Jubula doesn´t recognize running AUT after upgrade to 2.0 - jubula

upgraded Jubula from 1.2 to 2.0 (latest), switched jar-file and run a clean. AUT is a RCP-Application, wich is installed via Java Web Start (Jubula executes a Batch-file).
After the upgrade Jubula starts the AUT -but when workbench is loaded Jubula does not recognize it and the progress "starting aut" continuous.
Thanks for any tips / hints

There are a couple of things to try when you can no longer test an RCP AUT after an upgrade:
Ensure the old org.eclipse.jubula.rc.rcp_[version].jar in your AUT's plugins directory is replaced with the new version from [jubula_install_directory]/development/rcp-support.zip
Ensure your AUT's configuration/config.ini file still references the Jubula remote control plugin: osgi.bundles=[your AUT's bundles],org.eclipse.jubula.rc.rcp#start
More information and more Q&A about this issue can be found on the Jubula forums.
There are also the occasional quirks to look out for. For example, my current AUT shows a splash dialog on startup, and I have to dismiss it before Jubula will connect. When you're running the AUT and Jubula ITE on the same machine, it does tricky things with focus and the AUT connection can get messed up quite easily in my experience.
I've also had times when the AUT name hasn't shown up in the Running AUTs view, but I can still perform object mapping and run test suites with no problems. If everything seems to be set up correctly, it's worth trying a couple of times in case it's just a quirk messing with you.

I know I'm late but it might help those lost souls who need to migrate to newer versions of Jubula;
Jubula is made up of 3 components:
1.) Eclipse UI-plugin (or testexec.exe)
2.) AUT agent
3.) RC-plugin as the dependency of the AUT (Remote Control)
They are released in bundles:
Jubula 6.0 with 1.2 feature
Jubula 8.0 with 2.3 feature (Java 7 only)
My experiences with different versions of these:
UI-plugin Agent RC Result
1.2 6.0 1.2 Works (of course)
1.2 8.0 1.2 Works
1.2 8.0 2.3 Can't see AUT
2.3 6.0 1.2 Sees AUT but won't do mapping/tests
2.3 6.0 2.3 Can't see AUT
2.3 8.0 1.2 Sees AUT but won't do mapping/tests
2.3 8.0 2.3 Works (of course)
The 2.3 Eclipse UI-plugin won't start without using Java 7 JRE.
But Fabian's problem must be this:
The RC also needs Eclipse e4 Platform.
It writes nothing to log files but it won't start if you export/run your application on RCP 3.x platform. Thus you need to migrate your entire app to e4.


Reanimated 2 compatibility with SDK 44

SDK Version: Expo 44.0.6
Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): Android / iOS
Tested versions of react-native-reanimated : 2.2.4, 2.3.1, 2.4.1, 2.5.0
I recently upgraded my expo bare native workflow app from SDK41 to 44 (following all blog guidelines) using expo upgrade.
I’m stuck with this error : App freezes on simulator or real device when remote debugger is active (Expo Modules, Apple Silicon M1) · Issue #14875 · expo/expo · GitHub
The crash on Android (with v2.3.1 compatible version given by expo) is :
A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x454c4b524f5777 in tid 30501 (create_react_co), pid 30355 (m.em.butterlink)
I’m using react native navigation v5, which requires reanimated to work.
If I understand well, “you can’t use remote debugging with 'turbomodules'”.
So first question, can I just have my code running in debug mode (updated without needing to rebuild with android studio) without remote debug ?
I tried to enable 'hermes' following Expo guidelines (in app.json) in my android project and to setup Flipper but crash is still there, how can I setup those two in a bare workflow project to solve this issue and be able to code in debug mode again ?

