GPS coordination interpolation/smoothing - c++

I'm looking for a suitable algorithm to interpolate and smooth 1Hz GPS logged (on file) coordinations up to 60Hz.
While I've found a couple of interpolation algorithms, I couldn't locate a suitable smoothing algorithm which handles interpolation as well.
ALGLIB sounds good for interpolation- but what for smoothing?

Since GPS cooridinates are already heavily Kalmann filtered, i would only apply a linear interplation between to coordiantes.
Smoothing makes the positions wrong. When the device moves, coordinates are already smooth. There is usually no need to smooth further.
If you have problems when the device is standing still, then remove that positions.
Consider using a running average filter to smooth data, Set filter window to 0,5 -1s; current position is at center of window. Delay will be half window size.
Depending on the implementation you will use the first half window, and the last. (Which would not be a problem)


GLSL truncated signed distance representation (TSDF) implementation

I am looking forward to implement a model reconstruction of RGB-D images. Preferred on mobile phones. For that I read, it is all done with an TSDF-representation. I read a lot of papers now over hierarchical structures and other ideas to speed this up, but my problem is, that I still hat no clue how to actually implement this representation.
If I have a volume grid of size n, so n x n x n and I want to store in each voxel the signed distance, weight and color information. My only guess is, that I have to build a discrete set of points, for each voxel position. And with GLSL "paint" all these points and calculate the nearest distance. But that don't seem quite good or efficient to calculate this n^3 times.
How can I imagine to implement such a TSDF-representation?
The problem is, my only idea is to render the voxel grid to store in the data of signed distances. But for each depth map I have to render again all voxels and calculate all distances. Is there any way to render it the other way around?
So can't I render the points of the depth map and store informations in the voxel grid?
How is the actual state of art to render such a signed distance representation in an efficient way?
You are on the right track, it's an ambitious project but very cool if you can do it.
First, it's worth getting a good idea how these things work. The original paper identifying a TSDF was by Curless and Levoy and is reasonably approachable - a copy is here . There are many later variations but this is the starting point.
Second, you will need to create nxnxn storage as you have said. This very quickly gets big. For example, if you want 400x400x400 voxels with RGB data and floating point values for distance and weight then that will be 768MB of GPU memory - you may want to check how much GPU memory you have available on a mobile device. Yup, I said GPU because...
While you can implement toy solutions on CPU, you really need to get serious about GPU programming if you want to have any kind of performance. I built an early version on an Intel i7 CPU laptop. Admittedly I spent no time optimising it but it was taking tens of seconds to integrate a single depth image. If you want to get real time (30Hz) then you'll need some GPU programming.
Now you have your TSFD data representation, each frame you need to do this:
1. Work out where the camera is with respect to the TSDF in world coordinates.
Usually you assume that you are the origin at time t=0 and then measure your relative translation and rotation with regard to the previous frame. The most common way to do this is with an algorithm called iterative closest point (ICP) You could implement this yourself or use a library like PCL though I'm not sure if they have a mobile version. I'd suggest you get started without this by just keeping your camera and scene stationary and build up to movement later.
2. Integrate the depth image you have into the TSDF This means updating the TSDF with the next depth image. You don't throw away the information you have to date, you merge the new information with the old.
You do this by iterating over every voxel in your TSDF and :
a) Work out the distance from the voxel centre to your camera
b) Project the point into your depth camera's image plane to get a pixel coordinate (using the extrinsic camera position obtained above and the camera intrinsic parameters which are easily searchable for Kinect)
c) Lookup up the depth in your depth map at that pixel coordinate
d) Project this point back into space using the pixel x and y coords plus depth and your camera properties to get a 3D point corresponding to that depth
e) Update the value for the current voxel's distance with the value distance_from_step_d - distance_from_step_a (update is usually a weighted average of the existing value plus the new value).
You can use a similar approach for the voxel colour.
Once you have integrated all of your depth maps into the TSDF, you can visualise the result by either raytracing it or extracting the iso surface (3D mesh) and viewing it in another package.
A really helpful paper that will get you there is here. This is a lab report by some students who actually implemented Kinect Fusion for themselves on a PC. It's pretty much a step by step guide though you'll still have to learn CUDA or similar to implement it
You can also check out my source code on GitHub for ideas though all normal disclaimers about fitness for purpose apply.
Good luck!
After I posted my other answer I thought of another approach which seems to match the second part of your question but it definitely is not reconstruction and doesn't involve using a TSDF. It's actually a visualisation but it is a lot simpler :)
Each frame you get an RGB and a Depth image. Assuming that these images are registered, that is the pixel at (x,y) in the RGB image represents the same pixel as that at (x,y) in the depth image then you can create a dense point cloud coloured using the RGB data. To do this you would:
For every pixel in the depth map
a) Use the camera's intrinsic matrix (K), the pixel coordinates and the depth value in the map at that point to project the point into a 3D point in camera coordinates
b) Associate the RGB value at the same pixel with that point in space
So now you have an array of (probably 640x480) structures like {x,y,z,r,g,b}
You can render these using on GLES just by creating a set of vertices and rendering points. There's a discussion on how to do this here
With this approach you throw away the data every frame and redo from scratch. Importantly, you don't get a reconstructed surface, and you don't use a TSDF. You can get pretty results but it's not reconstruction.

Take a image of a tube that alway spin around in openCV C++

First of all, sorry for my bad English,
I have an object like following picture, the object always spin around a horizontal axis. Anybody can recommend me how to I can take a photo that's full label of tube when the tube is spinning ? I can take a image from my camera via OpenCV C++, but when I'm trying to spin the tube around, I can't take a perfect photo (my image is blurry, not clearly).
My tube is perfectly facing toward camera. Its rotating speed is about 500 RPM.
Hope to get your help soon,
Thank you very much!
this is my object:
Some sample images:
Here my image when I use camera of Ip5 with flash:
Motion blur
this can be improved by lowering the exposure time but you need to increase light conditions to compensate. Most modern compact cameras can not set the exposure time directly (so the companies can sold the expensive profi cameras) even if it is just few lines of GUI code but if you increase the light the automatic exposure should lower on its own.
In industry this problem is solved by special TDI cameras like
HAMAMATSU TDI Line Scan Cameras
The TDI means Time delay integration which means the camera CCD pixels are passing its charge to the next pixel synchronized with the motion. This results in effect like you would move the camera synchronously with your object surface. The blur is still present but much much smaller (only a fraction of real exposure time)
In computer vision and DIP you can de-blur the image by deconvolution process if you know the movement properties (which you know) It is inversion of gaussian blur filter with use of FFT and optimization process to find the inverse filter.
Out of focus blur
This is due the fact your surface is curved and camera chip is not. So outer pixels have different distance to chip then the center pixels. Without special optics you can handle this by Line cameras. Of coarse I do not expect you got one so you can use your camera for this too.
Just mount your camera so one of the camera axis is parallel to you object rotation axis (surface) for example x axis. Then sample more images with constant time step and use only the center line/slice of the image (height of the line/slice depends on your exposure time and the object speed, they should overlap a bit). then just combine these lines/slices from all the sampled images to form the focused image .
[Edit1] home made TDI setup
So mount camera so its view axis is perpendicular to surface.
Take burst shots or video with constant frame-rate
The shorter exposure time (higher frame-rate) the more focused whole image will be (due to optical blur) and the bigger area dy from motion blur. And the higher the rotation RPM the smaller the dy will be. So find the best option for your camera,RPM and lighting conditions (usually adding strong light helps if you do not have reflective surfaces on the tube).
For correct output you need to compromise each parameter so:
exposure time is as short as it can
focused areas are overlapping between the shots (if not you can sample more rounds similar to old FDD sector reading...)
extract focused part of shots
You need just the focused middle part of all shots so empirically take few shots from your setup and choose the dy size. Then use that as a constant latter. So extract the middle part (slice) from the shots. In my example image it is the red area.
combine slices
You just copy (or average overlapped part) the slices together. They should overlap a bit so you do not have holes in final image. As you can see my final image example has smaller slices then acquired to make that more obvious.
Your camera image can be off by few pixels due to vibrations so If that is a problem in final image then you can use SIFT/SURF + RANSAC for auto-stitching for higher precision output.

Opencv - How to differentiate jitter from panning?

