Is there something wrong with the code below?
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
template <typename T>
void assign_lambda(T&& f)
typedef typename std::remove_reference<T>::type functor_type;
typedef typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(functor_type),
std::alignment_of<functor_type>::value>::type buffer_type;
static char store[sizeof(buffer_type)];
auto const p(new (store) functor_type(std::forward<T>(f)));
int main()
for (int i(0); i != 5; ++i)
assign_lambda([i](){ std::cout << i << std::endl; });
return 0;
I worry though that this might be non-standard and/or dangerous to do.
Why initialize into a char array you ask? One might allocate a block of size sizeof(buffer_type) from the heap and reuse for repeated assignments (i.e. avoid repeated memory allocations), if the block should prove large enough.
void*operator new(std::size_t size);
Effects: The allocation function ( called by a new-expression (5.3.4) to allocate size bytes of storage suitably aligned to represent any object of that size.
I suppose if I allocate from the heap the alignment issues will go away.
You'll have to make sure that store has the proper alignment for functor_type. Apart from that, I don't see any problems regarding standard conformance. However, you can easily address the multithreading issue by making the array nonstatic, because sizeof gives a compiletime constant.
The alignment is demanded by §5.3.4,14:
[ Note: when the allocation function returns a value other than null, it must be a pointer to a block of storage in which space for the object has been reserved. The block of storage is assumed to be appropriately aligned and of the requested size. [...] -end note ]
There is another paragraph, § about alignment, but that one does explicitly not apply to placement new (§,1).
To get the alignment right, you can do the following:
template <typename T>
void assign_lambda(T&& f)
typedef typename std::remove_reference<T>::type functor_type;
//alignas(functor_type) char store[sizeof(functor_type)];
std::alignment_of<functor_type>::value>::type store;
auto const p(new (&store) functor_type(std::forward<T>(f)));
//"placement delete"
The approach shown above is not different from using just a normal variable:
template <typename T>
void assign_lambda(T&& f)
typedef typename std::remove_reference<T>::type functor_type;
functor_type func{std::forward<T>(f)};
If it has to be a static variable inside the function you will need an RAII wrapper for functors that are not assignable. Just placement-newing is not sufficient since the functors will not get destroyed properly and ressources they possess (e.g. via captured smartpointers) will not get released.
template <typename F>
struct RAIIFunctor {
typedef typename std::remove_reference<F>::type functor_type;
std::alignment_of<functor_type>::value>::type store;
functor_type* f;
RAIIFunctor() : f{nullptr} {}
~RAIIFunctor() { destroy(); }
template <class T>
void assign(T&& t) {
f = new(&store) functor_type {std::forward<T>(t)};
void destroy() {
if (f)
f = nullptr;
void operator() {
template <typename T>
void assign_lambda(T&& f)
static RAIIFunctor<T> func;
You can see the code in action here
I don't get it. Why would one use aligned_storage merely to get some size to create uninitialised storage, instead of... using the aligned storage it provides? It's almost like travelling from Berlin to Lisbon by taking a Berlin -> Lisbon flight followed by a Lisbon -> Moscow flight.
typedef typename std::remove_reference<T>::type functor_type;
typedef typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(functor_type),
std::alignment_of<functor_type>::value>::type buffer_type;
static buffer_type store;
auto const p(new (&store) functor_type(std::forward<T>(f)));
In addition to the alignment issue already mentioned, you are creating a copy of the lambda through placement new but you are not destroying the copy.
The following code illustrates the problem:
// This class plays the role of the OP's lambdas
struct Probe {
Probe() { std::cout << "Ctr" << '\n'; }
Probe(const Probe&) { std::cout << "Cpy-ctr" << '\n'; }
~Probe() { std::cout << "Dtr" << '\n'; }
// This plays the role of the OP's assign_lambda
void f(const Probe& p) {
typedef typename std::aligned_storage<sizeof(Probe),
std::alignment_of<Probe>::value>::type buffer_type;
static buffer_type store;
new (&store) Probe(p);
int main() {
Probe p;
// This plays the role of the loop
The output is:
Therefore, 4 objects are constructed and only one is destroyed.
In addition, in the OP's code the store is static and this means that one lambda is repeatedly constructed on top of the other as if the latter was just raw memory.
