What is the best way to learn Django 1.5? [closed] - django

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Closed 9 years ago.
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What is the best way to learn Django 1.5 thouroughly? I have been a .NET developer and have a really good understanding of OOP, HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. I also have an entry-level knowledge of Python. I am completely new to MVC (or MVT, in this case).
I have a need to build apps with Django that provide users with features such as finding each other based on geographical distance, upload pictures and edit them online, natural language search, etc... (just to highlight that I need to know more than how to build a poll app or a simple blog).
My understanding is that the entry point to learn Django is by completing the tutorial at the Django project site. Then, what? What path would you recommend? I have seen that lots of learning resources on the web target versions lower than 1.5 and I couldn't really find books on 1.5. When reading reviews on learning material on 1.4, I often see they are outdated and not really applying to 1.5.
Also, I briefly looked at what it takes to deploy a Django app. Virtualenv, git, pip, etc... are all things unknown to me and it looks a bit scary for a guy used to deploy apps by uploading the compiled binaries through FTP.
Help in defining a clear path to learn how to bend Django to my will would be invaluable!

The official Django tutorial (as you are aware)
2 Scoops of Django e-book or paperback (https://django.2scoops.org/). There are lots of useful information in it, even about virtualenv, custom settings etc.
If you don't want to spend the few bucks for the excellent book, have a look at this github repository: https://github.com/jacobian/djangobook.com which is an ongoing project.

I'm a newbie to python and Django.
Here is the path that I am following in this order :
www.learnpythonthehardway.org (free html online)
do the djangoproject poll tutorial
gettingstartedwithdjango.com (GSWD)
It is important to follow these tutorials in this order because this will setup your environment for GSWD and it will go over virtualenv.
Also as mentioned, the 2Scoops book is a best practices book.


Should I use Flutter Web for a website project that shall go into production not before summer? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is it smart to have a website that shall go into production ~July be developed with Flutter for Web considering Flutter-based mobile apps may follow 2021?
I am planning website project and will start looking for a developer this week to build an MVP. I know I want Django for the backend, but frontend-wise I am not so sure.
Its my first larger website project and I am not really familiar with different frontend technologies.
I guess I need to trade off between cheaper implementation of an MVP that I need to check if the idea could finance itself and something that is more expensice upfront that could last longer.
In the long run, if the MVP is successful, I could imagine having native web as well. Flutter seems to be a very interesting framework to minimize development cost. However, initially it will be web only and Flutter is only in beta phase there.
The options I see are:
Django backend and frontend (maybe with some Angular/React/Vue directly inside the Django Templates)
Django backend + Django REST Framework + Angular/React/Vue frontend
Django backend + Django REST Framework + Flutter Frontend (hoping it will be stable enough by summer)
Actual Questions:
Can asking a developer to build a website now that shall go into
production in summer (i. e. it doesn't have to work perfectly fine
immediately, July or so would be enough) with flutter as frontend
really be an option?
Is it likely at all Flutter for Web will become
stable enough by then?
What would be the effort to transfer a
Angular/React/Vue website to a flutter website later on?
Will looking for a Flutter Web developer who also can do Django limit me too much?
(i. e. it seems to me most developers know either Angular/React/Vue
but much fewer know Flutter, let alone Flutter Web)
I think I am eligible to answer this question as I am currently working on these techs (Flutter, Django, Angular, etc.). So I am assuming you want to start the development in the next two weeks.
My One-Line suggestion would be not to go with Flutter until your first priority is a mobile app.
There is still uncertainty about the stable release of Flutter Web and it's not confirmed if the Flutter team is going to release the stable release of Flutter Web by next year's summer. I have done POC with it and still find it unstable for production release as it has many issues. Flutter's official website itself does not suggest you deploy it in production for the web. You can read it here
If any developer starts development with Flutter for a website now, the developer can face many issues in the development and may not find some features which you want the website to have. So it's not mature enough right now to develop a website for production.
If you want an app then you can go with Flutter without any second thought. Many companies and startups are using it for production. You can check here
So it's very unlikely to be production-ready for Flutter-Web by July'21. You can check the milestones for Flutter here and I think it will take 0.5 to 1 year after the stable release of Flutter to be production-ready for the web.
To answer your third question, I need to know the complexity of the website. Probably you can start with AngularDart and it can reduce migration efforts in the future.

