How to create a Playstation Portable (PSP) Homebrew App [closed] - c++

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm having some trouble starting out with PSP Homebrew. I purchased a PSP 1001 model and successfully hacked it, but I'm having some trouble getting some information about how to start out creating a custom homebrew app.
I want to create an app that mimics the 'TV-B-Gone' - essentially, it just goes through each of the codes for turning TV's off, or on, and throws the code out through the IR reciever on the 1000 model.
I've found information that you can use Javascript, but don't get any REAL native functions, Actionscript, Lua, and C/C++. I know C and C++, and both apparently offer the ability to access all aspects of the hardware.
I was wondering if anyone would have any advice on how to create a homebrew app. I've created some C++/C applications, but am I able to just put those onto my PSP, or is there a sdk or protocol I have to go through?
I've done some looking around, and all of the sites that people recommend are a couple of years old, and most are now owned by different people and don't offer the tutorials anymore.
Also, would anyone know how to code the transmission out through the IR transceiver on PSP?
Thanks a ton guys, I know this is an old topic that not many people are looking into currently, so any help is appreciated.
TL:DR - Does anyone know any good tutorials for starting PSP homebrew app creation in C++ or C, and does anyone know how to send a code out of the IR module on PSP 1000's in C++ or C?


advice for naming GCP projects [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am building a mobile dating app and plan to leverage google's cloud infrastructure.
I'm trying to figure out whether the entire application should live in a single GCP project or not.
On reading the best practices documentation I can see they advise the following naming convention:
[company tag]-[group tag]-[system name]-[environment (dev, test, uat, stage, prod)]
So should I split all the core components of the application between different projects? For example one for the data science matching algorithm (fizz-ds-matching-dev) and one for the android application? Or should I jam it all in one project?
Looking to follow best practices...
You're asking for some heat here. What to call things is probably as confrontational as asking vim or emacs!
As an employee of a large company where I oversee like 50 GCP projects my advice would be pick a naming scheme that lets your i-dont-have-time-for-this-kubernetes-gke-yaml-shit developer/pm/boss man find the project they want in 8 key presses or less.
A scheme which has worked well for me is: org-app-environment which is fairly close to what google recommends. I imagine your ops, so dont try to be clever with your naming scheme. Even though your users are dev, they're still users. If it takes them more than 5 seconds to find their project, they will do whatever the equivalent of an Arab spring is in the software world.
You need to find the nirvana of if the new guy is using this, is it easy to filter and find and is it quick to identify wtf is running there.
I recommend org-app-environment. Drop the org if you only have one, otherwise keep it.
Gods speed ops man.

Why should I use ember js [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I just became familiar with ember js and came to know that I have to build ember app and deploy the dist folder to my server. As I join new job and they were already using ember so I have to use it but I figured out some thing very bad. I wanted to share and ask for clarification.
It creates one large js file which was near 2MB and will increase as modules usage and features will increase.
As it is compiled to one file I cannot figure out which feature was broken and I have to look at it in the latest release or some thing like that.
While developing when I run the ember server it kills me when it is taking time.
Please let me know if you know some good points about ember also the bad points.
Before this question gets closed, let me slip in some thoughts:
It creates one large js file which was near 2MB and will increase as modules usage and features will increase.
Yes, it does. Basically, Ember is large. People have been exploring approaches to this for years, but AFAIK there is no silver bullet at the moment.
As it is compiled to one file I cannot figure out which feature was broken and I have to look at it in the latest release or some thing like that.
I don't understand this part of your question. Perhaps you could provide details on a specific case.
While developing when I run the ember server it kills me when it is taking time.
It's most likely the build process, not the server, which is slow. There are some approaches to solving this, including running the Windows console in administrator mode, which you can find by googling for "ember build slow". Here's a possibly out-of-date SO question on the topic. The simplest approach is to get a faster machine with SSD, and/or work on Mac/Linux.
Please let me know if you know some good points about ember also the bad points.
Many people love Ember. Many people hate it. Many people have a love-hate relationship with it. It appears that the current Ember adoption rate is in the low-to-mid single digits. Draw your own conclusions.

How to compile C++ code for Roku? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have an android streaming client application which uses Java and cpp code. I want to port my application to Roku. I understand that Roku recommends only BrightScript for apps development.
1) According to this link (C/C++ development in Roku), gaming application can be written in cpp using marmalade and compiled for Roku.
2) But this link (How feasible is Roku app development with Marmalade?) clearly says marmalade can not be used for streaming application.
3) My questions are
(A) Is it possible to compile cpp for for roku?
(B) Where can I find the toolchain for building?
(C) If UI is developed using BrightScript, how can I call cpp functions from it?
You can't. Not independently from Roku Inc anyway - you will need a very close collaboration from them, which means you should be able to persuade their business development/partners department you are worth time and money. In other words, your company better be a household name.
You cannot "find" the C toolchain, it may only be bestowed to you by the Co on individual basis, after approval and under NDA.
If you don't have special relationship (project/contract) with Roku Inc, for non-games you can only develop in BrightScript. It's a mandate, not recommendation.
Specifically for your case, best option seems to be to use the already existing streaming formats/components the Roku API already provides. BrightScript is a script language, not fast enough to write a codec.
You have to use brightscript for Roku Streaming applications.

Being a beginner programmer, how do I start making desktop applications? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm not sure if I came to the proper website to ask this question, but I'll give it a try...
I'm a teenager (getting 17 this year in June) in high school, where I have been studying the basics of C++ for an year... I want to become a programmer in the future, but I feel sort of... lost when it comes about what I should do next. I'm not satisfied with what they teach us at school.
So my question is: How do I start making simple desktop apps using the C++ programming language?
I'm not that idiotic kid that believes he can make the next big video game over the summer, without any previous programming experience. Nooooo... I'm talking about simple programs, like a text editor, or a drawing application, or maybe a simple Tetris clone...
My suggestions:
Start with simple console programs, get the content working first.
Read up on GUI frameworks. Write a simple program to display a
window. Add simple features after the window is displayed, one a time
after testing.
Read up on multiple threads. This prevents "lock up" on your GUI
while other processing is occurring.
Read up on "Model View Controller" design pattern.
Good Luck!
You tagged C++ so I would check out they have a lot of great content. You'll want to get familiar with classes, variables, functions, memory management, et cetera before you move on to APIs & frameworks in Windows development or iPhone.
After you've got a firm grip on the basics I would pick up a solid book, many of them out there--read the reviews. I personally went on the path of iOS development first and picked up iOS Programming by Big Nerd Ranch.
Again, though pick up the basics first. Good luck, and search this site for answers you'll most definitely have.

Looking to develop my own small C++ browser that basically will display HTML, Javascript, and Flash, where to start? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking to start developing a browser (operating system isn't an issue, but preferring Linux or Windows). I'm just trying to figure out where to start. I know Visual Studio lets you drop a lightweight IE component into it, but I don't want IE's issues. I was hoping to start with a very basic mozilla build, but I cant seem to find one anywhere.
Does anyone know where I can find a good open source starting point OR how to start this on my own?
If you're not opposed to using Qt, then Qt's Webkit implementation could be a fairly clean start for cross-platform work:
Note in particular the "Fancy Browser" sample:
There are many customizations possible and ways of hooking the engine. There's also support for Flash, though I've not tried that:
Although you can use Qt with other compilers/IDEs, the quickest way to get started is with Qt Creator. After installing it there should only be a few clicks needed to get the QtWebkit examples building, on either Windows or Linux: