Doing serialization in c++ - c++

I was reading this page about serialization in c++.
Third bullet got me confused (the one that starts with: "If the binary data might get read by a different computer than the one that wrote it, be very careful about endian issues (little-endian vs. big-endian) and sizeof issues") which also mentions: "header file that contains machine dependencies (I usually call it machine.h)".
What are these endiannes and sizeof issues? (sizeof probably being that on one machine int can be 4 bytes while on another for example less bytes right?).
How would that machine.h file look like?
Is there some tutorial on internet which explains all these things, in an understandable way?
Sometimes in some source codes I also encounter typedefs like:
typedef unsigned long long u64_t;
is it related somehow to that machine.h file?

sizeof: on one architecture long is 64 bits on another 32 bits.
endianness: let's assume that 4-byte long. The 4 bytes can be placed in different order in memory, say on intel the least significant bits are at the lowest address, on motorola or sparc the order is the opposite, but there can be processors with 2301 order too.


Is there a fast way/trick to add one bit at the beginning of a file?

For a special algorithm I have to add (or remove) several times one bit at the beginning of a file. It must be a bit and not a whole byte like '0000 0001'.
After that I don't have to overwrite the file with the new content, so it is sufficient if I edit the file data just in memory. For this algorithm I can add one byte like '0000 0000' or '1000 0000' to the end of the file data.
You can summarize it as a bitshift over a whole file. I already tried it on my own. I read the file in integers (32 bit), bitshifted them in each case to the right and transfered the last bit from the integer before to the first position.
But this method is definitely not fast enough. I also searched the internet but I couldn't find anything like this. Is there perhaps a possibility to do this faster?
The quick answer to your question is: there is no way to do this efficiently.
The long answer is actually a series of new questions: what do you really intend to achieve with this? What do you even mean exactly by shifting one bit at the beginning of a file?
You mention reading the file in 32 bit chunks (int, or better uint32_t) and shifting them one at a time: there is a byte ordering issue in doing it this way. It is not portable as some CPUs will read uint32_t in little endian order (Intel architecture) and some others in big endian order (Motorola, PowerPC, ea).
Even the order of bits in bytes is somewhat confusing: By shifting a bit at the beginning of the file, do you mean setting bit 0x80 of the first byte or bit 0x01 of the first byte? Bitmap files and graphics cards have conflicting conventions to this regard.
If this bit file is specified outside of your program, you should be very careful about these details. If it is your own invention, a change of algorithm might be helpful to simplify this situation.

Data conversion for ARM platform (from x86/x64)

We have developed win32 application for x86 and x64 platform. We want to use the same application on ARM platform. Endianness will vary for ARM platform i.e. ARM platform uses Big endian format in general. So we want to handle this in our application for our device.
For e.g. // In x86/x64, int nIntVal = 0x12345678
In ARM, int nIntVal = 0x78563412
How values will be stored for the following data types in ARM?
char array i.e. char chBuffer[256]
Please clarify this.
Endianess only matters for register <-> memory operations.
In a register there is no endianess. If you put
int nIntVal = 0x12345678
in your code it will have the same effect on any endianess machine.
all IEEE formats (float, double) are identical in all architectures, so this does not matter.
You only have to care about endianess in two cases:
a) You write integers to files that have to be transferable between the two architectures.
Solution: Use the hton*, ntoh* family of converters, use a non-binary file format (e.g. XML) or a standardised file format (e.g. SQLite).
b) You cast integer pointers.
int a = 0x1875824715;
char b = a;
char c = *(char *)&a;
if (b == c) {
// You are working on Little endian
The latter code by the way is a handy way of testing your endianess at runtime.
Arrays and the likes if you use write, fwrite falimies of calls to transfer them you will have no problems unless they contain integers: then look above.
int64_t: look above. Only care if you have to store them binary in files or cast pointers.
(Sergey L., above, says, taht you mostly don't have to care for the byte order. He is right, with at least 1 exception: I assumed you want to convert binary data from one platform to the other ...) has a good overview.
In short:
Little endian means, the least significant byte is stored first (at the lowest address)
Big endian means the most significant byte is stored first
The order in which array elements are stored is not affected (but the byte order in array elements, of course)
char array is unchanged
int64 - byte order is reversed compared to x86
With regard to the floating point format, consider Generally it seems to obey the same rules of endianness as the integer format, but there is are exceptions for older ARM platforms. (I've no first hand experience of that).
Generally I'd suggest, test your conversion of primitive types by controlled experiments first.
Also consider, that compilers might use different padding in structs (a topic you haven't addressed yet).
Hope this helps.
In 98% cases you don't need to care about endianness. Unless you need to transfer some data between systems of different endiannness, or read/write some endian-sensitive file format, you should not bother with it. And even in those cases, you can write your code to perform properly when compiled under any endianness.
From Rob Pike's "The byte order fallacy" post:
Let's say your data stream has a little-endian-encoded 32-bit integer.
Here's how to extract it (assuming unsigned bytes):
i = (data[0]<<0) | (data[1]<<8) | (data[2]<<16) | (data[3]<<24);
If it's big-endian, here's how to extract it:
i = (data[3]<<0) | (data[2]<<8) | (data[1]<<16) | (data[0]<<24);
Both these snippets work on any machine, independent of the machine's
byte order, independent of alignment issues, independent of just about
anything. They are totally portable, given unsigned bytes and 32-bit
The arm is little endian, it has two big endian variants depending on architecture, but it is better to just run native little endian, the tools and volumes of code out there are more fully tested in little endian mode.
Endianness is just one factor in system engineering if you do your system engineering it all works out, no fears, no worries. Define your interfaces and code to that design. Assuming for example that one processors endianness automatically results in having to byteswap is a bad assumption and will bite you eventually. You will end up having to swap an even number of times to undo other bad assumptions that cause a swap (ideally swapping zero times of course rather than 2 or 4 or 6, etc times). If you have any endian concerns at all when writing code you should write it endian independent.
Since some ARMs have BE32 (word invariant) and the newer arms BE8 (byte invariant) you would have to do even more work to try to make something generic that also tries to compensate for little intel, little arm, BE32 arm and BE8 arm. Xscale tends to run big endian natively but can be run as little endian to reduce the headaches. You may be assuming that because an ARM clone is big endian then all are big endian, another bad assumption.

