList::goForward(Node * root){
if (root==0)
return root;
if (root->next == 0)
return root;
return root->next;
// ============
Node* LinkedList::goBackward(Node * root){
root = root->prev;
#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H
#include <iostream>
#include "conception.h"
class Node : public Conception {
Node() : next(0), prev(0), it(0)
{ it = 0;
classType = new char[strlen("Node") + 1];
classType = "Node";
delete it;
delete next;
delete prev;
Node* next;
Node* prev;
Conception* it; // generic object
// ----------------------
class LinkedList : public Conception {
LinkedList(const LinkedList&);
friend bool operator== (Conception& thing_1, Conception& thing_2 );
virtual int delete_all(Node*);
virtual int add( Conception*& ); //
virtual Conception* find(Node *&, const Conception*, Conception* ); //
virtual int remove( Node *, Node *, Conception* ); // removes question with keyword int display_all(node*& );
virtual Node* goForward(Node *);
virtual Node* goBackward(Node *);
Node* root;
// write copy constrcutor
// =============
class CircularLinkedList : public LinkedList {
// CircularLinkedList();
// ~CircularLinkedList();
// CircularLinkedList(const CircularLinkedList &);
class DoubleLinkedList : public LinkedList {
// DoubleLinkedList();
// ~DoubleLinkedList();
// DoubleLinkedList(const DoubleLinkedList &);
// END OF LIST Hierarchy
#include <iostream>
#include "player.h"
#include "list.h"
using namespace std;
root = 0;
delete card;
// ====DECL=========
delete fname;
delete lname;
delete deck;
delete mana;
delete rootL;
delete rootH;
// =====Player======
void Player::changeName(const char[] first, const char[] last){
char* backup1 = new char[strlen(fname) + 1];
strcpy(backup1, fname);
char* backup2 = new char[strlen(lname) + 1];
strcpy(backup1, lname);
if (first != NULL){
fname = new char[strlen(first) +1];
strcpy(fname, first);
if (last != NULL){
lname = new char[strlen(last) +1];
strcpy(lname, last);
return 0;
// ==========
void Player::seeStats(Stats*& to_put){
to_put->wins = stats->wins;
to_put->losses = stats->losses;
to_put->winRatio = stats->winRatio;
// ----------
void Player::displayDeck(const LinkedList* deck){
// ================
void CardList::findCard(Node* root, int id, NodeCard*& is){
if (root == NULL)
if (root->it.id == id){
copyCard(root->it, is);
findCard(root->next, id, is);
// --------
void CardList::deleteAll(Node* root){
if (root == NULL)
root->next = NULL;
// ---------
void CardList::removeCard(Node* root, int id){
if (root == NULL)
if (root->id = id){
root->prev->next = root->next; // the prev link of root, looks back to next of prev node, and sets to where root next is pointing
// ---------
void CardList::addCard(Card* to_add){
if (!root){
root = new Node;
root->next = NULL;
root->prev = NULL;
root->it = &to_add;
Node* original = root;
root = new Node;
root->next = original;
root->prev = NULL;
original->prev = root;
// -----------
void CardList::displayAll(Node*& root){
if (root == NULL)
cout << "Card Name: " << root->it.cardName;
cout << " || Type: " << root->it.type << endl;
cout << " --------------- " << endl;
if (root->classType == "Spell"){
cout << "Base Power: " << root->it.basePower;
cout << " || Current Power: " << root->it.currPower << endl;
cout << "Base Toughness: " << root->it.baseToughness;
cout << " || Current Toughness: " << root->it.currToughness << endl;
cout << "Card Type: " << root->it.currPower;
cout << " || Card Color: " << root->it.color << endl;
cout << "Mana Cost" << root->it.manaCost << endl;
cout << "Keywords: " << root->it.keywords << endl;
cout << "Flavor Text: " << root->it.flavorText << endl;
cout << " ----- Class Type: " << root->it.classType << " || ID: " << root->it.id << " ----- " << endl;
cout << " ******************************************" << endl;
cout << endl;
// -------
void CardList::copyCard(const Card& to_get, Card& put_to){
put_to.type = to_get.type;