Confused about API relevance and Django [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Im new to web development and trying to learn APIs through Django Rest Framework. I am actually confused about why we actually need to build an API. For example, I've seen tutorials of creating blog APIs, where it returns the posts and its info. Why would we need an API for that? We can simply create regular Django views to do the same. I've heard that APIs only provide the 'data', but I can also obtain data from regular Django. So why would you install a totally new 'sub' framework to do these for you?
Suppose you want to build a mobile application that serves some blog posts. have you thought about how you are going to fetch the blog posts from a back-end.
Take the case of instagram, the app fetches images,comments and tags from the django backend in the form of json data and can display relevant data on the application. in short, APIs can be used when the backend and frontend technologies are different and they can communicate through APIs
The biggest reason to use Django REST Framework is because it makes serialization so easy!
see this medium post

I need an real-life project for practice with python and Django [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm working as an apprentice for a software company in Germany. The most time I work for projects with Visual Basic for Application (Excel). For my finals I need more practice in modern languages.
I like to build a web-application for free, can be a little project or something bigger, the important thing is that I learn a few things about planing a project, speaking with the customer about the project and build the application.
Why Python and Django?
Aside from VBA, I learned Python for my own projects. But writing application for myself is not the same like working for a customer.
Best Regards,
You can get better answers from developers so ask your question on stackexchange.
Stackoverflow.com is the place where you can ask programming code related stuff.
You asked so here is your answer :
Big companies using Django:
The Washington Post
Dropbox many more.
Why Django:
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
Admin Panel by default
Create complex and database-driven applications
Free Open Source
Projects :
Todo App
Messenger App
Authentication System with Email Backend
Blog with different level permissions
Django Projects for practive
Get started with Django projects
Further Reading
Top 10 Django Apps and Why Companies Are Betting on This Framework
Why Django is the Best Web Framework for Your Project
20 Advantages of Doing Web Development with Python and Django

Is there an actively maintained mobile UI for Django admin? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm using Django Grappelli as a skin for the Django admin interface. However, the design is not responsive. Users on mobile devices need to do a lot of zooming and panning. The mobile admin projects I've found so far seem to have been abandoned in their early stages. Does anyone know of one that is actively maintained?
Try this:
It uses Bootstrap and is BSD licensed
Since version 1.9 Django uses a former third-party app called django-flat-theme. There's another app made by the same developer which adds responsiveness to the admin. This app is called django-flat-responsive.
That means, if you're on Django 1.9+ just add django-flat-responsive. If you're running an older version of Django you need django-flat-theme and django-flat-responsive.
As user mirek points out, all of this is already integrated into Django 2+.
This is what it looks like:
https://code.google.com/p/django-jqmobile/ and https://code.google.com/p/django-mobileadmin/ seems interesting too compared to the other one above
using jquerymobile is very light and benefits from html5 controls which looks like a native app when managing your django admin.
it could require some tweaks when it comes to other custom django apps to work properly with all functions of that app though.
Django Jet is another responsive admin interface http://jet.geex-arts.com/
https://github.com/ 750+ stars

Looking for an open source CMS with good document management- preferred Django [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for some open source Content Management System which has good support for document management. I would like to have it in a such way that anonymous user would be able to add documents(pdf,doc, etc) to some topics in a easy way.
I have some experience in Django and I could make some tweaks by myself to it, but I could take a look on the other frameworks as well.
You can use Django CMS, but you have to make the templates by your own. It's not like WP or Joomla to come with ready-made themes and templates ;)
There is Mezzanine also which it comes with ready-made templates and couple of themes and also Cartridge to provide shopping cart. The thing about mezzanine is that it's not a pluggable app to use it with your own project, Mezzanine is a complete project by itself and somehow you have to start you project from it and it's not kind of thing that django people likes.
Finally FeinCMS that I have no experience with it ;)
My suggest is go with Django CMS which is great cms app, did you get it? app.
means just use it as like other django apps that you are using.
Also I've released couple of plugins for it.
django-cms is very handy and customizable. Also there is another project called django-shop that is prefect answer for your shopping cart needs, from the mostly same devs of django-cms and it means it's totally works with django-cms.
The good things about django-cms is, it trying to follows django concepts. It's fully modular and works perfectly with other django apps.
You can check out Mezzanine or Django CMS.
Or see Django Packages for comparison: http://www.djangopackages.com/grids/g/cms/