c++ creating object inside the class - c++

I have created 2 classes.One is called Shape and its a virtual class.The other one is called Circle(I intend to create more of them like : triangle,square ....).I want to find circle area of the object,but that isnt important.Here is my problem.When I want to create an object like this :
vector<Shape *> mStack;
Shape *newShape = NULL;
newShape = new Circle(10.6);
I can create it in the main file without problems.But when I try to create a function of it inside the "Shape" class..like this:
void Shape::Create()
Shape *newShape = NULL;
newShape = new Circle(10.6);
I get following error: syntax error: identifier 'Circle'
... Here are my classes.
#pragma once
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Shape
vector<Shape *> mStack;
virtual double Circle_area() = 0;
#pragma once
#include "Shape.h"
class Circle : public Shape
double m_r;
Circle(double r);
double Create();
double Circle_area();
Where is the problem here? How can I create an object inside the parent class? I hope you understand what I am trying to say. Thanks for the help.

Your Design is now improper. By proper design, your shape could act as an abstract class or base class for the real circles or rectangles. If then your design will be.,
And in main() you could maintain, a list of shapes vector<Shape *> mStack; which will not create problem. But you must not create circle or rectangle in shape. Thats a wrong design in my point of view.

Your base class is more than weird.
a base class should have virtual destructor
having a collection of itself is suspect for overreaching (you might have a CompositeShape down the hierarchy...)
It has a function named as a subclass. (could be shape_area() or just area())
Your implementation trouble is coming from this too: if the collection is not in shape, then create would not want to fill it, and problem gone.
From the provided info it's not clear where the content of create should go, may be the app, or may be some specific complex shape -- those could simply include all the required headers.


I cant acces functions of a base class

Currently, I am learning c++ and just for fun, I wanted to code a little chess game (without an AI of course). I use visual studio community aside and SFML 2.5 as a renderer and for graphical objects. I tried to make a model called "figure" for all figures. So I have a figure class that inherits from sfml sprite (a drawable) and a pawn class f.e. that inherits from the figure. Sf:: sprite -> figure-> pawn/queen/tower etc... but for some reason, I can't use the pawn as a sprite, for example, I can't draw it with the draw function of my windowRenderer.
But the function documentation says it requires a drawable object. I get an error message that says something like: the conversation in the base class that is not accessible is not valid. Have I done something wrong or is it not possible to use a sprite like this. Here are my constructors because I think I its most likely I made an error there. I have only coded in java so far so the separation into header and implementation file is a little foreign for me also the constructor syntax is different.
class figure : sf::Sprite {
figure(int startPosition);
void changeImage(std::string);
void dissapear();
void loadImage(std::string);
sf::Image img;
figure::figure(int startPosition):sf::Sprite(){
class pawn :
public figure
pawn(int startPosition);
void move(bool canBeat, bool isAsStart);
pawn::pawn(int startPosition):figure (startPosition)
in main.cpp:
pawn pawn1(position);
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(sets.windowX, sets.windowY), "frame");
Try this
class figure : public sf::Sprite
Inheritence for classes is private by default.

Access to a method of Object C in an Object B both created by Object A

I think the problem is quite basic and there was the same Question for sure somewhere here but i wasn't able to find.
So here is the Problem. Top has access to MyCircle and calls the SetSize function. But MyCircle has no access to MyRect.
I am able to access MyRect if i am providing a pointer to MyRect within the Constructor of MyCircle, but i think there should be another way. Maybe i just got it wrong at all :( Thanks for your help.
in the
class Top{
Rect myRect;
Circle myCircle;
void Run();
class Rect{
int size;
class Circle{
int size;
void SetSize(int buffer);
void Circle::SetSize(int buffer){
myRect.Size = buffer;
void Top:Run(){
Don't pass a rectangle to a circle class, the circle should have no knowledge about the rectangle (or vice versa).
Instead make a function in Top using both the circle and rect and act on that.
I don't know exactly what you want to do, but suppose you want to set the sizes equally. Than make e.g. a SetSize method in Top setting the sizes for both the circle and rectangle:
class Top{
Rect myRect;
Circle myCircle;
void Run();
void SetSize(int size)
where SetSize is implemented as:
myCircle.size = size;
It's always better to put code handling multiple derived objects in the base class instead of in one of the children. If there will be too much (or unrelated) functionality in the base class, create a different class (like SizeHandler).
btw, it's better not to use public properties but always get/set methods.