put_to.color = to_get.color;
put_to.manaCost = to_get.manaCost;
put_to.inPlay = to_get.inPlay;
put_to.tapped = to_get.tapped;
put_to.class = to_get.class;
put_to.id = to_get.id;
put_to.enchanted = to_get.enchanted;
put_to.artifact = to_get.artifact;
put_to.class = to_get.class;
put.to.abilities = new char[strlen(to_get.abilities) +1];
strcpy(put_to.abilities, to_get.abilities);
put.to.keywords = new char[strlen(to_get.keywords) +1];
strcpy(put_to.keywords, to_get.keywords);
put.to.flavorText = new char[strlen(to_get.flavorText) +1];
strcpy(put_to.flavorText, to_get.flavorText);
if (to_get.class = "Spell"){
put_to.baseToughness = to_get.baseToughness;
put_to.basePower = to_get.basePower;
put_to.currToughness = to_get.currToughness;
put_to.currPower = to_get.currPower;
// ----------
#ifndef player.h
#define player.h
#include "list.h"
// ============
class CardList() : public LinkedList(){
virtual void findCard(Card&);
virtual void addCard(Card* );
virtual void removeCard(Node* root, int id);
virtual void deleteAll();
virtual void displayAll();
virtual void copyCard(const Conception*, Node*&);
Node* root;
// ---------
class Library() : public CardList(){
Card* card;
int numCards;
findCard(Card&); // get Card and fill empty template
// -----------
class Deck() : public CardList(){
enum deckColor { WHITE, BLUE, BLACK, RED, GREEN, MIXED };
char* deckName;
// ===============
class Mana(int amount) : public Conception {
Mana() : displayTotal(0), classType(0)
{ displayTotal = 0;
classType = new char[strlen("Mana") + 1];
classType = "Mana";
int accrued;
void add();
void remove();
int displayTotal();
inline Mana::add(){ accrued += 1; }
inline Mana::remove(){ accrued -= 1; }
inline Mana::displayTotal(){ return accrued; }
// ================
class Stats() : public Conception {
friend class Player;
friend class Game;
Stats() : wins(0), losses(0), winRatio(0) {
wins = 0; losses = 0;
if ( (wins + losses != 0)
winRatio = wins / (wins + losses);
winRatio = 0;
classType = new char[strlen("Stats") + 1];
classType = "Stats";
int wins;
int losses;
float winRatio;
void int getStats(Stats*& );
// ==================
class Player() : public Conception{
Player() : wins(0), losses(0), winRatio(0) {
fname = NULL;
lname = NULL;
stats = NULL;
CardList = NULL;
classType = new char[strlen("Player") + 1];
classType = "Player";
Player(const Player & obj);
// member variables
char* fname;
char* lname;
Stats stats; // holds previous game statistics
CardList* deck[]; // hold multiple decks that player might use - put ll in this
// member functions
void changeName(const char[], const char[]);
void shuffleDeck(int);
void seeStats(Stats*& );
void displayDeck(int);
// --------------------
class Wizard(Card) : public Player(){
Wizard() : { mana = NULL; rootL = NULL; rootH = NULL};
playCard(const Card &);
removeCard(Card &);
attackWithCard(Card &);
enchantWithCard(Card &);
disenchantWithCard(Card &);
healWithCard(Card &);
equipWithCard(Card &);
Mana* mana[];
Library* rootL; // Library
Library* rootH; // Hand
At least one of your problems is that in "player.h" you have
#ifndef player.h
#define player.h
"player.h" is not a legal pre-processor symbol. Did you mean
#ifndef player_h
#define player_h
Secondly, conception.cpp doesn't #include anything.
Third, your class definitions are largely invalid.
class Foo()
is not legal, nor is
class Foo() : public class Bar()
What does '()' have to do with a class name? Are you thinking of the constructor?
Then there is this
char = "Conception";
You can't assign a value to a type.
----- Feedback to help you clean up the code -----
. Choose a style
Or - if you are working with someone else's code, take theirs.
But stick with it.
A huge percentage of software defects that make it past initial development are there because they were hard to spot - missing semi-colons, missing {s around compound statements, etc. C.f. "CARD_H" vs "player.h".
