Normalize pixel values between 0 and 1 - c++

I am looking to normalize the pixel values of an image to the range [0..1] using C++/OpenCV. However, when I do the normalization using either image *= 1./255 or the normalize function the pixel values are rounded down to zero. I have tried setting the image to type CV_32FC3.
Below is the code I have:
Mat image;
Mat tempImage;
// (didn't work) tempImage *= 1./255;
image.convertTo(tempImage, CV_32F, 3);
normalize(image, tempImage, 0, 1, CV_MINMAX);
int r = 100;
int c = 150;
uchar* ptr = (uchar*)( + r * tempImage.step);
Vec3f tempVals;
tempVals.val[0] = ptr[3*c+1];
tempVals.val[1] = ptr[3*c+2];
tempVals.val[2] = ptr[3*c+3];
cout<<" temp image - "<< tempVals << endl;
uchar* ptr2 = (uchar*)( + r * image.step);
Vec3f imVals;
imVals.val[0] = ptr2[3*c+1];
imVals.val[1] = ptr2[3*c+2];
imVals.val[2] = ptr2[3*c+3];
cout<<" image - "<< imVals << endl;
This produces the following output in the console:
temp image - [0, 0, 0]
image - [90, 78, 60]

You can make convertTo() do the normalization for you:
image.convertTo(tempImage, CV_32FC3, 1.f/255);
You are passing 3 to convertTo(), presumably as channel-count, but that's not the correct signature.

I used the normalize function and it worked (Java):
You should use a 32F depth for your destination image. I believe the reason for this, is that since you need to get decimal values, you should use an a non-integer OpenCV data type. According to this table, the float types correspond to the 32F depth. I chose the number of channels to be 1 and it worked; CV_32FC1
Remember also that it's unlikely to spot any visual difference in the image.
Finally, since you probably have thousands of pixels in your image, your console might seem that it's printing only zeros. However due to the large amount of data, try to use CTRL+F to see what's going on. Hope this helps.


Why does StereoSGBM give negative and above numberOfDisparities numbers

I'm writing a function in OpenCV to compute v and u-disparities, so I need first the disparity image. I set sgbm.minDisparity = 0 and numberOfDisparities = 160.
The disparity image is CV_16SC1, and I need Unsigned values to go on programming my function.
I printed the whole Mat and there are negative values and values above 160. If I understood well the documentation, the disparity image represents the disparity values*16. Does that mean that the maximum value is 16*160 in my case?. If not, what could be wrong?. And anyway, why there are values less than zero when minDisparity is set to 0? Here's the code:
void Stereo_SGBM(){
int numberOfDisparities;
StereoSGBM sgbm;
Mat img1, img2;
img1=left_frame; //left and right frames are global variables
Size img_size = img1.size();
//I make sure the number of disparities is divisible by 16
numberOfDisparities = 160;
int cn=1; //Grayscale
sgbm.preFilterCap = 63;
sgbm.SADWindowSize = 3;
sgbm.P1 = 8*cn*sgbm.SADWindowSize*sgbm.SADWindowSize;
sgbm.P2 = 32*cn*sgbm.SADWindowSize*sgbm.SADWindowSize;
sgbm.minDisparity = 0;
sgbm.numberOfDisparities = numberOfDisparities;
sgbm.uniquenessRatio = 10;
sgbm.speckleWindowSize = 100;
sgbm.speckleRange = 2;
sgbm.disp12MaxDiff = 1;
sgbm.fullDP = false;
Mat disp; // CV_16SC1
Mat disp8; //CV_8UC1 (used later in the code
sgbm(img1, img2, disp);
//disp contains negative values and larger than 160!!!
//img1 and img2 are left and right channels of size 1242x375 grayscale
The way I see it, the disparity is meant to be a float, and it reflects on the parameters. If you convert the result to float, and divide by 16, things makes a little more sense:
The algorithm apparently reports -1 (actually minDisparity - 1) where it could not match. And numberOfDisparities is more "max disparity - min disparity", rather than an actual number of values.
For example, if you give minDisparity=2 and numberOfDisparities=144, you will get results in the range: 1.0 - 145.0. The number of different values will actually be 144*16 because it goes in 1/16 increments.
So yes, in your case, using integers, this means you will get 16*160 max value.