How to "skip" certain child class functions

I wasn't sure how to exactly title this, but I am trying to figure out something with polymorphism.
So basically, I want to have an array of the parent class (object) that holds a bunch of it's child classes (ones that are and aren't collidable). However, I want to be able to put this array into a loop and run the collision function for only the collidable child class, but since the other child class doesn't have a collide function, how can I do this?
(Looks something like this)
class Object
Image image; // Pseudo code to make point
void Collision() = 0;
class Collidable : Object
Position myPosition; // Pseudo code to make point
void Collision(); // Has collision function for parent class
class Uncollidable : Object
Position myPosition; // Pseudo code to make point
// No collision function for parent class
int main()
Collidable collide1, collide2, collide3;
Uncollidable uncollide1, uncollide2, uncollide3;
Object *objects[] { collide1, collide2, uncollide1, uncollide2, uncollide3, collide3 };
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
objects[i].Collide(); // Should not work.
return 0;
^(this was just an example to help show my question, do pardon some of the syntax errors if any)
I'm pretty sure, however, that something like this would be an error since void Collide() doesn't exist in the Uncollidable class. So how might I be able to still run the void Collide() function in the loop while avoiding error? Or is something like this impossible and I just have to make two separate arrays?
I hope I explained my question well.
(I tried to research this, but every time I tried I just got sent to the basics of polymorphism)
You can just do this:
for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
Collidable c = dynamic_cast<Collidable*>(objects[i]);
if(c != nullptr) // dynamic_cast will return null if objects[i] is not of type Collidable
c->Collide(); // Should work.
In your code there is one bug, you have made Collide() pure virtual in class Object, but you are not overriding it in Uncollidable. It will not work. Either override it in Uncollidable (which is inappropriate), or give a default body to Object::Collide() (which is inappropriate also).
There is a better design, put all the common interface in Object, separate out different behaviors in other interface. It will lead to good OO design ( compliant with IS-A relationship)
class Object
Image image; // Pseudo code to make point
//other common interface
class Collidable // this is an interface that represent 'collidable' behavior
virtual void Collision() = 0;
class CollidableObject : public Object, public Collidable
{ ... }
class UncollidableObject : public Object
{ ... }
Note: Object must be inherited publicly, otherwise you will not be able to treat object os CollidableObject and UncollidableObject as object of Object.