I've been trying to expand a non value parameter pack recently in C++. Is this possible? And if it's not, why?
I mean, as you can see, in the line with the comment //, given a parameter pack for the TypeMap class, how can I call addType<T>() with each type of the parameter pack? Thanks in advance!
template <typename... T>
class TypeMap
using vari_cmps = std::variant<T*...>;
template<typename Type>
void addType()
typemap[typeid(Type).name()] = std::make_unique<Type>(0).get();
std::map<const char*, vari_cmps> typemap{};
(addType<T,...>()); // Idk how to use this in order to make it work
As #HolyBlackCat has already answered in the comments, you can expand it like this:
TypeMap() {
(addType<T>(), ...);
If T is std::string, int, float this would expand to:
TypeMap() {
(addType<std::string>(), addType<int>(), addType<float>());
There are however a few more issues in this code-snippet:
1. addType()
addType() will not work as you'd expect, due to the unique_ptr deleteing your object after you put it into the map.
.get() only retrieves the pointer that the unique_ptr manages but does not transfer ownership, so the unique_ptr will still delete the pointed-to object once it gets out of scope, leaving a dangling pointer in your map.
so your addType() is roughly equivalent to:
template<typename Type>
void addType() {
Type* tptr = new Type(0); // unique pointer constructs object
typemap[typeid(Type).name()] = tptr; // insert pointer value of unique pointer
delete tptr; // unique pointer destructs
You could fix this by releasing the unique_ptr after inserting its value into the map & then cleaning it up in the destructor:
template<typename Type>
void addType() {
auto ptr = std::make_unique<Type>(0);
typemap[typeid(Type).name()] = ptr.get();
ptr.release(); // now unique_ptr won't delete the object
~TypeMap() {
// cleanup all pointers
for(auto& [name, ptrVariant] : typemap)
std::visit([](auto ptr) { delete ptr; }, ptrVariant);
2. Consider using std::type_index instead of const char* as map key
std::type_info::name() returns an implementation-defined name for the given type, so you have no guarantee that you will get an unique name for a given type.
Returns an implementation defined null-terminated character string containing the name of the type. No guarantees are given; in particular, the returned string can be identical for several types and change between invocations of the same program.
std::type_index on the other hand is build specifically for this purpose - using types as keys - and comes with all comparison operators & a std::hash specialization, so you can use it with std::map & std::unordered_map out of the box.
template <class... T>
class TypeMap
using vari_cmps = std::variant<T*...>;
template<typename Type>
void addType()
typemap[std::type_index(typeid(Type))] = /* something */;
std::map<std::type_index, vari_cmps> typemap{};
TypeMap() { /* ... */ }
~TypeMap() { /* ... */ }
template<class U>
U* get() {
auto it = typemap.find(std::type_index(typeid(U)));
return std::get<U*>(it->second);
Consider using std::tuple
std::tuple is basically built for this task, storing a list of arbitrary types:
template <class... T>
class TypeMap
std::tuple<std::unique_ptr<T>...> values;
TypeMap() : values(std::make_unique<T>(0)...) {
template<class U> requires (std::is_same_v<U, T> || ...)
U& get() { return *std::get<std::unique_ptr<U>>(values); }
template<class U> requires (std::is_same_v<U, T> || ...)
U const& get() const { return *std::get<std::unique_ptr<U>>(values); }
TypeMap<int, double, float> tm;
tm.get<int>() = 12;
If you want you can also store T's directly in the tuple, avoiding the additional allocations.
C++ allocators (as used by std::vector) are tricky to. I understand that they changed a lot to allow stateful allocators and PMR, leading to some of the cruftiness. My core question is: if allocators are intended to replace new and delete, why do they only provide an API like malloc and free? I understand why, e.g., std::vector needs a malloc interface since it needs to allocate a buffer without calling constructors, but in general, it seems like we are missing these functions:
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
//! Rebind alloc to type T
template <typename T, typename Alloc>
auto rebound_allocator(const Alloc& alloc) {
return typename std::allocator_traits<Alloc>::template rebind_alloc<T>{alloc};
//! Like operator delete but for a single T allocated by rebound_allocator<T>(alloc).