OpenCV Sobel Filters resulting in almost completely black images

I am having some issues with my sobel_y (and sobel_x, but I figure they are having the same issue) filter in that it keeps giving me an image that it basically only black and white. I am having to rewrite this function for a class, so no I cannot use the built-in one, and had it working, minus some minor tweaks because the output image looked a little strange with still being black and white even though it was supposed to be converted back. I figured out how to fix that, and in the process I messed with something and broke it and cannot seem to get it back to working even with the black and white image output only. I keep getting a black image, with some white lines here and there near the top. I have tried changing the Mat grayscale type (third parameter) to all different values, as my professor mentioned in the class that we are using 32 bit floating point images, but that did not help either.
Even though the issue occurs after running the Studentfilter2D, I think it is a problem with the grayscaling of the image, although whenever I debug, it seems to work just fine. This is also because I have 2 other filtering functions I had to write that use Studentfilter2D, and they both give me the expected results. My sobel_y function is shown below:
// Convert the image in bgr to grayscale OK to use the OpenCV function.
// Find the coefficients used by the OpenCV function, and give a link where you found it.
// Note: This student function expects the matrix gray to be preallocated with the same width and
// height, but with 1 channel.
void BGR2Gray(Mat& bgr, Mat& gray)
// Y = .299 * R + .587 * G + .114 * B, from
// Some extra assistance, for the third parameter for the InputArray, from
// Not sure about the fourth parameter, but was just trying it to see if that may be the issue as well
cvtColor(bgr, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY, 1);
// Convolve image with kernel - this routine will be called from the other
// subroutines! (gaussian, sobel_x and sobel_y)
// image is single channel. Do not use the OpenCV filter2D!!
// Implementation can be with the .at or similar to the
// basic method found in the Chapter 2 of the OpenCV tutorial in CANVAS,
// or online at the OpenCV documentation here:
// operations.html
// In our code the image and the kernel are both floats (so the sample code will need to change)
void Studentfilter2D (Mat& image, Mat& kernel)
int kCenterX = kernel.cols / 2;
int kCenterY = kernel.rows / 2;
// Algorithm help from
for (int iRows = 0; iRows < image.rows; iRows++)
for (int iCols = 0; iCols < image.cols; iCols++)
float result = 0.0;
for (int kRows = 0; kRows < kernel.rows; kRows++)
// Flip the rows for the convolution
int kRowsFlipped = kernel.rows - 1 - kRows;
for (int kCols = 0; kCols < kernel.cols; kCols++)
// Flip the columns for the convolution
int kColsFlipped = kernel.cols - 1 - kCols;
// Indices of shifting around the convolution
int iRowsIndex = iRows + kRows - kCenterY;
int iColsIndex = iCols + kCols - kCenterX;
// Check bounds using the indices
if (iRowsIndex >= 0 && iRowsIndex < image.rows && iColsIndex >= 0 && iColsIndex < image.cols)
result +=<float>(iRowsIndex, iColsIndex) *<float>(kRowsFlipped, kColsFlipped);
}<float>(iRows, iCols) = result;
void sobel_y (Mat& image, int)
// Note, the filter parameter int is unused.
Mat mask = (Mat_<float>(3, 3) << 1, 2, 1,
0, 0, 0,
-1, -2, -1) / 3;
//Mat grayscale(image.rows, image.cols, CV_32FC1);
BGR2Gray(image, image);
Studentfilter2D(image, mask);
// Here is the documentation on normalize
normalize(image, image, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX);
cvtColor(image, image, CV_GRAY2BGR);
Like I said, I had this working before, just looking for some fresh eyes to look at it and see what I may be missing. I have been looking at this same code so much for the past 4 days that I think I am just missing things. In case anyone is wondering, I have also tried changing the mask values of the filter, but to no avail.
There are two things that are worth mentioning.
The first is that you are not taking proper care of the type of your matrices/images.
The input to Studentfilter2D in sobel_y is an 8-bit grayscale image of type CV_8UC1 meaning that the data is an array of unsigned char.
Your Studentfilter2D function, however, is indexing this input image as though it was of type float. This means it is picking the wrong pixels to work with.
If the above does not immediately solve your problem, you should consider the range of your final derivative image. Since it is a derivative it will no longer be in the range [0, 255]. Instead, it might even contain negative numbers. When you try to visualize this, you will run into problems unless you first normalize your image.
There are built in functions to do this in OpenCV if you look around in the documentation.