Creating a new object by calling the new constructor with a string

I was recently in a job interview and my interviewer gave me a modeling question that involved serialization of different shapes into a file.
The task was to implements shapes like circle or rectangles by first defining an abstract class named Shape and then implements the various shapes (circle, rectangle..) by inheriting from the base class (Shape).
The two abstract methods for each shape were: read_to_file (which was supposed to read the shape from a file) and write_to_file which supposed to write the shape into a file.
All was done by the implementation of that virtual function in the inherited shape (Example: For Circle I was writing the radius, for square I saved the side of the square....).
class Shape {
string Shape_type;
virtual void write_into_file()=0;
virtual void read_into_files()=0;
Shape() {
virtual ~Shape() {
class Square: public Shape {
int size;
Square(int size) {
this->size = size;
void write_into_file() {
//write this Square into a file
void read_into_files() {
//read this Square into a file
That was done in order to see if I know polymorphism.
But, then I was asked to implement two functions that take a vector of *shape and write/read it into a file.
The writing part was easy and goes something like that:
for (Shape sh : Shapes) {
as for the reading part I thought about reading the first word in the text (I implemented the serializable file like a text file that have this line: Shape_type: Circle, Radius: 12; Shape_type:Square...., so the first words said the shape type). and saving it to a string such as:
string shape_type;
Then I needed to create a new instance of that specific shape and I thought about something like a big switch
case Circle: return new circle;
case Square: return new square
And then, the interviewer told me that there is a problem with this implementation
which I thought was the fact that every new shape the we will add in the future we should also update int that big swicht. he try to direct me into a design pattern, I told him that maybe the factory design pattern will help but I couldn't find a way to get rid of that switch. even if I will move the switch from the function into a FactoryClass I will still have to use the switch in order to check the type of the shape (according to the string content i got from the text file).
I had a string that I read from the file, that say the current type of the shape. I wanted to do something like:
string shape_type;
Shape s = new shape_type; //which will be like: Shape s = new Circle
But I can't do it in c++.
Any idea on what I should have done?
In you factory you could map a std::string to a function<Shape*()>. At startup you register factory methods will the factory:
shapeFactory.add("circle", []{new Circle;});
shapeFactory.add("square", []{new Square;});
shapeFactory.add("triangle", []{new Triangle;});
In your deserialization code you read the name of the type and get its factory method from the factory:
std::string className = // read string from serialization stream
auto factory = shapeFactory.get(className);
Shape *shape = factory();
You've now got a pointer to the concrete shape instance which can be used to deserialize the object.
EDIT: Added more code as requested:
class ShapeFactory
std::map<std::string, std::function<Shape*()> > m_Functions;
void add(const std::string &name, std::function<Share*()> creator)
m_Functions.insert(name, creator)
std::function<Shape*()> get(const std::string &name) const
return m_Functions.at(name);
NOTE: I've left out error checking.
In C++, with
for (Shape sh : Shapes) {
you have object slicing. The object sh is a Shape and nothing else, it looses all inheritance information.
You either need to store references (not possible to store in a standard collection) or pointers, and use that when looping.
In C++ you would to read and write some kind of type tag into the file to remember the concrete type.
A virtual method like ShapeType get_type_tag() would do it, where the return type is an enumeration corresponding to one of the concrete classes.
Thinking about it, though, the question was probably just getting at wanting you to add read and write functions to the interface.
You could create a dictionary of factory functions keyed by a shape name or shape id (shape_type).
// prefer std::shared_ptr or std::unique_ptr of course
std::map<std::string, std::function<Shape *()>> Shape_Factory_Map;
// some kind of type registration is now needed
// to build the map of functions
RegisterShape(std::string, std::function<Shape *()>);
// or some kind of
// then instead of your switch you would simply
//call the appropriate function in the map
Shape * myShape = Shape_Factory_Map[shape_type]();
In this case though you still have to update the creation of the map with any new shapes you come up with later, so I can't say for sure that it buys you all that much.
All the answers so far still appear to have to use a switch or map somewhere to know which class to use to create the different types of shapes. If you need to add another type, you would have to modify the code and recompile.
Perhaps using the Chain of Responsibility Pattern is a better approach. This way you can dynamically add new creation techniques or add them at compile time without modifying any already existing code:
Your chain will keep a linked list of all the creation types and will traverse the list until it finds the instance that can make the specified type.
class Creator{
Creator*next; // 1. "next" pointer in the base class
next = 0;
void setNext(Creator*n)
next = n;
void add(Creator*n)
if (next)
next = n;
// 2. The "chain" method in the Creator class always delegates to the next obj
virtual Shape handle(string type)
Each subclass of Creator will check if it can make the type and return it if it can, or delegate to the next in the chain.
I did create a Factory in C++ some time ago in which a class automatically registers itself at compile time when it extends a given template.
Available here: https://gist.github.com/sacko87/3359911.
I am not too sure how people react to links outside of SO but it is a couple of files worth. However once the work is done, using the example within that link, all that you need to do to have a new object included into the factory would be to extend the BaseImpl class and have a static string "Name" field (see main.cpp). The template then registers the string and type into the map automatically. Allowing you to call:
Base *base = BaseFactory::Create("Circle");
You can of course replace Base for Shape.

benefits of interface c++?