template <typename T, typename Alloc>
void allocator_delete(const Alloc& alloc, T* ptr) {
auto a = rebound_allocator<T>(alloc);
using traits_t = std::allocator_traits<decltype(a)>;
// Should we try/catch around destroy and always deallocate?
traits_t::destroy(a, ptr);
traits_t::deallocate(a, ptr, 1);
//! Returned memory must be freed with, e.g., allocator_delete(alloc, ptr).
template <typename T, typename Alloc, typename... Args>
[[nodiscard]] T* allocator_new(const Alloc& alloc, Args&&... args) {
auto a = rebound_allocator<T>(alloc);
using traits_t = std::allocator_traits<decltype(a)>;
auto deallocate = [&a](T* ptr) { traits_t::deallocate(a, ptr, 1); };
// Hold in a unique_ptr to deallocate if construction throws.
auto buf = std::unique_ptr<T, decltype(deallocate)>(traits_t::allocate(a, 1), deallocate);
traits_t::construct(a, buf.get(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return buf.release();
//! Like make_unique. Beware: The allocator is is referenced by the deleter!
template <typename T, typename Alloc, typename... Args>
[[nodiscard]] auto allocator_make_unique(const Alloc& alloc, Args&&... args) {
auto dtor = [&alloc](T* ptr) { allocator_delete<T>(alloc, ptr); };
return std::unique_ptr<T, decltype(dtor)>(allocator_new<T>(alloc, std::forward<Args>(args)...),
struct S {
float x;
S(float x) : x(x) { std::cout << "S::S()" << std::endl; }
~S() { std::cout << "S::~S()" << std::endl; }
int main() {
std::allocator<int> alloc;
auto ptr = allocator_make_unique<S>(alloc, 42.5f);
std::cout << ptr->x << std::endl;
Am I missing something? Is this the right way to implement essentially new and delete and make_unique using allocators? If so, is this really not provided by the standard library?
I think (but am not sure?) that if T is allocator-aware, traits_t::construct(a, ptr, n) will propagate itself into the created object?
Here's a cleaned-up version:
Original version:
My core question is: if allocators are intended to replace new and delete, why do they only provide an API like malloc and free?
The API of allocators are such as it is because an important point of allocators is that memory allocation and object creation must be separated. This is necessary for example to implement a container such as std::vector. Allocators are a generalisation of operator new / delete, not generalisation of the new expression.
is this really not provided by the standard library?
No, these functions aren't provided by the standard library.
Is this the right way to implement essentially new and delete and make_unique using allocators?
auto dtor = [&alloc](T* ptr) { destruct_and_deallocate(alloc, ptr); };
Capturing allocator by reference into the deleter seems bad. It should be copied to be safe.
Other suggestions:
In the default case of std::allocator, we would like to avoid paying for the overhead of the deleter. Consider adding a specialisation that delegates to std::make_unique when std::allocator is used.
You could avoid the try-catch by using an intermediary unique pointer with deleter that only deallocates:
T* ptr = traits_t::allocate(rebound_alloc, 1);
auto dealloc = [&](T* ptr) { traits_t::deallocate(rebound_alloc, ptr, 1); };
std::unique_ptr<T, decltype(dealloc)> storage(ptr, dealloc);
traits_t::construct(rebound_alloc, storage.get(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
auto dtor = [alloc](T* ptr) { destruct_and_deallocate(alloc, ptr); };
return std::unique_ptr<T, decltype(dtor)>(storage.release(), dtor);
Edit: I think (but am not sure?) that if T is allocator-aware, traits_t::construct(a, ptr, n) will propagate itself into the created object?
No, object's have no knowledge of the allocator that creates them or allocates their memory. "Allocator aware" containers are simply generic tempaltes that allow the user to provide a custom allocator, and avoid allocating memory through other means.
I have a class with a unique_ptr member.
class Foo {
std::unique_ptr<Bar> bar;
The Bar is a third party class that has a create() function and a destroy() function.
If I wanted to use a std::unique_ptr with it in a stand alone function I could do:
void foo() {
std::unique_ptr<Bar, void(*)(Bar*)> bar(create(), [](Bar* b){ destroy(b); });
Is there a way to do this with std::unique_ptr as a member of a class?
