C++ OpenMP writing to specific element of a shared array/vector - c++

I have a long-running simulation program and I plan to use OpenMP for paralleling some codes for speedup. I'm new to OpenMP and have the following question.
Given that the simulation is a stochastic one, I have following data structure and I need to capture age-specific count of seeded agents [Edited: some code edited]:
class CAgent {
int ageGroup;
bool isSeed;
/* some other stuff */
class Simulator {
std::vector<int> seed_by_age;
std::vector<CAgent> agents;
void initEnv();
/* some other stuff */
void Simulator::initEnv() {
std::fill(seed_by_age.begin(), seed_by_age.end(), 0);
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for
for (size_t i = 0; i < agents.size(); i++)
agents[i].setup(); // (a)
if (someRandomCondition())
agents[i].isSeed = true;
/* (b) */
seed_by_age[0]++; // index = 0 -> overall
seed_by_age[ agents[i].ageGroup - 1 ]++;
} // end #parallel
} // end Simulator::initEnv()
As the variable seed_by_age is shared across threads, I know I have to protect it properly. So in (b), I used #pragma omp flush(seed_by_age[agents[i].ageGroup]) But the compiler complains "error: expected ')' before '[' token"
I'm not doing reduction, and I try to avoid 'critical' directive if possible. So, am I missing something here? How can I properly protect a particular element of the vector?
Many thanks and I appreciate any suggestions.
Development box: 2 core CPU, target platform 4-6 cores
Platform: Windows 7, 64bits
MinGW 4.7.2 64 bits (rubenvb build)

You can only use flush with variables, not elements of arrays and definitely not with elements of C++ container classes. The indexing operator for std::vector results in a call to operator[], an inline function, but still a function.
Because in your case std::vector::operator[] returns a reference to a simple scalar type, you can use the atomic update construct to protect the updates:
#pragma omp atomic update
seed_by_age[0]++; // index = 0 -> overall
#pragma omp atomic update
seed_by_age[ agents[i].ageGroup - 1 ]++;
As for not using reduction, each thread touches seed_by_age[0] when the condition inside the loop is met thereby invalidating the same cache line in all other cores. Access to the other vector elements also leads to mutual cache invalidation but assuming that agents are more or less equally distributed among the age groups, it would not be that severe as in the case with the first element in the vector. Therefore I would propose that you do something like:
int total_seed_by_age = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static) reduction(+:total_seed_by_age)
for (size_t i = 0; i < agents.size(); i++)
agents[i].setup(); // (a)
if (someRandomCondition())
agents[i].isSeed = true;
/* (b) */
#pragma omp atomic update
seed_by_age[ agents[i].ageGroup - 1 ]++;
seed_by_age[0] = total_seed_by_age;

#pragma omp flush(seed_by_age[agents[i]].ageGroup)
try to close all your bracket, it will fix the compiler error.

I am afraid, that your #pragma omp flush statement is not sufficient to protect your data and prevent a race condition here.
If someRandomCondition() is true in only a very limited number of cases you could use a critical section for the update of your vector without loosing too much speed. Alternatively, if the size of your vector seed_by_age is not too large (which I assume) than it could be efficient to have a private version of the vector for each thread which you merge right before leaving the parallel block.


parallel programming in OpenMP

I have the following piece of code.
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
where offset is an array of size n containing values in the range [0, m) and cnt is an array of size m initialized to 0. I use OpenMP to parallelize it as follows.
#pragma omp parallel for shared(cnt, offset) private(i)
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
According to the discussion in this post, if offset[i1] == offset[i2] for i1 != i2, the above piece of code may result in incorrect cnt. What can I do to avoid this?
This code:
#pragma omp parallel for shared(cnt, offset) private(i)
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
contains a race-condition during the updates of the array cnt, to solve it you need to guarantee mutual exclusion of those updates. That can be achieved with (for instance) #pragma omp atomic update but as already pointed out in the comments:
However, this resolves just correctness and may be terribly
inefficient due to heavy cache contention and synchronization needs
(including false sharing). The only solution then is to have each
thread its private copy of cnt and reduce these copies at the end.
The alternative solution is to have a private array per thread, and at end of the parallel region you perform the manual reduction of all those arrays into one. An example of such approach can be found here.
Fortunately, with OpenMP 4.5 you can reduce arrays using a dedicate pragma, namely:
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:cnt)
You can have look at this example on how to apply that feature.
Worth mentioning that regarding the reduction of arrays versus the atomic approach as kindly point out by #Jérôme Richard:
Note that this is fast only if the array is not huge (the atomic based
solution could be faster in this specific case regarding the platform
and if the values are not conflicting). So that is m << n. –
As always profiling is the key!; Hence, you should test your code with aforementioned approaches to find out which one is the most efficient.

