How to run command radiobutton inside a container in a window? - c++

How to run command radiobutton inside a container in a window?
I was looking for weeks on the internet but I do not think I conosco forums can help me with a library as sophisticated as windows.h. So I come to this forum for professional help.
I know how to create a radiobutton within the main program window. I also know how to create a radiobutton inside a container of radiobuttons, but I want to run the radiobutton command that is contained within the container.
It turns out that my program requires that when a radiobutton is selected style WM_GRAYED put an EDIT control.
The problem is not how to execute commands from a control contained in a container of controls within a main window.
My code:
hOptEnc = CreateWindowEx (
            "Type input",
            (HMENU) CM_GROUPS,
hRadioAssci = CreateWindowEx (
            "Input Assci"
            (HMENU) CM_RADIOASSI,
hRadioHex = CreateWindowEx (
            "Hex Input"
            (HMENU) CM_RADIOHEX,
And each time the user dials an option as hex input, edit controls would change the coding. So I need the radiobutton run your command in the main window procedure function.

The container (the group box) has no effect on the radio button. It is for visual clarity only. Pass you main window to the radio buttons as their parent window.


How to Make a Simple GUI with DropDown Menus with C++

I am really struggling how to make a window with three selections of options. I currently have a setup that uses a CFileDialog object and have successfully implemented two dropdown menus and multiple check items.
What I want is to implement a pop up window that has the two drop down menus and the check boxes. If a certain item is selected in one of the dropdown menus then the file dialog is opened.
Currently I am trying to make a CWnd object and try to write code for it there.
CWnd myWindow;
BOOL VALUE = myWindow.Create(_T("DesktopApp"), _T("test"), WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER | WS_CAPTION,
RECT{ 100,100,400,400 },
myWindow.GetDesktopWindow(), 12);
if (VALUE == FALSE) {
return 0;
Every time I run this, it prematurely returns (VALUE == FALSE). Did I do something wrong? Is there a simpler way to create a window?
The first argument to CWnd::Create is the window class name. A class with the requested name must have been registered before it can be created.
It is common to register an application local class for the application's main window. MFC provides a convenient wrapper function (AfxRegisterWndClass) to register a window class.

MFC (C++): Why control on top does not receive event?

At design stage,
A (List Box) is drawn before B (List Ctrl)
A is invisible initially
A covers part of B
During runtime, a button toggles the visibility of A, and when A is visible places it on top of B (using SetWindowPos(...)).
When A is shown, it does not receive events in the overlapping area (e.g., when I click "item 4" and "item 5" in the figure below). Why and how to fix it?
The sample code can be accessed here
I did check the code, and found that the problem was caused by the ::SetWindowPos() command in OnBnClickedCheck1(). You call it to solve a drawing problem, but you do so by changing the Z-Order, and this causes the B control to capture the input instead. So it must be removed, and the code in OnBnClickedCheck1() can be changed as shown below (I have simplified the syntax, and used MFC, rather than WinAPI commands):
void CTestDlgActXDlg::OnBnClickedCheck1()
m_list_A.ShowWindow(m_list_A.IsWindowVisible() ? SW_HIDE : SW_SHOW);
The drawing problem can be solved by setting the WS_CLIPSIBLINGS style in the resource script, as suggested in the comments:
This way it works for me, the A control takes precedence over B, and sends LBN_SELCHANGE notifications, for any of its items clicked.
And something strange I have noticed, the DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_B, m_list_B); command in testdlg.cpp is run twice. Delete the 2nd call.
Weird UI design btw. 😀

MFC: How can I initialise CTabbedPane tabs (dialogs) using information from the Document in a SDI?

I'm fairly new to MFC and would like to create an SDI application that has a pane of tabs always embedded on the right of the window with a view left of it. In my app I have a calculation core, with variables that are changed in the tabs with edit boxes. I would like to initialise these variables in the calculation class and then during the initialisation of the dialogs used for tabs set the initial values in the edit boxes to those of the corresponding variable in the calculator.
Currently, I create an instance of the calculator in my document class.
I also create a CTabbedPane in the MainFrame OnCreate Method as follows:
m_TabbedPane.Create(_T(""), this, CRect(0, 0, 290, 200),
m_tab = new CParametersDlg();
m_tab->Create(IDD_TAB, this);
I would the like to be able in CParameterDlg's OnInitDialog do something like:
BOOL CParameterDlg::OnInitDialog() {
float value = pointerToDocument->GetCalculatorVariable();
And use value to initialise an edit box. However I can't access the document from in the main frames OnCreate as it returns null (using GetActiveDocument, AfxGetApp etc).
How can I initialise the tabs then? I have thought about trying to put the Calculator in the App class instead. Or possibly trying to initialise the dialogs somewhere else which is called later when the document is properly initialised and linked? Or should I be doing things entirely differently?
I think that CMainFrame::OnCreate() is too early in the sequence of events to access the document class, it would not normally be created yet.
It would be better to wait until the docuent is created / initialised, the document class could then call a new method in CMainFrame() passing this as a parameter to create the tabs.

How to prevent overlap of my context menu with the system menu in the Windows notification area?

I've seen a lot of "unofficial" workarounds to bypass this visual bug, but none of them seem to work correctly for me. Let me explain.
Say, I display my own system tray icon in the Windows notification area (by the clock.)
My program also supports displaying a context menu when a user right-clicks my tray icon. I implement it by trapping the WM_RBUTTONDOWN notification from the message handler specified in the uCallbackMessage parameter of the NOTIFYICONDATA. I then processing it as such:
//Show menu (ask to return results here)
int nRes = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_RIGHTALIGN | TPM_TOPALIGN |
pnt.x, pnt.y, 0, this->GetSafeHwnd(), NULL);
Unfortunately the code above, all by itself, does not allow the menu to be dismissed after a left-click somewhere outside of it.
To resolve this, the solution I found was this:
//Need this to bypass a glitch in Windows to remove popup menu from
//System Tray after mouse click outside of it
//Show menu (ask to return results here)
int nRes = TrackPopupMenu(hMenu, TPM_RIGHTALIGN | TPM_TOPALIGN |
pnt.x, pnt.y, 0, this->GetSafeHwnd(), NULL);
PostMessage(WM_NULL, 0, 0);
But the "fix" above introduces an occasional additional bug.
For instance, here's a screenshot from Windows 8. Sometimes, I think it depends on what window had focus prior to this, when I right-click on my tray icon my context menu is displayed on top of the Windows default context menu, that looks like this:
Is there any way to resolve this visual bug of overlapping context menus?

How to mark a list control item as selected?

In a Win32 application I have a dialog with a list control which is defined is the dialog template:
CONTROL "",IDC_LIST_Attributes,"SysListView32",LVS_REPORT |
In the runtime I retrieve the handle to that control and perform different operations with it - remove all items, add items, etc. It works fine.
The problem is I can't programmatically mark an item as selected. I use the following code for that:
LVITEM lvItem;
lvItem.stateMask = stateMask;
lvItem.state = state;
SendMessage( windowHandle, LVM_SETITEMSTATE, indexToSelect, (LPARAM)&lvItem);
This code runs and no changes happen to the list control. when I clisk on items with a mouse they are selected allright. What am I missing?
Have you tried ListView_SetItemState Macro?
From the MSDN Link:
Items will only show as selected if
the list-view control has focus or the
LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS style is used.
Another Link that my help.