Assuming that create and destroy are free functions (which seems to be the case from the OP's code snippet) with the following signatures:
Bar* create();
void destroy(Bar*);
You can write your class Foo like this
class Foo {
std::unique_ptr<Bar, void(*)(Bar*)> ptr_;
// ...
Foo() : ptr_(create(), destroy) { /* ... */ }
// ...
Notice that you don't need to write any lambda or custom deleter here because destroy is already a deleter.
It's possible to do this cleanly using a lambda in C++11 (tested in G++ 4.8.2).
Given this reusable typedef:
template<typename T>
using deleted_unique_ptr = std::unique_ptr<T,std::function<void(T*)>>;
You can write:
deleted_unique_ptr<Foo> foo(new Foo(), [](Foo* f) { customdeleter(f); });
For example, with a FILE*:
deleted_unique_ptr<FILE> file(
fopen("file.txt", "r"),
[](FILE* f) { fclose(f); });
With this you get the benefits of exception-safe cleanup using RAII, without needing try/catch noise.
You just need to create a deleter class:
struct BarDeleter {
void operator()(Bar* b) { destroy(b); }
and provide it as the template argument of unique_ptr. You'll still have to initialize the unique_ptr in your constructors:
class Foo {
Foo() : bar(create()), ... { ... }
std::unique_ptr<Bar, BarDeleter> bar;
As far as I know, all the popular c++ libraries implement this correctly; since BarDeleter doesn't actually have any state, it does not need to occupy any space in the unique_ptr.
Unless you need to be able to change the deleter at runtime, I would strongly recommend using a custom deleter type. For example, if use a function pointer for your deleter, sizeof(unique_ptr<T, fptr>) == 2 * sizeof(T*). In other words, half of the bytes of the unique_ptr object are wasted.
Writing a custom deleter to wrap every function is a bother, though. Thankfully, we can write a type templated on the function:
Since C++17:
template <auto fn>
struct deleter_from_fn {
template <typename T>
constexpr void operator()(T* arg) const {
template <typename T, auto fn>
using my_unique_ptr = std::unique_ptr<T, deleter_from_fn<fn>>;
// usage:
my_unique_ptr<Bar, destroy> p{create()};
Prior to C++17:
template <typename D, D fn>
struct deleter_from_fn {
template <typename T>
constexpr void operator()(T* arg) const {
template <typename T, typename D, D fn>
using my_unique_ptr = std::unique_ptr<T, deleter_from_fn<D, fn>>;
// usage:
my_unique_ptr<Bar, decltype(&destroy), destroy> p{create()};
You know, using a custom deleter isn't the best way to go, as you will have to mention it all over your code.
Instead, as you are allowed to add specializations to namespace-level classes in ::std as long as custom types are involved and you respect the semantics, do that:
Specialize std::default_delete:
template <>
struct ::std::default_delete<Bar> {
default_delete() = default;
template <class U>
constexpr default_delete(default_delete<U>) noexcept {}
void operator()(Bar* p) const noexcept { destroy(p); }
And maybe also do std::make_unique():
template <>
inline ::std::unique_ptr<Bar> ::std::make_unique<Bar>() {
auto p = create();
if (!p)
throw std::runtime_error("Could not `create()` a new `Bar`.");
return { p };
You can simply use std::bind with a your destroy function.
std::unique_ptr<Bar, std::function<void(Bar*)>> bar(create(), std::bind(&destroy,
But of course you can also use a lambda.
std::unique_ptr<Bar, std::function<void(Bar*)>> ptr(create(), [](Bar* b){ destroy(b);});
#include "fmt/core.h"
#include <memory>
class example {};
void delete_example(example *)
using example_handle = std::unique_ptr<example, decltype([] (example * p)
int main()
example_handle handle(new example);
Just my two cents, using C++20.
With a lambda you can get the same size as a plain std::unique_ptr. Compare the sizes:
plain: 8
lambda: 8
fpointer: 16
std::function: 40
Which is the output of the following. (I declared the lambda outside the scope of the class. Not sure if you can scope it inside the class.)