How can I write float image in OpenCV

Someone gave me this function:
Mat tan_triggs_preprocessing(InputArray src, float alpha = 1, float gamma = 10.0,
float tau = 1000.0, int sigma1 = 2) {
Mat X = src.getMat();
Mat I, tmp, tmp2;
double meanI;
X.convertTo(X, CV_32FC1);
pow(X, gamma, I);
meanI = 0.0;
pow(abs(I), alpha, tmp);
meanI = mean(tmp).val[0];
I = I / pow(meanI, 1.0/alpha);
meanI = 0.0;
pow(min(abs(I), tau), alpha, tmp2);
meanI = mean(tmp2).val[0];
I = I / pow(meanI, 1.0/alpha);
for(int r = 0; r < I.rows; r++) {
for(int c = 0; c < I.cols; c++) {<float>(r,c) = tanh(<float>(r,c) / tau);
I = tau * I;
return I;
The function takes an input as a gray scale image or CV_8UC1 type, and it outputs a matrix of CV_32FC1 type. All I know is the function makes the input image lighter, increases its contrast. When I show the image using imshow function, I can see the output of tan_triggs_preprocessing very clearly, and actually the output lighter, more contrast compares to the source image. But the problem is when I save it as image format (JPG for example) using imwrite function, it's totally black. I can't see anything.
I checked the value of elements in the output, and I saw that their values are between [0.06.., 2.3...]. Here are my questions, hopefully you can help me, thank you so much.
Can I write an CV_32FC1 as image file format?
Why is the file written by imwrite above totally black?
I also looked for min and max value in the output, so I can normalize it in to 256 bins for CV_8UC1, but it doesn't work, even when I use imshow or imwrite.
How can I convert it to CV_8UC1 or write it as image file format? I used convertTo but it doesn't work as well.
Thank a lot.
imwrite/imread can only handle 8/16/24/32bit integral data, not floats (if you don't count Ilm/exr)
you probably want :
Mat gray_in = ...
Mat gray_out;
cv::normalize( tan_triggs_preprocessing(gray_in), gray_out, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC1);
(admittedly hard to spot, but it's even in the small print of bytefish's code ;)
also, please look at alternatives to that, like equalizehist and CLAHE

Deconvolution with OpenCV?

