Where is GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV defined? - c++

I can't seem to find where GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV is defined. Googling around, I only seem to find places where it had been defined manually:
#define GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV 0x8367
It doesn't appear to be in gl/GL.h or gl/GLU.h or even anywhere in Windows.h.

Windows ships with an outdated version of <gl/GL.h> (the Windows version of this file was obsolete back in 1998, as of 2013 it still hasn't been updated). You will need to use something like GLEW to get access to modern OpenGL features on Windows. This will provide a complete OpenGL header, as well as a library to automatically detect OpenGL extensions.


Where can I get windows.h for Mac?

I'm trying to compile a program on MacOSX that I originally wrote on a Windows OS. The program is a large C++ program with the OpenGL API among other things, totaling very many directories and files.
The compilation process at first had a problem with OpenGL for the Mac so I downloaded all the command line utilities of OpenGL for it to work. But as you might imagine, each C file within the OpenGL download had many preprocessors, each of which I in turn had to downloaded the dependencies for.
However, I have remaining one critical step: I receive a fatal error saying that windows.h file is not found. This seems something inherent to the Windows system (the windows.h file is nowhere to be found in my huge list of directories for the program), and the Mac does not seem to have an equivalent for windows.h (http://cboard.cprogramming.com/c-programming/96087-windows-h-mac.html).
Am I out of luck trying to compile this program for the Mac or can something be salvaged?
One thing you can do is create a dummy file called windows.h to satisfy the #include directive, then track down the missing typedefs, #defines, etc. one-by-one by looking at the compiler error log.
Windows.h is monolithic and includes about a hundred other Windows headers, but your program is not going to need all of those definitions. This assumes you are not using the Windows API directly, and only using simple things like DWORD. If your software is built using a framework like GLUT or GLFW that is entirely possible, but if you directly interface with WGL, you are going to have a lot of work ahead of you.
windows.h is provided by the Windows SDK, and implemented by the Windows OS itself.
You need to rewrite the program to not use Windows APIs.
Good luck.
You cannot get Windows.h for mac, it is Windows OS specific.
There are many alternatives to functions used in Windows.h on the other hand.

using freeglut instead of GLUT

I am learning OpenGL with the help of tutorials found online. Many of them use GLUT library, even though it is generally recommended to use freeglut instead. How will replacing GLUT header file with freeglut header affect the compilation ? Is such a simple replacement possible ? Are there many differences in terms of syntax, function names and usage ?
As mentioned by Andon, replacing the header will do next to nothing. The FreeGLUT about page has a good description of the what and why (http://freeglut.sourceforge.net/index.php).
Why not to use GLUT, from the above link:
The original GLUT library seems to have been abandoned with the most
recent version (3.7) dating back to August 1998. Its license does not
allow anyone to distribute modified library code. This would be OK, if
not for the fact that GLUT is getting old and really needs
improvement. Also, GLUT's license is incompatible with some software
distributions (e.g., XFree86).
As for the syntax and function names, if your code currently compiles fine with GLUT, it should compile fine with FreeGLUT. You may need to tell the compiler to use/link against FreeGLUT instead of GLUT (and where to find it).
A quick Google search produced this result (using FreeGLUT), might be useful... http://peon-developments.blogspot.com.au/2011/04/creating-opengl-window-with-freeglut-in.html

OpenGL.org down, any mirror sites for libraries and include downloads?