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
struct Bar {};
void destroy(Bar* b) {}
Bar* create() { return 0; }
auto lambda_destroyer = [](Bar* b) {destroy(b);};
class Foo {
std::unique_ptr<Bar, decltype(lambda_destroyer)> ptr_;
Foo() : ptr_(create(), lambda_destroyer) { /* ... */ }
int main()
std::cout << "plain: " << sizeof (std::unique_ptr<Bar>) << std::endl
<< "lambda: " << sizeof (std::unique_ptr<Bar, decltype(lambda_destroyer)>) << std::endl
<< "fpointer: " << sizeof (std::unique_ptr<Bar, void(*)(Bar*)>) << std::endl
<< "std::function: " << sizeof (std::unique_ptr<Bar, std::function<void(Bar*)>>) << std::endl;
I'm fairly convinced that this is the best current way to do it:
#include <memory>
#include <stdio.h>
template <typename T, auto fn>
struct Deleter
void operator()(T *ptr)
template <typename T, auto fn>
using handle = std::unique_ptr<T, Deleter<T, fn>>;
using file = handle<FILE, fclose>;
int main()
file f{fopen("a.txt", "w")};
return 0;
Because you've specified a Functor as the deleter in the unique_ptr's template arguments, you don't need to set a deleter when calling its constructor.
The Deleter functor uses "template auto" to take a deletion function (in this example: fclose) as a template argument, so this needs C++17.
Expanding it to support other types is just one extra "using" line per type.
Simple is also:
class Foo {};
class Bar
// actual initialisation at some point
std::unique_ptr<Foo, void(*)(Foo*)> foo = {{}, {}}; // or = {nullptr, {}}
Sure, you can also create some helper function to do the job to not have the initial state at any time.
In fact, in your specific scenario, the cleanest way is to actually put your Bar (not mine, sorry for the confusion) into a simple wrapper class, which makes reuse easier.
I am working in a memory constrained embedded environment where malloc/free new/delete are not advisable, and I'm trying to use the std::function pattern to register callbacks. I do not have access to any of the STL methods in my target code so I'm in the unfortunate situation of having to replicate some of the STL functionality myself. Function pointers are not an option for me due to the necessity for callers to have captures.
For instance, I wish to declare a class Mailbox where an onChange event can be registered
class Mailbox {
std::function<void(int,int)> onChange;
That way, callers can register a lambda onChange handler that could capture this or other variables that matter for handling the event.
Since this is part of an API, I want to give the users of Mailbox maximim flexibility to either provide a function pointer, a lambda or a functor.
I have managed to find a great implementation of a std::function that appears to be exceptionally low-overhead and has exactly what I need except that it involves dynamic memory.
If you look at the following code, dynamic memory is used in exactly one place, and it appears fully scoped to the object being templated, suggesting to me that its size ought to be known at compile-time.
Can anyone help me understand how to refactor this implementation so that it is fully static and removes the use of new/malloc? I'm having trouble understanding why the size of CallableT wouldn't be calculable at compile-time.
Code below (not for the faint of heart). Note, it uses make_unique / unique_ptr but those can easily be substituted with new and * and I have tested that use case successfully.
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
class naive_function;
template <typename ReturnValue, typename... Args>
class naive_function<ReturnValue(Args...)> {
template <typename T>
naive_function& operator=(T t) {
callable_ = std::make_unique<CallableT<T>>(t);
return *this;
ReturnValue operator()(Args... args) const {
return callable_->Invoke(args...);
class ICallable {
virtual ~ICallable() = default;
virtual ReturnValue Invoke(Args...) = 0;
template <typename T>
class CallableT : public ICallable {
CallableT(const T& t)
: t_(t) {
~CallableT() override = default;
ReturnValue Invoke(Args... args) override {
return t_(args...);
T t_;
std::unique_ptr<ICallable> callable_;
void func() {
cout << "func" << endl;
struct functor {
void operator()() {
cout << "functor" << endl;
int main() {
naive_function<void()> f;
f = func;
f = functor();
f = []() { cout << "lambda" << endl; };
Edit: added clarification on STL
The name for what you're looking for is "in-place function". At least one very good implementation exists today:
sg14::inplace_function<R(A...), Size, Align>
There is also tj::inplace_any<Size, Align>, if you need/want the semantics of any.
Let me preface this answer by saying that storing a general callable faces an interesting choice in terms of memory management. Yes, we can deduce the size of any callable at compile time but we can not store any callable into the same object without memory management. That's because our own object needs to have size independently of the callables its supposed to store but those can be arbitrarily big.