Is there a way of doing deconvolution with OpenCV?
I'm just impressed by the improvement shown here
and would like to add this feature also to my software.
EDIT (Additional information for bounty.)
I still have not figured out how to implement the deconvolution.
This code helps me to sharpen the image, but I think the deconvolution could do it better.
void ImageProcessing::sharpen(QImage & img)
IplImage* cvimg = createGreyFromQImage( img );
if ( !cvimg ) return;
IplImage* gsimg = cvCloneImage(cvimg );
IplImage* dimg = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(cvimg), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
IplImage* outgreen = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(cvimg), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3 );
IplImage* zeroChan = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(cvimg), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
cv::Mat smat( gsimg, false );
cv::Mat dmat( dimg, false );
cv::GaussianBlur(smat, dmat, cv::Size(0, 0), 3);
cv::addWeighted(smat, 1.5, dmat, -0.5 ,0, dmat);
cvMerge( zeroChan, dimg, zeroChan, NULL, outgreen);
img = IplImage2QImage( outgreen );
cvReleaseImage( &gsimg );
cvReleaseImage( &cvimg );
cvReleaseImage( &dimg );
cvReleaseImage( &outgreen );
cvReleaseImage( &zeroChan );
Hoping for helpful hints!
Sure, you can write a deconvolution Code using OpenCV. But there are no ready to use Functions (yet).
To get started you can look at this Example that shows the implementation of Wiener Deconvolution in Python using OpenCV.
Here is another Example using C, but this is from 2012, so maybe it is outdated.
Nearest neighbor deconvolution is a technique which is used typically on a stack of images in the Z plane in optical microscopy. This review paper: Jean-Baptiste Sibarita. Deconvolution Microscopy. Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol (2005) 95: 201–243 covers quite a lot of the techniques used, including the one you are interested in. This is also a nice intro:
This numpy+scipy python example shows how it works:
from pylab import *
import numpy
import scipy.ndimage
width = 100
height = 100
depth = 10
imgs = zeros((height, width, depth))
# prepare test input, a stack of images which is zero except for a point which has been blurred by a 3D gaussian
#sigma = 3
#imgs[height/2,width/2,depth/2] = 1
#imgs = scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(imgs, sigma)
# read real input from stack of images img_0000.png, img_0001.png, ... (total number = depth)
# these must have the same dimensions equal to width x height above
# if imread reads them as having more than one channel, they need to be converted to one channel
for k in range(depth):
imgs[:,:,k] = scipy.ndimage.imread( "img_%04d.png" % (k) )
# prepare output array, top and bottom image in stack don't get filtered
out_imgs = zeros_like(imgs)
out_imgs[:,:,0] = imgs[:,:,0]
out_imgs[:,:,-1] = imgs[:,:,-1]
# apply nearest neighbor deconvolution
alpha = 0.4 # adjustabe parameter, strength of filter
sigma_estimate = 3 # estimate, just happens to be same as the actual
for k in range(1, depth-1):
# subtract blurred neighboring planes in the stack from current plane
# doesn't have to be gaussian, any other kind of blur may be used: this should approximate PSF
out_imgs[:,:,k] = (1+alpha) * imgs[:,:,k] \
- (alpha/2) * scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(imgs[:,:,k-1], sigma_estimate) \
- (alpha/2) * scipy.ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(imgs[:,:,k+1], sigma_estimate)
# show result, original on left, filtered on right
compare_img = copy(out_imgs[:,:,depth/2])
compare_img[:,:width/2] = imgs[:,:width/2,depth/2]
The sample image you provided actually is a very good example of Lucy-Richardson deconvolution. There is not a built-in function in OpenCV libraries for this deconvolution method. In Matlab, you may use the deconvolution with "deconvlucy.m" function. Actually, you can see the source code for some of the functions in Matlab by typing "open " or "edit ".
Below, I tried to simplify the Matlab code in OpenCV.
// Lucy-Richardson Deconvolution Function
// input-1 img: NxM matrix image
// input-2 num_iterations: number of iterations
// input-3 sigma: sigma of point spread function (PSF)
// output result: deconvolution result
// Window size of PSF
int winSize = 10 * sigmaG + 1 ;
// Initializations
Mat Y = img.clone();
Mat J1 = img.clone();
Mat J2 = img.clone();
Mat wI = img.clone();
Mat imR = img.clone();
Mat reBlurred = img.clone();
Mat T1, T2, tmpMat1, tmpMat2;
T1 = Mat(img.rows,img.cols, CV_64F, 0.0);
T2 = Mat(img.rows,img.cols, CV_64F, 0.0);
// Lucy-Rich. Deconvolution CORE
double lambda = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < num_iterations; j++)
if (j>1) {
// calculation of lambda
multiply(T1, T2, tmpMat1);
multiply(T2, T2, tmpMat2);
lambda=sum(tmpMat1)[0] / (sum( tmpMat2)[0]+EPSILON);
// calculation of lambda
Y = J1 + lambda * (J1-J2);
Y.setTo(0, Y < 0);
// 1)
GaussianBlur( Y, reBlurred, Size(winSize,winSize), sigmaG, sigmaG );//applying Gaussian filter
reBlurred.setTo(EPSILON , reBlurred <= 0);
// 2)
divide(wI, reBlurred, imR);
imR = imR + EPSILON;
// 3)
GaussianBlur( imR, imR, Size(winSize,winSize), sigmaG, sigmaG );//applying Gaussian filter
// 4)
J2 = J1.clone();
multiply(Y, imR, J1);
T2 = T1.clone();
T1 = J1 - Y;
// output
result = J1.clone();
Here are some examples and results.
Example results with Lucy-Richardson deconvolution
Visit my blog Here where you may access the whole code.
I'm not sure you understand what deconvolution is. The idea behind deconvolution is to remove the detector response from the image. This is commonly done in astronomy.
For instance, if you have a CCD mounted to a telescope, then any image you take is a convolution of what you are looking at in the sky and the response of the optical system. The telescope (or camera lens or whatever) will have some point spread function (PSF). That is, if you look at a point source that is very far away, like a star, when you take an image of it, the star will be blurred over several pixels. This blurring -- the point spread -- is what you would like to remove. If you know the point spread function of your optical system very well, then you can deconvolve the PSF from your image and obtain a sharper image.
Unless you happen to know the PSF of your optics (nontrivial to measure!), you should seek out some other option for sharpening your image. I doubt OpenCV has anything like a Richardson-Lucy algorithm built-in.