size of char being written to file as a binary value in C++

What I understood about char type from a few questions asked here is that it is always 1 byte in C++, but number of bits can vary from system to system.
sizeof() operator uses char as a unit so sizeof(char) is always 1 in bytes of C++.(which takes number of bits of smallest unit of address of local machine) If when using file functions of fstream() in binary mode, we directly read and write from/to an address of any variable in RAM, the size of variable as smallest unit of data written to file should be in size of the value read from RAM and for one read from file it is vice-versa. Then can we say that data may not be written 8 by 8 in bits if something like this is tried:
ofstream file;"blabla.bin",ios::out|ios::binary);
char a[]="asdfghjkkll";
Unless char is always used in bytes existing standard 8 bits, what happens if a heap of data is written to file in a 16 bit machine and is read in a 32 bit machine? Or should I use OS-dependent text mode? If not, and I misunderstood what is truth?
Edit : I have corrected my mistake.
Thanks for warning.
Edit2: My system is 64 bit but I get number of bits of char type as 8.What is wrong? Is the way I get the result of 8false?
I got a 00000... by shifting a char variable more than possible size of it with bitwise operators.After guaranteeing that all bits of the variable is zero, I got a 111... by inverting it. And shifted until it become zero.If we shift it its size time, we get a zero, so we can get number of bits from indice of the loop terminated below.
char zero,test;
zero<<=64; //hoping that system is not more than 64 bit(most likely)
test=~zero; //we have a 111...
int i;
for(i=0; test!=zero; i++)
Value of variable of i after the loop is number of bits in char type.According to this, the result is 8.
My last question is:
Are filesystem byte and char type different data types because how computer adresses pointers in file stream is different from standart char type which is at least 8 bits?
So, exactly what is going on the background?
Edit3: Why these minuses? What is my mistake? Isn't the question clear enough? Maybe my question is stupid but why there is no any response related to my question?
A language standard can't really specify what the filesystem does - it can only specify how the language interacts with it. The C and C++ standards also don't address anything to do with interoperability or communication between different implementations. In other words, there isn't a general answer to this question except to say that:
the VAST majority of systems use 8-bit bytes
the C and C++ standard require that char is at least 8 bits
it is very likely that greater-than-8-bit systems have mechanisms in place to somehow utilize (or at least transcode) 8-bit files.

