Append a string to another with Regex tools - regex

For the life of me, I cannot find out how to do this very simple procedure. I want to:
read a file, which consists only of number on each line
append characters before and after the number in the file.
For example, in the contents of the file:
would turn into:
I've tried this:
sed 's/[0-9]+/{file&.txt}/' file_name.txt
but nothing happened. I see snippets online that say use {0} or {/1} but I am having a hard time finding an explanation of what this means.
The end goal of this is to have xargs copy all the filenames in this text to another directory. I am sure there is probably another way to accomplish this without the text file I am doing here. If anyone has a simpler answer to that end goal, that would be nice to hear, although I also want to figure out how to use sed! Thanks.

Yes, this does work:
$cat file
$sed 's/.*/File&.txt/' file

In sed, + is not a special character, and literally means the + character. You need to escape it with backslash:
sed 's/[0-9]\+/file&.txt/' file_name.txt
Alternatively you can use the -r option, which adds several special characters (including +):
sed -r 's/[0-9]+/file&.txt/' file_name.txt

Not sure why you need sed for your end goal (or xargs for that matter). You can simply do:
while read -r name; do
cp "File${name}.txt" /path/to/copy
done < file_name.txt


Sed doesn't replace a pattern that is understood by gedit

I need to delete some content that is followed by 5 hyphens (that are in separate line) from 1000 files. Basically it looks like this:
I've tried to do that with this solution, but it didn't work for me:
this command — sed '/-----/,$ d' *.txt -i — can't be used because some of these texts have lines with more than 5 hyphens;
this command — sed '/^-----$/,$ d' *.txt -i — resulted in having all the files unchanged).
So I figured out that it might be something about "^" and "$" characters, but I am both sed and RegEx newbie, to be honest, and I don't know, what's the problem.
I've also found out that this RegEx — ^-{5}$(\s|\S)*$ — is good for capturing only these blocks which start exactly with 5 hyphens, but putting it into sed command gives no effect (both hyphens and text after them stay, where they were).
There's something I don't understand about sed probably, because when I use the above expression with gedit's Find&Replace, it works flawlessly. But I don't want to open, change and save 1000 files manually.
I am asking this question kinda again, because the given solution (the above link) didn't help me.
The first command I've posted (sed /-----/,$ d' *.txt -i) also resulted in deleting full content of some files, for instance a file that had 5 hyphens, new line with a single space (and no more text) at the bottom of it:
single space
Yes, I forgot about ' here, but in the Terminal I used these commands with it.
Yes, these files end with \n or \r. Is there a solution for it?
I think you want this:
sed '/^-\{5\}/,$ d' *.txt -i
Note that { and } need escaping.
$ sed '/^-----/p;q' file
$ sed -E '/^-{5}/p;q' file
Are you just trying to delete from ----- on it's own line (which may end with \r) to the end of the file? That'd be:
awk '{print} /^-----\r?/{exit}' file
The above will work using all awks in all shells in all UNIX systems.