To put this reasoning into one sentence: The layout of our class (and its interface) needs to be compiled without knowledge about all of the callers.
This leaves us with essentially 3 choices
We embrace memory management. We dynamically copy the callable and properly manage that memory through means of unique pointer (std or boost), or through custom calls to new and delete. This is what the original code you found does and is also done by std::function.
We only allow certain callables. We create some custom storage inside our object to hold some forms of callables. This storage has a pre-determined size and we reject any callable given that can not adhere to this requirement (e.g. by a static_assert). Note that this does not necessarily restrict the set of possible callers. Instead, any user of the interface could set up a proxy-class holding merely a pointer but forwarding the call operator. We could even offer such a proxy class ourselves as part of the library. But this does nothing more than shifting the point of allocation from inside the function implementation to outside. It's still worth a try, and #radosław-cybulski comes closest to this in his answer.
We don't do memory management. We could design our interface in a way that it deliberately refuses to take ownership of the callable given to it. This way, we don't need to to memory management and this part is completely up to our caller. This is what I will give code for below. It is not a drop-in replacement for std::function but the only way I see to have a generic, allocation-free, copiable type for the purpose you inteded it.
And here is the code for possibility 3, completely without allocation and fully self-contained (does not need any library import)
class FunctionReference;
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
static T& forward(T& t) { return t; }
template<typename T>
static T&& forward(T&& t) { return static_cast<T&&>(t); }
template<typename C, typename R, typename... Args>
constexpr auto get_call(R (C::* o)(Args...)) // We take the argument for sfinae
-> typename FunctionReference<R(Args...)>::ptr_t {
return [](void* t, Args... args) { return (static_cast<C*>(t)->operator())(forward<Args>(args)...); };
template<typename C, typename R, typename... Args>
constexpr auto get_call(R (C::* o)(Args...) const) // We take the argument for sfinae
-> typename FunctionReference<R(Args...)>::ptr_t {
return [](void* t, Args... args) { return (static_cast<const C*>(t)->operator())(forward<Args>(args)...); };
template<typename R, typename... Args>
constexpr auto expand_call(R (*)(Args...))
-> typename FunctionReference<R(Args...)>::ptr_t {
return [](void* t, Args... args) { return (static_cast<R (*)(Args...)>(t))(forward<Args>(args)...); };
template<typename R, typename... Args>
class FunctionReference<R(Args...)> {
using signature_t = R(Args...);
using ptr_t = R(*)(void*, Args...);
void* self;
ptr_t function;
template<typename C>
FunctionReference(C* c) : // Pointer to embrace that we do not manage this object
{ }
using rawfn_ptr_t = R (*)(Args...);
FunctionReference(rawfn_ptr_t fnptr) :
{ }
R operator()(Args... args) {
return function(self, detail::forward<Args>(args)...);
For seeing how this then works in action, go to
Try this:
template <class A> class naive_function;
template <typename ReturnValue, typename... Args>
class naive_function<ReturnValue(Args...)> {
naive_function() { }
template <typename T>
naive_function(T t) : set_(true) {
assert(sizeof(CallableT<T>) <= sizeof(callable_));
new (_get()) CallableT<T>(t);
template <typename T>
naive_function(T *ptr, ReturnValue(T::*t)(Args...)) : set_(true) {
assert(sizeof(CallableT<T>) <= sizeof(callable_));
new (_get()) CallableT<T>(ptr, t);
naive_function(const naive_function &c) : set_(c.set_) {
if (c.set_) c._get()->Copy(&callable_);
~naive_function() {
if (set_) _get()->~ICallable();
naive_function &operator = (const naive_function &c) {
if (this != &c) {
if (set_) _get()->~ICallable();
if (c.set_) {
set_ = true;
set_ = false;
return *this;
ReturnValue operator()(Args... args) const {
return _get()->Invoke(args...);
ReturnValue operator()(Args... args) {
return _get()->Invoke(args...);
class ICallable {
virtual ~ICallable() = default;
virtual ReturnValue Invoke(Args...) = 0;
virtual void Copy(void *dst) const = 0;
ICallable *_get() {
return ((ICallable*)&callable_);
const ICallable *_get() const { return ((const ICallable*)&callable_); }
template <typename T>
class CallableT : public ICallable {
CallableT(const T& t)
: t_(t) {
~CallableT() override = default;
ReturnValue Invoke(Args... args) override {
return t_(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
void Copy(void *dst) const override {
new (dst) CallableT(*this);
T t_;
template <typename T>
class CallableT<ReturnValue(T::*)(Args...)> : public ICallable {
CallableT(T *ptr, ReturnValue(T::*)(Args...))