c++: working with bytes

My problem is, that I need to load a binary file and work with single bits from the file. After that I need to save it out as bytes of course.
My main problem is - what datatype to choose to work in - char or long int? Can I somehow work with chars?
Unless performance is mission-critical here, use whatever makes your code easiest to understand and maintain.
Before beginning to code any thing make sure you understand endianess, c++ type sizes, and how strange they might be.
The unsigned char is the only type that is a fixed size (natural byte of the machine, normally 8 bits). So if you design for portability that is a safe bet. But it isn't hard to just use the unsigned int or even a long long to speed up the process and use size_of to find out how many bits you are getting in each read, although the code gets more complex that way.
You should know that for true portability none of the internal types of c++ is fixed. An unsigned char might have 9 bits, and the int might be as small as in the range of 0 to 65535, as noted in this and this answer
Another alternative, as user1200129 suggests, is to use the boost integer library to reduce all these uncertainties. This is if you have boost available on your platform. Although if going for external libraries there are many serializing libraries to choose from.
But first and foremost before even start optimizing, make something simple that work. Then you can start profiling when you start experiencing timing issues.
It really just depends on what you are wanting to do, but I would say in general, the best speed will be to stick with the size of integers that your program is compiled in. So if you have a 32 bit program, then choose 32 bit integers, and if you have 64 bit, choose 64 bit.
This could be different if there are some bytes in your file, or if there are integers. Without knowing the exact structure of your file, it's difficult to determine what the optimal value is.
Your sentences are not really correct English, but as far as I can interpret the question you can beter use unsigned char (which is a byte) type to be able to modify each byte separately.
Edit: changed according to comment.
If you are dealing with bytes then the best way to do this is to use a size specific type.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <cinttypes>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
int main()
std::vector<int8_t> file_data;
std::ifstream file("file_name", std::ios::binary);
std::ofstream out("outfile");
std::copy(file_data.begin(), file_data.end(),
EDIT fixed bug
If you need to enforce how many bits are in an integer type, you need to be using the <stdint.h> header. It is present in both C and C++. It defines type such as uint8_t (8-bit unsigned integer), which are guaranteed to resolve to the proper type on the platform. It also tells other programmers who read your code that the number of bits is important.
If you're worrying about performance, you might want to use the larger-than-8-bits types, such as uint32_t. However, when reading and writing files, you will need to pay attention to the endianess of your system. Notably, if you have a little-endian system (e.g. x86, most all ARM), then the 32-bit value 0x12345678 will be written to the file as the four bytes 0x78 0x56 0x34 0x12, while if you have a big-endian system (e.g. Sparc, PowerPC, Cell, some ARM, and the Internet), it will be written as 0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78. (same goes or reading). You can, of course, work with 8-bit types and avoid this issue entirely.

Writing binary data in c++

I am in the process of building an assembler for a rather unusual machine that me and a few other people are building. This machine takes 18 bit instructions, and I am writing the assembler in C++.
I have collected all of the instructions into a vector of 32 bit unsigned integers, none of which is any larger than what can be represented with an 18 bit unsigned number.
However, there does not appear to be any way (as far as I can tell) to output such an unusual number of bits to a binary file in C++, can anyone help me with this.
(I would also be willing to use C's stdio and File structures. However there still does not appear to be any way to output such an arbitrary amount of bits).
Thank you for your help.
Edit: It looks like I didn't specify how the instructions will be stored in memory well enough.
Instructions are contiguous in memory. Say the instructions start at location 0 in memory:
The first instruction will be at 0. The second instruction will be at 18, the third instruction will be at 36, and so on.
There is no gaps, or no padding in the instructions. There can be a few superfluous 0s at the end of the program if needed.
The machine uses big endian instructions. So an instruction stored as 3 should map to: 000000000000000011
Keep an eight-bit accumulator.
Shift bits from the current instruction into to the accumulator until either:
The accumulator is full; or
No bits remain of the current instruction.
Whenever the accumulator is full:
Write its contents to the file and clear it.
Whenever no bits remain of the current instruction:
Move to the next instruction.
When no instructions remain:
Shift zeros into the accumulator until it is full.
Write its contents.
For n instructions, this will leave (8 - 18n mod 8) zero bits after the last instruction.
There are a lot of ways you can achieve the same end result (I am assuming the end result is a tight packing of these 18 bits).
A simple method would be to create a bit-packer class that accepts the 32-bit words, and generates a buffer that packs the 18-bit words from each entry. The class would need to do some bit shifting, but I don't expect it to be particularly difficult. The last byte can have a few zero bits at the end if the original vector length is not a multiple of 4. Once you give all your words to this class, you can get a packed data buffer, and write it to a file.
You could maybe represent your data in a bitset and then write the bitset to a file.
Wouldn't work with fstreams write function, but there is a way that is described here...
The short answer: Your C++ program should output the 18-bit values in the format expected by your unusual machine.
We need more information, specifically, that format that your "unusual machine" expects, or more precisely, the format that your assembler should be outputting. Once you understand what the format of the output that you're generating is, the answer should be straightforward.
One possible format — I'm making things up here — is that we could take two of your 18-bit instructions:
instruction 1 instruction 2 ...
bits → ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR abcdefghijklmnopqr ...
...and write them in an 8-bits/byte file thus:
KLMNOPQR CDEFGHIJ 000000AB klmnopqr cdefghij 000000ab ...
...this is basically arranging the values in "little-endian" form, with 6 zero bits padding the 18-bit values out to 24 bits.
But I'm assuming: the padding, the little-endianness, the number of bits / byte, etc. Without more information, it's hard to say if this answer is even remotely near correct, or if it is exactly what you want.
Another possibility is a tight packing:
ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOP QRabcdef ghijklmn opqr0000
ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOP abcdefQR ghijklmn 0000opqr
...but I've made assumptions about where the corner cases go here.
Just output them to the file as 32 bit unsigned integers, just as you have in memory, with the endianness that you prefer.
And then, when the loader / eeprom writer / JTAG or whatever method you use to send the code to the machine, for each 32 bit word that is read, just omit the 14 more significant bits and send the real 18 bits to the target.
Unless, of course, you have written a FAT driver for your machine...