sed and regular expression: unexpected replacement pattern

I am trying to use a small bash script using sed to append a string, but I do not seem to be able to make it work.
I want to append a string to another string pattern:
Strings in input file:
Desired output:
Here is the script:
sed -r "s/${instring}/${instring}Z/g" $1
Where $1 is the file name and $2 is the string pattern I am looking for
Then I run the script:
bash test.txt X
As expected.
but if I use regular expressions:
bash test.txt X...
All I get is:
So obviously it is not reading it correctly in the replacement part of the command. Smae thing if I use X[a-z09] (but there may be "_" in my strings, I want to include those as well). I had a look at several previous similar topics, but I do not seem able to implement any of the solutions correctly (bear with a newbie...). Thank you for your kind help.
EDIT: After receiving the answers from Glenn Jackman (accepted solution) and RavinderSingh13, I would like to clarify two important points for whoever is having a similar issue:
1) Glenn Jackman solution did not work because I needed to convert the text file from DOS to Unix. I did it with dos2unix , but for some reason did not work (maybe forgot to overwrite the output to the old file?). I later did it using sed -i 's/\r$//' test.txt ; that solved the issue, and Glenn's solution now works. having a dos-formatted text file has been the source of many trouble, for me at least.
2) I probably did not make clear that I only wanted to target specific lines in the input files; my example only has target strings, but the actual file has strings that I do not want to edit. That was probably the misunderstanding occurred with RavinderSingh13's script, which actually works, but targets every single line.
Hope this can help future readers. Thank you, Stackers, you saved the day once again :)
What you have (sed -r "s/${instring}/${instring}Z/g" $1) uses the variable as a pattern on the left-hand side and as plain text on the right-hand side.
What you want to do is:
sed -r "s/${instring}/&Z/g" $1
# ....................^
where the & marker is replaced by whatever text the pattern matched. In the documentation for The s Command:
[T]he replacement can contain unescaped & characters which reference the whole matched portion of the pattern space.
EDIT: In case you need to pass a regex to script then following may help, where my previous solution was only appending a character to last of the line.
cat script.ksh
sed "s/$value/&Z/" "$1"
After running the script:
./script.ksh X.*
After seeing OP's comment to match everything which starts from either small letter or capital letter run script in following style then.
./script.ksh [A-Za-z]+*
Could you please try following and let me know if this helps you.
cat script.ksh
sed "s/$/$value/" "$1"
After running script I am getting following output on terminal too.
./script.ksh Input_file Z
You could use sed -i option in above code in case you want to save output into Input_file itself too.

Use of grep + sed based on a pattern file?

Here's the problem: i have ~35k files that might or might not contain one or more of the strings in a list of 300 lines containing a regex each
if I grep -rnwl 'C:\out\' --include=*.txt -E --file='comp.log' i see there are a few thousands of files that contain a match.
now how do i get sed to delete each line in these files containing the strings in comp.log used before?
edit: comp.log contains a simple regex in each line, but for the most part each string to be matched is unique
this is is an example of how it is structured:
server[0-9]\/files\/bobba fett.stw
[a-z]+ mochaccino
[2-9] CheeseCakes
etc. silly examples aside, it goes to show each line is unique save for a few variations so it shouldn't affect what i really want: see if any of these lines match the lines in the file being worked on. it's no different than 's/pattern/replacement/' except that i want to use the patterns in the file instead of inline.
Ok here's an update (S.O. gets inpatient if i don't declare the question answered after a few days)
after MUCH fiddling with the #Kenavoz/#Fischer approach, i found a totally different solution, but first things first.
creating a modified pattern list for sed to work with does work.
as well as #werkritter's approach of dropping sed altogether. (this one i find the most... err... "least convoluted" way around the problem).
I couldn't make #Mklement's answer work under windows/cygwin (it did work on under ubuntu, so...not sure what that means. figures.)
What ended up solving the problem in a more... long term, reusable form was a wonderful program pointed out by a colleage called PowerGrep. it really blows every other option out of the water. unfortunately it's windows only AND it's not free. (not even advertising here, the thing is not cheap, but it does solve the problem).
so considering #werkiter's reply was not a "proper" answer and i can't just choose both #Lars Fischer and #Kenavoz's answer as a solution (they complement each other), i am awarding #Kenavoz the tickmark for being first.
final thoughts: i was hoping for a simpler, universal and free solution but apparently there is not.
You can try this :
sed -f <(sed 's/^/\//g;s/$/\/d/g' comp.log) file > outputfile
All regex in comp.log are formatted to a sed address with a d command : /regex/d. This command deletes lines matching the patterns.
This internal sed is sent as a file (with process substitition) to the -f option of the external sed applied to file.
To delete just string matching the patterns (not all line) :
sed -f <(sed 's/^/s\//g;s/$/\/\/g/g' comp.log) file > outputfile
Update :
The command output is redirected to outputfile.
Some ideas but not a complete solution, as it requires some adopting to your script (not shown in the question).
I would convert comp.log into a sed script containing the necessary deletes:
cat comp.log | sed -r "s+(.*)+/\1/ d;+" > comp.sed`
That would make your example comp.sed look like:
/server[0-9]\/files\/bobba fett.stw/ d;
/[a-z]+ mochaccino/ d;
/[2-9] CheeseCakes/ d;
then I would apply the comp.sed script to each file reported by grep (With your -rnwl that would require some filtering to get the filename.):
sed -i.bak -f comp.sed $AFileReportedByGrep
If you have gnu sed, you can use -i inplace replacement creating a .bak backup, otherwise use piping to a temporary file
Both Kenavoz's answer and Lars Fischer's answer use the same ingenious approach:
transform the list of input regexes into a list of sed match-and-delete commands, passed as a file acting as the script to sed via -f.
To complement these answers with a single command that puts it all together, assuming you have GNU sed and your shell is bash, ksh, or zsh (to support <(...)):
find 'c:/out' -name '*.txt' -exec sed -i -r -f <(sed 's#.*#/\\<&\\>/d#' comp.log) {} +
find 'c:/out' -name '*.txt' matches all *.txt files in the subtree of dir. c:/out
-exec ... + passes as many matching files as will fit on a single command line to the specified command, typically resulting only in a single invocation.
sed -i updates the input files in-place (conceptually speaking - there are caveats); append a suffix (e.g., -i.bak) to save backups of the original files with that suffix.
sed -r activates support for extended regular expressions, which is what the input regexes are.
sed -f reads the script to execute from the specified filename, which in this case, as explained in Kenavoz's answer, uses a process substitution (<(...)) to make the enclosed sed command's output act like a [transient] file.
The s/// sed command - which uses alternative delimiter # to facilitate use of literal / - encloses each line from comp.log in /\<...\>/d to yield the desired deletion command; the enclosing of the input regex in \<...\>ensures matching as a word, as grep -w does.
This is the primary reason why GNU sed is required, because neither POSIX EREs (extended regular expressions) nor BSD/OSX sed support \< and \>.
However, you could make it work with BSD/OSX sed by replacing -r with -E, and \< / \> with [[:<:]] / [[:>:]]