: ptr_(ptr), t_(t) {
~CallableT() override = default;
ReturnValue Invoke(Args... args) override {
return (ptr_->*t_)(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
void Copy(void *dst) const override {
new (dst) CallableT(*this);
T *ptr_;
static constexpr size_t size() {
auto f = []()->void {};
return std::max(
sizeof(CallableT<void (CallableT<void(*)()>::*)()>)
typedef unsigned char callable_array[size()];
typename std::aligned_union<0, callable_array, CallableT<void(*)()>, CallableT<void (CallableT<void(*)()>::*)()>>::type callable_;
bool set_ = false;
Keep in mind, that sort of tricks tend to be slightly fragile.
In this case to avoid memory allocation i used unsigned char[] array of assumed max size - max of CallableT with pointer to function, pointer to member function and lambda object. Types of pointer to function and member function dont matter, as standard guarantees, that for all types those pointers will have the same size. Lambda should be pointer to object, but if for some reason isnt and it's size will change depending on lambda types, then you're out of luck.
First callable_ is initialized with placement new and correct CallableT type. Then, when you try to call, i use beginning of callable_ as pointer to ICallable. This all is standard safe.
Keep in mind, that you copy naive_function object, it's template argument T's copy operator is NOT called.
UPDATE: some improvements (at least try to force alignment) + addition of copying constructor / copy assignment.
My attempt to run the solution given Here, encountered with some issues. After fixing them, seems to work fine.
Will be happy for any review as I am not a c++ expert!
Issues and fixes:
error: lambda expression in an unevaluated operand.
removed the decltype. ( was not present in original code so I guess its safe(???)
using aligned_t = detail::aligned_union<0,
//CallableT<decltype([]()->void {})>,
CallableT<void (CallableT<void(*)()>::*)()>
Under C++11, errors in code block:
error: fields must have a constant size: 'variable length array in structure' extension will never be supported
error: 'aligned' attribute requires integer constant
error: constexpr variable 'alignment_value' must be initialized by a constant expression
(Note: this code is replacing std::aligned_union)
namespace detail {
template <size_t Len, class... Types>
struct aligned_union {
static constexpr size_t alignment_value = std::max({alignof(Types)...}); // ERROR HERE C++11
struct type {
alignas(alignment_value) char _s[std::max({Len, sizeof(Types)...})]; // ERROR HERE C++11
Used 'external' help from ETLCPP - which has support for embedded, file: largest.h.
Error block was replaced with :
template<typename ...Types>
using largest_t = typename etl::largest_type<Types...>::type;
namespace detail {
template <size_t Len, class... Types>
struct aligned_union {
static constexpr size_t alignment_value = etl::largest_alignment<Types...>::value; //std::max({alignof(Types)...});
struct type {
alignas(alignment_value) char _s[sizeof(largest_t<Types...>)]; //[std::max({Len, sizeof(Types)...})];
Looked redundant, removed:
//static constexpr size_t size() {
// auto f = []()->void {};
// return std::max(
// sizeof(CallableT<void(*)()>),
// std::max(
// sizeof(CallableT<decltype(f)>),
// sizeof(CallableT<void (CallableT<void(*)()>::*)()>)
// )
// );
replaced std::forward with etl::forward file: utility.h
Had anew ,and delete errors : Undefined symbol operator delete
So added ( I never allocate.. ):
// Define placement new if no new header is available
inline void* operator new(size_t, void* p) { return p; }
inline void* operator new[](size_t, void* p) { return p; }
inline void operator delete(void*, void*) {}
inline void operator delete[](void*, void*) {}
inline void operator delete[](void*) {}
Still getting a warning thought (???):
: warning: replacement function 'operator delete' cannot be declared 'inline' [-Winline-new-delete]
inline void operator delete(void* ) {}
Linker error:
Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol __cxa_pure_virtual ).