look at this code
using namespace std;
//Shape is an Interface Class. No data and everything pure virtual
class Shape {
virtual void Area(int length, int breadth) = 0;
virtual void Perimeter(int length, int breadth) = 0;
//Note, no data
//Derived class - Inherits Shape as Public
class Rectangle : public Shape {
void Area(int length, int breadth);
void Perimeter(int length, int breadth);
int someData;
//Derived class - Inherits Shape as Public
class Triangle : public Shape {
void Area(int length, int breadth);
void Perimeter(int length, int breadth);
int someData;
int main()
Rectangle r;
Triangle t;
return 0;
void Rectangle::Area(int length, int breadth)
cout<<"\nThe Area of Rectangle for length = "<<length<<" and\
breadth = "<<breadth<<" is "<<(length * breadth)<<endl;
void Rectangle::Perimeter(int length, int breadth)
cout<<"\nThe Perimeter of Rectangle for length = "<<length<<" and\
breadth = "<<breadth<<" is "<<2 * (length + breadth)<<endl;
void Triangle::Area(int length, int breadth)
cout<<"\nThe Area of Triangle for length = "<<length<<" and\
breadth = "<<breadth<<" is "<<(length * breadth)/2<<endl;
void Triangle::Perimeter(int length, int breadth)
cout<<"\nThe Perimeter of Triangle for length = "<<length<<" and\
breadth = "<<breadth<<" is "<<(length * breadth)/3<<endl;
I use interface in the code , but my question is what i should use it and what is the benefits from it , no performance , no real needed it , why i should i use it ( the interfaces ) . what is the point to use it , an you explain it please .
and thank you !
Abstract interfaces separate the interface from the implementation. Just as pimpl idiom it
decreases compilation time, and
lets you change the implementation without breaking the ABI.
Both are important advantages in large programs.
An interface could be used to have, say, a vector of different Shape objects. Otherwise you couldn't have a collection that mixes triangles and rectangles for example. Or another class could have a Shape member, which could then either be a triangle or rectangle. These are just some examples.
Let me give a concrete example. Say you have an interface called Car. Imagine you want to have a class Garage that has room for a single Car. You've implemented different types of cars, that all use the Car interface. Then the Garage class could be something like:
class Garage {
Car getCar(); // returns _theCar
Car _theCar:
A common mistake when programming C++ (and other object oriented languages) is to use inheritance too much. Interfaces is inheritance done right. The reason is that the strength of interfaces is to be able to handle objects of different type in another system as if they were the same type. Triangle and Circle can both be Shapes for instance and can be passed to a graphics engine for drawing on the screen.
The reason interfaces are 'better' than inheritance that also includes inherited functionality is that it quickly becomes very hard to understand what a class really does, to debug it and verify that the internal state of the objects cannot be destroyed by using the external methods.
The need for this type of structure where you use interfaces more than sporadically is hard to motivate in a small example, but becomes obvious when a projects grows big. Besides making things like I describes above possible they are also good to make it easier to test the program since you can then replace the implementation of part of your program (lets say the database access for instace) with a stubbed implementation and by doing that enable you to write automatic tests that verifies other parts of the program (processing the data for instance)
There are no performance reasons to choose interface over direct access to members, rather the opposite since you will call methods that are virtual. This is however a very minor performance penalty in the majority of cases.
Have a look here for more on C++ MI - Why should I avoid multiple inheritance in C++?.
Building up on the "3 Interfaces" section and ybungalobill's answer, consider the typical Observer pattern:
class MyClass : public IScreenListener
// Overriding from IScreenListener
void OnScreenOn()
// do as you like
void OnScreenOff()
// do as you like
Here, the IScreenListener interface provides the two pure virtual methods OnScreenOff and OnScreenOn which are to be implemented in your code. This example is based on Bada's screen listener: it allows you to get notified by such events.
Of course, there are other benefits. Like hiding a code library implementation details from its users, and more.
Interfaces (Pure Abstract classes) provide general functionality. In your example, the class Shape is generic. Which means you cannot have a actual instance (or object) from the class Shape. Where as you can say a Rectangle is a Shape or a Triangle is a Shape. You cannot calculate Area or Perimeter of a Shape unless you know what Shape it is.
Interfaces (Pure Abstract classes) enforce a protocol that a class that is derived from it must implement all of its methods. Otherwise, it also becomes an interface. Interfaces pointers can be sent to functions or other classes and from there you can call the actual derived classes functionality.
For example, if there is a class called Animal from where you derive all animals like dogs, snakes, humans etc, you can send the array of Animal pointers (which are actually instances of it's derived classes) and then call the functionality like Run(), Walk(), Eat() etc. Animal in this case is generic class.