. Inconsistency is the mother of most bugs
classType = new char[11];
char = "Conception";
You probably mean
classType = new char[11];
classType = "Conception";
but this is a memory leak and a bug waiting to happen. In Card:: you do it more correctly
name = new char[strlen(to_copy.name) +1]; // creating dynamic array
strcpy(to_copy.name, name);
The version you use elsewhere
classType = new ...
classType = "String";
allocates some memory, stores the address in classType. Then it looks up the variable of the compiled char* array "String\0" and stores it's address in classType instead.
When the class goes away, it will try to delete the static string and crash.
If this is a learning exercise and you're trying to learn about memory management, this general approach may be fair enough. But placing ownership of pointers in your classes like this is a sure-fire way to wind up with memory leaks and undefined behavior bugs.
It's best to encapsulate pointers in an RAII-style class (a class which owns the pointer and does the delete when it goes out of scope). Take a look into "std::unique_ptr", "std::shared_ptr" and "std::weak_ptr". For your purposes, "std::string" may help you reduce the number of defects by eliminating a lot of the managerial overhead.
. Try to avoid mixing initializer lists with assignment lists.
It's generally better to use one or the other. You can probably get away with using initializer lists when all of your members can be initialized that way, but if they can't, it may be better to use assignment.
Foo() : m_a(), m_b(), m_c() { m_b = 1; m_c = 2; } // is m_a not having a value a bug or intentional?
. Distinguish member variables from ordinary variables.
You're going to run into bugs where values dissapear on you as a result of shadowing: Shadowing variables
#include <iostream>
int i = 0;
int main() {
int i = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
int i = 2 * i;
std::cout << i << std::endl;
return 0;
when you don't distinguish your member variables (a lot of people use an "m_" prefix, others use a "_" suffix) this is GOING to happen to you frequently.
. Don't assign numeric values to pointers.
name = 0;
while this compiles, you're setting yourself up for less obvious cases appearing to be numbers and Bad Things Ensuing.
abilities = 0;
No, I'm superman, I have ALL the abilities.
abilities = 42;
Two more correct ways to do this would be
name = NULL; // Traditional C++
name = nullptr; // C++11
You've done this in someplaces, again consistency is failing you.
. (minor but it'll bite you in the ass in a few weeks) "it" is generally used to reference an "iterator", you might want to use "data" or "value" or "element".
. avoid making members of classes/objects public.
Your "Node" class looks incredibly buggy (the destructor deletes both prev and next???) and you can't tell, from looking at the class, how the "it" pointer gets set, presumably because that happens elsewhere. Where else do you tamper with the "it", prev and next pointers? Encapsulate.
. 'const' can be your friend (by being a pain in your ass)
if (to_get.class = "Spell"){
This will assign "Spell" to to_get.class, causing a memory leak and other issues, and then succeed -- "Spell" evaluates to a fixed const char* address, which is non-zero, which is therefore true.
(It also doesn't compile because 'class' is a keyword and the actual variable is 'className').
You can prevent this by protecting your actual members and only exposing them thru carefully chosen accessors.
const char* Class() const { return m_className; }
Let me break this one down:
const char* :- you cannot modify the contents,
Class() :- instead of to_get.class you'll use to_get.Class()
const :- this function does not have side-effects on the object
The last part means that it can be used on a const object.
class Beer {
bool m_isFull;
Beer() : m_isFull(true) {}
// non-const function, has side-effects (changes isFull);
void drink() { m_isFull = false; }
// const function, returns a copy of "m_isFull". you can
// change the value that's returned, but it doesn't affect us.
void isFull() const { return m_isFull; }
// example of a non-const accessor, if you REALLY want
// the caller to be able to modify m_isFull for some reason.
const bool& getIsFull() { return m_isFull; }
. Lastly: Learn to isolate concepts and algorithms.
A lot of the mistakes/bugs/errors in the code appear to be because you're not 100% with some of the nuances or even details. That's not unreasonable, but you need to find a way to be able to try out the little bits of the language.