Converting to Floating Point Image from .tif

I am relatively new to C++ and coding in general and have run into a problem when attempting to convert an image to a floating point image. I am attempting to do this to eliminate round off errors with calculating the mean and standard deviation of pixel intensity for images as it starts to effect data quite substantially. My code is below.
Mat img = imread("Cells2.tif");
cv::namedWindow("stuff", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL);
CvMat cvmat = img;
Mat dst = cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(&cvmat),IPL_DEPTH_32F,1);
And I am running into this error
OpenCV Error: Bad argument (Array should be CvMat or IplImage) in an unknown function, file ......\modules\core\src\array.cpp, line 1238
I've looked everywhere and everyone was saying to convert img to CvMat which I attempted above.
When I did that as above code shows I get
OpenCV Error: Bad argument (Unknown array type) in unknown function, file ......\modules\core\src\matrix.cpp line 697
Thanks for your help in advance.
Just use C++ OpenCV interface instead of C interface and use convertTo function to convert between data types.
Mat img = imread("Cells2.tif");
Mat dst; // destination image
// check if we have RGB or grayscale image
if (img.channels() == 3) {
// convert 3-channel (RGB) 8-bit uchar image to 32 bit float
src.convertTo(dst, CV_32FC3);
else if (img.channels() == 1) {
// convert 1-chanel (grayscale) 8-bit uchar image to 32 bit float
img1.convertTo(dst, CV_32FC1);
// display output, note that to display dst image correctly
// we have to divide each element of dst by 255 to keep
// the pixel values in the range [0,1].
Second part of the question To calculate the mean of all elements in dst
cv::Salar avg_pixel;
double avg;
// note that Scalar is a vector.
// If your image is RGB, Scalar will contain 3 values,
// representing color values for each channel.
avg_pixel = cv::mean(dst);
if (dst.channels() == 3) {
//if 3 channels
avg = (avg_pixel[0] + avg_pixel[1] + avg_pixel[2]) / 3;
if(dst.channels() == 1) {
avg = avg_pixel[0];
cout << "average element of m: " << avg << endl;
Here is my code for calculating the average in C++ OpenCV.
int NumPixels =;
double avg;
double c;
for(int y = 0; y <= img.cols; y++)
for(int x = 0; x <= dst.rows; x++)<uchar>(x,y);
avg = c/NumPixels;
cout << "Avg Value\n" << 255*avg;
For MATLAB I just load the image and take Q = mean(img(:)); which returns 1776.23
And for the return of 1612.36 I used cv:Scalar z = mean(dst);