http://opengl.org/ and http://www.khronos.org/ seems to be currently unavailable. Is there any good alternative mirror sites?
I am looking for OpenGL 4.4 Libraries and Includes download for VC.
OpenGL is not a library, it's an API specification. What you can download at http://opengl.org are just the specification documents and reference C include headers. But there are no library downloads there because, well, OpenGL is not a library.
The actual OpenGL implementation ships as part of your GPU's driver. That's also what ultimately determines which version of OpenGL you can use: The GPU on the system the program is executed on. The major OpenGL version designates the hardware class. A OpenGL-3 class GPU can not do OpenGL-4 (but a OpenGL-4 can do OpenGL-3 of course).
For all practical means there's nothing you need to download or to install to get working with OpenGL. This is different from DirectX where you need a special SDK. OpenGL has been included into the ABI (Application Binary Interface) of the major operating systems, including Windows, and hence the standard headers ship with compilers targeted at this system.
In your case you'll find the OpenGL base headers being preinstalled with the default installation of Visual-C++.
However newer versions of OpenGL require additional tokens and functions to be defined. That's where extension headers come into play. But since there's no change in the ABI, the actual functions do not come as part of a library but must be loaded at runtime using wglGetProcAddress for each function.
Since this is a tedious process there are OpenGL extension loader wrapper libraries, like GLEW (available at http://glew.sf.net) which package up the extension headers and some library code to do the whole loading thing with just a single command. Since there are things to consider like namespace pollution and interoperability with other means of extension loading, GLEW patches into the regular OpenGL headers with preprocessor macro definitions, so that all compilation units that include GLEW just use GLEW. This makes it look like GLEW replaces the regular headers and interface libraries, but in reality it just builds on and defers to them.
Well, usually you want to use glew or a similiar library in order to get the OpenGL functions. You can grab a copy of glew here: http://glew.sourceforge.net/. The libraries should come bundled with VC so you simply add OpenGL32.lib to your linker's additional dependencies.

OpenGL libraries

From OpenGL wiki:
"For most libraries you are familiar with, you simply #include a header file, make sure a library is linked into your project or makefile, and it all works. OpenGL doesn't work that way."
I work on Windows 64 and I need OpenGL to use it in C++ application. What library I should use? Does microsoft provide its implementation ( I use MinGW, I do not have MS Visual C++ )?
The one that comes with your GPU drivers that you have installed on your machine, Microsoft also provides a software layer for OpenGL emulation but it's stuck at the version 1.1 and it's really old and useless.
What library should I use?
I recommend using GLEW for easy access to functions of OpenGL 1.2 and higher, GLM for mathematics, and one of these image loading libraries.
Does microsoft provide its implementation (of OpenGL)?
Microsoft provides you with the necessary header files and library files to access the OpenGL API. However, in order to use OpenGL functions of version 1.2 and higher, you must use extensions. GLEW does this implicitly for you.
Take a look at glew. It loads needed extensions and core functions.

Some things missing from gnu gcc compiler headers? (commctrl.h)

I have been using the gcc compiler with code::blocks ide, and have noticed there are some things missing in the commctrl.h which are:
PBS_MARQUEE and PBM_SETMARQUEE to set a progress bar to marquee animation style.
LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER for a double buffer on a list view...
there are probably a lot more missing, but these are the ones i've noticed, and i need them!
i have downloaded the latest mingw libraries and they are still not in, the only place i can find them is in visual studios headers, but i don't want to use that
is there any way i can get them in gcc?
GCC does not do a good job of supporting Windows. This is a prime example of why. It's an excellent compiler. and on Unix boxes there's nothing else I'd ever use, because it's an excellent compiler, but...
MinGW simply does not include a few of the Windows headers, and for those that they do, they aren't always as up to date as the ones in the Windows SDK.
Finally, in order to support some bits of COM, GCC would need to be able to parse IDL, is not typically used on non-Windows systems is not currently supported by GCC.
Visual C++ Express (as well as it's compiler included in the Windows SDK) is free. What is your aversion to it?
The best way would be to contact either mingw.org or mingw-w64, which is a fork also supporting x64 targets. The latter are known to respond quickly and friendly to "missing features" requests. you can contact them on either the mailing list or forums or IRC (see link).
.... Scratch that. It seems my copy of the mingw-w64 commctrl.h header include these macros. I don't know if they work as expected, but give it a try. Downloads are linked on the page I linked to above. I would recommend personal builds by Sezero for completeness and ease of use. You should be able to replace your mingw folder with the one from the archive (make sure the gcc.exe et al match up).
Do you have the correct _WIN32_WINNT macro defined? It looks like they all need _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501.