Take a little time to learn to roll out micro-programs on something like ideone.com. If you are using Linux, make yourself a "srctest" directory with a "test.cpp" and "test.h" and a Makefile
all: srctest
srctest: srctest.cpp srctestextern.cpp srctest.h
g++ -o srctest -Wall -ggdb srctest.cpp srctestextern.cpp
#include "srctest.h"
#include <iostream>
// add your other includes here and just leave them.
int main() {
return 0;
// anything I want to test in a .h file here
#include "srctest.h"
// Anything you want to test having in a separate source file goes here.
If you're using visual studio, set yourself up something similar.
The idea is to have somewhere you can go and drop in a few lines of code and be comfortable stepping thru what you're trying in a debugger.
Being able to quickly localize problems is a key part of being a successful programmer as opposed to being an employed code monkey.
I'm currently writing a class for a program and this is what I'm attempting to accomplish...
Setup: Sets m_ptrEmployee to NULL and m_beginHour to hour.
AssignEmployee: Sets m_ptrEmployee to employee.
GetEmployeeName: Uses m_ptrEmployee and Employee.GetName to return the employees
name. Returns “UNALLOCATED”, if m_ptrEmployee is NULL.
Output: Uses m_ptrEmployee and Employee.GetName to display m_beginHour and the
employee’s name something like this, “8:00 - David Johnson” or like this, “8:00 -
UNALLOCATED”, if m_ptrEmployee is NULL.
Reset: Resets m_ptrEmployee to NULL.
GetIsSet: Returns true, if m_ptrEmployee is not NULL and false otherwise.
Here is my code...
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "Employee.h"
class Schedule
void Setup( int hour )
m_ptrEmployee = NULL;
m_beginHour = hour;
void AssignEmployee( Employee* employee )
m_ptrEmployee = employee;
string GetEmployeeName()
if (m_ptrEmployee = NULL)
return Employee.GetName()
void Output()
if (m_ptrEmployee = NULL)
cout>> m_beginHour>>"--">>"UNALLOCATED">>endl;
void Reset()
m_ptrEmployee = NULL;
bool GetIsSet()
if (m_ptrEmployee != NULL)
return true;
return false;
Employee* m_ptrEmployee;
int m_beginHour;
GetName() is included in a previous class and it is...
void Setup( const string& first, const string& last, float pay );
m_firstName = first;
m_lastName = last;
m_payPerHour = pay;
m_activeEmployee = true;
string GetName()
return m_firstName+""+m_lastName
I'm receiving multiple errors and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong? This is my first time attempting to write classes with pointers, so I apologize if my code is absolutely awful.
Here are some corrections:
In general, be careful with comparisons in C++. You can't use the intuitive = when comparing two things. You have to use ==. If you use =, it results in an assignment and not a test. Also, do not forget your semicolon ; at the end of a statement.
Bad comparison:
if (m_ptrEmployee = NULL) //Assigns NULL to m_ptrEmployee and then tests m_ptrEmployee
//Always false because m_ptrEmployee was just assigned NULL
Good comparison:
if (m_ptrEmployee == NULL) //Better. This is false only when m_ptrEmployee equals NULL
When you want to access a member of a class through a pointer (such as m_ptrEmployee), you have to use the -> operator like so: m_ptrEmployee->GetName()
Operator cout is used with the << operator, and not the >> operator.
I have annotated the places in your code where you made mistakes.
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "Employee.h"
class Schedule
void Setup( int hour )
m_ptrEmployee = NULL;
m_beginHour = hour;
void AssignEmployee( Employee* employee )
m_ptrEmployee = employee;
string GetEmployeeName()
if (m_ptrEmployee == NULL) //Comparison always takes double ==
return m_ptrEmployee->GetName(); //Use employee pointer with -> operator
void Output()
if (m_ptrEmployee == NULL) //Careful with comparisons. Always use ==, not =
cout << m_beginHour << "--" << "UNALLOCATED" << endl; //Operator << was the other way around. It's not >>, but << for cout
cout << m_beginHour << "--" << m_ptrEmployee->GetName() << endl;
void Reset()
m_ptrEmployee = NULL;
bool GetIsSet()
if (m_ptrEmployee != NULL)
return true;
return false;
Employee* m_ptrEmployee;
int m_beginHour;