The specified Microsoft.NETCore.App', version '2.0.7' was not found

cannot start .NET Core app because of this error:
"It was not possible to find any compatible framework version
The specified framework 'Microsoft.NETCore.App', version '2.0.7' was not found.
- Check application dependencies and target a framework version installed at:
- Alternatively, install the framework version '2.0.7'.
The program '[1560] dotnet.exe' has exited with code -2147450749 (0x80008083)."
Editing .csproj didn't help. It looks like this:
You don't have the right .NET Core runtime installed. It's not good enough that's a .NET Core 2 runtime; it needs to be a minor version that is equal to or encompasses the version you're trying to target. You can see all the available runtimes here: https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/all. Specifically, you need 2.0 Runtime (v2.0.7) or higher. You can just choose 2.1, though. 2.0.7 will be rolled in and then, if you do end up upgrading your project later, you won't run into this issue again.
After playing around for a (longer) while, eventually it turned out that the solution is to comment out RuntimeFrameworkVersion in .csproj:
It is worth mentioning that the problem occured after my collegues upgraded a .NET Core to higher version and I did 'Get latest version'.

RubyMine fails to start on Yosemite

RubyMine won't start under Yosemite, no loading screen, no error message.
This seems to be caused by the default JVM that comes with Yosemite
EDIT This also seems to affect WebStorm
This solution is controversial - please read all of it before applying changes!
Open this file
Check the version of Java, most likely 1.8, by using java -version, you should see something like:
java version "1.8.0_20"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_20-b26)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.20-b23, mixed mode)
Open and edit
Or for WebStorm
Update the following key
RubyMine should now be good to go
Feedback on this solution
JetBrains do not recommend this solution as it will break autoupdating with patches. That tradeoff was acceptable for me as I just wanted to get going quickly and avoid installing Java 1.6.
The full discussion is here https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/entries/27854363-IDE-doesn-t-start-after-updating-to-Mac-OS-Yosemite-or-Mavericks
You shouldn't edit your plist file since it will prevent Rubymine from autoupdating. This is direct from their support pages:
Modifying Info.plist will break the application digital signature and prevent the patch updates. We do not recommend modifying Info.plist file to run under JDK 1.7 or 1.8.
Page located here:
The correct answer is to install Apple JDK 1.6
JDK 1.6 is required to run and may be missing on your system. Please install Apple JDK 1.6. There should be a window with the suggestion to install Java when you start the product for the first time, but it could be hidden by other application windows.
Apple JDK 1.6 download: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1572.
I have tried to down load the JDK 1.6, it works in my Mac.
Just install java for OS X, and it'll solve the issue.
Up till OS X El Capitan(10.11), this link solves. Or you can just google "java for osx", most probably first link will show you the right answer.

Windows CE 7.0 application unable to debbug in steps

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 for development for Motorola WR41N0, which has Windows CE 7.0 operating system. As program was initially used on Windows CE 5.0, I just changed settings to fit to new operating system. Everything is going ok, except debugging. I am able to set breakpoint and it stops on it, but I am unable to make steps (F10 key). I made a build for older device Motorola WT4090 with Windows CE 5.0 and it was running ok and I was also able to debug in steps. Then I switched devices and it deployed older version on new device. Its graphical interface didn't start, but I was able to debug start routine in steps. After rebuild and redeploy I wasn't able to debug in steps again. Please give me some advice what to do, thank you.
If you are developing using C/C++ you may need to install those patches on your VS machine:
(should be the same fix, but it's not easy to understand this on MSDN...)

c++/MFC, Upgrading from Crystal Reports 11 to 13

I am trying to upgrade my code from using Crystal Reports 11 to Crystal Reports 13, but I am having troubles since I can't find the craxdrt.dll on the new Crystal Reports 13 package.
I used to import craxdrt.dll then instantiate it as a COM component
#import "craxdrt.dll"
IApplicationPtr m_pCrystalEngine;
Any idea how can I upgrade my code ?!!
The RDC was deprecated in CR9 and stopped shipping as of CR XI R2 (11.5), which itself is out of support already.
A walkaround is to write a COM or C++/CLI interop layer based on the .Net version of Crystal Report.