Find and replace part of a string using bash in an XML file

I am new to bash scripting and was looking into what kid of command will help me replace a specific string in an xml file.
The string looks like
Should be replaced with
The strings vary as the jars vary too. First part of the string "file:/var/lib/abc/cde.repo/r/" is constant and is across all strings. The 2nd half is varying
This needs to be done across entire file. Please note that replacing one is easier then doing it for each an every string that varies. I am trying to look for solution to do it in one single command.
I know we can use sed but how? Any pointers are highly appreciated
With sed:
sed "s~uri='file:/var/lib/abc/cde.repo/r/c/e/v/1\.1/abc-1.1.jar~uri='file:/lib/abc-1\.1\.jar'~g"
Basically it is:
sed "s~pattern~replacement~g"
where s is the command substitute and the trailing g means globally. I'm using ~ as the delimiter char as this helps to avoid escaping all that / in the paths. (thanks #Jotne)
Update: In order to make the regex more flexible, you may try this:
sed 's~file.*/\(.*\.jar\)\(.*\)~file:///lib/\1\2~' a.txt
It searches for file: ... .jar links, grabs the name of the jar file and builds the new links.
Using awk you can do:
awk -F/ '/file:\/var\/lib\/abc\/cde.repo\/r/ {print $1,$3,$NF}' OFS=/ file
Static URL, but changing file name.
You do not need to use sed or even awk. You could simply use basename:
result="${prefix}$(basename ${uri})"
echo ${result}
This worked for me :
sudo sed -i -e "s/stringToChange/TheNewString/g" test.xml

Why does sed /^$/d delete only blank lines but /^$/p print all lines?

I'm able to use sed /^$/d <file> to delete all the blank lines in the file, but what if I want to print all the blank lines only? The command sed /^$/p <file> prints all the lines in file.
The reason I want to do this is that we use an EDA program (Expedition) that uses regex to run rules on the names of nets. I'm trying to find a way to search for all nets that don't have names assigned. I thought using ^$ would work, but it just ends up finding all nets, which is what /^$/p is doing too. So is there a different way to do this?
Unless otherwise specified sed will print the pattern space when it has finished processing it. If you look carefully at your output you'll notice that you get 2 blank lines for every one in the file. You'll have to use the -n command line switch to stop sed from printing.
sed -n /^$/p infile
Should work as you want.
You can also use grep as:
grep '^$' infile
Sed prints every line by default, and so the p flag is useless. To make it useful, you need to give sed the -n switch. Indeed, the following appears to do what you want:
sed -n /^$/p
think in another way, don't p, but !d
you may try:
sed '/^$/!d' yourFile