Disable commas in cout? - c++

In a project I am currently working on I link to a proprietary dynamic library. As soon as I run the library's initialize function, the behavior of logging and printing of numbers changes.
Commas have been inserted at every third decimal. Ie.
cout << 123456789 << endl
used to print out 123456789 and now it prints 123,456,789. This is horribly annoying, because this behavior is not what I want.
After some research I suspect a locale issue. I have tried using this line of code after calling the initialize function
thinking it might reset my local to the default; but to no avail. The commas persist!!
What am I missing?
I have posted a related follow on question here.

You can set the locale for a stream, independent of the locale that's set with setlocale. Try std::cout.imbue(std::locale("C"));

If you just want to get rid of the commas, you could also replace the current std::numpunct which is probably causing it with the default one which does not override do_grouping.
std::cout.imbue(std::locale(std::cout.getloc(), new std::numpunct<char>()));


C++ Error-code <U+0013>

I have a function in C++ that I am testing, and after careful inspection I'm pretty sure everything is correct. However, I'm still getting a mysterious error relating to the "return" statement at the end of the function.
Where "population" is a real matrix (using the armadillo matrix package).
Looks like the error code represents a Unicode value. Check if the file is clean of characters which shouldn't be there (copy paste into notepad and then copy paste back).
You have accidentally managed to enter the Device Control 3 character (which has the unicode value U+0031) before return and after ;. The character is probably invisible for you, which is why you aren't seeing anything.
Replace those with spaces. You can probably turn your editor into some kind of "show invisibles" mode which might help.
If you are used to using Emacs keybindings and tried to Cx-s Cx-c to save and quit in another IDE ie Xcode it will insert odd unicode characters.

Store an Ascii char in an array in c++

first of all thanks for reading ^ ^
ok, so I'm making an easy menu for a console project
after I created the options I wanted to add the char(240) as another option but I can't figure out how to declare it I cant just write ≡ because Dev++ won't let me write it, the code is:
char *menu_list[6] = { " SYMBOL GOES HERE "," View ", " Edit ", " Search ", " Reset", " Quit " };
does anyone know how to do this? or if I'm doin it all wrong, can you tell me the right way to do it?
i'm forced to make it work on windows, i can
cout << char(240);
and it works right, but I cannot store that same symbol into menu_list
also I got the code from here
There was a deleted answer that had the correct response: use "\xf0" to represent the character.
Ordinarily you would need to know which code page is being used by Windows to know how a character code maps to a particular character on screen. However by doing the research yourself, you already know that the decimal value 240 represents the character you need. That decimal 240 is the same as hex f0, and the way to embed a hex literal value in a string is to prefix it with \x.
As noted in the link you posted, these codes correspond to code page 437. This is the one used by the command window in English versions of Windows; I'm not sure if alternate language versions of Windows use anything different. Calling this "extended ASCII" is confusing, since there have been many attempts to extend ASCII over the years and none of them are the same.

Linux Printing - How To

I find it hard to explain but I will try my best. Some times in Linux- in the Terminal- things get printed but you can still write over them. eg when using wget you get a progress bar like this:
[===================> ]
Now if you type something while it is doing this it will 'overwrite' it. My question is how to recreate this in c++.
Will you use something like
cout <<
or something else?
I hope you understand what I am getting at...
btw I am using the most recent version of Arch with xfce4
Printing a carriage return character \r is typically interpreted in Linux as returning you to the beginning of the line. Try this, for example:
std::cout << "Hello\rJ";
The output will be:
This does depend on your terminal, however, so you should look up the meaning of particular control characters for your terminal.
For a more cross-platform solution and the ability to do more complex text-based user interfaces, take a look at ncurses.
You can print the special character \b to go back one space. Then you can print a space to blank it out, or another character to overwrite what was there. You can also use \r to return to the beginning of the current output line and write again from there.
Controlling the terminal involved sending various escape sequences to it, in order to move the cursor around and such.
You could also use ncurses to do this.

C++ standard output format

I want to create a C++ console application that print some text to different parts of the console. For example in QBasic you can use:
print "hi"
And hi would be printed in column 8 line 5. In C++ when I use cout it always prints on the next line, and begins printing in the first column.
Is there any way I can do this?
C++ itself does not have this feature, it's I/O model is a fairly simple, sequential one.
If you want to do fancy cursor positioning, you'll need to output (for example) control characters which your terminal will recognise as special commands (such as ANSI or VT escape sequences), or use a library like curses (see ncurses here) which can do a lot of the grunt work for you, not just cursor positioning but also things like text mode windows and so forth.
A library, like ncurses can help you do this.

Clearing terminal in Linux with C++ code

Okay, I have been researching on how to do this, but say I am running a program that has a whole bit of output on the terminal, how would I clear the screen from within my program so that I can keep my program running?
I know I can just type clear in terminal and it clears it fine, but like I said, for this program it would be more beneficial for me.
I found something that works, however, I'm not sure what it is or what it is doing.
cout << "\033[2J\033[1;1H";
That works but I have no clue what it is, if you could explain it, than I would much appreciate it.
These are ANSI escape codes. The first one (\033[2J) clears the entire screen (J) from top to bottom (2). The second code (\033[1;1H) positions the cursor at row 1, column 1.
All ANSI escapes begin with the sequence ESC[, have zero or more parameters delimited by ;, and end with a command letter (J and H in your case). \033 is the C-style octal sequence for the escape character.
See here for the full roadshow.
Instead of depending on specific escape sequences that may break in unexpected situations (though accepting that trade-off is fine, if it's what you want), you can just do the same thing you'd do at your shell:
Though generally system() is to be avoided, for a user-interactive program neither the extra shell parsing nor process overhead is significant. There's no problem with shell escaping either, in this case.
You could always fork/exec to call clear if you did want to avoid system(). If you're already using [n]curses or another terminal library, use that.
For portability you should get the string from termcap's cl (clear) capability (Clear screen and cursor home). (Or use std::system("clear") as told by Roger Pate).
man 3 termcap (in ncurses)
man 5 termcap
set | grep TERMCAP
you can write in a terminal "clear > data" and read in data the escapes sequance
std::cout << "\033[H\033[2J\033[3J" ;