Performance of matrix multiplications remains unchanged with OpenMP in C++

auto t1 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
#pragma omp parallel
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
#pragma omp for collapse(2)
for(int j=0;j<n;j++)
for(int k=0;k<n;k++)
auto t2 = chrono::steady_clock::now();
auto t = std::chrono::duration_cast<chrono::microseconds>( t2 - t1 ).count();
With and without the parallelization the variable t remains fairly constant. I am not sure why this is happening. Also once in a while t is outputted as 0.
One more problem I am facing is that if I increase value of n to something like 500, the compiler is unable to run the program.(Here I've take n=100)
I am using code::blocks with the GNU GCC compiler.
The proposed OpenMP parallelization is not correct and may lead to wrong results. When specifying collapse(2), threads execute "simultaneously" the (j,k) iterations. If two (or more) threads work on the same j but different k, they accumulate the result of A[i][k]*B[k][j] to the same array location C[i][j]. This is a so called race condition, i.e. "two or more threads can access shared data and they try to change it at the same time" (What is a race condition?). Data races do not necessarily lead to wrong results despite the code is not OpenMP valid and can produce wrong results depending on several factors (scheduling, compiler implementation, number of threads,...). To fix the problem in the code above, OpenMP offers the reduction clause:
#pragma omp parallel
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
#pragma omp for collapse(2) reduction(+:C)
for(int j=0;j<n;j++) {
for(int k=0;k<n;k++) {
so that "a private copy is created in each implicit task (...) and is initialized with the initializer value of the reduction-identifier. After the end of the region, the original list item is updated with the values of the private copies using the combiner associated with the reduction-identifier" (http://www.openmp.org/wp-content/uploads/openmp-4.5.pdf). Note that the reduction on arrays in C is directly supported by the standard since OpenMP 4.5 (check if the compiler support it, otherwise there are old manual ways to achieve it, Reducing on array in OpenMp).
However, for the given code, it should be probably more adequate to avoid the parallelization of the innermost loop so that the reduction is not needed at all:
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for collapse(2)
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
for(int j=0;j<n;j++) {
for(int k=0;k<n;k++) {
Serial can be faster than OpenMP version for small sizes of matrices and/or small number of threads.
On my Intel machine using up to 16 cores, n=1000, GNU compiler v6.1 the break even is around 4 cores when the -O3 optimization is activated while the break even is around 2 cores compiling with -O0. For clarity I report the performances I measured:
Serial 418020
OpenMP-1 1924950 2841993 1450686 1455989
OpenMP-2 988743 2446098 747333 745830
OpenMP-4 515266 3182262 396524 387671
OpenMP-8 280285 5510023 219506 211913
OpenMP-16 2227567 10807828 150277 123368
Using reduction the performance loss is dramatic (reversed speed-up). The outer parallelization (w or w/o collapse) is the best option.
As concerns your failure with large matrices, a possible reason is related to the size of the available stack. Try to enlarge both the system and OpenMP stack sizes, i.e.
ulimit -s unlimited
export OMP_STACKSIZE=10000000
The collapse directive may actually be responsible for this, because the index j is recreated using divide/mod operations.
Did you try without collapse?