Probably because of virtual distractor : (ref)
virtual ~ICallable() = default;
Had to add this : ( any other solution ???)
extern "C" void __cxa_pure_virtual() { while (1); }
I am re-working an old circular buffer class i wrote to be more robust. I am allocating a buffer on the heap that is of type T (so the class is templated). However I am having issues with freeing resources that could be possible with T being a pointer to dynamically allocated space.
Here is a ctor with default value parameter
in short
template <typename T, unsigned int SIZE>
CircularBuffer(const T default_val) {
_buffer = new T[SIZE];
// assign each block default value, etc
// dtor
delete [] _buffer;
however, say for example someone decides to do this:
CircularBuffer<int*, 4> cb(new int); // buffer of 4, holding int*, with default value of new int
// later ~CircularBuffer call is made
// user allocated memory is not freed
How would I be able to (or let the user) free this memory?
I have tried manually from the user perspective:
delete; // .at returns T& (so it would effectively return the pointer)
// above is access violation
I tried to figure out how to do this in the destructor, but I wasnt able to do any sort of delete _buffer[i] since the compiler thinks that template T is not a pointer (even though it could be).
Can I safely handle this situation, or is there something the user can do about this so that the responsibility is not mine (since the class is not internally allocating this, the user is)?
I just realized that the allocation with new when passing a T* as template parameter does not return the buffer size expected.
// call default ctor
CircularBuffer<double*, 2> cb(); // _buffer = new T[SIZE];
// sizeof(_buffer) == 4;
// sizeof(double*) == 4;
// sizeof(double*[2]) == 8; // _buffer should be this size, as it holds 2 4byte pointers, what happened?
Im not sure if I should make a new question for this, or leave it here with the original question, but I think this explains some access violations I was getting before (after trying to dereference _buffer[1] of the above instance. Unfortunately Im not sure what is causing this.
template<typename T>
struct is_pointer{
static const bool value = false;
template<typename T>
struct is_pointer<T*>{
static const bool value = true;
template <bool, class T = void>
struct enable_if
template <class T>
struct enable_if<true, T>
typedef T type;
template <bool, class T = void>
struct disable_if
template <class T>
struct disable_if<false, T>
typedef T type;
template <typename T, unsigned int SIZE>
class CircularBuffer
_buffer = new T[SIZE];
delete [] _buffer;
template<class U, unsigned int SIZE>
void free_helper( typename enable_if< is_pointer<U>::value >::type *dummy=0 ){
//pointer container
for(int i=0;i<SIZE;++i){
//delete it?
U t = _buffer[i];
template<class U, unsigned int SIZE>
void free_helper( typename disable_if< is_pointer<U>::value >::type *dummy=0 ){
//none pointer container
T* _buffer;
void main(){
CircularBuffer<int,10> cb;
CircularBuffer<int*,10> cb2;
One idea is to partially specialize the template by writing
template<typename T, unsigned int SIZE>
class CircularBuffer<T*> { ... }
so that you operate on pointers you can delete. You can then use some SFINAE tricks like enable_if so compilation of templates specialized for pointers will fail. Anyway, first delete the memory the pointers from the array point to, then delete the array itself. This sounds like a lot of possible trouble.
Other idea is to allow your users to control some part of the memory; you can copy the ideas from other containers, e.g. by defining custom allocators and deallocators
template<typename T>
class Buffer {
typedef function<T(unsigned)> Allocator;
typedef function<void(T)> Deallocator;
Buffer(unsigned size, Allocator allocator, Deallocator deallocator )
: _size(size), _buffer(new T[1024]),
_allocator(allocator), _deallocator(deallocator)
for(unsigned i=0; i<_size; ++i)
_buffer[i] = _allocator(i);
for(unsigned i=0; i<_size; ++i)
delete[] _buffer;
unsigned _size;
Allocator _allocator;
Deallocator _deallocator;
T* _buffer;
Buffer<double*> b2(
[](unsigned idx) { return new double(idx + 0.123); },
[](double* d) { cout << "deleting " << *d << endl; delete d; }
This is a very simple and quick draft, but you should get the idea.
By the way, using a template parameter for buffer's size (unsigned int SIZE) is probably not the best idea, since the compiler will generate independent code for the templates differing only in size, which will grow your executable size... try making SIZE a construction argument, just like some containers do.