I'm working on a video stabilizer using Opencv in C++.
At this time of the project I'm correctly able to find the translation between two consecutive frames with 3 different technique (Optical Flow, Phase Correlation, BFMatcher on points of interests).
To obtain a stabilized image I add up all the translation vector (from consecutive frame) to one, which is used in warpAffine function to correct the output image.
I'm having good result on fixed camera but result on camera in translation are really bad : the image disappear from the screen.
I think I have to distinguish jitter movement that I want to remove from panning movement that I want to keep. But I'm open to others solutions.
Actually the whole problem is a bit more complex than you might have thought in the beginning. Let's look a it this way: when you move your camera through the world, things that move close to the camera move faster than the ones in the background - so objects at different depths change their relative distance (look at your finder while moving the head and see how it points to different things). This means the image actually transforms and does not only translate (move in x or y) - so how do you want to accompensate for that? What you you need to do is to infer how much the camera moved (translation along x,y and z) and how much it rotated (with the angles of yaw, pan and tilt). This is a not very trivial task but openCV comes with a very nice package:
So I recommend you to read as much on Homography(, camera models and calibration as possible and then think what you actually want to stabilize for and if it is only for the rotation angles, the task is much simpler than if you would also like to stabilize for translational jitters.
If you don't want to go fancy and neglect the third dimension, I suggest that you average the optic flow, high-pass filter it and compensate this movement with a image translation into the oposite direction. This will keep your image more or less in the middle of the frame and only small,fast changes will be counteracted.
I would suggest you the possible approaches (in complexity order):
apply some easy-to-implement IIR low pass filter on the translation vectors before applying the stabilization. This will separate the high frequency (jitter) from the low frequency (panning)
same idea, a bit more complex, use Kalman filtering to track a motion with constant velocity or acceleration. You can use OpenCV's Kalman filter for that.
A bit more tricky, put a threshold on the motion amplitude to decide between two states (moving vs static camera) and filter the translation or not.
Finaly, you can use some elaborate technique from machine Learning to try to identify the user's desired motion (static, panning, etc.) and filter or not the motion vectors used for the stabilization.
Just a threshold is not a low pass filter.
Possible low pass filters (that are easy to implement):
there is the well known averaging, that is already a low-pass filter whose cutoff frequency depends on the number of samples that go into the averaging equation (the more samples the lower the cutoff frequency).
One frequently used filter is the exponential filter (because it forgets the past with an exponential rate decay). It is simply computed as x_filt(k) = a*x_nofilt(k) + (1-a)x_filt(k-1) with 0 <= a <= 1.
Another popular filter (and that can be computed beyond order 1) is the Butterworth filter.
Etc Low pass filters on Wikipedia, IIR filters...

3d line mouse picking

I have 3d scene with thousands lines. I want to be able to pick ALL 3d lines in the 10 pixels neighborhood of the mouse cursor (with perspective projection). I've tried to use unique-color based method. But this method is not suitable for me because I can not pick ALL lines - only the closest one.
Is there any acceptable solution of my problem ? OpenGL or DirectX - it does not matter.
Why not just compute the distance between those lines and the point in question? It's a 2D line-to-point distance computation. You could probably implement it with a Perl script that calls a Python executable that calls a Lua interpeter and still do 100,000 of them in a second.
This is one of those tunnel-vision "when all I have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" issues. You don't have to use rendering to do picking.
In old OpenGL (<= 2.1), you can use Selection Mode to do exactly this. Use gluPickMatrix() to select a small region around the cursor position, initialize a selection buffer, slip into selection mode (glRenderMode(GL_SELECT)), and redraw the scene. Then come back out of selection mode and your selection buffer will be full names (really id numbers) of all the drawn objects that appear in your region of interest. You'll have to modify your drawing code a little to push/pop names (glPushName(objIndex)) around each object that you render as well.
It's not the most efficient use of modern graphics hardware, but it always works.
Neither OpenGL nor DirectX will do the job for you, because they only draw things. What you must do is projecting all the lines in your scene to the screen and test, if the closest point to the selected position is nearer than your desired max distance. You can accelerate this by keeping the lines in some spatial subdivision structure (like a Kd tree or similar) to discard quickly all those lines which definitely don't match your criteria.

OpenGL GL_SELECT or manual collision detection?