OpenMP Single Producer Multiple Consumer

I am trying to achieve something contrived using OpenMP.
I have a multi-core system with N available processors. I want to have a vector of objects of length k*P to be populated in batches of P by a single thread (by reading a file), i.e. a single thread reads this file and writes in vecObj[0 to P-1] then vecObj[p to 2P-1] etc. To make things simple, this vector is pre-resized (i.e. inserting using = operator, no pushbacks, constant length as far as we are concerned).
After a batch is written into the vector, I want the remaining N-1 threads to work on the available data. Since every object can take different time to be worked upon, it would be good to have dynamic scheduling for the remaining threads. The below snippet works really well when all the threads are working on the data.
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, per_thread)
for(size_t i = 0; i < dataLength(); ++i) {
threadWorkOnElement(vecObj, i);
Now, according to me, the the main issue I am facing in thinking up of a solution is the question as to how can I have N-1 threads dynamically scheduled over the range of available data, while another thread just keeps on reading and populating the vector with data?
I am guessing that the issue of writing new data and messaging the remaining threads can be achieved using std atomic.
I think that what I am trying to achieve is along the lines of the following pseudo code
std::atomic<size_t> freshDataEnd;
size_t dataWorkStart = 0;
size_t dataWorkEnd;
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp task
//increment freshDataEnd atomically upon reading every P objects
//return when end of file is reached
readData(vecObj, freshDataEnd);
#pragma omp task
while(freshDataEnd <= MAX_VEC_LEN) {
if (dataWorkStart < freshDataEnd) {
dataWorkEnd = freshDataEnd;
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, per_thread)
for(size_t i = dataWorkStart; i < dataWorkEnd; ++i) {
threadWorkOnElement(vecObj, i);
dataWorkStart = dataWorkEnd;
Is this the correct approach to achieve what I am trying to do? How can I handle this sort of nested parallelism? Not so important : I would have preferred to stick with openmp directives and not use std atomics, is that possible? How?

OpenMP Performance impact: private directive vs. declaring variable inside for construct

Performance wise, which of the following is more efficient?
Assigning in the master thread and copying the value to all threads:
int i = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(i)
for( ; i < n; i++){
Declaring and assigning the variable in each thread
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
Declaring the variable in the master thread but assigning it in each thread.
int i;
#pragma omp parallel for private(i)
for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
It may seem a silly question and/or the performance impact may be negligible. But I'm parallelizing a loop that does a small amount of computation and is called a large number of times, so any optimization I can squeeze out of this loop is helpful.
I'm looking for a more low level explanation and how OpenMP handles this.
For example, if parallelizing for a large number of threads I assume the second implementation would be more efficient, since initializing a variable using xor is far more efficient than copying the variable to all the threads
There is not much of a difference in terms of performance among the 3 versions you presented, since each one of them is using #pragma omp parallel for. Hence, OpenMP will automatically assign each for iteration to different threads. Thus, variable i will became private to each thread, and each thread will have a different range of for iterations to work with. The variable 'i' was automatically set to private in order to avoid race conditions when updating this variable. Since, the variable 'i' will be private on the parallel for anyway, there is no need to put private(i) on the #pragma omp parallel for.
Nevertheless, your first version will produce an error since OpenMP is expecting that the loop right underneath of #pragma omp parallel for have the following format:
for(init-expr; test-expr;incr-expr)
inorder to precompute the range of work.
The for directive places restrictions on the structure of all
associated for-loops. Specifically, all associated for-loops must
have the following canonical form:
for (init-expr; test-expr;incr-expr) structured-block (OpenMP Application Program Interface pag. 39/40.)
Edit: I tested your two last versions, and inspected the generated assembly. Both version produce the same assembly, as you can see -> version 2 and version 3.