As seen in the image
I draw set of contours (polygons) as GL_LINE_STRIP.
Now I want to select curve(polygon) under the mouse to delete,move..etc in 3D .
I am wondering which method to use:
1.use OpenGL picking and selection. ( glRenderMode(GL_SELECT) )
2.use manual collision detection , by using a pick-ray and check whether the ray is inside each polygon.
I strongly recommend against GL_SELECT. This method is very old and absent in new GL versions, and you're likely to get problems with modern graphics cards. Don't expect it to be supported by hardware - probably you'd encounter a software (driver) fallback for this mode on many GPUs, provided it would work at all. Use at your own risk :)
Let me provide you with an alternative.
For solid, big objects, there's an old, good approach of selection by:
enabling and setting the scissor test to a 1x1 window at the cursor position
drawing the screen with no lighting, texturing and multisampling, assigning an unique solid colour for every "important" entity - this colour will become the object ID for picking
calling glReadPixels and retrieving the colour, which would then serve to identify the picked object
clearing the buffers, resetting the scissor to the normal size and drawing the scene normally.
This gives you a very reliable "per-object" picking method. Also, drawing and clearing only 1 pixel with minimal per-pixel operation won't really hurt your performance, unless you are short on vertex processing power (unlikely, I think) or have really a lot of objects and are likely to get CPU-bound on the number of draw calls (but then again, I believe it's possible to optimize this away to a single draw call if you could pass the colour as per-pixel data).
The colour in RGB is 3 unsigned bytes, but it should be possible to additionally use the alpha channel of the framebuffer for the last byte, so you'd get 4 bytes in total - enough to store any 32-bit pointer to the object as the colour.
Alternatively, you can create a dedicated framebuffer object with a specific pixel format (like GL_R32UI, or even GL_RG32UI if you need 64 bits) for that.
The above is a nice and quick alternative (both in terms of reliability and in implementation time) for the strict geometric approach.
I found that on new GPUs, the GL_SELECT mode is extremely slow. I played with a few different ways of fixing the problem.
The first was to do a CPU collision test, which worked, but wasn't as fast as I would have liked. It definitely slows down when you are casting rays into the screen (using gluUnproject) and then trying to find which object the mouse is colliding with. The only way I got satisfactory speeds was to use an octree to reduce the number of collision tests down and then do a bounding box collision test - however, this resulted in a method that was not pixel perfect.
The method I settled on was to first find all the objects under the mouse (using gluUnproject and bounding box collision tests) which is usually very fast. I then rendered each of the objects that have potentially collided with the mouse in the backbuffer as a different color. I then used glReadPixel to get the color under the mouse, and map that back to the object. glReadPixel is a slow call, since it has to read from the frame buffer. However, it is done once per frame, which ends up taking a negligible amount of time. You can speed it up by rendering to a PBO if you'd like.
umanga, Cant see how to reply inline... maybe I should sign up :)
First of all I must apologize for giving you the wrong algo - i did the back face culling one. But the one you need is very similar which is why I got confused... d'oh.
Get the camera position to mouse vector as said before.
For each contour, loop through all the coords in pairs (0-1, 1-2, 2-3, ... n-0) in it and make a vec out of them as before. I.e. walk the contour.
Now do the cross prod of those two (contour edge to mouse vec) instead of between pairs like I said before, do that for all the pairs and vector add them all up.
At the end find the magnitude of the resulting vector. If the result is zero (taking into account rounding errors) then your outside the shape - regardless of facing. If your interested in facing then instead of the mag you can do that dot prod with the mouse vector to find the facing and test the sign +/-.
It works because the algo finds the amount of distance from the vector line to each point in turn. As you sum them up and you are outside then they all cancel out because the contour is closed. If your inside then they all sum up. Its actually Gauss's Law of electromagnetic fields in physics...
See: and note "the right-hand side of the equation is the total charge enclosed by S divided by the electric constant" noting the word "enclosed" - i.e. zero means not enclosed.
You can still do that optimization with the bounding boxes for speed.
In the past I've used GL_SELECT to determine which object(s) contributed the pixel(s) of interest and then used computational geometry to get an accurate intersection with the object(s) if required.
Do you expect to select by clicking the contour (on the edge) or the interior of the polygon? Your second approach sounds like you want clicks in the interior to select the tightest containing polygon. I don't think that GL_SELECT after rendering GL_LINE_STRIP is going to make the interior responsive to clicks.
If this was a true contour plot (from the image I don't think it is, edges appear to intersect) then a much simpler algorithm would be available.
You cant use select if you stay with the lines because you would have to click on the line pixels rendered not the space inside the lines bounding them which I read as what you wish to do.
You can use Kos's answer but in order to render the space you need to solid fill it which would involve converting all of your contours to convex types which is painful. So I think that would work sometimes and give the wrong answer in some cases unless you did that.
What you need to do is use the CPU. You have the view extents from the viewport and the perspective matrix. With the mouse coord, generate the view to mouse pointer vector. You also have all the coords of the contours.
Take the first coord of the first contour and make a vector to the second coord. Make a vector out of them. Take 3rd coord and make a vector from 2 to 3 and repeat all the way around your contour and finally make the last one from coord n back to 0 again. For each pair in sequence find the cross product and sum up all the results. When you have that final summation vector keep hold of that and do a dot product with the mouse pointer direction vector. If its +ve then the mouse is inside the contour, if its -ve then its not and if 0 then I guess the plane of the contour and the mouse direction are parallel.
Do that for each contour and then you will know which of them are spiked by your mouse. Its up to you which one you want to pick from that set. Highest Z ?
It sounds like a lot of work but its not too bad and will give the right answer. You might like to additionally keep bounding boxes of all your contours then you can early out the ones off of the mouse vector by doing the same math as for the full vector but only on the 4 sides and if its not inside then the contour cannot be either.
The first is easy to implement and widely used.