OpenMP parallel thread

I need to parallelize this loop, I though that to use was a good idea, but I never studied them before.
#pragma omp parallel for
for(std::set<size_t>::const_iterator it=mesh->NEList[vid].begin();
it!=mesh->NEList[vid].end(); ++it){
worst_q = std::min(worst_q, mesh->element_quality(*it));
In this case the loop is not parallelized because it uses iterator and the compiler cannot
understand how to slit it.
Can You help me?
OpenMP requires that the controlling predicate in parallel for loops has one of the following relational operators: <, <=, > or >=. Only random access iterators provide these operators and hence OpenMP parallel loops work only with containers that provide random access iterators. std::set provides only bidirectional iterators. You may overcome that limitation using explicit tasks. Reduction can be performed by first partially reducing over private to each thread variables followed by a global reduction over the partial values.
double *t_worst_q;
// Cache size on x86/x64 in number of t_worst_q[] elements
const int cb = 64 / sizeof(*t_worst_q);
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp single
t_worst_q = new double[omp_get_num_threads() * cb];
for (int i = 0; i < omp_get_num_threads(); i++)
t_worst_q[i * cb] = worst_q;
// Perform partial min reduction using tasks
#pragma omp single
for(std::set<size_t>::const_iterator it=mesh->NEList[vid].begin();
it!=mesh->NEList[vid].end(); ++it) {
size_t elem = *it;
#pragma omp task
int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
t_worst_q[tid * cb] = std::min(t_worst_q[tid * cb],
// Perform global reduction
#pragma omp critical
int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
worst_q = std::min(worst_q, t_worst_q[tid * cb]);
delete [] t_worst_q;
(I assume that mesh->element_quality() returns double)
Some key points:
The loop is executed serially by one thread only, but each iteration creates a new task. These are most likely queued for execution by the idle threads.
Idle threads waiting at the implicit barrier of the single construct begin consuming tasks as soon as they are created.
The value pointed by it is dereferenced before the task body. If dereferenced inside the task body, it would be firstprivate and a copy of the iterator would be created for each task (i.e. on each iteration). This is not what you want.
Each thread performs partial reduction in its private part of the t_worst_q[].
In order to prevent performance degradation due to false sharing, the elements of t_worst_q[] that each thread accesses are spaced out so to end up in separate cache lines. On x86/x64 the cache line is 64 bytes, therefore the thread number is multiplied by cb = 64 / sizeof(double).
The global min reduction is performed inside a critical construct to protect worst_q from being accessed by several threads at once. This is for illustrative purposes only since the reduction could also be performed by a loop in the main thread after the parallel region.
Note that explicit tasks require compiler which supports OpenMP 3.0 or 3.1. This rules out all versions of Microsoft C/C++ Compiler (it only supports OpenMP 2.0).
Random-Access Container
The simplest solution is to just throw everything into a random-access container (like std::vector) and use the index-based loops that are favoured by OpenMP:
// Copy elements
std::vector<size_t> neListVector(mesh->NEList[vid].begin(), mesh->NEList[vid].end());
// Process in a standard OpenMP index-based for loop
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(min : worst_q)
for (int i = 0; i < neListVector.size(); i++) {
worst_q = std::min(worst_q, complexCalc(neListVector[i]));
Apart from being incredibly simple, in your situation (tiny elements of type size_t that can easily be copied) this is also the solution with the best performance and scalability.
Avoiding copies
However, in a different situation than yours you may have elements that aren't copied as easily (larger elements) or cannot be copied at all. In this case you can just throw the corresponding pointers in a random-access container:
// Collect pointers
std::vector<const nonCopiableObjectType *> neListVector;
for (const auto &entry : mesh->NEList[vid]) {
// Process in a standard OpenMP index-based for loop
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(min : worst_q)
for (int i = 0; i < neListVector.size(); i++) {
worst_q = std::min(worst_q, mesh->element_quality(*neListVector[i]));
This is slightly more complex than the first solution, still has the same good performance on small elements and increased performance on larger elements.
Tasks and Dynamic Scheduling
Since someone else brought up OpenMP Tasks in his answer, I want to comment on that to. Tasks are a very powerful construct, but they have a huge overhead (that even increases with the number of threads) and in this case just make things more complex.
For the min reduction the use of Tasks is never justified because the creation of a Task in the main thread costs much more than just doing the std::min itself!
For the more complex operation mesh->element_quality you might think that the dynamic nature of Tasks can help you with load-balancing problems, in case that the execution time of mesh->element_quality varies greatly between iterations and you don't have enough iterations to even it out. But even in that case, there is a simpler solution: Simply use dynamic scheduling by adding the schedule(dynamic) directive to your parallel for line in one of my previous solutions. It achieves the same behaviour which far less overhead.